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// Copyright 2015 The Xorm Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package xorm
import (
type incrParam struct {
colName string
arg interface{}
type decrParam struct {
colName string
arg interface{}
type exprParam struct {
colName string
expr string
// Statement save all the sql info for executing SQL
type Statement struct {
RefTable *core.Table
Engine *Engine
Start int
LimitN int
IdParam *core.PK
OrderStr string
JoinStr string
joinArgs []interface{}
GroupByStr string
HavingStr string
ColumnStr string
selectStr string
columnMap map[string]bool
useAllCols bool
OmitStr string
AltTableName string
tableName string
RawSQL string
RawParams []interface{}
UseCascade bool
UseAutoJoin bool
StoreEngine string
Charset string
UseCache bool
UseAutoTime bool
noAutoCondition bool
IsDistinct bool
IsForUpdate bool
TableAlias string
allUseBool bool
checkVersion bool
unscoped bool
mustColumnMap map[string]bool
nullableMap map[string]bool
incrColumns map[string]incrParam
decrColumns map[string]decrParam
exprColumns map[string]exprParam
cond builder.Cond
// Init reset all the statment's fields
func (statement *Statement) Init() {
statement.RefTable = nil
statement.Start = 0
statement.LimitN = 0
statement.OrderStr = ""
statement.UseCascade = true
statement.JoinStr = ""
statement.joinArgs = make([]interface{}, 0)
statement.GroupByStr = ""
statement.HavingStr = ""
statement.ColumnStr = ""
statement.OmitStr = ""
statement.columnMap = make(map[string]bool)
statement.AltTableName = ""
statement.tableName = ""
statement.IdParam = nil
statement.RawSQL = ""
statement.RawParams = make([]interface{}, 0)
statement.UseCache = true
statement.UseAutoTime = true
statement.noAutoCondition = false
statement.IsDistinct = false
statement.IsForUpdate = false
statement.TableAlias = ""
statement.selectStr = ""
statement.allUseBool = false
statement.useAllCols = false
statement.mustColumnMap = make(map[string]bool)
statement.nullableMap = make(map[string]bool)
statement.checkVersion = true
statement.unscoped = false
statement.incrColumns = make(map[string]incrParam)
statement.decrColumns = make(map[string]decrParam)
statement.exprColumns = make(map[string]exprParam)
statement.cond = builder.NewCond()
// NoAutoCondition if you do not want convert bean's field as query condition, then use this function
func (statement *Statement) NoAutoCondition(no ...bool) *Statement {
statement.noAutoCondition = true
if len(no) > 0 {
statement.noAutoCondition = no[0]
return statement
// Alias set the table alias
func (statement *Statement) Alias(alias string) *Statement {
statement.TableAlias = alias
return statement
// SQL adds raw sql statement
func (statement *Statement) SQL(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
switch query.(type) {
case (*builder.Builder):
var err error
statement.RawSQL, statement.RawParams, err = query.(*builder.Builder).ToSQL()
if err != nil {
case string:
statement.RawSQL = query.(string)
statement.RawParams = args
statement.Engine.logger.Error("unsupported sql type")
return statement
// Where add Where statment
func (statement *Statement) Where(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
return statement.And(query, args...)
// And add Where & and statment
func (statement *Statement) And(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
switch query.(type) {
case string:
cond := builder.Expr(query.(string), args...)
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(cond)
case builder.Cond:
cond := query.(builder.Cond)
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(cond)
for _, v := range args {
if vv, ok := v.(builder.Cond); ok {
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(vv)
// TODO: not support condition type
return statement
// Or add Where & Or statment
func (statement *Statement) Or(query interface{}, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
switch query.(type) {
case string:
cond := builder.Expr(query.(string), args...)
statement.cond = statement.cond.Or(cond)
case builder.Cond:
cond := query.(builder.Cond)
statement.cond = statement.cond.Or(cond)
for _, v := range args {
if vv, ok := v.(builder.Cond); ok {
statement.cond = statement.cond.Or(vv)
// TODO: not support condition type
return statement
// In generate "Where column IN (?) " statment
func (statement *Statement) In(column string, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
if len(args) == 0 {
return statement
in := builder.In(column, args...)
