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mirror of https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite synced 2024-10-17 23:28:56 +02:00
Kegsay 18231f25b4
Implement rejected events (#1426)
* WIP Event rejection

* Still send back errors for rejected events

Instead, discard them at the federationapi /send layer rather than
re-implementing checks at the clientapi/PerformJoin layer.

* Implement rejected events

Critically, rejected events CAN cause state resolution to happen
as it can merge forks in the DAG. This is fine, _provided_ we
do not add the rejected event when performing state resolution,
which is what this PR does. It also fixes the error handling
when NotAllowed happens, as we were checking too early and needlessly
handling NotAllowed in more than one place.

* Update test to match reality

* Modify InputRoomEvents to no longer return an error

Errors do not serialise across HTTP boundaries in polylith mode,
so instead set fields on the InputRoomEventsResponse. Add `Err()`
function to make the API shape basically the same.

* Remove redundant returns; linting

* Update blacklist
2020-09-16 13:00:52 +01:00

442 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
var (
// Path to where kafka is installed.
kafkaDir = defaulting(os.Getenv("KAFKA_DIR"), "kafka")
// The URI the kafka zookeeper is listening on.
zookeeperURI = defaulting(os.Getenv("ZOOKEEPER_URI"), "localhost:2181")
// The URI the kafka server is listening on.
kafkaURI = defaulting(os.Getenv("KAFKA_URIS"), "localhost:9092")
// How long to wait for the roomserver to write the expected output messages.
// This needs to be high enough to account for the time it takes to create
// the postgres database tables which can take a while on travis.
timeoutString = defaulting(os.Getenv("TIMEOUT"), "60s")
// Timeout for http client
timeoutHTTPClient = defaulting(os.Getenv("TIMEOUT_HTTP"), "30s")
// The name of maintenance database to connect to in order to create the test database.
postgresDatabase = defaulting(os.Getenv("POSTGRES_DATABASE"), "postgres")
// The name of the test database to create.
testDatabaseName = defaulting(os.Getenv("DATABASE_NAME"), "roomserver_test")
// The postgres connection config for connecting to the test database.
testDatabase = defaulting(os.Getenv("DATABASE"), fmt.Sprintf("dbname=%s binary_parameters=yes", testDatabaseName))
var exe = test.KafkaExecutor{
ZookeeperURI: zookeeperURI,
KafkaDirectory: kafkaDir,
KafkaURI: kafkaURI,
// Send stdout and stderr to our stderr so that we see error messages from
// the kafka process.
OutputWriter: os.Stderr,
func defaulting(value, defaultValue string) string {
if value == "" {
value = defaultValue
return value
var (
timeout time.Duration
timeoutHTTP time.Duration
func init() {
var err error
timeout, err = time.ParseDuration(timeoutString)
if err != nil {
timeoutHTTP, err = time.ParseDuration(timeoutHTTPClient)
if err != nil {
func createDatabase(database string) error {
cmd := exec.Command("psql", postgresDatabase)
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(
fmt.Sprintf("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s; CREATE DATABASE %s;", database, database),
// Send stdout and stderr to our stderr so that we see error messages from
// the psql process
cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return cmd.Run()
// runAndReadFromTopic runs a command and waits for a number of messages to be
// written to a kafka topic. It returns if the command exits, the number of
// messages is reached or after a timeout. It kills the command before it returns.
// It returns a list of the messages read from the command on success or an error
// on failure.
func runAndReadFromTopic(runCmd *exec.Cmd, readyURL string, doInput func(), topic string, count int, checkQueryAPI func()) ([]string, error) {
type result struct {
// data holds all of stdout on success.
data []byte
// err is set on failure.
err error
done := make(chan result)
readCmd := exec.Command(
filepath.Join(kafkaDir, "bin", "kafka-console-consumer.sh"),
"--bootstrap-server", kafkaURI,
"--topic", topic,
