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// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
_ "image/gif"
log "maunium.net/go/maulogger/v2"
waProto "go.mau.fi/whatsmeow/binary/proto"
const StatusBroadcastTopic = "WhatsApp status updates from your contacts"
const StatusBroadcastName = "WhatsApp Status Broadcast"
const BroadcastTopic = "WhatsApp broadcast list"
const UnnamedBroadcastName = "Unnamed broadcast list"
const PrivateChatTopic = "WhatsApp private chat"
var ErrStatusBroadcastDisabled = errors.New("status bridging is disabled")
func (bridge *Bridge) GetPortalByMXID(mxid id.RoomID) *Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByMXID[mxid]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBPortal(bridge.DB.Portal.GetByMXID(mxid), nil)
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) GetPortalByJID(key database.PortalKey) *Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByJID[key]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBPortal(bridge.DB.Portal.GetByJID(key), &key)
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllPortals() []*Portal {
return bridge.dbPortalsToPortals(bridge.DB.Portal.GetAll())
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllPortalsForUser(userID id.UserID) []*Portal {
return bridge.dbPortalsToPortals(bridge.DB.Portal.GetAllForUser(userID))
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllPortalsByJID(jid types.JID) []*Portal {
return bridge.dbPortalsToPortals(bridge.DB.Portal.GetAllByJID(jid))
func (bridge *Bridge) dbPortalsToPortals(dbPortals []*database.Portal) []*Portal {
defer bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
output := make([]*Portal, len(dbPortals))
for index, dbPortal := range dbPortals {
if dbPortal == nil {
portal, ok := bridge.portalsByJID[dbPortal.Key]
if !ok {
portal = bridge.loadDBPortal(dbPortal, nil)
output[index] = portal
return output
func (bridge *Bridge) loadDBPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal, key *database.PortalKey) *Portal {
if dbPortal == nil {
if key == nil {
return nil
dbPortal = bridge.DB.Portal.New()
dbPortal.Key = *key
portal := bridge.NewPortal(dbPortal)
bridge.portalsByJID[portal.Key] = portal
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
bridge.portalsByMXID[portal.MXID] = portal
return portal
func (portal *Portal) GetUsers() []*User {
return nil
func (bridge *Bridge) newBlankPortal(key database.PortalKey) *Portal {
portal := &Portal{
bridge: bridge,
log: bridge.Log.Sub(fmt.Sprintf("Portal/%s", key)),
messages: make(chan PortalMessage, bridge.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
receipts: make(chan PortalReceipt, bridge.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
matrixMessages: make(chan PortalMatrixMessage, bridge.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
mediaRetries: make(chan PortalMediaRetry, bridge.Config.Bridge.PortalMessageBuffer),
mediaErrorCache: make(map[types.MessageID]*FailedMediaMeta),
go portal.handleMessageLoop()
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) NewManualPortal(key database.PortalKey) *Portal {
portal := bridge.newBlankPortal(key)
portal.Portal = bridge.DB.Portal.New()
portal.Key = key
return portal
func (bridge *Bridge) NewPortal(dbPortal *database.Portal) *Portal {
portal := bridge.newBlankPortal(dbPortal.Key)
portal.Portal = dbPortal
return portal
const recentlyHandledLength = 100
type fakeMessage struct {
Sender types.JID
Text string
ID string
Time time.Time
Important bool
type PortalMessage struct {
evt *events.Message
undecryptable *events.UndecryptableMessage
fake *fakeMessage
source *User
type PortalReceipt struct {
evt *events.Receipt
source *User
type PortalMatrixMessage struct {
evt *event.Event
user *User
type PortalMediaRetry struct {
evt *events.MediaRetry
source *User
type recentlyHandledWrapper struct {
id types.MessageID
err database.MessageErrorType
type Portal struct {
bridge *Bridge
log log.Logger
roomCreateLock sync.Mutex
encryptLock sync.Mutex
backfillLock sync.Mutex
avatarLock sync.Mutex
recentlyHandled [recentlyHandledLength]recentlyHandledWrapper
recentlyHandledLock sync.Mutex
recentlyHandledIndex uint8
privateChatBackfillInvitePuppet func()
currentlyTyping []id.UserID
currentlyTypingLock sync.Mutex
messages chan PortalMessage
receipts chan PortalReceipt
matrixMessages chan PortalMatrixMessage
mediaRetries chan PortalMediaRetry
mediaErrorCache map[types.MessageID]*FailedMediaMeta
relayUser *User
func (portal *Portal) handleMessageLoopItem(msg PortalMessage) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if msg.fake == nil && msg.undecryptable == nil && (msg.evt == nil || !containsSupportedMessage(msg.evt.Message)) {
portal.log.Debugln("Not creating portal room for incoming message: message is not a chat message")
portal.log.Debugln("Creating Matrix room from incoming message")