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(in)
return statement
// NotIn generate "Where column NOT IN (?) " statment
func (statement *Statement) NotIn(column string, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
if len(args) == 0 {
return statement
in := builder.NotIn(column, args...)
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(in)
return statement
func (statement *Statement) setRefValue(v reflect.Value) {
statement.RefTable = statement.Engine.autoMapType(reflect.Indirect(v))
statement.tableName = statement.Engine.tbName(v)
// Table tempororily set table name, the parameter could be a string or a pointer of struct
func (statement *Statement) Table(tableNameOrBean interface{}) *Statement {
v := rValue(tableNameOrBean)
t := v.Type()
if t.Kind() == reflect.String {
statement.AltTableName = tableNameOrBean.(string)
} else if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
statement.RefTable = statement.Engine.autoMapType(v)
statement.AltTableName = statement.Engine.tbName(v)
return statement
// Auto generating update columnes and values according a struct
func buildUpdates(engine *Engine, table *core.Table, bean interface{},
includeVersion bool, includeUpdated bool, includeNil bool,
includeAutoIncr bool, allUseBool bool, useAllCols bool,
mustColumnMap map[string]bool, nullableMap map[string]bool,
columnMap map[string]bool, update, unscoped bool) ([]string, []interface{}) {
var colNames = make([]string, 0)
var args = make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, col := range table.Columns() {
if !includeVersion && col.IsVersion {
if col.IsCreated {
if !includeUpdated && col.IsUpdated {
if !includeAutoIncr && col.IsAutoIncrement {
if col.IsDeleted && !unscoped {
if use, ok := columnMap[col.Name]; ok && !use {
fieldValuePtr, err := col.ValueOf(bean)
if err != nil {
fieldValue := *fieldValuePtr
fieldType := reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface())
requiredField := useAllCols
includeNil := useAllCols
lColName := strings.ToLower(col.Name)
if b, ok := mustColumnMap[lColName]; ok {
if b {
requiredField = true
} else {
// !evalphobia! set fieldValue as nil when column is nullable and zero-value
if b, ok := nullableMap[lColName]; ok {
if b && col.Nullable && isZero(fieldValue.Interface()) {
var nilValue *int
fieldValue = reflect.ValueOf(nilValue)
fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface())
includeNil = true
var val interface{}
if fieldValue.CanAddr() {
if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Addr().Interface().(core.Conversion); ok {
data, err := structConvert.ToDB()
if err != nil {
} else {
val = data
if structConvert, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(core.Conversion); ok {
data, err := structConvert.ToDB()
if err != nil {
} else {
val = data
if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if fieldValue.IsNil() {
if includeNil {
args = append(args, nil)
colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("%v=?", engine.Quote(col.Name)))
} else if !fieldValue.IsValid() {
} else {
// dereference ptr type to instance type
fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()
fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface())
requiredField = true
switch fieldType.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if allUseBool || requiredField {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
} else {
// if a bool in a struct, it will not be as a condition because it default is false,
// please use Where() instead
case reflect.String:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.String() == "" {
// for MyString, should convert to string or panic
if fieldType.String() != reflect.String.String() {
val = fieldValue.String()
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Int() == 0 {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Float() == 0.0 {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Uint() == 0 {
t := int64(fieldValue.Uint())
val = reflect.ValueOf(&t).Interface()
case reflect.Struct:
if fieldType.ConvertibleTo(core.TimeType) {
t := fieldValue.Convert(core.TimeType).Interface().(time.Time)
if !requiredField && (t.IsZero() || !fieldValue.IsValid()) {
val = engine.FormatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t)
} else if nulType, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(driver.Valuer); ok {
val, _ = nulType.Value()
} else {
if !col.SQLType.IsJson() {
if table, ok := engine.Tables[fieldValue.Type()]; ok {
if len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 1 {
pkField := reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).FieldByName(table.PKColumns()[0].FieldName)
// fix non-int pk issues
if pkField.IsValid() && (!requiredField && !isZero(pkField.Interface())) {
val = pkField.Interface()
} else {
} else {
//TODO: how to handler?