"--max-messages", fmt.Sprintf("%d", count),
// Send stderr to our stderr so the user can see any error messages.
readCmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Kill both processes before we exit.
defer func() { runCmd.Process.Kill() }() // nolint: errcheck
defer func() { readCmd.Process.Kill() }() // nolint: errcheck
// Run the command, read the messages and wait for a timeout in parallel.
go func() {
// Read all of stdout.
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
if errv, ok := err.(error); ok {
done <- result{nil, errv}
} else {
data, err := readCmd.Output()
done <- result{data, err}
go func() {
err := runCmd.Run()
done <- result{nil, err}
go func() {
done <- result{nil, fmt.Errorf("Timeout reading %d messages from topic %q", count, topic)}
// Poll the HTTP listener of the process waiting for it to be ready to receive requests.
ready := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
delay := 10 * time.Millisecond
for {
if delay < 100*time.Millisecond {
delay *= 2
resp, err := http.Get(readyURL)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 200 {
ready <- struct{}{}
// Wait for the roomserver to be ready to receive input or for it to crash.
select {
case <-ready:
case r := <-done:
return nil, r.err
// Write the input now that the server is running.
// Wait for one of the tasks to finsh.
r := <-done
if r.err != nil {
return nil, r.err
// The kafka console consumer writes a newline character after each message.
// So we split on newline characters
lines := strings.Split(string(r.data), "\n")
if len(lines) > 0 {
// Remove the blank line at the end of the data.
lines = lines[:len(lines)-1]
return lines, nil
func writeToRoomServer(input []string, roomserverURL string) error {
var request api.InputRoomEventsRequest
var response api.InputRoomEventsResponse
var err error
request.InputRoomEvents = make([]api.InputRoomEvent, len(input))
for i := range input {
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(input[i]), &request.InputRoomEvents[i]); err != nil {
return err
x, err := inthttp.NewRoomserverClient(roomserverURL, &http.Client{Timeout: timeoutHTTP}, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
x.InputRoomEvents(context.Background(), &request, &response)
return response.Err()
// testRoomserver is used to run integration tests against a single roomserver.
// It creates new kafka topics for the input and output of the roomserver.
// It writes the input messages to the input kafka topic, formatting each message
// as canonical JSON so that it fits on a single line.
// It then runs the roomserver and waits for a number of messages to be written
// to the output topic.
// Once those messages have been written it runs the checkQueries function passing
// a api.RoomserverQueryAPI client. The caller can use this function to check the
// behaviour of the query API.
func testRoomserver(input []string, wantOutput []string, checkQueries func(api.RoomserverInternalAPI)) {
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "room-server-test")
if err != nil {
cfg, _, err := test.MakeConfig(dir, kafkaURI, testDatabase, "localhost", 10000)
if err != nil {
if err = test.WriteConfig(cfg, dir); err != nil {
outputTopic := cfg.Global.Kafka.TopicFor(config.TopicOutputRoomEvent)
err = exe.DeleteTopic(outputTopic)
if err != nil {
if err = exe.CreateTopic(outputTopic); err != nil {
if err = createDatabase(testDatabaseName); err != nil {
cache, err := caching.NewInMemoryLRUCache(false)
if err != nil {
doInput := func() {
fmt.Printf("Roomserver is ready to receive input, sending %d events\n", len(input))
if err = writeToRoomServer(input, cfg.RoomServerURL()); err != nil {
cmd := exec.Command(filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]), "dendrite-room-server"))
// Append the roomserver config to the existing environment.
// We append to the environment rather than replacing so that any additional
// postgres and golang environment variables such as PGHOST are passed to
// the roomserver process.
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
cmd.Args = []string{"dendrite-room-server", "--config", filepath.Join(dir, test.ConfigFile)}
