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package roaring
// Copyright (c) 2016 by the roaring authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// We derive a few lines of code from the sort.Search
// function in the golang standard library. That function
// is Copyright 2009 The Go Authors, and licensed
// under the following BSD-style license.
Copyright (c) 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
this software without specific prior written permission.
import (
//go:generate msgp -unexported
// runContainer32 does run-length encoding of sets of
// uint32 integers.
type runContainer32 struct {
iv []interval32
card int64
// avoid allocation during search
myOpts searchOptions `msg:"-"`
// interval32 is the internal to runContainer32
// structure that maintains the individual [Start, last]
// closed intervals.
type interval32 struct {
start uint32
last uint32
// runlen returns the count of integers in the interval.
func (iv interval32) runlen() int64 {
return 1 + int64(iv.last) - int64(iv.start)
// String produces a human viewable string of the contents.
func (iv interval32) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d, %d]", iv.start, iv.last)
func ivalString32(iv []interval32) string {
var s string
var j int
var p interval32
for j, p = range iv {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%v:[%d, %d], ", j, p.start, p.last)
return s
// String produces a human viewable string of the contents.
func (rc *runContainer32) String() string {
if len(rc.iv) == 0 {
return "runContainer32{}"
is := ivalString32(rc.iv)
return `runContainer32{` + is + `}`
// uint32Slice is a sort.Sort convenience method
type uint32Slice []uint32
// Len returns the length of p.
func (p uint32Slice) Len() int { return len(p) }
// Less returns p[i] < p[j]
func (p uint32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] < p[j] }
// Swap swaps elements i and j.
func (p uint32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
//msgp:ignore addHelper
// addHelper helps build a runContainer32.
type addHelper32 struct {
runstart uint32
runlen uint32
actuallyAdded uint32
m []interval32
rc *runContainer32
func (ah *addHelper32) storeIval(runstart, runlen uint32) {
mi := interval32{start: runstart, last: runstart + runlen}
ah.m = append(ah.m, mi)
func (ah *addHelper32) add(cur, prev uint32, i int) {
if cur == prev+1 {
} else {
if cur < prev {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("newRunContainer32FromVals sees "+
"unsorted vals; vals[%v]=cur=%v < prev=%v. Sort your vals"+
" before calling us with alreadySorted == true.", i, cur, prev))
if cur == prev {
// ignore duplicates
} else {
ah.storeIval(ah.runstart, ah.runlen)
ah.runstart = cur
ah.runlen = 0
// newRunContainerRange makes a new container made of just the specified closed interval [rangestart,rangelast]
func newRunContainer32Range(rangestart uint32, rangelast uint32) *runContainer32 {
rc := &runContainer32{}
rc.iv = append(rc.iv, interval32{start: rangestart, last: rangelast})
return rc
// newRunContainer32FromVals makes a new container from vals.
// For efficiency, vals should be sorted in ascending order.
// Ideally vals should not contain duplicates, but we detect and
// ignore them. If vals is already sorted in ascending order, then
// pass alreadySorted = true. Otherwise, for !alreadySorted,
// we will sort vals before creating a runContainer32 of them.
// We sort the original vals, so this will change what the
// caller sees in vals as a side effect.
func newRunContainer32FromVals(alreadySorted bool, vals ...uint32) *runContainer32 {
// keep this in sync with newRunContainer32FromArray below
rc := &runContainer32{}
ah := addHelper32{rc: rc}
if !alreadySorted {
n := len(vals)
var cur, prev uint32
switch {
case n == 0:
// nothing more
case n == 1:
ah.m = append(ah.m, interval32{start: vals[0], last: vals[0]})
ah.runstart = vals[0]
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
prev = vals[i-1]
cur = vals[i]
ah.add(cur, prev, i)
ah.storeIval(ah.runstart, ah.runlen)
rc.iv = ah.m
rc.card = int64(ah.actuallyAdded)
return rc
// newRunContainer32FromBitmapContainer makes a new run container from bc,
// somewhat efficiently. For reference, see the Java
// https://github.com/RoaringBitmap/RoaringBitmap/blob/master/src/main/java/org/roaringbitmap/RunContainer.java#L145-L192
func newRunContainer32FromBitmapContainer(bc *bitmapContainer) *runContainer32 {
rc := &runContainer32{}
nbrRuns := bc.numberOfRuns()
if nbrRuns == 0 {
return rc
rc.iv = make([]interval32, nbrRuns)
longCtr := 0 // index of current long in bitmap
curWord := bc.bitmap[0] // its value
runCount := 0
for {
// potentially multiword advance to first 1 bit
for curWord == 0 && longCtr < len(bc.bitmap)-1 {
curWord = bc.bitmap[longCtr]
if curWord == 0 {
// wrap up, no more runs
return rc
localRunStart := countTrailingZeros(curWord)
runStart := localRunStart + 64*longCtr
// stuff 1s into number's LSBs
curWordWith1s := curWord | (curWord - 1)
// find the next 0, potentially in a later word
runEnd := 0
for curWordWith1s == maxWord && longCtr < len(bc.bitmap)-1 {
curWordWith1s = bc.bitmap[longCtr]
if curWordWith1s == maxWord {
// a final unterminated run of 1s
runEnd = wordSizeInBits + longCtr*64
rc.iv[runCount].start = uint32(runStart)
rc.iv[runCount].last = uint32(runEnd) - 1
return rc
localRunEnd := countTrailingZeros(^curWordWith1s)
runEnd = localRunEnd + longCtr*64
rc.iv[runCount].start = uint32(runStart)
rc.iv[runCount].last = uint32(runEnd) - 1
// now, zero out everything right of runEnd.