panic("not supported")
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
} else {
// Blank struct could not be as update data
if requiredField || !isStructZero(fieldValue) {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("mashal %v failed", fieldValue.Interface()))
if col.SQLType.IsText() {
val = string(bytes)
} else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
val = bytes
} else {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
if !requiredField {
if fieldValue == reflect.Zero(fieldType) {
if fieldValue.IsNil() || !fieldValue.IsValid() || fieldValue.Len() == 0 {
if col.SQLType.IsText() {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = string(bytes)
} else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
var bytes []byte
var err error
if (fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Array || fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice) &&
fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
if fieldValue.Len() > 0 {
val = fieldValue.Bytes()
} else {
} else {
bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = bytes
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
args = append(args, val)
if col.IsPrimaryKey && engine.dialect.DBType() == "ql" {
colNames = append(colNames, fmt.Sprintf("%v = ?", engine.Quote(col.Name)))
return colNames, args
func (statement *Statement) needTableName() bool {
return len(statement.JoinStr) > 0
func (statement *Statement) colName(col *core.Column, tableName string) string {
if statement.needTableName() {
var nm = tableName
if len(statement.TableAlias) > 0 {
nm = statement.TableAlias
return statement.Engine.Quote(nm) + "." + statement.Engine.Quote(col.Name)
return statement.Engine.Quote(col.Name)
func buildConds(engine *Engine, table *core.Table, bean interface{},
includeVersion bool, includeUpdated bool, includeNil bool,
includeAutoIncr bool, allUseBool bool, useAllCols bool, unscoped bool,
mustColumnMap map[string]bool, tableName, aliasName string, addedTableName bool) (builder.Cond, error) {
var conds []builder.Cond
for _, col := range table.Columns() {
if !includeVersion && col.IsVersion {
if !includeUpdated && col.IsUpdated {
if !includeAutoIncr && col.IsAutoIncrement {
if engine.dialect.DBType() == core.MSSQL && col.SQLType.Name == core.Text {
if col.SQLType.IsJson() {
var colName string
if addedTableName {
var nm = tableName
if len(aliasName) > 0 {
nm = aliasName
colName = engine.Quote(nm) + "." + engine.Quote(col.Name)
} else {
colName = engine.Quote(col.Name)
fieldValuePtr, err := col.ValueOf(bean)
if err != nil {
if col.IsDeleted && !unscoped { // tag "deleted" is enabled
conds = append(conds, builder.IsNull{colName}.Or(builder.Eq{colName: "0001-01-01 00:00:00"}))
fieldValue := *fieldValuePtr
if fieldValue.Interface() == nil {
fieldType := reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface())
requiredField := useAllCols
if b, ok := mustColumnMap[strings.ToLower(col.Name)]; ok {
if b {
requiredField = true
} else {
if fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
if fieldValue.IsNil() {
if includeNil {
conds = append(conds, builder.Eq{colName: nil})
} else if !fieldValue.IsValid() {
} else {
// dereference ptr type to instance type
fieldValue = fieldValue.Elem()
fieldType = reflect.TypeOf(fieldValue.Interface())
requiredField = true
var val interface{}
switch fieldType.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if allUseBool || requiredField {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
} else {
// if a bool in a struct, it will not be as a condition because it default is false,
// please use Where() instead
case reflect.String:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.String() == "" {
// for MyString, should convert to string or panic
if fieldType.String() != reflect.String.String() {
val = fieldValue.String()
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Int() == 0 {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Float() == 0.0 {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
if !requiredField && fieldValue.Uint() == 0 {
t := int64(fieldValue.Uint())
val = reflect.ValueOf(&t).Interface()
case reflect.Struct:
if fieldType.ConvertibleTo(core.TimeType) {
t := fieldValue.Convert(core.TimeType).Interface().(time.Time)
if !requiredField && (t.IsZero() || !fieldValue.IsValid()) {
val = engine.FormatTime(col.SQLType.Name, t)
} else if _, ok := reflect.New(fieldType).Interface().(core.Conversion); ok {
} else if valNul, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(driver.Valuer); ok {
val, _ = valNul.Value()
if val == nil {
} else {
if col.SQLType.IsJson() {
if col.SQLType.IsText() {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = string(bytes)
} else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
var bytes []byte
var err error
bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = bytes
} else {
if table, ok := engine.Tables[fieldValue.Type()]; ok {
if len(table.PrimaryKeys) == 1 {
pkField := reflect.Indirect(fieldValue).FieldByName(table.PKColumns()[0].FieldName)
// fix non-int pk issues
//if pkField.Int() != 0 {
if pkField.IsValid() && !isZero(pkField.Interface()) {
val = pkField.Interface()
} else {
} else {
//TODO: how to handler?