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(msg.source, nil, false, true)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to create portal room:", err)
if msg.evt != nil {
portal.handleMessage(msg.source, msg.evt)
} else if msg.undecryptable != nil {
portal.handleUndecryptableMessage(msg.source, msg.undecryptable)
} else if msg.fake != nil {
msg.fake.ID = "FAKE::" + msg.fake.ID
} else {
portal.log.Warnln("Unexpected PortalMessage with no message: %+v", msg)
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixMessageLoopItem(msg PortalMatrixMessage) {
portal.HandleMatrixReadReceipt(msg.user, "", time.UnixMilli(msg.evt.Timestamp), false)
switch msg.evt.Type {
case event.EventMessage, event.EventSticker:
portal.HandleMatrixMessage(msg.user, msg.evt)
case event.EventRedaction:
portal.HandleMatrixRedaction(msg.user, msg.evt)
portal.log.Warnln("Unsupported event type %+v in portal message channel", msg.evt.Type)
func (portal *Portal) handleReceipt(receipt *events.Receipt, source *User) {
// The order of the message ID array depends on the sender's platform, so we just have to find
// the last message based on timestamp. Also, timestamps only have second precision, so if
// there are many messages at the same second just mark them all as read, because we don't
// know which one is last
markAsRead := make([]*database.Message, 0, 1)
var bestTimestamp time.Time
for _, msgID := range receipt.MessageIDs {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, msgID)
if msg == nil || msg.IsFakeMXID() {
if msg.Timestamp.After(bestTimestamp) {
bestTimestamp = msg.Timestamp
markAsRead = append(markAsRead[:0], msg)
} else if msg != nil && msg.Timestamp.Equal(bestTimestamp) {
markAsRead = append(markAsRead, msg)
if receipt.Sender.User == source.JID.User {
if len(markAsRead) > 0 {
source.SetLastReadTS(portal.Key, markAsRead[0].Timestamp)
} else {
source.SetLastReadTS(portal.Key, receipt.Timestamp)
intent := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(receipt.Sender).IntentFor(portal)
for _, msg := range markAsRead {
err := intent.SetReadMarkers(portal.MXID, makeReadMarkerContent(msg.MXID, intent.IsCustomPuppet))
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to mark message %s as read by %s: %v", msg.MXID, intent.UserID, err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Marked %s as read by %s", msg.MXID, intent.UserID)
func (portal *Portal) handleMessageLoop() {
for {
select {
case msg := <-portal.messages:
case receipt := <-portal.receipts:
portal.handleReceipt(receipt.evt, receipt.source)
case msg := <-portal.matrixMessages:
case retry := <-portal.mediaRetries:
portal.handleMediaRetry(retry.evt, retry.source)
func containsSupportedMessage(waMsg *waProto.Message) bool {
if waMsg == nil {
return false
return waMsg.Conversation != nil || waMsg.ExtendedTextMessage != nil || waMsg.ImageMessage != nil ||
waMsg.StickerMessage != nil || waMsg.AudioMessage != nil || waMsg.VideoMessage != nil ||
waMsg.DocumentMessage != nil || waMsg.ContactMessage != nil || waMsg.LocationMessage != nil ||
waMsg.LiveLocationMessage != nil || waMsg.GroupInviteMessage != nil || waMsg.ContactsArrayMessage != nil
func getMessageType(waMsg *waProto.Message) string {
switch {
case waMsg == nil:
return "ignore"
case waMsg.Conversation != nil, waMsg.ExtendedTextMessage != nil:
return "text"
case waMsg.ImageMessage != nil:
return fmt.Sprintf("image %s", waMsg.GetImageMessage().GetMimetype())
case waMsg.StickerMessage != nil:
return fmt.Sprintf("sticker %s", waMsg.GetStickerMessage().GetMimetype())
case waMsg.VideoMessage != nil:
return fmt.Sprintf("video %s", waMsg.GetVideoMessage().GetMimetype())
case waMsg.AudioMessage != nil:
return fmt.Sprintf("audio %s", waMsg.GetAudioMessage().GetMimetype())
case waMsg.DocumentMessage != nil:
return fmt.Sprintf("document %s", waMsg.GetDocumentMessage().GetMimetype())
case waMsg.ContactMessage != nil:
return "contact"
case waMsg.ContactsArrayMessage != nil:
return "contact array"
case waMsg.LocationMessage != nil:
return "location"
case waMsg.LiveLocationMessage != nil:
return "live location start"
case waMsg.GroupInviteMessage != nil:
return "group invite"
case waMsg.ReactionMessage != nil:
return "reaction"
case waMsg.ProtocolMessage != nil:
switch waMsg.GetProtocolMessage().GetType() {
case waProto.ProtocolMessage_REVOKE:
if waMsg.GetProtocolMessage().GetKey() == nil {
return "ignore"
return "revoke"
case waProto.ProtocolMessage_EPHEMERAL_SETTING:
return "disappearing timer change"
return "ignore"
return fmt.Sprintf("unknown_protocol_%d", waMsg.GetProtocolMessage().GetType())
case waMsg.ButtonsMessage != nil:
return "buttons"
case waMsg.ButtonsResponseMessage != nil:
return "buttons response"
case waMsg.TemplateMessage != nil:
return "template"
case waMsg.HighlyStructuredMessage != nil:
return "highly structured template"
case waMsg.TemplateButtonReplyMessage != nil:
return "template button reply"
