import $ from 'jquery'; export function initInstall() { if ($('.page-content.install').length === 0) { return; } const defaultDbUser = 'gitea'; const defaultDbName = 'gitea'; const defaultDbHosts = { mysql: '', postgres: '', mssql: '' }; const $dbHost = $('#db_host'); const $dbUser = $('#db_user'); const $dbName = $('#db_name'); // Database type change detection. $('#db_type').on('change', function () { const dbType = $(this).val(); $('div[data-db-setting-for]').hide(); $(`div[data-db-setting-for=${dbType}]`).show(); if (dbType !== 'sqlite3') { // for most remote database servers $(`div[data-db-setting-for=common-host]`).show(); const lastDbHost = $dbHost.val(); const isDbHostDefault = !lastDbHost || Object.values(defaultDbHosts).includes(lastDbHost); if (isDbHostDefault) { $dbHost.val(defaultDbHosts[dbType] ?? ''); } if (!$dbUser.val() && !$dbName.val()) { $dbUser.val(defaultDbUser); $dbName.val(defaultDbName); } } // else: for SQLite3, the default path is always prepared by backend code (setting) }).trigger('change'); // TODO: better handling of exclusive relations. $('#offline-mode input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#disable-gravatar').checkbox('check'); $('#federated-avatar-lookup').checkbox('uncheck'); } }); $('#disable-gravatar input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#federated-avatar-lookup').checkbox('uncheck'); } else { $('#offline-mode').checkbox('uncheck'); } }); $('#federated-avatar-lookup input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#disable-gravatar').checkbox('uncheck'); $('#offline-mode').checkbox('uncheck'); } }); $('#enable-openid-signin input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { if (!$('#disable-registration input').is(':checked')) { $('#enable-openid-signup').checkbox('check'); } } else { $('#enable-openid-signup').checkbox('uncheck'); } }); $('#disable-registration input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#enable-captcha').checkbox('uncheck'); $('#enable-openid-signup').checkbox('uncheck'); } else { $('#enable-openid-signup').checkbox('check'); } }); $('#enable-captcha input').on('change', function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { $('#disable-registration').checkbox('uncheck'); } }); }