mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 16:50:19 +01:00
This adds a new backfill type for media that sends a request to the phone for every media that is not available on the WA servers. WA deletes media from their servers after about two weeks, so you have to ask the phone to re-upload it. In order to use this, you need to enable bridge.history_sync.backfill_media and configure the requests that will be made per portal using bridge.history_sync.media (which is similar to the deferred backfill config). If you already have backfilled portals, but want to do a one-off media backfill for all existing portals, you can set bridge.history_sync.enqueue_backfill_media_next_start to true.
341 lines
9.7 KiB
341 lines
9.7 KiB
// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package config
import (
type DeferredConfig struct {
StartDaysAgo int `yaml:"start_days_ago"`
MaxBatchEvents int `yaml:"max_batch_events"`
BatchDelay int `yaml:"batch_delay"`
type BridgeConfig struct {
UsernameTemplate string `yaml:"username_template"`
DisplaynameTemplate string `yaml:"displayname_template"`
PersonalFilteringSpaces bool `yaml:"personal_filtering_spaces"`
DeliveryReceipts bool `yaml:"delivery_receipts"`
PortalMessageBuffer int `yaml:"portal_message_buffer"`
CallStartNotices bool `yaml:"call_start_notices"`
IdentityChangeNotices bool `yaml:"identity_change_notices"`
HistorySync struct {
CreatePortals bool `yaml:"create_portals"`
Backfill bool `yaml:"backfill"`
BackfillMedia bool `yaml:"backfill_media"`
EnqueueBackfillMediaNextStart bool `yaml:"enqueue_backfill_media_next_start"`
DoublePuppetBackfill bool `yaml:"double_puppet_backfill"`
RequestFullSync bool `yaml:"request_full_sync"`
MaxInitialConversations int `yaml:"max_initial_conversations"`
Immediate struct {
WorkerCount int `yaml:"worker_count"`
MaxEvents int `yaml:"max_events"`
} `yaml:"immediate"`
Deferred []DeferredConfig `yaml:"deferred"`
Media []DeferredConfig `yaml:"media"`
} `yaml:"history_sync"`
UserAvatarSync bool `yaml:"user_avatar_sync"`
BridgeMatrixLeave bool `yaml:"bridge_matrix_leave"`
SyncWithCustomPuppets bool `yaml:"sync_with_custom_puppets"`
SyncDirectChatList bool `yaml:"sync_direct_chat_list"`
DefaultBridgeReceipts bool `yaml:"default_bridge_receipts"`
DefaultBridgePresence bool `yaml:"default_bridge_presence"`
SendPresenceOnTyping bool `yaml:"send_presence_on_typing"`
ForceActiveDeliveryReceipts bool `yaml:"force_active_delivery_receipts"`
DoublePuppetServerMap map[string]string `yaml:"double_puppet_server_map"`
DoublePuppetAllowDiscovery bool `yaml:"double_puppet_allow_discovery"`
LoginSharedSecretMap map[string]string `yaml:"login_shared_secret_map"`
PrivateChatPortalMeta bool `yaml:"private_chat_portal_meta"`
BridgeNotices bool `yaml:"bridge_notices"`
ResendBridgeInfo bool `yaml:"resend_bridge_info"`
MuteBridging bool `yaml:"mute_bridging"`
ArchiveTag string `yaml:"archive_tag"`
PinnedTag string `yaml:"pinned_tag"`
TagOnlyOnCreate bool `yaml:"tag_only_on_create"`
MarkReadOnlyOnCreate bool `yaml:"mark_read_only_on_create"`
EnableStatusBroadcast bool `yaml:"enable_status_broadcast"`
MuteStatusBroadcast bool `yaml:"mute_status_broadcast"`
WhatsappThumbnail bool `yaml:"whatsapp_thumbnail"`
AllowUserInvite bool `yaml:"allow_user_invite"`
FederateRooms bool `yaml:"federate_rooms"`
URLPreviews bool `yaml:"url_previews"`
DisappearingMessagesInGroups bool `yaml:"disappearing_messages_in_groups"`
DisableBridgeAlerts bool `yaml:"disable_bridge_alerts"`
CommandPrefix string `yaml:"command_prefix"`
ManagementRoomText struct {
Welcome string `yaml:"welcome"`
WelcomeConnected string `yaml:"welcome_connected"`
WelcomeUnconnected string `yaml:"welcome_unconnected"`
AdditionalHelp string `yaml:"additional_help"`
} `yaml:"management_room_text"`
Encryption struct {
Allow bool `yaml:"allow"`
Default bool `yaml:"default"`
KeySharing struct {
Allow bool `yaml:"allow"`
RequireCrossSigning bool `yaml:"require_cross_signing"`
RequireVerification bool `yaml:"require_verification"`
} `yaml:"key_sharing"`
} `yaml:"encryption"`
Permissions PermissionConfig `yaml:"permissions"`
Relay RelaybotConfig `yaml:"relay"`
usernameTemplate *template.Template `yaml:"-"`
displaynameTemplate *template.Template `yaml:"-"`
type umBridgeConfig BridgeConfig
func (bc *BridgeConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
err := unmarshal((*umBridgeConfig)(bc))
if err != nil {
return err
