diff --git a/docs/content/doc/installation/from-binary.en-us.md b/docs/content/doc/installation/from-binary.en-us.md
index 58d2596507..0bd24f468c 100644
--- a/docs/content/doc/installation/from-binary.en-us.md
+++ b/docs/content/doc/installation/from-binary.en-us.md
@@ -113,6 +113,18 @@ It is recommended you do a [backup]({{< relref "doc/usage/backup-and-restore.en-
 If you have carried out the installation steps as described above, the binary should
 have the generic name `gitea`. Do not change this, i.e. to include the version number.
+### 1. Restarting gitea with systemd (recommended)
+As explained before, we recommend to use systemd as service manager. In this case ```systemctl restart gitea``` should be enough.
+### 2. Restarting gitea without systemd
+To restart your gitea instance, we recommend to use SIGHUP signal. If you know your gitea PID use ```kill -1 $GITEA_PID``` otherwise you can use ```killall -1 gitea``` or ```pkill -1 gitea```
+To gracefully stop the gitea instance, a simple ```kill $GITEA_PID``` or ```killall gitea``` is enough.
+**NOTE:** We don't recommend to use SIGKILL signal (know also as `-9`), you may be forcefully stopping some of Gitea internal tasks and it will not gracefully stop (tasks in queues, indexers processes, etc.)
 See below for troubleshooting instructions to repair broken repositories after
 an update of your Gitea version.