case waMsg.InteractiveMessage != nil:
return "interactive"
case waMsg.ListMessage != nil:
return "list"
case waMsg.ProductMessage != nil:
return "product"
case waMsg.ListResponseMessage != nil:
return "list response"
case waMsg.OrderMessage != nil:
return "order"
case waMsg.InvoiceMessage != nil:
return "invoice"
case waMsg.SendPaymentMessage != nil, waMsg.RequestPaymentMessage != nil,
waMsg.DeclinePaymentRequestMessage != nil, waMsg.CancelPaymentRequestMessage != nil,
waMsg.PaymentInviteMessage != nil:
return "payment"
case waMsg.Call != nil:
return "call"
case waMsg.Chat != nil:
return "chat"
case waMsg.SenderKeyDistributionMessage != nil, waMsg.StickerSyncRmrMessage != nil:
return "ignore"
return "unknown"
func pluralUnit(val int, name string) string {
if val == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", val, name)
} else if val == 0 {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %ss", val, name)
func naturalJoin(parts []string) string {
if len(parts) == 0 {
return ""
} else if len(parts) == 1 {
return parts[0]
} else if len(parts) == 2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s", parts[0], parts[1])
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s and %s", strings.Join(parts[:len(parts)-1], ", "), parts[len(parts)-1])
func formatDuration(d time.Duration) string {
const Day = time.Hour * 24
var days, hours, minutes, seconds int
days, d = int(d/Day), d%Day
hours, d = int(d/time.Hour), d%time.Hour
minutes, d = int(d/time.Minute), d%time.Minute
seconds = int(d / time.Second)
parts := make([]string, 0, 4)
if days > 0 {
parts = append(parts, pluralUnit(days, "day"))
if hours > 0 {
parts = append(parts, pluralUnit(hours, "hour"))
if minutes > 0 {
parts = append(parts, pluralUnit(seconds, "minute"))
if seconds > 0 {
parts = append(parts, pluralUnit(seconds, "second"))
return naturalJoin(parts)
func (portal *Portal) convertMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, source *User, info *types.MessageInfo, waMsg *waProto.Message) *ConvertedMessage {
switch {
case waMsg.Conversation != nil || waMsg.ExtendedTextMessage != nil:
return portal.convertTextMessage(intent, source, waMsg)
case waMsg.ImageMessage != nil:
return portal.convertMediaMessage(intent, source, info, waMsg.GetImageMessage())
case waMsg.StickerMessage != nil:
return portal.convertMediaMessage(intent, source, info, waMsg.GetStickerMessage())
case waMsg.VideoMessage != nil:
return portal.convertMediaMessage(intent, source, info, waMsg.GetVideoMessage())
case waMsg.AudioMessage != nil:
return portal.convertMediaMessage(intent, source, info, waMsg.GetAudioMessage())
case waMsg.DocumentMessage != nil:
return portal.convertMediaMessage(intent, source, info, waMsg.GetDocumentMessage())
case waMsg.ContactMessage != nil:
return portal.convertContactMessage(intent, waMsg.GetContactMessage())
case waMsg.ContactsArrayMessage != nil:
return portal.convertContactsArrayMessage(intent, waMsg.GetContactsArrayMessage())
case waMsg.LocationMessage != nil:
return portal.convertLocationMessage(intent, waMsg.GetLocationMessage())
case waMsg.LiveLocationMessage != nil:
return portal.convertLiveLocationMessage(intent, waMsg.GetLiveLocationMessage())
case waMsg.GroupInviteMessage != nil:
return portal.convertGroupInviteMessage(intent, info, waMsg.GetGroupInviteMessage())
case waMsg.ProtocolMessage != nil && waMsg.ProtocolMessage.GetType() == waProto.ProtocolMessage_EPHEMERAL_SETTING:
portal.ExpirationTime = waMsg.ProtocolMessage.GetEphemeralExpiration()
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: portal.formatDisappearingMessageNotice(),
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
return nil
func (portal *Portal) UpdateGroupDisappearingMessages(sender *types.JID, timestamp time.Time, timer uint32) {
portal.ExpirationTime = timer
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if sender != nil {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(sender.ToNonAD()).IntentFor(portal)
} else {
sender = &types.EmptyJID
_, err := portal.sendMessage(intent, event.EventMessage, &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: portal.formatDisappearingMessageNotice(),
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
}, nil, timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to notify portal about disappearing message timer change by %s to %d", *sender, timer)
func (portal *Portal) formatDisappearingMessageNotice() string {
if portal.ExpirationTime == 0 {
return "Turned off disappearing messages"
} else {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Set the disappearing message timer to %s", formatDuration(time.Duration(portal.ExpirationTime)*time.Second))
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.DisappearingMessagesInGroups && portal.IsGroupChat() {
msg += ". However, this bridge is not configured to disappear messages in group chats."