curWord = curWordWith1s & (curWordWith1s + 1)
// We've lathered and rinsed, so repeat...
// newRunContainer32FromArray populates a new
// runContainer32 from the contents of arr.
func newRunContainer32FromArray(arr *arrayContainer) *runContainer32 {
// keep this in sync with newRunContainer32FromVals above
rc := &runContainer32{}
ah := addHelper32{rc: rc}
n := arr.getCardinality()
var cur, prev uint32
switch {
case n == 0:
// nothing more
case n == 1:
ah.m = append(ah.m, interval32{start: uint32(arr.content[0]), last: uint32(arr.content[0])})
ah.runstart = uint32(arr.content[0])
for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
prev = uint32(arr.content[i-1])
cur = uint32(arr.content[i])
ah.add(cur, prev, i)
ah.storeIval(ah.runstart, ah.runlen)
rc.iv = ah.m
rc.card = int64(ah.actuallyAdded)
return rc
// set adds the integers in vals to the set. Vals
// must be sorted in increasing order; if not, you should set
// alreadySorted to false, and we will sort them in place for you.
// (Be aware of this side effect -- it will affect the callers
// view of vals).
// If you have a small number of additions to an already
// big runContainer32, calling Add() may be faster.
func (rc *runContainer32) set(alreadySorted bool, vals ...uint32) {
rc2 := newRunContainer32FromVals(alreadySorted, vals...)
un := rc.union(rc2)
rc.iv = un.iv
rc.card = 0
// canMerge returns true if the intervals
// a and b either overlap or they are
// contiguous and so can be merged into
// a single interval.
func canMerge32(a, b interval32) bool {
if int64(a.last)+1 < int64(b.start) {
return false
return int64(b.last)+1 >= int64(a.start)
// haveOverlap differs from canMerge in that
// it tells you if the intersection of a
// and b would contain an element (otherwise
// it would be the empty set, and we return
// false).
func haveOverlap32(a, b interval32) bool {
if int64(a.last)+1 <= int64(b.start) {
return false
return int64(b.last)+1 > int64(a.start)
// mergeInterval32s joins a and b into a
// new interval, and panics if it cannot.
func mergeInterval32s(a, b interval32) (res interval32) {
if !canMerge32(a, b) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot merge %#v and %#v", a, b))
if b.start < a.start {
res.start = b.start
} else {
res.start = a.start
if b.last > a.last {
res.last = b.last
} else {
res.last = a.last
// intersectInterval32s returns the intersection
// of a and b. The isEmpty flag will be true if
// a and b were disjoint.
func intersectInterval32s(a, b interval32) (res interval32, isEmpty bool) {
if !haveOverlap32(a, b) {
isEmpty = true
if b.start > a.start {
res.start = b.start
} else {
res.start = a.start
if b.last < a.last {
res.last = b.last
} else {
res.last = a.last
// union merges two runContainer32s, producing
// a new runContainer32 with the union of rc and b.
func (rc *runContainer32) union(b *runContainer32) *runContainer32 {
// rc is also known as 'a' here, but golint insisted we
// call it rc for consistency with the rest of the methods.
var m []interval32
alim := int64(len(rc.iv))
blim := int64(len(b.iv))
var na int64 // next from a
var nb int64 // next from b
// merged holds the current merge output, which might
// get additional merges before being appended to m.
var merged interval32
var mergedUsed bool // is merged being used at the moment?
var cura interval32 // currently considering this interval32 from a
var curb interval32 // currently considering this interval32 from b
pass := 0
for na < alim && nb < blim {
cura = rc.iv[na]
curb = b.iv[nb]
if mergedUsed {
mergedUpdated := false
if canMerge32(cura, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, merged)
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
mergedUpdated = true
if canMerge32(curb, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(curb, merged)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
mergedUpdated = true
if !mergedUpdated {
// we know that merged is disjoint from cura and curb
m = append(m, merged)
mergedUsed = false
} else {
// !mergedUsed
if !canMerge32(cura, curb) {
if cura.start < curb.start {
m = append(m, cura)
} else {
m = append(m, curb)
} else {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, curb)
mergedUsed = true
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
var aDone, bDone bool
if na >= alim {
aDone = true
if nb >= blim {
bDone = true
// finish by merging anything remaining into merged we can:
if mergedUsed {
if !aDone {
for na < alim {
cura = rc.iv[na]
if canMerge32(cura, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, merged)
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
} else {
break aAdds
if !bDone {
for nb < blim {
curb = b.iv[nb]
if canMerge32(curb, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(curb, merged)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
} else {
break bAdds
m = append(m, merged)
if na < alim {
m = append(m, rc.iv[na:]...)