panic(fmt.Sprintln("not supported", fieldValue.Interface(), "as", table.PrimaryKeys))
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
if fieldValue == reflect.Zero(fieldType) {
if fieldValue.IsNil() || !fieldValue.IsValid() || fieldValue.Len() == 0 {
if col.SQLType.IsText() {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = string(bytes)
} else if col.SQLType.IsBlob() {
var bytes []byte
var err error
if (fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Array || fieldType.Kind() == reflect.Slice) &&
fieldType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 {
if fieldValue.Len() > 0 {
val = fieldValue.Bytes()
} else {
} else {
bytes, err = json.Marshal(fieldValue.Interface())
if err != nil {
val = bytes
} else {
val = fieldValue.Interface()
conds = append(conds, builder.Eq{colName: val})
return builder.And(conds...), nil
// TableName return current tableName
func (statement *Statement) TableName() string {
if statement.AltTableName != "" {
return statement.AltTableName
return statement.tableName
// Id generate "where id = ? " statment or for composite key "where key1 = ? and key2 = ?"
func (statement *Statement) Id(id interface{}) *Statement {
idValue := reflect.ValueOf(id)
idType := reflect.TypeOf(idValue.Interface())
switch idType {
case ptrPkType:
if pkPtr, ok := (id).(*core.PK); ok {
statement.IdParam = pkPtr
return statement
case pkType:
if pk, ok := (id).(core.PK); ok {
statement.IdParam = &pk
return statement
switch idType.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
statement.IdParam = &core.PK{idValue.Convert(reflect.TypeOf("")).Interface()}
return statement
statement.IdParam = &core.PK{id}
return statement
// Incr Generate "Update ... Set column = column + arg" statment
func (statement *Statement) Incr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Statement {
k := strings.ToLower(column)
if len(arg) > 0 {
statement.incrColumns[k] = incrParam{column, arg[0]}
} else {
statement.incrColumns[k] = incrParam{column, 1}
return statement
// Decr Generate "Update ... Set column = column - arg" statment
func (statement *Statement) Decr(column string, arg ...interface{}) *Statement {
k := strings.ToLower(column)
if len(arg) > 0 {
statement.decrColumns[k] = decrParam{column, arg[0]}
} else {
statement.decrColumns[k] = decrParam{column, 1}
return statement
// SetExpr Generate "Update ... Set column = {expression}" statment
func (statement *Statement) SetExpr(column string, expression string) *Statement {
k := strings.ToLower(column)
statement.exprColumns[k] = exprParam{column, expression}
return statement
// Generate "Update ... Set column = column + arg" statment
func (statement *Statement) getInc() map[string]incrParam {
return statement.incrColumns
// Generate "Update ... Set column = column - arg" statment
func (statement *Statement) getDec() map[string]decrParam {
return statement.decrColumns
// Generate "Update ... Set column = {expression}" statment
func (statement *Statement) getExpr() map[string]exprParam {
return statement.exprColumns
func (statement *Statement) col2NewColsWithQuote(columns ...string) []string {
newColumns := make([]string, 0)
for _, col := range columns {
col = strings.Replace(col, "`", "", -1)
col = strings.Replace(col, statement.Engine.QuoteStr(), "", -1)
ccols := strings.Split(col, ",")
for _, c := range ccols {
fields := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(c), ".")