return msg
const UndecryptableMessageNotice = "Decrypting message from WhatsApp failed, waiting for sender to re-send... " +
"([learn more](https://faq.whatsapp.com/general/security-and-privacy/seeing-waiting-for-this-message-this-may-take-a-while))"
var undecryptableMessageContent event.MessageEventContent
func init() {
undecryptableMessageContent = format.RenderMarkdown(UndecryptableMessageNotice, true, false)
undecryptableMessageContent.MsgType = event.MsgNotice
func (portal *Portal) handleUndecryptableMessage(source *User, evt *events.UndecryptableMessage) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.log.Warnln("handleUndecryptableMessage called even though portal.MXID is empty")
} else if portal.isRecentlyHandled(evt.Info.ID, database.MsgErrDecryptionFailed) {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (undecryptable): message was recently handled", evt.Info.ID)
} else if existingMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, evt.Info.ID); existingMsg != nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (undecryptable): message is duplicate", evt.Info.ID)
intent := portal.getMessageIntent(source, &evt.Info)
if !intent.IsCustomPuppet && portal.IsPrivateChat() && evt.Info.Sender.User == portal.Key.Receiver.User {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (undecryptable): user doesn't have double puppeting enabled", evt.Info.ID)
content := undecryptableMessageContent
resp, err := portal.sendMessage(intent, event.EventMessage, &content, nil, evt.Info.Timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to send decryption error of %s to Matrix: %v", evt.Info.ID, err)
portal.finishHandling(nil, &evt.Info, resp.EventID, database.MsgUnknown, database.MsgErrDecryptionFailed)
func (portal *Portal) handleFakeMessage(msg fakeMessage) {
if portal.isRecentlyHandled(msg.ID, database.MsgNoError) {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (fake): message was recently handled", msg.ID)
} else if existingMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, msg.ID); existingMsg != nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (fake): message is duplicate", msg.ID)
intent := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(msg.Sender).IntentFor(portal)
if !intent.IsCustomPuppet && portal.IsPrivateChat() && msg.Sender.User == portal.Key.Receiver.User {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (fake): user doesn't have double puppeting enabled", msg.ID)
msgType := event.MsgNotice
if msg.Important {
msgType = event.MsgText
resp, err := portal.sendMessage(intent, event.EventMessage, &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: msgType,
Body: msg.Text,
}, nil, msg.Time.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send %s to Matrix: %v", msg.ID, err)
} else {
portal.finishHandling(nil, &types.MessageInfo{
ID: msg.ID,
Timestamp: msg.Time,
MessageSource: types.MessageSource{
Sender: msg.Sender,
}, resp.EventID, database.MsgFake, database.MsgNoError)
func (portal *Portal) handleMessage(source *User, evt *events.Message) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.log.Warnln("handleMessage called even though portal.MXID is empty")
msgID := evt.Info.ID
msgType := getMessageType(evt.Message)
if msgType == "ignore" {
} else if portal.isRecentlyHandled(msgID, database.MsgNoError) {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (%s): message was recently handled", msgID, msgType)
existingMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, msgID)
if existingMsg != nil {
if existingMsg.Error == database.MsgErrDecryptionFailed {
portal.log.Debugfln("Got decryptable version of previously undecryptable message %s (%s)", msgID, msgType)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (%s): message is duplicate", msgID, msgType)
intent := portal.getMessageIntent(source, &evt.Info)
if !intent.IsCustomPuppet && portal.IsPrivateChat() && evt.Info.Sender.User == portal.Key.Receiver.User {
portal.log.Debugfln("Not handling %s (%s): user doesn't have double puppeting enabled", msgID, msgType)
converted := portal.convertMessage(intent, source, &evt.Info, evt.Message)
if converted != nil {
if evt.Info.IsIncomingBroadcast() {
if converted.Extra == nil {
converted.Extra = map[string]interface{}{}
converted.Extra["fi.mau.whatsapp.source_broadcast_list"] = evt.Info.Chat.String()
var eventID id.EventID
if existingMsg != nil {
portal.MarkDisappearing(existingMsg.MXID, converted.ExpiresIn, false)
} else if len(converted.ReplyTo) > 0 {
portal.SetReply(converted.Content, converted.ReplyTo)
resp, err := portal.sendMessage(converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Content, converted.Extra, evt.Info.Timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send %s to Matrix: %v", msgID, err)
} else {
portal.MarkDisappearing(resp.EventID, converted.ExpiresIn, false)
eventID = resp.EventID
// TODO figure out how to handle captions with undecryptable messages turning decryptable
if converted.Caption != nil && existingMsg == nil {
resp, err = portal.sendMessage(converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Caption, nil, evt.Info.Timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send caption of %s to Matrix: %v", msgID, err)
} else {
portal.MarkDisappearing(resp.EventID, converted.ExpiresIn, false)
//eventID = resp.EventID
if converted.MultiEvent != nil && existingMsg == nil {
for index, subEvt := range converted.MultiEvent {
resp, err = portal.sendMessage(converted.Intent, converted.Type, subEvt, nil, evt.Info.Timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send sub-event %d of %s to Matrix: %v", index+1, msgID, err)
} else {
portal.MarkDisappearing(resp.EventID, converted.ExpiresIn, false)
if len(eventID) != 0 {
portal.finishHandling(existingMsg, &evt.Info, eventID, database.MsgNormal, converted.Error)
} else if msgType == "reaction" {
portal.HandleMessageReaction(intent, source, &evt.Info, evt.Message.GetReactionMessage(), existingMsg)
} else if msgType == "revoke" {
portal.HandleMessageRevoke(source, &evt.Info, evt.Message.GetProtocolMessage().GetKey())
if existingMsg != nil {
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().RedactEvent(portal.MXID, existingMsg.MXID, mautrix.ReqRedact{