if nb < blim {
m = append(m, b.iv[nb:]...)
res := &runContainer32{iv: m}
return res
// unionCardinality returns the cardinality of the merger of two runContainer32s, the union of rc and b.
func (rc *runContainer32) unionCardinality(b *runContainer32) uint64 {
// rc is also known as 'a' here, but golint insisted we
// call it rc for consistency with the rest of the methods.
answer := uint64(0)
alim := int64(len(rc.iv))
blim := int64(len(b.iv))
var na int64 // next from a
var nb int64 // next from b
// merged holds the current merge output, which might
// get additional merges before being appended to m.
var merged interval32
var mergedUsed bool // is merged being used at the moment?
var cura interval32 // currently considering this interval32 from a
var curb interval32 // currently considering this interval32 from b
pass := 0
for na < alim && nb < blim {
cura = rc.iv[na]
curb = b.iv[nb]
if mergedUsed {
mergedUpdated := false
if canMerge32(cura, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, merged)
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
mergedUpdated = true
if canMerge32(curb, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(curb, merged)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
mergedUpdated = true
if !mergedUpdated {
// we know that merged is disjoint from cura and curb
//m = append(m, merged)
answer += uint64(merged.last) - uint64(merged.start) + 1
mergedUsed = false
} else {
// !mergedUsed
if !canMerge32(cura, curb) {
if cura.start < curb.start {
answer += uint64(cura.last) - uint64(cura.start) + 1
//m = append(m, cura)
} else {
answer += uint64(curb.last) - uint64(curb.start) + 1
//m = append(m, curb)
} else {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, curb)
mergedUsed = true
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
var aDone, bDone bool
if na >= alim {
aDone = true
if nb >= blim {
bDone = true
// finish by merging anything remaining into merged we can:
if mergedUsed {
if !aDone {
for na < alim {
cura = rc.iv[na]
if canMerge32(cura, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(cura, merged)
na = rc.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, na+1)
} else {
break aAdds
if !bDone {
for nb < blim {
curb = b.iv[nb]
if canMerge32(curb, merged) {
merged = mergeInterval32s(curb, merged)
nb = b.indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(int64(merged.last)+1, nb+1)
} else {
break bAdds
//m = append(m, merged)
answer += uint64(merged.last) - uint64(merged.start) + 1
for _, r := range rc.iv[na:] {
answer += uint64(r.last) - uint64(r.start) + 1
for _, r := range b.iv[nb:] {
answer += uint64(r.last) - uint64(r.start) + 1
return answer
// indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter is a helper for union.
func (rc *runContainer32) indexOfIntervalAtOrAfter(key int64, startIndex int64) int64 {
rc.myOpts.startIndex = startIndex
rc.myOpts.endxIndex = 0
w, already, _ := rc.search(key, &rc.myOpts)
if already {
return w
return w + 1
// intersect returns a new runContainer32 holding the
// intersection of rc (also known as 'a') and b.
func (rc *runContainer32) intersect(b *runContainer32) *runContainer32 {
a := rc
numa := int64(len(a.iv))
numb := int64(len(b.iv))
res := &runContainer32{}
if numa == 0 || numb == 0 {
return res
if numa == 1 && numb == 1 {
if !haveOverlap32(a.iv[0], b.iv[0]) {
return res
var output []interval32
var acuri int64
var bcuri int64
astart := int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
bstart := int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
var intersection interval32
var leftoverstart int64
var isOverlap, isLeftoverA, isLeftoverB bool
var done bool
pass := 0
for acuri < numa && bcuri < numb {
isOverlap, isLeftoverA, isLeftoverB, leftoverstart, intersection = intersectWithLeftover32(astart, int64(a.iv[acuri].last), bstart, int64(b.iv[bcuri].last))
if !isOverlap {
switch {
case astart < bstart:
acuri, done = a.findNextIntervalThatIntersectsStartingFrom(acuri+1, bstart)
if done {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
case astart > bstart:
bcuri, done = b.findNextIntervalThatIntersectsStartingFrom(bcuri+1, astart)
if done {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
// panic("impossible that astart == bstart, since !isOverlap")
} else {
// isOverlap
output = append(output, intersection)
switch {
case isLeftoverA:
// note that we change astart without advancing acuri,
// since we need to capture any 2ndary intersections with a.iv[acuri]
astart = leftoverstart
if bcuri >= numb {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
case isLeftoverB:
// note that we change bstart without advancing bcuri,
// since we need to capture any 2ndary intersections with b.iv[bcuri]
bstart = leftoverstart
if acuri >= numa {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
// neither had leftover, both completely consumed
// optionally, assert for sanity:
//if a.iv[acuri].endx != b.iv[bcuri].endx {
// panic("huh? should only be possible that endx agree now!")