if len(fields) == 1 {
newColumns = append(newColumns, statement.Engine.quote(fields[0]))
} else if len(fields) == 2 {
newColumns = append(newColumns, statement.Engine.quote(fields[0])+"."+
} else {
panic(errors.New("unwanted colnames"))
return newColumns
// Distinct generates "DISTINCT col1, col2 " statement
func (statement *Statement) Distinct(columns ...string) *Statement {
statement.IsDistinct = true
return statement
// ForUpdate generates "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" statement
func (statement *Statement) ForUpdate() *Statement {
statement.IsForUpdate = true
return statement
// Select replace select
func (statement *Statement) Select(str string) *Statement {
statement.selectStr = str
return statement
// Cols generate "col1, col2" statement
func (statement *Statement) Cols(columns ...string) *Statement {
cols := col2NewCols(columns...)
for _, nc := range cols {
statement.columnMap[strings.ToLower(nc)] = true
newColumns := statement.col2NewColsWithQuote(columns...)
statement.ColumnStr = strings.Join(newColumns, ", ")
statement.ColumnStr = strings.Replace(statement.ColumnStr, statement.Engine.quote("*"), "*", -1)
return statement
// AllCols update use only: update all columns
func (statement *Statement) AllCols() *Statement {
statement.useAllCols = true
return statement
// MustCols update use only: must update columns
func (statement *Statement) MustCols(columns ...string) *Statement {
newColumns := col2NewCols(columns...)
for _, nc := range newColumns {
statement.mustColumnMap[strings.ToLower(nc)] = true
return statement
// UseBool indicates that use bool fields as update contents and query contiditions
func (statement *Statement) UseBool(columns ...string) *Statement {
if len(columns) > 0 {
} else {
statement.allUseBool = true
return statement
// Omit do not use the columns
func (statement *Statement) Omit(columns ...string) {
newColumns := col2NewCols(columns...)
for _, nc := range newColumns {
statement.columnMap[strings.ToLower(nc)] = false
statement.OmitStr = statement.Engine.Quote(strings.Join(newColumns, statement.Engine.Quote(", ")))
// Nullable Update use only: update columns to null when value is nullable and zero-value
func (statement *Statement) Nullable(columns ...string) {
newColumns := col2NewCols(columns...)
for _, nc := range newColumns {
statement.nullableMap[strings.ToLower(nc)] = true
// Top generate LIMIT limit statement
func (statement *Statement) Top(limit int) *Statement {
return statement
// Limit generate LIMIT start, limit statement
func (statement *Statement) Limit(limit int, start ...int) *Statement {
statement.LimitN = limit
if len(start) > 0 {
statement.Start = start[0]
return statement
// OrderBy generate "Order By order" statement
func (statement *Statement) OrderBy(order string) *Statement {
if len(statement.OrderStr) > 0 {
statement.OrderStr += ", "
statement.OrderStr += order
return statement
// Desc generate `ORDER BY xx DESC`
func (statement *Statement) Desc(colNames ...string) *Statement {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, statement.OrderStr)
if len(statement.OrderStr) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, ", ")
newColNames := statement.col2NewColsWithQuote(colNames...)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v DESC", strings.Join(newColNames, " DESC, "))
statement.OrderStr = buf.String()
return statement
// Asc provide asc order by query condition, the input parameters are columns.
func (statement *Statement) Asc(colNames ...string) *Statement {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, statement.OrderStr)
if len(statement.OrderStr) > 0 {
fmt.Fprint(&buf, ", ")
newColNames := statement.col2NewColsWithQuote(colNames...)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v ASC", strings.Join(newColNames, " ASC, "))
statement.OrderStr = buf.String()
return statement
// Join The joinOP should be one of INNER, LEFT OUTER, CROSS etc - this will be prepended to JOIN
func (statement *Statement) Join(joinOP string, tablename interface{}, condition string, args ...interface{}) *Statement {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if len(statement.JoinStr) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v %v JOIN ", statement.JoinStr, joinOP)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v JOIN ", joinOP)
switch tablename.(type) {
case []string:
t := tablename.([]string)
if len(t) > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v AS %v", statement.Engine.Quote(t[0]), statement.Engine.Quote(t[1]))
} else if len(t) == 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, statement.Engine.Quote(t[0]))
case []interface{}:
t := tablename.([]interface{})
l := len(t)
var table string
if l > 0 {
f := t[0]
v := rValue(f)
t := v.Type()
if t.Kind() == reflect.String {
table = f.(string)
} else if t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
table = statement.Engine.tbName(v)
if l > 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v AS %v", statement.Engine.Quote(table),
statement.Engine.Quote(fmt.Sprintf("%v", t[1])))
} else if l == 1 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, statement.Engine.Quote(table))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, statement.Engine.Quote(fmt.Sprintf("%v", tablename)))
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " ON %v", condition)
statement.JoinStr = buf.String()
statement.joinArgs = append(statement.joinArgs, args...)