gotOutput, err := runAndReadFromTopic(cmd, cfg.RoomServerURL()+"/metrics", doInput, outputTopic, len(wantOutput), func() {
queryAPI, _ := inthttp.NewRoomserverClient("http://"+string(cfg.RoomServer.InternalAPI.Connect), &http.Client{Timeout: timeoutHTTP}, cache)
if err != nil {
if len(wantOutput) != len(gotOutput) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Wanted %d lines of output got %d lines", len(wantOutput), len(gotOutput)))
for i := range wantOutput {
if !equalJSON(wantOutput[i], gotOutput[i]) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("Wanted %q at index %d got %q", wantOutput[i], i, gotOutput[i]))
func equalJSON(a, b string) bool {
canonicalA, err := gomatrixserverlib.CanonicalJSON([]byte(a))
if err != nil {
canonicalB, err := gomatrixserverlib.CanonicalJSON([]byte(b))
if err != nil {
return string(canonicalA) == string(canonicalB)
func main() {
fmt.Println("==TESTING==", os.Args[0])
input := []string{
"auth_event_ids": [],
"kind": 1,
"event": {
"origin": "matrix.org",
"signatures": {
"matrix.org": {
"ed25519:auto": "3kXGwNtdj+zqEXlI8PWLiB76xtrQ7SxcvPuXAEVCTo+QPoBoUvLi1RkHs6O5mDz7UzIowK5bi1seAN4vOh0OBA"
"origin_server_ts": 1463671337837,
"sender": "@richvdh:matrix.org",
"event_id": "$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org",
"prev_events": [],
"state_key": "",
"content": {"creator": "@richvdh:matrix.org"},
"depth": 1,
"prev_state": [],
"room_id": "!HCXfdvrfksxuYnIFiJ:matrix.org",
"auth_events": [],
"hashes": {"sha256": "Q05VLC8nztN2tguy+KnHxxhitI95wK9NelnsDaXRqeo"},
"type": "m.room.create"}
}`, `{
"auth_event_ids": ["$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org"],
"kind": 2,
"state_event_ids": ["$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org"],
"event": {
"origin": "matrix.org",
"signatures": {
"matrix.org": {
"ed25519:auto": "a2b3xXYVPPFeG1sHCU3hmZnAaKqZFgzGZozijRGblG5Y//ewRPAn1A2mCrI2UM5I+0zqr70cNpHgF8bmNFu4BA"
"origin_server_ts": 1463671339844,
"sender": "@richvdh:matrix.org",
"event_id": "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org",
"prev_events": [[
"$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org", {"sha256": "h/VS07u8KlMwT3Ee8JhpkC7sa1WUs0Srgs+l3iBv6c0"}
"membership": "join",
"state_key": "@richvdh:matrix.org",
"content": {
"membership": "join",
"avatar_url": "mxc://matrix.org/ZafPzsxMJtLaSaJXloBEKiws",
"displayname": "richvdh"
"depth": 2,
"prev_state": [],
"room_id": "!HCXfdvrfksxuYnIFiJ:matrix.org",
"auth_events": [[
"$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org", {"sha256": "h/VS07u8KlMwT3Ee8JhpkC7sa1WUs0Srgs+l3iBv6c0"}
"hashes": {"sha256": "t9t3sZV1Eu0P9Jyrs7pge6UTa1zuTbRdVxeUHnrQVH0"},
"type": "m.room.member"},
"has_state": true
want := []string{
"depth": 2,
"event_id": "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org",
"hashes": {"sha256":"t9t3sZV1Eu0P9Jyrs7pge6UTa1zuTbRdVxeUHnrQVH0"},
"membership": "join",
"origin": "matrix.org",
"origin_server_ts": 1463671339844,
"prev_events": [[
"adds_state_event_ids":["$1463671337126266wrSBX:matrix.org", "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org"],
"transaction_id": null
testRoomserver(input, want, func(q api.RoomserverInternalAPI) {
var response api.QueryLatestEventsAndStateResponse
if err := q.QueryLatestEventsAndState(
RoomID: "!HCXfdvrfksxuYnIFiJ:matrix.org",
StateToFetch: []gomatrixserverlib.StateKeyTuple{
{EventType: "m.room.member", StateKey: "@richvdh:matrix.org"},
); err != nil {
if !response.RoomExists {
panic(fmt.Errorf(`Wanted room "!HCXfdvrfksxuYnIFiJ:matrix.org" to exist`))
if len(response.LatestEvents) != 1 || response.LatestEvents[0].EventID != "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org" {
panic(fmt.Errorf(`Wanted "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org" to be the latest event got %#v`, response.LatestEvents))
if len(response.StateEvents) != 1 || response.StateEvents[0].EventID() != "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org" {
panic(fmt.Errorf(`Wanted "$1463671339126270PnVwC:matrix.org" to be the state event got %#v`, response.StateEvents))
fmt.Println("==PASSED==", os.Args[0])