Reason: "The undecryptable message was actually the deletion of another message",
existingMsg.UpdateMXID("net.maunium.whatsapp.fake::"+existingMsg.MXID, database.MsgFake, database.MsgNoError)
} else {
portal.log.Warnfln("Unhandled message: %+v (%s)", evt.Info, msgType)
if existingMsg != nil {
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().RedactEvent(portal.MXID, existingMsg.MXID, mautrix.ReqRedact{
Reason: "The undecryptable message contained an unsupported message type",
existingMsg.UpdateMXID("net.maunium.whatsapp.fake::"+existingMsg.MXID, database.MsgFake, database.MsgNoError)
portal.bridge.Metrics.TrackWhatsAppMessage(evt.Info.Timestamp, strings.Split(msgType, " ")[0])
func (portal *Portal) isRecentlyHandled(id types.MessageID, error database.MessageErrorType) bool {
start := portal.recentlyHandledIndex
lookingForMsg := recentlyHandledWrapper{id, error}
for i := start; i != start; i = (i - 1) % recentlyHandledLength {
if portal.recentlyHandled[i] == lookingForMsg {
return true
return false
func (portal *Portal) markHandled(msg *database.Message, info *types.MessageInfo, mxid id.EventID, isSent, recent bool, msgType database.MessageType, error database.MessageErrorType) *database.Message {
if msg == nil {
msg = portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Chat = portal.Key
msg.JID = info.ID
msg.MXID = mxid
msg.Timestamp = info.Timestamp
msg.Sender = info.Sender
msg.Sent = isSent
msg.Type = msgType
msg.Error = error
if info.IsIncomingBroadcast() {
msg.BroadcastListJID = info.Chat
} else {
msg.UpdateMXID(mxid, msgType, error)
if recent {
index := portal.recentlyHandledIndex
portal.recentlyHandledIndex = (portal.recentlyHandledIndex + 1) % recentlyHandledLength
portal.recentlyHandled[index] = recentlyHandledWrapper{msg.JID, error}
return msg
func (portal *Portal) getMessagePuppet(user *User, info *types.MessageInfo) *Puppet {
if info.IsFromMe {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(user.JID)
} else if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID)
} else {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(info.Sender)
puppet.SyncContact(user, true, "handling message")
return puppet
func (portal *Portal) getMessageIntent(user *User, info *types.MessageInfo) *appservice.IntentAPI {
return portal.getMessagePuppet(user, info).IntentFor(portal)
func (portal *Portal) finishHandling(existing *database.Message, message *types.MessageInfo, mxid id.EventID, msgType database.MessageType, error database.MessageErrorType) {
portal.markHandled(existing, message, mxid, true, true, msgType, error)
var suffix string
if error == database.MsgErrDecryptionFailed {
suffix = "(undecryptable message error notice)"
} else if error == database.MsgErrMediaNotFound {
suffix = "(media not found notice)"
portal.log.Debugfln("Handled message %s (%s) -> %s %s", message.ID, msgType, mxid, suffix)
func (portal *Portal) kickExtraUsers(participantMap map[types.JID]bool) {
members, err := portal.MainIntent().JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to get member list:", err)
for member := range members.Joined {
jid, ok := portal.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(member)
if ok {
_, shouldBePresent := participantMap[jid]
if !shouldBePresent {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{
UserID: member,
Reason: "User had left this WhatsApp chat",
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to kick user %s who had left: %v", member, err)
//func (portal *Portal) SyncBroadcastRecipients(source *User, metadata *whatsapp.BroadcastListInfo) {
// participantMap := make(map[whatsapp.JID]bool)
// for _, recipient := range metadata.Recipients {
// participantMap[recipient.JID] = true
// puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(recipient.JID)
// puppet.SyncContactIfNecessary(source)
// err := puppet.DefaultIntent().EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
// if err != nil {
// portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to make puppet of %s join %s: %v", recipient.JID, portal.MXID, err)
// }
// }
// portal.kickExtraUsers(participantMap)
func (portal *Portal) SyncParticipants(source *User, metadata *types.GroupInfo) {
changed := false
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
changed = true
participantMap := make(map[types.JID]bool)
for _, participant := range metadata.Participants {
participantMap[participant.JID] = true
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(participant.JID)
puppet.SyncContact(source, true, "group participant")
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByJID(participant.JID)
if user != nil && user != source {
if user == nil || !puppet.IntentFor(portal).IsCustomPuppet {
err = puppet.IntentFor(portal).EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to make puppet of %s join %s: %v", participant.JID, portal.MXID, err)
expectedLevel := 0
if participant.IsSuperAdmin {
expectedLevel = 95
} else if participant.IsAdmin {
expectedLevel = 50
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(puppet.MXID, expectedLevel) || changed
if user != nil {
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(user.MXID, expectedLevel) || changed
if changed {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
func (portal *Portal) UpdateAvatar(user *User, setBy types.JID, updateInfo bool) bool {
defer portal.avatarLock.Unlock()
avatar, err := user.Client.GetProfilePictureInfo(portal.Key.JID, false)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrProfilePictureUnauthorized) {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to get avatar URL:", err)
return false
} else if avatar == nil {
if portal.Avatar == "remove" {
return false
portal.AvatarURL = id.ContentURI{}
avatar = &types.ProfilePictureInfo{ID: "remove"}
} else if avatar.ID == portal.Avatar {
return false
} else if len(avatar.URL) == 0 {
portal.log.Warnln("Didn't get URL in response to avatar query")
return false
} else {
url, err := reuploadAvatar(portal.MainIntent(), avatar.URL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to reupload avatar:", err)
return false
portal.AvatarURL = url