return statement
// GroupBy generate "Group By keys" statement
func (statement *Statement) GroupBy(keys string) *Statement {
statement.GroupByStr = keys
return statement
// Having generate "Having conditions" statement
func (statement *Statement) Having(conditions string) *Statement {
statement.HavingStr = fmt.Sprintf("HAVING %v", conditions)
return statement
// Unscoped always disable struct tag "deleted"
func (statement *Statement) Unscoped() *Statement {
statement.unscoped = true
return statement
func (statement *Statement) genColumnStr() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
columns := statement.RefTable.Columns()
for _, col := range columns {
if statement.OmitStr != "" {
if _, ok := statement.columnMap[strings.ToLower(col.Name)]; ok {
if col.MapType == core.ONLYTODB {
if buf.Len() != 0 {
buf.WriteString(", ")
if col.IsPrimaryKey && statement.Engine.Dialect().DBType() == "ql" {
buf.WriteString("id() AS ")
if statement.JoinStr != "" {
if statement.TableAlias != "" {
} else {
statement.Engine.QuoteTo(&buf, col.Name)
return buf.String()
func (statement *Statement) genCreateTableSQL() string {
return statement.Engine.dialect.CreateTableSql(statement.RefTable, statement.TableName(),
statement.StoreEngine, statement.Charset)
func (statement *Statement) genIndexSQL() []string {
var sqls []string
tbName := statement.TableName()
quote := statement.Engine.Quote
for idxName, index := range statement.RefTable.Indexes {
if index.Type == core.IndexType {
sql := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE INDEX %v ON %v (%v);", quote(indexName(tbName, idxName)),
quote(tbName), quote(strings.Join(index.Cols, quote(","))))
sqls = append(sqls, sql)
return sqls
func uniqueName(tableName, uqeName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("UQE_%v_%v", tableName, uqeName)
func (statement *Statement) genUniqueSQL() []string {
var sqls []string
tbName := statement.TableName()
for _, index := range statement.RefTable.Indexes {
if index.Type == core.UniqueType {
sql := statement.Engine.dialect.CreateIndexSql(tbName, index)
sqls = append(sqls, sql)
return sqls
func (statement *Statement) genDelIndexSQL() []string {
var sqls []string
tbName := statement.TableName()
for idxName, index := range statement.RefTable.Indexes {
var rIdxName string
if index.Type == core.UniqueType {
rIdxName = uniqueName(tbName, idxName)
} else if index.Type == core.IndexType {
rIdxName = indexName(tbName, idxName)
sql := fmt.Sprintf("DROP INDEX %v", statement.Engine.Quote(rIdxName))
if statement.Engine.dialect.IndexOnTable() {
sql += fmt.Sprintf(" ON %v", statement.Engine.Quote(statement.TableName()))
sqls = append(sqls, sql)
return sqls
func (statement *Statement) genAddColumnStr(col *core.Column) (string, []interface{}) {
quote := statement.Engine.Quote
sql := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %v ADD %v;", quote(statement.TableName()),
return sql, []interface{}{}
func (statement *Statement) buildConds(table *core.Table, bean interface{}, includeVersion bool, includeUpdated bool, includeNil bool, includeAutoIncr bool, addedTableName bool) (builder.Cond, error) {
return buildConds(statement.Engine, table, bean, includeVersion, includeUpdated, includeNil, includeAutoIncr, statement.allUseBool, statement.useAllCols,
statement.unscoped, statement.mustColumnMap, statement.TableName(), statement.TableAlias, addedTableName)
func (statement *Statement) genConds(bean interface{}) (string, []interface{}, error) {
if !statement.noAutoCondition {
var addedTableName = (len(statement.JoinStr) > 0)
