
752 lines
27 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
waProto ""
2022-01-03 16:11:39 +02:00
// region User history sync handling
type wrappedInfo struct {
2022-03-05 21:22:31 +02:00
Type database.MessageType
Error database.MessageErrorType
MediaKey []byte
ExpirationStart uint64
ExpiresIn uint32
func (user *User) handleHistorySyncsLoop() {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
// Start the backfill queue.
user.BackfillQueue = &BackfillQueue{
BackfillQuery: user.bridge.DB.Backfill,
reCheckChannels: []chan bool{},
log: user.log.Sub("BackfillQueue"),
forwardAndImmediate := []database.BackfillType{database.BackfillImmediate, database.BackfillForward}
// Immediate backfills can be done in parallel
for i := 0; i < user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Immediate.WorkerCount; i++ {
go user.HandleBackfillRequestsLoop(forwardAndImmediate, []database.BackfillType{})
// Deferred backfills should be handled synchronously so as not to
// overload the homeserver. Users can configure their backfill stages
// to be more or less aggressive with backfilling at this stage.
go user.HandleBackfillRequestsLoop([]database.BackfillType{database.BackfillDeferred}, forwardAndImmediate)
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MediaRequests.AutoRequestMedia &&
user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MediaRequests.RequestMethod == config.MediaRequestMethodLocalTime {
go user.dailyMediaRequestLoop()
// Always save the history syncs for the user. If they want to enable
// backfilling in the future, we will have it in the database.
for evt := range user.historySyncs {
user.handleHistorySync(user.BackfillQueue, evt.Data)
func (user *User) dailyMediaRequestLoop() {
// Calculate when to do the first set of media retry requests
now := time.Now()
userTz, err := time.LoadLocation(user.Timezone)
if err != nil {
userTz = now.Local().Location()
tonightMidnight := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, userTz)
midnightOffset := time.Duration(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MediaRequests.RequestLocalTime) * time.Minute
requestStartTime := tonightMidnight.Add(midnightOffset)
// If the request time for today has already happened, we need to start the
// request loop tomorrow instead.
if requestStartTime.Before(now) {
requestStartTime = requestStartTime.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
// Wait to start the loop
user.log.Infof("Waiting until %s to do media retry requests", requestStartTime)
for {
mediaBackfillRequests := user.bridge.DB.MediaBackfillRequest.GetMediaBackfillRequestsForUser(user.MXID)
user.log.Infof("Sending %d media retry requests", len(mediaBackfillRequests))
// Send all of the media backfill requests for the user at once
for _, req := range mediaBackfillRequests {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(req.PortalKey.JID)
_, err := portal.requestMediaRetry(user, req.EventID, req.MediaKey)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnf("Failed to send media retry request for %s / %s", req.PortalKey.String(), req.EventID)
req.Status = database.MediaBackfillRequestStatusRequestFailed
req.Error = err.Error()
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Sent media retry request for %s / %s", req.PortalKey.String(), req.EventID)
req.Status = database.MediaBackfillRequestStatusRequested
req.MediaKey = nil
// Wait for 24 hours before making requests again
time.Sleep(24 * time.Hour)
func (user *User) backfillInChunks(req *database.Backfill, conv *database.HistorySyncConversation, portal *Portal) {
defer portal.backfillLock.Unlock()
if !user.shouldCreatePortalForHistorySync(conv, portal) {
2022-05-17 12:50:01 -06:00
backfillState := user.bridge.DB.Backfill.GetBackfillState(user.MXID, &portal.Key)
if backfillState == nil {
backfillState = user.bridge.DB.Backfill.NewBackfillState(user.MXID, &portal.Key)
defer backfillState.SetProcessingBatch(false)
var forwardPrevID id.EventID
var timeEnd *time.Time
var isLatestEvents bool
if req.BackfillType == database.BackfillForward {
// TODO this overrides the TimeStart set when enqueuing the backfill
// maybe the enqueue should instead include the prev event ID
lastMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
forwardPrevID = lastMessage.MXID
start := lastMessage.Timestamp.Add(1 * time.Second)
req.TimeStart = &start
// Sending events at the end of the room (= latest events)
isLatestEvents = true
} else {
firstMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetFirstInChat(portal.Key)
if firstMessage != nil {
end := firstMessage.Timestamp.Add(-1 * time.Second)
timeEnd = &end
user.log.Debugfln("Limiting backfill to end at %v", end)
} else {
// Portal is empty -> events are latest
isLatestEvents = true
if !isLatestEvents {
// We'll use normal batch sending, so no need to keep blocking new message processing
} else {
// This might involve sending events at the end of the room as non-historical events,
// make sure we don't process messages until this is done.