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if !setBy.IsEmpty() {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(setBy).IntentFor(portal)
_, err = intent.SetRoomAvatar(portal.MXID, portal.AvatarURL)
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) && intent != portal.MainIntent() {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetRoomAvatar(portal.MXID, portal.AvatarURL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room avatar:", err)
return false
portal.Avatar = avatar.ID
if updateInfo {
return true
func (portal *Portal) UpdateName(name string, setBy types.JID, updateInfo bool) bool {
if name == "" && portal.IsBroadcastList() {
name = UnnamedBroadcastName
if portal.Name != name {
portal.log.Debugfln("Updating name %s -> %s", portal.Name, name)
portal.Name = name
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if !setBy.IsEmpty() {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(setBy).IntentFor(portal)
_, err := intent.SetRoomName(portal.MXID, name)
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) && intent != portal.MainIntent() {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetRoomName(portal.MXID, name)
if err == nil {
if updateInfo {
return true
} else {
portal.Name = ""
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room name:", err)
return false
func (portal *Portal) UpdateTopic(topic string, setBy types.JID, updateInfo bool) bool {
if portal.Topic != topic {
portal.log.Debugfln("Updating topic %s -> %s", portal.Topic, topic)
portal.Topic = topic
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if !setBy.IsEmpty() {
intent = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(setBy).IntentFor(portal)
_, err := intent.SetRoomTopic(portal.MXID, topic)
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) && intent != portal.MainIntent() {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SetRoomTopic(portal.MXID, topic)
if err == nil {
if updateInfo {
return true
} else {
portal.Topic = ""
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to set room topic:", err)
return false
func (portal *Portal) UpdateMetadata(user *User, groupInfo *types.GroupInfo) bool {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return false
} else if portal.IsStatusBroadcastList() {
update := false
update = portal.UpdateName(StatusBroadcastName, types.EmptyJID, false) || update
update = portal.UpdateTopic(StatusBroadcastTopic, types.EmptyJID, false) || update
return update
} else if portal.IsBroadcastList() {
update := false
//broadcastMetadata, err := user.Conn.GetBroadcastMetadata(portal.Key.JID)
//if err == nil && broadcastMetadata.Status == 200 {
// portal.SyncBroadcastRecipients(user, broadcastMetadata)
// update = portal.UpdateName(broadcastMetadata.Name, "", nil, false) || update
//} else {
// user.Conn.Store.ContactsLock.RLock()
// contact, _ := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[portal.Key.JID]
// user.Conn.Store.ContactsLock.RUnlock()
// update = portal.UpdateName(contact.Name, "", nil, false) || update
//update = portal.UpdateTopic(BroadcastTopic, "", nil, false) || update
return update
if groupInfo == nil {
var err error
groupInfo, err = user.Client.GetGroupInfo(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to get group info:", err)
return false
portal.SyncParticipants(user, groupInfo)
update := false
update = portal.UpdateName(groupInfo.Name, groupInfo.NameSetBy, false) || update
update = portal.UpdateTopic(groupInfo.Topic, groupInfo.TopicSetBy, false) || update
if portal.ExpirationTime != groupInfo.DisappearingTimer {
update = true
portal.ExpirationTime = groupInfo.DisappearingTimer
return update
func (portal *Portal) ensureMXIDInvited(mxid id.UserID) {
err := portal.MainIntent().EnsureInvited(portal.MXID, mxid)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to ensure %s is invited to %s: %v", mxid, portal.MXID, err)
func (portal *Portal) ensureUserInvited(user *User) bool {
return user.ensureInvited(portal.MainIntent(), portal.MXID, portal.IsPrivateChat())
func (portal *Portal) UpdateMatrixRoom(user *User, groupInfo *types.GroupInfo) bool {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
return false
portal.log.Infoln("Syncing portal for", user.MXID)
go portal.addToSpace(user)
update := false
update = portal.UpdateMetadata(user, groupInfo) || update
if !portal.IsPrivateChat() && !portal.IsBroadcastList() && portal.Avatar == "" {
update = portal.UpdateAvatar(user, types.EmptyJID, false) || update
if update {
return true
func (portal *Portal) GetBasePowerLevels() *event.PowerLevelsEventContent {
anyone := 0
nope := 99
invite := 50
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.AllowUserInvite {
invite = 0
return &event.PowerLevelsEventContent{
UsersDefault: anyone,
EventsDefault: anyone,
RedactPtr: &anyone,
StateDefaultPtr: &nope,
BanPtr: &nope,
InvitePtr: &invite,
Users: map[id.UserID]int{
portal.MainIntent().UserID: 100,
Events: map[string]int{
event.StateRoomName.Type: anyone,
event.StateRoomAvatar.Type: anyone,
event.StateTopic.Type: anyone,
func (portal *Portal) ChangeAdminStatus(jids []types.JID, setAdmin bool) id.EventID {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
newLevel := 0
if setAdmin {
newLevel = 50
changed := false
for _, jid := range jids {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(puppet.MXID, newLevel) || changed
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByJID(jid)
if user != nil {
changed = levels.EnsureUserLevel(user.MXID, newLevel) || changed
if changed {
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
} else {
return resp.EventID
return ""
func (portal *Portal) RestrictMessageSending(restrict bool) id.EventID {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
newLevel := 0
if restrict {
newLevel = 50
if levels.EventsDefault == newLevel {
return ""
levels.EventsDefault = newLevel
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
return ""
} else {
return resp.EventID
func (portal *Portal) RestrictMetadataChanges(restrict bool) id.EventID {
levels, err := portal.MainIntent().PowerLevels(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
levels = portal.GetBasePowerLevels()
newLevel := 0
if restrict {
newLevel = 50
changed := false
