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<title>CodeMirror: XQuery mode</title>
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<h2>XQuery mode</h2>
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xquery version &quot;1.0-ml&quot;;
(: this is
: a
"comment" :)
let $let := &lt;x attr=&quot;value&quot;&gt;&quot;test&quot;&lt;func&gt;function() $var {function()} {$var}&lt;/func&gt;&lt;/x&gt;
let $joe:=1
return element element {
attribute attribute { 1 },
element test { &#39;a&#39; },
attribute foo { &quot;bar&quot; },
fn:doc()[ foo/@bar eq $let ],
//x }
(: a more 'evil' test :)
(: Modified Blakeley example (: with nested comment :) ... :)
declare private function local:declare() {()};
declare private function local:private() {()};
declare private function local:function() {()};
declare private function local:local() {()};
let $let := &lt;let&gt;let $let := &quot;let&quot;&lt;/let&gt;
return element element {
attribute attribute { try { xdmp:version() } catch($e) { xdmp:log($e) } },
attribute fn:doc { &quot;bar&quot; castable as xs:string },
element text { text { &quot;text&quot; } },
fn:doc()[ child::eq/(@bar | attribute::attribute) eq $let ],
xquery version &quot;1.0-ml&quot;;
(: Copyright 2006-2010 Mark Logic Corporation. :)
: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;);
: you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
: You may obtain a copy of the License at
: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
: Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
: distributed under the License is distributed on an &quot;AS IS&quot; BASIS,
: See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
: limitations under the License.
module namespace json = &quot;http://marklogic.com/json&quot;;
declare default function namespace &quot;http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions&quot;;
(: Need to backslash escape any double quotes, backslashes, and newlines :)
declare function json:escape($s as xs:string) as xs:string {
let $s := replace($s, &quot;\\&quot;, &quot;\\\\&quot;)
let $s := replace($s, &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;, &quot;\\&quot;&quot;&quot;)
let $s := replace($s, codepoints-to-string((13, 10)), &quot;\\n&quot;)
let $s := replace($s, codepoints-to-string(13), &quot;\\n&quot;)
let $s := replace($s, codepoints-to-string(10), &quot;\\n&quot;)
return $s
declare function json:atomize($x as element()) as xs:string {
if (count($x/node()) = 0) then 'null'
else if ($x/@type = &quot;number&quot;) then
let $castable := $x castable as xs:float or
$x castable as xs:double or
$x castable as xs:decimal
if ($castable) then xs:string($x)
else error(concat(&quot;Not a number: &quot;, xdmp:describe($x)))
else if ($x/@type = &quot;boolean&quot;) then
let $castable := $x castable as xs:boolean
if ($castable) then xs:string(xs:boolean($x))
else error(concat(&quot;Not a boolean: &quot;, xdmp:describe($x)))
else concat('&quot;', json:escape($x), '&quot;')
(: Print the thing that comes after the colon :)
declare function json:print-value($x as element()) as xs:string {
if (count($x/*) = 0) then
else if ($x/@quote = &quot;true&quot;) then
concat('&quot;', json:escape(xdmp:quote($x/node())), '&quot;')
string-join(for $i in $x/* return json:print-name-value($i), &quot;,&quot;),
'}'), &quot;&quot;)
(: Print the name and value both :)
declare function json:print-name-value($x as element()) as xs:string? {
let $name := name($x)
let $first-in-array :=
count($x/preceding-sibling::*[name(.) = $name]) = 0 and
(count($x/following-sibling::*[name(.) = $name]) &gt; 0 or $x/@array = &quot;true&quot;)
let $later-in-array := count($x/preceding-sibling::*[name(.) = $name]) &gt; 0
if ($later-in-array) then
() (: I was handled previously :)
else if ($first-in-array) then
string-join(('&quot;', json:escape($name), '&quot;:[',
string-join((for $i in ($x, $x/following-sibling::*[name(.) = $name]) return json:print-value($i)), &quot;,&quot;),
']'), &quot;&quot;)
string-join(('&quot;', json:escape($name), '&quot;:', json:print-value($x)), &quot;&quot;)
Transforms an XML element into a JSON string representation. See http://json.org.
Sample usage:
xquery version &quot;1.0-ml&quot;;
import module namespace json=&quot;http://marklogic.com/json&quot; at &quot;json.xqy&quot;;
Sample transformations:
&amp;lt;e/&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:null}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;text&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:&quot;text&quot;}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;quote &quot; escaping&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:&quot;quote \&quot; escaping&quot;}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;backslash \ escaping&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:&quot;backslash \\ escaping&quot;}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a&amp;gt;text1&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;b&amp;gt;text2&amp;lt;/b&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:{&quot;a&quot;:&quot;text1&quot;,&quot;b&quot;:&quot;text2&quot;}}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a&amp;gt;text1&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a&amp;gt;text2&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:{&quot;a&quot;:[&quot;text1&quot;,&quot;text2&quot;]}}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a array=&quot;true&quot;&amp;gt;text1&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:{&quot;a&quot;:[&quot;text1&quot;]}}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a type=&quot;boolean&quot;&amp;gt;false&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:{&quot;a&quot;:false}}
&amp;lt;e&amp;gt;&amp;lt;a type=&quot;number&quot;&amp;gt;123.5&amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:{&quot;a&quot;:123.5}}
&amp;lt;e quote=&quot;true&quot;&amp;gt;&amp;lt;div attrib=&quot;value&quot;/&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/e&amp;gt; becomes {&quot;e&quot;:&quot;&amp;lt;div attrib=\&quot;value\&quot;/&amp;gt;&quot;}
Namespace URIs are ignored. Namespace prefixes are included in the JSON name.
Attributes are ignored, except for the special attribute @array=&quot;true&quot; that
indicates the JSON serialization should write the node, even if single, as an
array, and the attribute @type that can be set to &quot;boolean&quot; or &quot;number&quot; to
dictate the value should be written as that type (unquoted). There's also
an @quote attribute that when set to true writes the inner content as text
rather than as structured JSON, useful for sending some XHTML over the
Text nodes within mixed content are ignored.
@param $x Element node to convert
@return String holding JSON serialized representation of $x
@author Jason Hunter
@version 1.0.1
Ported to xquery 1.0-ml; double escaped backslashes in json:escape
declare function json:serialize($x as element()) as xs:string {
string-join(('{', json:print-name-value($x), '}'), &quot;&quot;)
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
matchBrackets: true,
theme: "xq-dark"
<p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>application/xquery</code>.</p>
<p>Development of the CodeMirror XQuery mode was sponsored by
<a href="http://marklogic.com">MarkLogic</a> and developed by
<a href="https://twitter.com/mbrevoort">Mike Brevoort</a>.