bc.usernameTemplate, err = template.New("username").Parse(bc.UsernameTemplate)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if !strings.Contains(bc.FormatUsername("1234567890"), "1234567890") {
return fmt.Errorf("username template is missing user ID placeholder")
bc.displaynameTemplate, err = template.New("displayname").Parse(bc.DisplaynameTemplate)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type UsernameTemplateArgs struct {
UserID id.UserID
type legacyContactInfo struct {
Phone string
Notify string
VName string
Name string
Short string
JID string
func (bc BridgeConfig) FormatDisplayname(jid types.JID, contact types.ContactInfo) (string, int8) {
var buf strings.Builder
_ = bc.displaynameTemplate.Execute(&buf, legacyContactInfo{
ContactInfo: contact,
Notify: contact.PushName,
VName: contact.BusinessName,
Name: contact.FullName,
Short: contact.FirstName,
Phone: "+" + jid.User,
JID: "+" + jid.User,
var quality int8
switch {
case len(contact.PushName) > 0 || len(contact.BusinessName) > 0:
quality = 3
case len(contact.FullName) > 0 || len(contact.FirstName) > 0:
quality = 2
quality = 1
return buf.String(), quality
func (bc BridgeConfig) FormatUsername(username string) string {
var buf strings.Builder
_ = bc.usernameTemplate.Execute(&buf, username)
return buf.String()
type PermissionConfig map[string]PermissionLevel
type PermissionLevel int
const (
PermissionLevelDefault PermissionLevel = 0
PermissionLevelRelay PermissionLevel = 5
PermissionLevelUser PermissionLevel = 10
PermissionLevelAdmin PermissionLevel = 100
func (pc *PermissionConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
rawPC := make(map[string]string)
err := unmarshal(&rawPC)
if err != nil {
return err
if *pc == nil {
*pc = make(map[string]PermissionLevel)
for key, value := range rawPC {
switch strings.ToLower(value) {
case "relaybot", "relay":
(*pc)[key] = PermissionLevelRelay
case "user":
(*pc)[key] = PermissionLevelUser
case "admin":
(*pc)[key] = PermissionLevelAdmin
val, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
(*pc)[key] = PermissionLevelDefault
} else {
(*pc)[key] = PermissionLevel(val)
return nil
func (pc *PermissionConfig) MarshalYAML() (interface{}, error) {
if *pc == nil {
return nil, nil
rawPC := make(map[string]string)
for key, value := range *pc {
switch value {
case PermissionLevelRelay:
rawPC[key] = "relay"
case PermissionLevelUser:
rawPC[key] = "user"
case PermissionLevelAdmin:
rawPC[key] = "admin"
rawPC[key] = strconv.Itoa(int(value))
return rawPC, nil
func (pc PermissionConfig) IsRelayWhitelisted(userID id.UserID) bool {
return pc.GetPermissionLevel(userID) >= PermissionLevelRelay
func (pc PermissionConfig) IsWhitelisted(userID id.UserID) bool {
return pc.GetPermissionLevel(userID) >= PermissionLevelUser
func (pc PermissionConfig) IsAdmin(userID id.UserID) bool {
return pc.GetPermissionLevel(userID) >= PermissionLevelAdmin
func (pc PermissionConfig) GetPermissionLevel(userID id.UserID) PermissionLevel {
permissions, ok := pc[string(userID)]
if ok {
return permissions
_, homeserver, _ := userID.Parse()
permissions, ok = pc[homeserver]
if len(homeserver) > 0 && ok {
return permissions
permissions, ok = pc["*"]
if ok {
return permissions
return PermissionLevelDefault
type RelaybotConfig struct {
Enabled bool `yaml:"enabled"`
AdminOnly bool `yaml:"admin_only"`
MessageFormats map[event.MessageType]string `yaml:"message_formats"`
messageTemplates *template.Template `yaml:"-"`
type umRelaybotConfig RelaybotConfig
func (rc *RelaybotConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
err := unmarshal((*umRelaybotConfig)(rc))
if err != nil {
return err
rc.messageTemplates = template.New("messageTemplates")
for key, format := range rc.MessageFormats {
_, err := rc.messageTemplates.New(string(key)).Parse(format)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type Sender struct {
UserID string
type formatData struct {
Sender Sender
Message string
Content *event.MessageEventContent
func (rc *RelaybotConfig) FormatMessage(content *event.MessageEventContent, sender id.UserID, member event.MemberEventContent) (string, error) {
if len(member.Displayname) == 0 {
member.Displayname = sender.String()
member.Displayname = template.HTMLEscapeString(member.Displayname)
var output strings.Builder
err := rc.messageTemplates.ExecuteTemplate(&output, string(content.MsgType), formatData{
Sender: Sender{
UserID: template.HTMLEscapeString(sender.String()),
MemberEventContent: member,
Content: content,
Message: content.FormattedBody,
return output.String(), err