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(event.StateRoomName, newLevel) || changed
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(event.StateRoomAvatar, newLevel) || changed
changed = levels.EnsureEventLevel(event.StateTopic, newLevel) || changed
if changed {
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SetPowerLevels(portal.MXID, levels)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to change power levels:", err)
} else {
return resp.EventID
return ""
func (portal *Portal) getBridgeInfo() (string, event.BridgeEventContent) {
bridgeInfo := event.BridgeEventContent{
BridgeBot: portal.bridge.Bot.UserID,
Creator: portal.MainIntent().UserID,
Protocol: event.BridgeInfoSection{
ID: "whatsapp",
DisplayName: "WhatsApp",
AvatarURL: portal.bridge.Config.AppService.Bot.ParsedAvatar.CUString(),
ExternalURL: "https://www.whatsapp.com/",
Channel: event.BridgeInfoSection{
ID: portal.Key.JID.String(),
DisplayName: portal.Name,
AvatarURL: portal.AvatarURL.CUString(),
bridgeInfoStateKey := fmt.Sprintf("net.maunium.whatsapp://whatsapp/%s", portal.Key.JID)
return bridgeInfoStateKey, bridgeInfo
func (portal *Portal) UpdateBridgeInfo() {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.log.Debugln("Not updating bridge info: no Matrix room created")
portal.log.Debugln("Updating bridge info...")
stateKey, content := portal.getBridgeInfo()
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateBridge, stateKey, content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to update m.bridge:", err)
// TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateHalfShotBridge, stateKey, content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to update uk.half-shot.bridge:", err)
func (portal *Portal) CreateMatrixRoom(user *User, groupInfo *types.GroupInfo, isFullInfo, backfill bool) error {
defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
return nil
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if err := intent.EnsureRegistered(); err != nil {
return err
portal.log.Infoln("Creating Matrix room. Info source:", user.MXID)
//var broadcastMetadata *types.BroadcastListInfo
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID)
puppet.SyncContact(user, true, "creating private chat portal")
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.PrivateChatPortalMeta {
portal.Name = puppet.Displayname
portal.AvatarURL = puppet.AvatarURL
portal.Avatar = puppet.Avatar
} else {
portal.Name = ""
portal.Topic = PrivateChatTopic
} else if portal.IsStatusBroadcastList() {
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.EnableStatusBroadcast {
portal.log.Debugln("Status bridging is disabled in config, not creating room after all")
return ErrStatusBroadcastDisabled
portal.Name = StatusBroadcastName
portal.Topic = StatusBroadcastTopic
} else if portal.IsBroadcastList() {
//var err error
//broadcastMetadata, err = user.Conn.GetBroadcastMetadata(portal.Key.JID)
//if err == nil && broadcastMetadata.Status == 200 {
// portal.Name = broadcastMetadata.Name
//} else {
// user.Conn.Store.ContactsLock.RLock()
// contact, _ := user.Conn.Store.Contacts[portal.Key.JID]
// user.Conn.Store.ContactsLock.RUnlock()
// portal.Name = contact.Name
//if len(portal.Name) == 0 {
// portal.Name = UnnamedBroadcastName
//portal.Topic = BroadcastTopic
portal.log.Debugln("Broadcast list is not yet supported, not creating room after all")
return fmt.Errorf("broadcast list bridging is currently not supported")
} else {
if groupInfo == nil || !isFullInfo {
foundInfo, err := user.Client.GetGroupInfo(portal.Key.JID)
// Ensure that the user is actually a participant in the conversation
// before creating the matrix room
if errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrNotInGroup) {
user.log.Debugfln("Skipping creating matrix room for %s because the user is not a participant", portal.Key.JID)
user.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.DeleteAllForPortal(user.MXID, portal.Key)
user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.DeleteAllMessagesForPortal(user.MXID, portal.Key)
return err
} else if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to get group info through %s: %v", user.JID, err)
} else {
groupInfo = foundInfo
isFullInfo = true
if groupInfo != nil {
portal.Name = groupInfo.Name
portal.Topic = groupInfo.Topic
portal.UpdateAvatar(user, types.EmptyJID, false)
bridgeInfoStateKey, bridgeInfo := portal.getBridgeInfo()
initialState := []*event.Event{{
Type: event.StatePowerLevels,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: portal.GetBasePowerLevels(),
}, {
Type: event.StateBridge,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: bridgeInfo},
StateKey: &bridgeInfoStateKey,
}, {
// TODO remove this once https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2346 is in spec
Type: event.StateHalfShotBridge,
Content: event.Content{Parsed: bridgeInfo},
StateKey: &bridgeInfoStateKey,
if !portal.AvatarURL.IsEmpty() {
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateRoomAvatar,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: event.RoomAvatarEventContent{URL: portal.AvatarURL},
var invite []id.UserID
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Default {
initialState = append(initialState, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateEncryption,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: event.EncryptionEventContent{Algorithm: id.AlgorithmMegolmV1},
portal.Encrypted = true
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
invite = append(invite, portal.bridge.Bot.UserID)
creationContent := make(map[string]interface{})
if !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.FederateRooms {
creationContent["m.federate"] = false
resp, err := intent.CreateRoom(&mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Name: portal.Name,
Topic: portal.Topic,
Invite: invite,
Preset: "private_chat",
IsDirect: portal.IsPrivateChat(),
InitialState: initialState,
CreationContent: creationContent,
if err != nil {
return err
portal.MXID = resp.RoomID
portal.bridge.portalsByMXID[portal.MXID] = portal
// We set the memberships beforehand to make sure the encryption key exchange in initial backfill knows the users are here.