// advance to next a interval
if acuri >= numa {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
// advance to next b interval
if bcuri >= numb {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
} // end for toploop
if len(output) == 0 {
return res
res.iv = output
return res
// intersectCardinality returns the cardinality of the
// intersection of rc (also known as 'a') and b.
func (rc *runContainer32) intersectCardinality(b *runContainer32) int64 {
answer := int64(0)
a := rc
numa := int64(len(a.iv))
numb := int64(len(b.iv))
if numa == 0 || numb == 0 {
return 0
if numa == 1 && numb == 1 {
if !haveOverlap32(a.iv[0], b.iv[0]) {
return 0
var acuri int64
var bcuri int64
astart := int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
bstart := int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
var intersection interval32
var leftoverstart int64
var isOverlap, isLeftoverA, isLeftoverB bool
var done bool
pass := 0
for acuri < numa && bcuri < numb {
isOverlap, isLeftoverA, isLeftoverB, leftoverstart, intersection = intersectWithLeftover32(astart, int64(a.iv[acuri].last), bstart, int64(b.iv[bcuri].last))
if !isOverlap {
switch {
case astart < bstart:
acuri, done = a.findNextIntervalThatIntersectsStartingFrom(acuri+1, bstart)
if done {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
case astart > bstart:
bcuri, done = b.findNextIntervalThatIntersectsStartingFrom(bcuri+1, astart)
if done {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
// panic("impossible that astart == bstart, since !isOverlap")
} else {
// isOverlap
answer += int64(intersection.last) - int64(intersection.start) + 1
switch {
case isLeftoverA:
// note that we change astart without advancing acuri,
// since we need to capture any 2ndary intersections with a.iv[acuri]
astart = leftoverstart
if bcuri >= numb {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
case isLeftoverB:
// note that we change bstart without advancing bcuri,
// since we need to capture any 2ndary intersections with b.iv[bcuri]
bstart = leftoverstart
if acuri >= numa {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
// neither had leftover, both completely consumed
// optionally, assert for sanity:
//if a.iv[acuri].endx != b.iv[bcuri].endx {
// panic("huh? should only be possible that endx agree now!")
// advance to next a interval
if acuri >= numa {
break toploop
astart = int64(a.iv[acuri].start)
// advance to next b interval
if bcuri >= numb {
break toploop
bstart = int64(b.iv[bcuri].start)
} // end for toploop
return answer
// get returns true if key is in the container.
func (rc *runContainer32) contains(key uint32) bool {
_, in, _ := rc.search(int64(key), nil)
return in
// numIntervals returns the count of intervals in the container.
func (rc *runContainer32) numIntervals() int {
return len(rc.iv)
// search returns alreadyPresent to indicate if the
// key is already in one of our interval32s.
// If key is alreadyPresent, then whichInterval32 tells
// you where.
// If key is not already present, then whichInterval32 is
// set as follows:
// a) whichInterval32 == len(rc.iv)-1 if key is beyond our
// last interval32 in rc.iv;
// b) whichInterval32 == -1 if key is before our first
// interval32 in rc.iv;
// c) whichInterval32 is set to the minimum index of rc.iv
// which comes strictly before the key;
// so rc.iv[whichInterval32].last < key,
// and if whichInterval32+1 exists, then key < rc.iv[whichInterval32+1].start
// (Note that whichInterval32+1 won't exist when
// whichInterval32 is the last interval.)
// runContainer32.search always returns whichInterval32 < len(rc.iv).
// If not nil, opts can be used to further restrict
// the search space.
func (rc *runContainer32) search(key int64, opts *searchOptions) (whichInterval32 int64, alreadyPresent bool, numCompares int) {
n := int64(len(rc.iv))
if n == 0 {
return -1, false, 0
startIndex := int64(0)
endxIndex := n
if opts != nil {
startIndex = opts.startIndex
// let endxIndex == 0 mean no effect
if opts.endxIndex > 0 {
endxIndex = opts.endxIndex
// sort.Search returns the smallest index i
// in [0, n) at which f(i) is true, assuming that on the range [0, n),
// f(i) == true implies f(i+1) == true.
// If there is no such index, Search returns n.
// For correctness, this began as verbatim snippet from
// sort.Search in the Go standard lib.
// We inline our comparison function for speed, and
// annotate with numCompares
// to observe and test that extra bounds are utilized.
i, j := startIndex, endxIndex
for i < j {
h := i + (j-i)/2 // avoid overflow when computing h as the bisector
// i <= h < j
if !(key < int64(rc.iv[h].start)) {
i = h + 1
} else {
j = h
below := i
// end std lib snippet.
// The above is a simple in-lining and annotation of:
/* below := sort.Search(n,
func(i int) bool {
return key < rc.iv[i].start
whichInterval32 = below - 1
if below == n {
// all falses => key is >= start of all interval32s
// ... so does it belong to the last interval32?
if key < int64(rc.iv[n-1].last)+1 {
// yes, it belongs to the last interval32
alreadyPresent = true
// no, it is beyond the last interval32.