defer portal.latestEventBackfillLock.Unlock()
allMsgs := user.bridge.DB.HistorySync.GetMessagesBetween(user.MXID, conv.ConversationID, req.TimeStart, timeEnd, req.MaxTotalEvents)
sendDisappearedNotice := false
// If expired messages are on, and a notice has not been sent to this chat
// about it having disappeared messages at the conversation timestamp, send
// a notice indicating so.
if len(allMsgs) == 0 && conv.EphemeralExpiration != nil && *conv.EphemeralExpiration > 0 {
lastMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
if lastMessage == nil || conv.LastMessageTimestamp.After(lastMessage.Timestamp) {
sendDisappearedNotice = true
if !sendDisappearedNotice && len(allMsgs) == 0 {
user.log.Debugfln("Not backfilling %s: no bridgeable messages found", portal.Key.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
user.log.Debugln("Creating portal for", portal.Key.JID, "as part of history sync handling")
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user, nil, true, false)
if err != nil {
2022-04-16 22:58:47 +03:00
user.log.Errorfln("Failed to create room for %s during backfill: %v", portal.Key.JID, err)
// Update the backfill status here after the room has been created.
if sendDisappearedNotice {
user.log.Debugfln("Sending notice to %s that there are disappeared messages ending at %v", portal.Key.JID, conv.LastMessageTimestamp)
resp, err := portal.sendMessage(portal.MainIntent(), event.EventMessage, &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
Body: portal.formatDisappearingMessageNotice(),
}, nil, conv.LastMessageTimestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending disappearing messages notice event")
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Chat = portal.Key
msg.MXID = resp.EventID
msg.JID = types.MessageID(resp.EventID)
msg.Timestamp = conv.LastMessageTimestamp
msg.Sent = true
msg.Type = database.MsgFake
user.log.Infofln("Backfilling %d messages in %s, %d messages at a time (queue ID: %d)", len(allMsgs), portal.Key.JID, req.MaxBatchEvents, req.QueueID)
toBackfill := allMsgs[0:]
var insertionEventIds []id.EventID
2022-04-18 20:12:24 +03:00
for len(toBackfill) > 0 {
var msgs []*waProto.WebMessageInfo
if len(toBackfill) <= req.MaxBatchEvents || req.MaxBatchEvents < 0 {
msgs = toBackfill
2022-04-18 20:12:24 +03:00
toBackfill = nil
} else {
2022-04-17 00:46:15 +03:00
msgs = toBackfill[:req.MaxBatchEvents]
toBackfill = toBackfill[req.MaxBatchEvents:]
if len(msgs) > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(req.BatchDelay) * time.Second)
user.log.Debugfln("Backfilling %d messages in %s (queue ID: %d)", len(msgs), portal.Key.JID, req.QueueID)
resp := portal.backfill(user, msgs, req.BackfillType == database.BackfillForward, isLatestEvents, forwardPrevID)
if resp != nil && (resp.BaseInsertionEventID != "" || !isLatestEvents) {
insertionEventIds = append(insertionEventIds, resp.BaseInsertionEventID)
user.log.Debugfln("Finished backfilling %d messages in %s (queue ID: %d)", len(allMsgs), portal.Key.JID, req.QueueID)
if len(insertionEventIds) > 0 {
2022-04-17 00:46:15 +03:00
time.Unix(int64(allMsgs[0].GetMessageTimestamp()), 0),
user.log.Debugfln("Deleting %d history sync messages after backfilling (queue ID: %d)", len(allMsgs), req.QueueID)
err := user.bridge.DB.HistorySync.DeleteMessages(user.MXID, conv.ConversationID, allMsgs)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to delete %d history sync messages after backfilling (queue ID: %d): %v", len(allMsgs), req.QueueID, err)
2022-05-17 12:50:01 -06:00
if req.TimeStart == nil {
// If the time start is nil, then there's no more history to backfill.