autoCond, err := statement.buildConds(statement.RefTable, bean, true, true, false, true, addedTableName)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(autoCond)
return builder.ToSQL(statement.cond)
func (statement *Statement) genGetSQL(bean interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
var columnStr = statement.ColumnStr
if len(statement.selectStr) > 0 {
columnStr = statement.selectStr
} else {
// TODO: always generate column names, not use * even if join
if len(statement.JoinStr) == 0 {
if len(columnStr) == 0 {
if len(statement.GroupByStr) > 0 {
columnStr = statement.Engine.Quote(strings.Replace(statement.GroupByStr, ",", statement.Engine.Quote(","), -1))
} else {
columnStr = statement.genColumnStr()
} else {
if len(columnStr) == 0 {
if len(statement.GroupByStr) > 0 {
columnStr = statement.Engine.Quote(strings.Replace(statement.GroupByStr, ",", statement.Engine.Quote(","), -1))
} else {
columnStr = "*"
condSQL, condArgs, _ := statement.genConds(bean)
return statement.genSelectSQL(columnStr, condSQL), append(statement.joinArgs, condArgs...)
func (statement *Statement) genCountSQL(bean interface{}) (string, []interface{}) {
condSQL, condArgs, _ := statement.genConds(bean)
var selectSql = statement.selectStr
if len(selectSql) <= 0 {
if statement.IsDistinct {
selectSql = fmt.Sprintf("count(DISTINCT %s)", statement.ColumnStr)
selectSql = "count(*)"
return statement.genSelectSQL(selectSql, condSQL), append(statement.joinArgs, condArgs...)
func (statement *Statement) genSumSQL(bean interface{}, columns ...string) (string, []interface{}) {
var sumStrs = make([]string, 0, len(columns))
for _, colName := range columns {
sumStrs = append(sumStrs, fmt.Sprintf("COALESCE(sum(%s),0)", colName))
condSQL, condArgs, _ := statement.genConds(bean)
return statement.genSelectSQL(strings.Join(sumStrs, ", "), condSQL), append(statement.joinArgs, condArgs...)
func (statement *Statement) genSelectSQL(columnStr, condSQL string) (a string) {
var distinct string
if statement.IsDistinct {
distinct = "DISTINCT "
var dialect = statement.Engine.Dialect()
var quote = statement.Engine.Quote
var top string
var mssqlCondi string
var buf bytes.Buffer
if len(condSQL) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " WHERE %v", condSQL)
var whereStr = buf.String()
var fromStr = " FROM " + quote(statement.TableName())
if statement.TableAlias != "" {
if dialect.DBType() == core.ORACLE {
fromStr += " " + quote(statement.TableAlias)
} else {
fromStr += " AS " + quote(statement.TableAlias)
if statement.JoinStr != "" {
fromStr = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", fromStr, statement.JoinStr)
if dialect.DBType() == core.MSSQL {
if statement.LimitN > 0 {
top = fmt.Sprintf(" TOP %d ", statement.LimitN)
if statement.Start > 0 {
var column string
if len(statement.RefTable.PKColumns()) == 0 {
for _, index := range statement.RefTable.Indexes {
if len(index.Cols) == 1 {
column = index.Cols[0]
if len(column) == 0 {
column = statement.RefTable.ColumnsSeq()[0]
} else {
column = statement.RefTable.PKColumns()[0].Name
if statement.needTableName() {
if len(statement.TableAlias) > 0 {
column = statement.TableAlias + "." + column
} else {
column = statement.TableName() + "." + column
var orderStr string
if len(statement.OrderStr) > 0 {
orderStr = " ORDER BY " + statement.OrderStr
var groupStr string
if len(statement.GroupByStr) > 0 {
groupStr = " GROUP BY " + statement.GroupByStr
mssqlCondi = fmt.Sprintf("(%s NOT IN (SELECT TOP %d %s%s%s%s%s))",