// leave alreadyPreset = false
// INVAR: key is below rc.iv[below]
if below == 0 {
// key is before the first first interval32.
// leave alreadyPresent = false
// INVAR: key is >= rc.iv[below-1].start and
// key is < rc.iv[below].start
// is key in below-1 interval32?
if key >= int64(rc.iv[below-1].start) && key < int64(rc.iv[below-1].last)+1 {
// yes, it is. key is in below-1 interval32.
alreadyPresent = true
// INVAR: key >= rc.iv[below-1].endx && key < rc.iv[below].start
// leave alreadyPresent = false
// cardinality returns the count of the integers stored in the
// runContainer32.
func (rc *runContainer32) cardinality() int64 {
if len(rc.iv) == 0 {
rc.card = 0
return 0
if rc.card > 0 {
return rc.card // already cached
// have to compute it
var n int64
for _, p := range rc.iv {
n += p.runlen()
rc.card = n // cache it
return n
// AsSlice decompresses the contents into a []uint32 slice.
func (rc *runContainer32) AsSlice() []uint32 {
s := make([]uint32, rc.cardinality())
j := 0
for _, p := range rc.iv {
for i := p.start; i <= p.last; i++ {
s[j] = i
return s
// newRunContainer32 creates an empty run container.
func newRunContainer32() *runContainer32 {
return &runContainer32{}
// newRunContainer32CopyIv creates a run container, initializing
// with a copy of the supplied iv slice.
func newRunContainer32CopyIv(iv []interval32) *runContainer32 {
rc := &runContainer32{
iv: make([]interval32, len(iv)),
copy(rc.iv, iv)
return rc
func (rc *runContainer32) Clone() *runContainer32 {
rc2 := newRunContainer32CopyIv(rc.iv)
return rc2
// newRunContainer32TakeOwnership returns a new runContainer32
// backed by the provided iv slice, which we will
// assume exclusive control over from now on.
func newRunContainer32TakeOwnership(iv []interval32) *runContainer32 {
rc := &runContainer32{
iv: iv,
return rc
const baseRc32Size = int(unsafe.Sizeof(runContainer32{}))
const perIntervalRc32Size = int(unsafe.Sizeof(interval32{}))
const baseDiskRc32Size = int(unsafe.Sizeof(uint32(0)))
// see also runContainer32SerializedSizeInBytes(numRuns int) int
// getSizeInBytes returns the number of bytes of memory
// required by this runContainer32.
func (rc *runContainer32) getSizeInBytes() int {
return perIntervalRc32Size*len(rc.iv) + baseRc32Size
// runContainer32SerializedSizeInBytes returns the number of bytes of disk
// required to hold numRuns in a runContainer32.
func runContainer32SerializedSizeInBytes(numRuns int) int {
return perIntervalRc32Size*numRuns + baseDiskRc32Size
// Add adds a single value k to the set.
func (rc *runContainer32) Add(k uint32) (wasNew bool) {
// TODO comment from runContainer32.java:
// it might be better and simpler to do return
// toBitmapOrArrayContainer(getCardinality()).add(k)
// but note that some unit tests use this method to build up test
// runcontainers without calling runOptimize
k64 := int64(k)
index, present, _ := rc.search(k64, nil)
if present {
return // already there
wasNew = true
// increment card if it is cached already
if rc.card > 0 {
n := int64(len(rc.iv))
if index == -1 {
// we may need to extend the first run
if n > 0 {
if rc.iv[0].start == k+1 {
rc.iv[0].start = k
// nope, k stands alone, starting the new first interval32.
rc.iv = append([]interval32{{start: k, last: k}}, rc.iv...)
// are we off the end? handle both index == n and index == n-1:
if index >= n-1 {
if int64(rc.iv[n-1].last)+1 == k64 {
rc.iv = append(rc.iv, interval32{start: k, last: k})
// INVAR: index and index+1 both exist, and k goes between them.
// Now: add k into the middle,
// possibly fusing with index or index+1 interval32
// and possibly resulting in fusing of two interval32s
// that had a one integer gap.
left := index
right := index + 1
// are we fusing left and right by adding k?
if int64(rc.iv[left].last)+1 == k64 && int64(rc.iv[right].start) == k64+1 {
// fuse into left
rc.iv[left].last = rc.iv[right].last
// remove redundant right
rc.iv = append(rc.iv[:left+1], rc.iv[right+1:]...)
// are we an addition to left?
if int64(rc.iv[left].last)+1 == k64 {
// yes
// are we an addition to right?
if int64(rc.iv[right].start) == k64+1 {
// yes
rc.iv[right].start = k
// k makes a standalone new interval32, inserted in the middle
tail := append([]interval32{{start: k, last: k}}, rc.iv[right:]...)
rc.iv = append(rc.iv[:left+1], tail...)