backfillState.BackfillComplete = true
if conv.EndOfHistoryTransferType == waProto.Conversation_COMPLETE_BUT_MORE_MESSAGES_REMAIN_ON_PRIMARY {
// Since there are more messages on the phone, but we can't
// backfill any more of them, indicate that the last timestamp
2022-05-17 12:50:01 -06:00
// that we expect to be backfilled is the oldest one that was just
// backfilled.
backfillState.FirstExpectedTimestamp = allMsgs[len(allMsgs)-1].GetMessageTimestamp()
} else if conv.EndOfHistoryTransferType == waProto.Conversation_COMPLETE_AND_NO_MORE_MESSAGE_REMAIN_ON_PRIMARY {
// Since there are no more messages left on the phone, we've
// backfilled everything. Indicate so by setting the expected
// timestamp to 0 which means that the backfill goes to the
// beginning of time.
backfillState.FirstExpectedTimestamp = 0
2022-05-17 12:50:01 -06:00
if !conv.MarkedAsUnread && conv.UnreadCount == 0 {
} else if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.SyncManualMarkedUnread {
user.markUnread(portal, true)
func (user *User) shouldCreatePortalForHistorySync(conv *database.HistorySyncConversation, portal *Portal) bool {
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
if !user.bridge.AS.StateStore.IsInRoom(portal.MXID, user.MXID) {
// Portal exists, let backfill continue
return true
} else if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.CreatePortals {
user.log.Debugfln("Not creating portal for %s: creating rooms from history sync is disabled", portal.Key.JID)
2022-05-24 14:02:06 +03:00
return false
} else {
// Portal doesn't exist, but should be created
return true
func (user *User) handleHistorySync(backfillQueue *BackfillQueue, evt *waProto.HistorySync) {
if evt == nil || evt.SyncType == nil || evt.GetSyncType() == waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_STATUS_V3 || evt.GetSyncType() == waProto.HistorySync_PUSH_NAME {
2022-04-12 08:32:00 -06:00
description := fmt.Sprintf("type %s, %d conversations, chunk order %d, progress: %d", evt.GetSyncType(), len(evt.GetConversations()), evt.GetChunkOrder(), evt.GetProgress())
user.log.Infoln("Storing history sync with", description)
for _, conv := range evt.GetConversations() {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(conv.GetId())
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to parse chat JID '%s' in history sync: %v", conv.GetId(), err)
2022-04-16 22:58:47 +03:00
} else if jid.Server == types.BroadcastServer {
user.log.Debugfln("Skipping broadcast list %s in history sync", jid)
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(jid)
historySyncConversation := user.bridge.DB.HistorySync.NewConversationWithValues(
for _, rawMsg := range conv.GetMessages() {
// Don't store messages that will just be skipped.
msgEvt, err := user.Client.ParseWebMessage(portal.Key.JID, rawMsg.GetMessage())
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Dropping historical message due to info parse error:", err)
msgType := getMessageType(msgEvt.Message)
if msgType == "unknown" || msgType == "ignore" || msgType == "unknown_protocol" {
// Don't store unsupported messages.
if !containsSupportedMessage(msgEvt.Message) {
message, err := user.bridge.DB.HistorySync.NewMessageWithValues(user.MXID, conv.GetId(), msgEvt.Info.ID, rawMsg)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to save message %s in %s. Error: %+v", msgEvt.Info.ID, conv.GetId(), err)
// If this was the initial bootstrap, enqueue immediate backfills for the
// most recent portals. If it's the last history sync event, start
// backfilling the rest of the history of the portals.