column, statement.Start, column, fromStr, whereStr, orderStr, groupStr)
// !nashtsai! REVIEW Sprintf is considered slowest mean of string concatnation, better to work with builder pattern
a = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %v%v%v%v%v", top, distinct, columnStr, fromStr, whereStr)
if len(mssqlCondi) > 0 {
if len(whereStr) > 0 {
a += " AND " + mssqlCondi
} else {
a += " WHERE " + mssqlCondi
if statement.GroupByStr != "" {
a = fmt.Sprintf("%v GROUP BY %v", a, statement.GroupByStr)
if statement.HavingStr != "" {
a = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", a, statement.HavingStr)
if statement.OrderStr != "" {
a = fmt.Sprintf("%v ORDER BY %v", a, statement.OrderStr)
if dialect.DBType() != core.MSSQL && dialect.DBType() != core.ORACLE {
if statement.Start > 0 {
a = fmt.Sprintf("%v LIMIT %v OFFSET %v", a, statement.LimitN, statement.Start)
} else if statement.LimitN > 0 {
a = fmt.Sprintf("%v LIMIT %v", a, statement.LimitN)
} else if dialect.DBType() == core.ORACLE {
if statement.Start != 0 || statement.LimitN != 0 {
a = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %v FROM (SELECT %v,ROWNUM RN FROM (%v) at WHERE ROWNUM <= %d) aat WHERE RN > %d", columnStr, columnStr, a, statement.Start+statement.LimitN, statement.Start)
if statement.IsForUpdate {
a = dialect.ForUpdateSql(a)
func (statement *Statement) processIdParam() {
if statement.IdParam == nil {
for i, col := range statement.RefTable.PKColumns() {
var colName = statement.colName(col, statement.TableName())
if i < len(*(statement.IdParam)) {
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(builder.Eq{colName: (*(statement.IdParam))[i]})
} else {
statement.cond = statement.cond.And(builder.Eq{colName: ""})
func (statement *Statement) joinColumns(cols []*core.Column, includeTableName bool) string {
var colnames = make([]string, len(cols))
for i, col := range cols {
if includeTableName {
colnames[i] = statement.Engine.Quote(statement.TableName()) +
"." + statement.Engine.Quote(col.Name)
} else {
colnames[i] = statement.Engine.Quote(col.Name)
return strings.Join(colnames, ", ")
func (statement *Statement) convertIDSQL(sqlStr string) string {
if statement.RefTable != nil {
cols := statement.RefTable.PKColumns()
if len(cols) == 0 {
return ""
colstrs := statement.joinColumns(cols, false)
sqls := splitNNoCase(sqlStr, " from ", 2)
if len(sqls) != 2 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %v", colstrs, sqls[1])
return ""
func (statement *Statement) convertUpdateSQL(sqlStr string) (string, string) {
if statement.RefTable == nil || len(statement.RefTable.PrimaryKeys) != 1 {
return "", ""
colstrs := statement.joinColumns(statement.RefTable.PKColumns(), true)
sqls := splitNNoCase(sqlStr, "where", 2)
if len(sqls) != 2 {
if len(sqls) == 1 {
return sqls[0], fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %v FROM %v",
colstrs, statement.Engine.Quote(statement.TableName()))
return "", ""
var whereStr = sqls[1]
//TODO: for postgres only, if any other database?
var paraStr string
if statement.Engine.dialect.DBType() == core.POSTGRES {
paraStr = "$"
} else if statement.Engine.dialect.DBType() == core.MSSQL {
paraStr = ":"
if paraStr != "" {
if strings.Contains(sqls[1], paraStr) {
dollers := strings.Split(sqls[1], paraStr)
whereStr = dollers[0]
for i, c := range dollers[1:] {
ccs := strings.SplitN(c, " ", 2)
whereStr += fmt.Sprintf(paraStr+"%v %v", i+1, ccs[1])
return sqls[0], fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %v FROM %v WHERE %v",
colstrs, statement.Engine.Quote(statement.TableName()),