//msgp:ignore runIterator
// runIterator32 advice: you must call Next() at least once
// before calling Cur(); and you should call HasNext()
// before calling Next() to insure there are contents.
type runIterator32 struct {
rc *runContainer32
curIndex int64
curPosInIndex uint32
curSeq int64
// newRunIterator32 returns a new empty run container.
func (rc *runContainer32) newRunIterator32() *runIterator32 {
return &runIterator32{rc: rc, curIndex: -1}
// HasNext returns false if calling Next will panic. It
// returns true when there is at least one more value
// available in the iteration sequence.
func (ri *runIterator32) hasNext() bool {
if len(ri.rc.iv) == 0 {
return false
if ri.curIndex == -1 {
return true
return ri.curSeq+1 < ri.rc.cardinality()
// cur returns the current value pointed to by the iterator.
func (ri *runIterator32) cur() uint32 {
return ri.rc.iv[ri.curIndex].start + ri.curPosInIndex
// Next returns the next value in the iteration sequence.
func (ri *runIterator32) next() uint32 {
if !ri.hasNext() {
panic("no Next available")
if ri.curIndex >= int64(len(ri.rc.iv)) {
panic("runIterator.Next() going beyond what is available")
if ri.curIndex == -1 {
// first time is special
ri.curIndex = 0
} else {
if int64(ri.rc.iv[ri.curIndex].start)+int64(ri.curPosInIndex) == int64(ri.rc.iv[ri.curIndex].last)+1 {
ri.curPosInIndex = 0
return ri.cur()
// remove removes the element that the iterator
// is on from the run container. You can use
// Cur if you want to double check what is about
// to be deleted.
func (ri *runIterator32) remove() uint32 {
n := ri.rc.cardinality()
if n == 0 {
panic("runIterator.Remove called on empty runContainer32")
cur := ri.cur()
ri.rc.deleteAt(&ri.curIndex, &ri.curPosInIndex, &ri.curSeq)
return cur
// remove removes key from the container.
func (rc *runContainer32) removeKey(key uint32) (wasPresent bool) {
var index int64
var curSeq int64
index, wasPresent, _ = rc.search(int64(key), nil)
if !wasPresent {
return // already removed, nothing to do.
pos := key - rc.iv[index].start
rc.deleteAt(&index, &pos, &curSeq)
// internal helper functions
func (rc *runContainer32) deleteAt(curIndex *int64, curPosInIndex *uint32, curSeq *int64) {
ci := *curIndex
pos := *curPosInIndex
// are we first, last, or in the middle of our interval32?
switch {
case pos == 0:
if int64(rc.iv[ci].start) == int64(rc.iv[ci].last) {
// our interval disappears
rc.iv = append(rc.iv[:ci], rc.iv[ci+1:]...)
// curIndex stays the same, since the delete did
// the advance for us.
*curPosInIndex = 0
} else {
rc.iv[ci].start++ // no longer overflowable
case int64(pos) == rc.iv[ci].runlen()-1:
// last
// our interval32 cannot disappear, else we would have been pos == 0, case first above.
// if we leave *curIndex alone, then Next() will work properly even after the delete.
// split into two, adding an interval32
new0 := interval32{
start: rc.iv[ci].start,
last: rc.iv[ci].start + *curPosInIndex - 1}
new1start := int64(rc.iv[ci].start) + int64(*curPosInIndex) + 1
if new1start > int64(MaxUint32) {
new1 := interval32{
start: uint32(new1start),
last: rc.iv[ci].last}
tail := append([]interval32{new0, new1}, rc.iv[ci+1:]...)
rc.iv = append(rc.iv[:ci], tail...)
// update curIndex and curPosInIndex
*curPosInIndex = 0
func have4Overlap32(astart, alast, bstart, blast int64) bool {
if alast+1 <= bstart {
return false
return blast+1 > astart
func intersectWithLeftover32(astart, alast, bstart, blast int64) (isOverlap, isLeftoverA, isLeftoverB bool, leftoverstart int64, intersection interval32) {
if !have4Overlap32(astart, alast, bstart, blast) {
isOverlap = true
// do the intersection:
if bstart > astart {
intersection.start = uint32(bstart)
} else {
intersection.start = uint32(astart)
switch {
case blast < alast:
isLeftoverA = true
leftoverstart = blast + 1
intersection.last = uint32(blast)
case alast < blast:
isLeftoverB = true
leftoverstart = alast + 1
intersection.last = uint32(alast)
// alast == blast
intersection.last = uint32(alast)
func (rc *runContainer32) findNextIntervalThatIntersectsStartingFrom(startIndex int64, key int64) (index int64, done bool) {
rc.myOpts.startIndex = startIndex
rc.myOpts.endxIndex = 0
w, _, _ := rc.search(key, &rc.myOpts)
// rc.search always returns w < len(rc.iv)
if w < startIndex {
// not found and comes before lower bound startIndex,
// so just use the lower bound.
if startIndex == int64(len(rc.iv)) {
// also this bump up means that we are done
return startIndex, true
return startIndex, false
return w, false
func sliceToString32(m []interval32) string {
s := ""
for i := range m {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s, ", i, m[i])
return s
// selectInt32 returns the j-th value in the container.