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
if evt.GetSyncType() != waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP && evt.GetProgress() < 98 {
nMostRecent := user.bridge.DB.HistorySync.GetNMostRecentConversations(user.MXID, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MaxInitialConversations)
if len(nMostRecent) > 0 {
// Find the portals for all of the conversations.
portals := []*Portal{}
for _, conv := range nMostRecent {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(conv.ConversationID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to parse chat JID '%s' in history sync: %v", conv.ConversationID, err)
portals = append(portals, user.GetPortalByJID(jid))
switch evt.GetSyncType() {
case waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP:
// Enqueue immediate backfills for the most recent messages first.
case waProto.HistorySync_FULL, waProto.HistorySync_RECENT:
// Enqueue deferred backfills as configured.
// Tell the queue to check for new backfill requests.
func getConversationTimestamp(conv *waProto.Conversation) uint64 {
convTs := conv.GetConversationTimestamp()
if convTs == 0 && len(conv.GetMessages()) > 0 {
convTs = conv.Messages[0].GetMessage().GetMessageTimestamp()
return convTs
func (user *User) EnqueueImmedateBackfills(portals []*Portal) {
for priority, portal := range portals {
maxMessages := user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Immediate.MaxEvents
initialBackfill := user.bridge.DB.Backfill.NewWithValues(user.MXID, database.BackfillImmediate, priority, &portal.Key, nil, maxMessages, maxMessages, 0)
func (user *User) EnqueueDeferredBackfills(portals []*Portal) {
numPortals := len(portals)
for stageIdx, backfillStage := range user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Deferred {
for portalIdx, portal := range portals {
var startDate *time.Time = nil
if backfillStage.StartDaysAgo > 0 {
startDaysAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -backfillStage.StartDaysAgo)
startDate = &startDaysAgo
backfillMessages := user.bridge.DB.Backfill.NewWithValues(
user.MXID, database.BackfillDeferred, stageIdx*numPortals+portalIdx, &portal.Key, startDate, backfillStage.MaxBatchEvents, -1, backfillStage.BatchDelay)
func (user *User) EnqueueForwardBackfills(portals []*Portal) {
for priority, portal := range portals {
lastMsg := user.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
if lastMsg == nil {
backfill := user.bridge.DB.Backfill.NewWithValues(
user.MXID, database.BackfillForward, priority, &portal.Key, &lastMsg.Timestamp, -1, -1, 0)
// endregion
// region Portal backfilling
var (
PortalCreationDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.portal_created", Class: event.MessageEventType}
PreBackfillDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.pre_backfill", Class: event.MessageEventType}
2022-05-24 14:02:06 +03:00
HistorySyncMarker = event.Type{Type: "org.matrix.msc2716.marker", Class: event.MessageEventType}
BackfillStatusEvent = event.Type{Type: "com.beeper.backfill_status", Class: event.StateEventType}
func (portal *Portal) backfill(source *User, messages []*waProto.WebMessageInfo, isForward, isLatest bool, prevEventID id.EventID) *mautrix.RespBatchSend {
var req mautrix.ReqBatchSend
var infos []*wrappedInfo
if !isForward {
if portal.FirstEventID != "" || portal.NextBatchID != "" {
req.PrevEventID = portal.FirstEventID
req.BatchID = portal.NextBatchID
} else {
portal.log.Warnfln("Can't backfill %d messages through %s to chat: first event ID not known", len(messages), source.MXID)
return nil
} else {
req.PrevEventID = prevEventID
req.BeeperNewMessages = isLatest && req.BatchID == ""
beforeFirstMessageTimestampMillis := (int64(messages[len(messages)-1].GetMessageTimestamp()) * 1000) - 1
req.StateEventsAtStart = make([]*event.Event, 0)
addedMembers := make(map[id.UserID]struct{})
addMember := func(puppet *Puppet) {
if _, alreadyAdded := addedMembers[puppet.MXID]; alreadyAdded {
mxid := puppet.MXID.String()
content := event.MemberEventContent{
Membership: event.MembershipJoin,
Displayname: puppet.Displayname,
AvatarURL: puppet.AvatarURL.CUString(),
inviteContent := content
inviteContent.Membership = event.MembershipInvite
req.StateEventsAtStart = append(req.StateEventsAtStart, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateMember,
Sender: portal.MainIntent().UserID,
StateKey: &mxid,
Timestamp: beforeFirstMessageTimestampMillis,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &inviteContent},
}, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateMember,
Sender: puppet.MXID,
StateKey: &mxid,
Timestamp: beforeFirstMessageTimestampMillis,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &content},
addedMembers[puppet.MXID] = struct{}{}
2022-05-24 14:02:06 +03:00
portal.log.Infofln("Processing history sync with %d messages (forward: %t, latest: %t, prev: %s, batch: %s)", len(messages), isForward, isLatest, req.PrevEventID, req.BatchID)
// The messages are ordered newest to oldest, so iterate them in reverse order.