// We panic of j is out of bounds.
func (rc *runContainer32) selectInt32(j uint32) int {
n := rc.cardinality()
if int64(j) > n {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot select %v since Cardinality is %v", j, n))
var offset int64
for k := range rc.iv {
nextOffset := offset + rc.iv[k].runlen() + 1
if nextOffset > int64(j) {
return int(int64(rc.iv[k].start) + (int64(j) - offset))
offset = nextOffset
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Cannot select %v since Cardinality is %v", j, n))
// helper for invert
func (rc *runContainer32) invertlastInterval(origin uint32, lastIdx int) []interval32 {
cur := rc.iv[lastIdx]
if cur.last == MaxUint32 {
if cur.start == origin {
return nil // empty container
return []interval32{{start: origin, last: cur.start - 1}}
if cur.start == origin {
return []interval32{{start: cur.last + 1, last: MaxUint32}}
// invert splits
return []interval32{
{start: origin, last: cur.start - 1},
{start: cur.last + 1, last: MaxUint32},
// invert returns a new container (not inplace), that is
// the inversion of rc. For each bit b in rc, the
// returned value has !b
func (rc *runContainer32) invert() *runContainer32 {
ni := len(rc.iv)
var m []interval32
switch ni {
case 0:
return &runContainer32{iv: []interval32{{0, MaxUint32}}}
case 1:
return &runContainer32{iv: rc.invertlastInterval(0, 0)}
var invstart int64
ult := ni - 1
for i, cur := range rc.iv {
if i == ult {
// invertlastInteval will add both intervals (b) and (c) in
// diagram below.
m = append(m, rc.invertlastInterval(uint32(invstart), i)...)
// INVAR: i and cur are not the last interval, there is a next at i+1
// ........[cur.start, cur.last] ...... [next.start, next.last]....
// ^ ^ ^
// (a) (b) (c)
// Now: we add interval (a); but if (a) is empty, for cur.start==0, we skip it.
if cur.start > 0 {
m = append(m, interval32{start: uint32(invstart), last: cur.start - 1})
invstart = int64(cur.last + 1)
return &runContainer32{iv: m}
func (iv interval32) equal(b interval32) bool {
if iv.start == b.start {
return iv.last == b.last
return false
func (iv interval32) isSuperSetOf(b interval32) bool {
return iv.start <= b.start && b.last <= iv.last
func (iv interval32) subtractInterval(del interval32) (left []interval32, delcount int64) {
isect, isEmpty := intersectInterval32s(iv, del)
if isEmpty {
return nil, 0
if del.isSuperSetOf(iv) {
return nil, iv.runlen()
switch {
case isect.start > iv.start && isect.last < iv.last:
new0 := interval32{start: iv.start, last: isect.start - 1}
new1 := interval32{start: isect.last + 1, last: iv.last}
return []interval32{new0, new1}, isect.runlen()
case isect.start == iv.start:
return []interval32{{start: isect.last + 1, last: iv.last}}, isect.runlen()
return []interval32{{start: iv.start, last: isect.start - 1}}, isect.runlen()
func (rc *runContainer32) isubtract(del interval32) {
origiv := make([]interval32, len(rc.iv))
copy(origiv, rc.iv)
n := int64(len(rc.iv))
if n == 0 {
return // already done.
_, isEmpty := intersectInterval32s(
start: rc.iv[0].start,
last: rc.iv[n-1].last,
}, del)
if isEmpty {
return // done
// INVAR there is some intersection between rc and del
istart, startAlready, _ := rc.search(int64(del.start), nil)
ilast, lastAlready, _ := rc.search(int64(del.last), nil)
rc.card = -1
if istart == -1 {
if ilast == n-1 && !lastAlready {
rc.iv = nil
// some intervals will remain
switch {
case startAlready && lastAlready:
res0, _ := rc.iv[istart].subtractInterval(del)
// would overwrite values in iv b/c res0 can have len 2. so
// write to origiv instead.
lost := 1 + ilast - istart
changeSize := int64(len(res0)) - lost
newSize := int64(len(rc.iv)) + changeSize
// rc.iv = append(pre, caboose...)
// return
if ilast != istart {
res1, _ := rc.iv[ilast].subtractInterval(del)
res0 = append(res0, res1...)
changeSize = int64(len(res0)) - lost
newSize = int64(len(rc.iv)) + changeSize
switch {
case changeSize < 0:
// shrink
copy(rc.iv[istart+int64(len(res0)):], rc.iv[ilast+1:])
copy(rc.iv[istart:istart+int64(len(res0))], res0)
rc.iv = rc.iv[:newSize]
case changeSize == 0:
// stay the same
copy(rc.iv[istart:istart+int64(len(res0))], res0)
// changeSize > 0 is only possible when ilast == istart.