for i := len(messages) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
webMsg := messages[i]
msgEvt, err := source.Client.ParseWebMessage(portal.Key.JID, webMsg)
if err != nil {
msgType := getMessageType(msgEvt.Message)
if msgType == "unknown" || msgType == "ignore" || msgType == "unknown_protocol" {
if msgType != "ignore" {
portal.log.Debugfln("Skipping message %s with unknown type in backfill", msgEvt.Info.ID)
if webMsg.GetPushName() != "" && webMsg.GetPushName() != "-" {
existingContact, _ := source.Client.Store.Contacts.GetContact(msgEvt.Info.Sender)
if !existingContact.Found || existingContact.PushName == "" {
changed, _, err := source.Client.Store.Contacts.PutPushName(msgEvt.Info.Sender, webMsg.GetPushName())
if err != nil {
source.log.Errorfln("Failed to save push name of %s from historical message in device store: %v", msgEvt.Info.Sender, err)
} else if changed {
source.log.Debugfln("Got push name %s for %s from historical message", webMsg.GetPushName(), msgEvt.Info.Sender)
puppet := portal.getMessagePuppet(source, &msgEvt.Info)
if puppet == nil {
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
if intent.IsCustomPuppet && !portal.bridge.Config.CanDoublePuppetBackfill(puppet.CustomMXID) {
intent = puppet.DefaultIntent()
converted := portal.convertMessage(intent, source, &msgEvt.Info, msgEvt.Message, true)
if converted == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Skipping unsupported message %s in backfill", msgEvt.Info.ID)
if !intent.IsCustomPuppet && !portal.bridge.StateStore.IsInRoom(portal.MXID, puppet.MXID) {
2021-11-05 11:47:51 +02:00
// TODO this won't work for history
if len(converted.ReplyTo) > 0 {
portal.SetReply(converted.Content, converted.ReplyTo)
err = portal.appendBatchEvents(converted, &msgEvt.Info, webMsg.GetEphemeralStartTimestamp(), &req.Events, &infos)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error handling message %s during backfill: %v", msgEvt.Info.ID, err)
portal.log.Infofln("Made %d Matrix events from messages in batch", len(req.Events))
if len(req.Events) == 0 {
return nil
if len(req.BatchID) == 0 || isForward {
portal.log.Debugln("Sending a dummy event to avoid forward extremity errors with backfill")
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, PreBackfillDummyEvent, struct{}{})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Error sending pre-backfill dummy event:", err)
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().BatchSend(portal.MXID, &req)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error batch sending messages:", err)
return nil
} else {
txn, err := portal.bridge.DB.Begin()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to start transaction to save batch messages:", err)
return nil
// Do the following block in the transaction
portal.finishBatch(txn, resp.EventIDs, infos)
portal.NextBatchID = resp.NextBatchID
err = txn.Commit()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to commit transaction to save batch messages:", err)
return nil
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MediaRequests.AutoRequestMedia {
go portal.requestMediaRetries(source, resp.EventIDs, infos)
return resp
func (portal *Portal) requestMediaRetries(source *User, eventIDs []id.EventID, infos []*wrappedInfo) {
for i, info := range infos {
2022-05-02 15:47:35 +03:00
if info != nil && info.Error == database.MsgErrMediaNotFound && info.MediaKey != nil {
switch portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MediaRequests.RequestMethod {
case config.MediaRequestMethodImmediate:
err := source.Client.SendMediaRetryReceipt(info.MessageInfo, info.MediaKey)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to send post-backfill media retry request for %s: %v", info.ID, err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Sent post-backfill media retry request for %s", info.ID)
case config.MediaRequestMethodLocalTime:
req := portal.bridge.DB.MediaBackfillRequest.NewMediaBackfillRequestWithValues(source.MXID, &portal.Key, eventIDs[i], info.MediaKey)
func (portal *Portal) appendBatchEvents(converted *ConvertedMessage, info *types.MessageInfo, expirationStart uint64, eventsArray *[]*event.Event, infoArray *[]*wrappedInfo) error {
mainEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Content, converted.Extra)