// Hence we now know: changeSize == 1 and len(res0) == 2
rc.iv = append(rc.iv, interval32{})
// len(rc.iv) is correct now, no need to rc.iv = rc.iv[:newSize]
// copy the tail into place
copy(rc.iv[ilast+2:], rc.iv[ilast+1:])
// copy the new item(s) into place
copy(rc.iv[istart:istart+2], res0)
case !startAlready && !lastAlready:
// we get to discard whole intervals
// from the search() definition:
// if del.start is not present, then istart is
// set as follows:
// a) istart == n-1 if del.start is beyond our
// last interval32 in rc.iv;
// b) istart == -1 if del.start is before our first
// interval32 in rc.iv;
// c) istart is set to the minimum index of rc.iv
// which comes strictly before the del.start;
// so del.start > rc.iv[istart].last,
// and if istart+1 exists, then del.start < rc.iv[istart+1].startx
// if del.last is not present, then ilast is
// set as follows:
// a) ilast == n-1 if del.last is beyond our
// last interval32 in rc.iv;
// b) ilast == -1 if del.last is before our first
// interval32 in rc.iv;
// c) ilast is set to the minimum index of rc.iv
// which comes strictly before the del.last;
// so del.last > rc.iv[ilast].last,
// and if ilast+1 exists, then del.last < rc.iv[ilast+1].start
// INVAR: istart >= 0
pre := rc.iv[:istart+1]
if ilast == n-1 {
rc.iv = pre
// INVAR: ilast < n-1
lost := ilast - istart
changeSize := -lost
newSize := int64(len(rc.iv)) + changeSize
if changeSize != 0 {
copy(rc.iv[ilast+1+changeSize:], rc.iv[ilast+1:])
rc.iv = rc.iv[:newSize]
case startAlready && !lastAlready:
// we can only shrink or stay the same size
// i.e. we either eliminate the whole interval,
// or just cut off the right side.
res0, _ := rc.iv[istart].subtractInterval(del)
if len(res0) > 0 {
// len(res) must be 1
rc.iv[istart] = res0[0]
lost := 1 + (ilast - istart)
changeSize := int64(len(res0)) - lost
newSize := int64(len(rc.iv)) + changeSize
if changeSize != 0 {
copy(rc.iv[ilast+1+changeSize:], rc.iv[ilast+1:])
rc.iv = rc.iv[:newSize]
case !startAlready && lastAlready:
// we can only shrink or stay the same size
res1, _ := rc.iv[ilast].subtractInterval(del)
lost := ilast - istart
changeSize := int64(len(res1)) - lost
newSize := int64(len(rc.iv)) + changeSize
if changeSize != 0 {
// move the tail first to make room for res1
copy(rc.iv[ilast+1+changeSize:], rc.iv[ilast+1:])
copy(rc.iv[istart+1:], res1)
rc.iv = rc.iv[:newSize]
// compute rc minus b, and return the result as a new value (not inplace).
// port of run_container_andnot from CRoaring...
// https://github.com/RoaringBitmap/CRoaring/blob/master/src/containers/run.c#L435-L496
func (rc *runContainer32) AndNotRunContainer32(b *runContainer32) *runContainer32 {
if len(b.iv) == 0 || len(rc.iv) == 0 {
return rc
dst := newRunContainer32()
apos := 0
bpos := 0
a := rc
astart := a.iv[apos].start
alast := a.iv[apos].last
bstart := b.iv[bpos].start
blast := b.iv[bpos].last
alen := len(a.iv)
blen := len(b.iv)
for apos < alen && bpos < blen {
switch {
case alast < bstart:
// output the first run
dst.iv = append(dst.iv, interval32{start: astart, last: alast})
if apos < alen {
astart = a.iv[apos].start
alast = a.iv[apos].last
case blast < astart:
// exit the second run
if bpos < blen {
bstart = b.iv[bpos].start
blast = b.iv[bpos].last
// a: [ ]
// b: [ ]
// alast >= bstart
// blast >= astart
if astart < bstart {
dst.iv = append(dst.iv, interval32{start: astart, last: bstart - 1})
if alast > blast {
astart = blast + 1
} else {
if apos < alen {
astart = a.iv[apos].start
alast = a.iv[apos].last
if apos < alen {
dst.iv = append(dst.iv, interval32{start: astart, last: alast})
if apos < alen {
dst.iv = append(dst.iv, a.iv[apos:]...)
return dst
func (rc *runContainer32) numberOfRuns() (nr int) {
return len(rc.iv)
func (rc *runContainer32) containerType() contype {
return run32Contype
func (rc *runContainer32) equals32(srb *runContainer32) bool {
//p("both rc32")
// Check if the containers are the same object.
if rc == srb {
//p("same object")
return true
if len(srb.iv) != len(rc.iv) {
//p("iv len differ")
return false
for i, v := range rc.iv {
if v != srb.iv[i] {
//p("differ at iv i=%v, srb.iv[i]=%v, rc.iv[i]=%v", i, srb.iv[i], rc.iv[i])
return false
//p("all intervals same, returning true")
return true