if err != nil {
return err
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.CaptionInMessage {
if converted.Caption != nil {
captionEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Caption, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, mainEvt, captionEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, &wrappedInfo{info, database.MsgNormal, converted.Error, converted.MediaKey, expirationStart, converted.ExpiresIn}, nil)
} else {
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, mainEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, &wrappedInfo{info, database.MsgNormal, converted.Error, converted.MediaKey, expirationStart, converted.ExpiresIn})
2022-01-03 16:11:39 +02:00
if converted.MultiEvent != nil {
for _, subEvtContent := range converted.MultiEvent {
subEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, subEvtContent, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, subEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, nil)
return nil
const backfillIDField = "fi.mau.whatsapp.backfill_msg_id"
func (portal *Portal) wrapBatchEvent(info *types.MessageInfo, intent *appservice.IntentAPI, eventType event.Type, content *event.MessageEventContent, extraContent map[string]interface{}) (*event.Event, error) {
if extraContent == nil {
extraContent = map[string]interface{}{}
extraContent[backfillIDField] = info.ID
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
2021-12-15 13:51:20 +02:00
extraContent[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
wrappedContent := event.Content{
Parsed: content,
Raw: extraContent,
newEventType, err := portal.encrypt(&wrappedContent, eventType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
2022-04-16 22:58:47 +03:00
if newEventType == event.EventEncrypted {
// Clear other custom keys if the event was encrypted, but keep the double puppet identifier
wrappedContent.Raw = map[string]interface{}{backfillIDField: info.ID}
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
wrappedContent.Raw[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
return &event.Event{
Sender: intent.UserID,
Type: newEventType,
Timestamp: info.Timestamp.UnixMilli(),
Content: wrappedContent,
}, nil
func (portal *Portal) finishBatch(txn *sql.Tx, eventIDs []id.EventID, infos []*wrappedInfo) {
for i, info := range infos {
if info == nil {
eventID := eventIDs[i]
portal.markHandled(txn, nil, info.MessageInfo, eventID, true, false, info.Type, info.Error)
if info.ExpiresIn > 0 {
if info.ExpirationStart > 0 {
remainingSeconds := time.Unix(int64(info.ExpirationStart), 0).Add(time.Duration(info.ExpiresIn) * time.Second).Sub(time.Now()).Seconds()
portal.log.Debugfln("Disappearing history sync message: expires in %d, started at %d, remaining %d", info.ExpiresIn, info.ExpirationStart, int(remainingSeconds))
portal.MarkDisappearing(eventID, uint32(remainingSeconds), true)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Disappearing history sync message: expires in %d (not started)", info.ExpiresIn)
portal.MarkDisappearing(eventID, info.ExpiresIn, false)
portal.log.Infofln("Successfully sent %d events", len(eventIDs))
func (portal *Portal) sendPostBackfillDummy(lastTimestamp time.Time, insertionEventId id.EventID) {
2022-04-18 20:12:24 +03:00
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, HistorySyncMarker, map[string]interface{}{
"org.matrix.msc2716.marker.insertion": insertionEventId,
//"m.marker.insertion": insertionEventId,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending post-backfill dummy event:", err)
2022-04-18 20:12:24 +03:00
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Chat = portal.Key
msg.MXID = resp.EventID
msg.JID = types.MessageID(resp.EventID)
msg.Timestamp = lastTimestamp.Add(1 * time.Second)
msg.Sent = true
msg.Type = database.MsgFake
func (portal *Portal) updateBackfillStatus(backfillState *database.BackfillState) {
backfillStatus := "backfilling"
if backfillState.BackfillComplete {
backfillStatus = "complete"
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, BackfillStatusEvent, "", map[string]interface{}{
"status": backfillStatus,
"first_timestamp": backfillState.FirstExpectedTimestamp * 1000,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending backfill status event:", err)
// endregion