for _, userID := range invite {
portal.bridge.StateStore.SetMembership(portal.MXID, userID, event.MembershipInvite)
user.syncChatDoublePuppetDetails(portal, true)
go portal.addToSpace(user)
if groupInfo != nil {
if groupInfo.IsEphemeral {
portal.ExpirationTime = groupInfo.DisappearingTimer
portal.SyncParticipants(user, groupInfo)
if groupInfo.IsAnnounce {
if groupInfo.IsLocked {
//if broadcastMetadata != nil {
// portal.SyncBroadcastRecipients(user, broadcastMetadata)
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID)
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Default {
err = portal.bridge.Bot.EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to join created portal with bridge bot for e2be:", err)
user.UpdateDirectChats(map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID{puppet.MXID: {portal.MXID}})
firstEventResp, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, PortalCreationDummyEvent, struct{}{})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to send dummy event to mark portal creation:", err)
} else {
portal.FirstEventID = firstEventResp.EventID
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill && backfill {
portals := []*Portal{portal}
user.BackfillQueue.ReCheckQueue <- true
return nil
func (portal *Portal) addToSpace(user *User) {
spaceID := user.GetSpaceRoom()
if len(spaceID) == 0 || user.IsInSpace(portal.Key) {
_, err := portal.bridge.Bot.SendStateEvent(spaceID, event.StateSpaceChild, portal.MXID.String(), &event.SpaceChildEventContent{
Via: []string{portal.bridge.Config.Homeserver.Domain},
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to add room to %s's personal filtering space (%s): %v", user.MXID, spaceID, err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Added room to %s's personal filtering space (%s)", user.MXID, spaceID)
func (portal *Portal) IsPrivateChat() bool {
return portal.Key.JID.Server == types.DefaultUserServer
func (portal *Portal) IsGroupChat() bool {
return portal.Key.JID.Server == types.GroupServer
func (portal *Portal) IsBroadcastList() bool {
return portal.Key.JID.Server == types.BroadcastServer
func (portal *Portal) IsStatusBroadcastList() bool {
return portal.Key.JID == types.StatusBroadcastJID
func (portal *Portal) HasRelaybot() bool {
return portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.Enabled && len(portal.RelayUserID) > 0
func (portal *Portal) GetRelayUser() *User {
if !portal.HasRelaybot() {
return nil
} else if portal.relayUser == nil {
portal.relayUser = portal.bridge.GetUserByMXID(portal.RelayUserID)
return portal.relayUser
func (portal *Portal) MainIntent() *appservice.IntentAPI {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
return portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(portal.Key.JID).DefaultIntent()
return portal.bridge.Bot
func (portal *Portal) SetReply(content *event.MessageEventContent, replyToID types.MessageID) bool {
if len(replyToID) == 0 {
return false
message := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, replyToID)
if message == nil || message.IsFakeMXID() {
return false
evt, err := portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(portal.MXID, message.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to get reply target:", err)
content.RelatesTo = &event.RelatesTo{
EventID: message.MXID,
Type: event.RelReply,
return true
_ = evt.Content.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
if evt.Type == event.EventEncrypted {
decryptedEvt, err := portal.bridge.Crypto.Decrypt(evt)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to decrypt reply target:", err)
} else {
evt = decryptedEvt
return true
type sendReactionContent struct {
DoublePuppet string `json:"fi.mau.double_puppet_source,omitempty"`
func (portal *Portal) HandleMessageReaction(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, user *User, info *types.MessageInfo, reaction *waProto.ReactionMessage, existingMsg *database.Message) {
if existingMsg != nil {
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().RedactEvent(portal.MXID, existingMsg.MXID, mautrix.ReqRedact{
Reason: "The undecryptable message was actually a reaction",
targetJID := reaction.GetKey().GetId()
if reaction.GetText() == "" {
existing := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByTargetJID(portal.Key, targetJID, info.Sender)
if existing == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Dropping removal %s of unknown reaction to %s from %s", info.ID, targetJID, info.Sender)
extra := make(map[string]interface{})
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
extra[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
resp, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, existing.MXID, mautrix.ReqRedact{Extra: extra})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to redact reaction %s/%s from %s to %s: %v", existing.MXID, existing.JID, info.Sender, targetJID, err)
portal.finishHandling(existingMsg, info, resp.EventID, database.MsgReaction, database.MsgNoError)
} else {
target := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, targetJID)
if target == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Dropping reaction %s from %s to unknown message %s", info.ID, info.Sender, targetJID)
var content sendReactionContent
content.RelatesTo = event.RelatesTo{
Type: event.RelAnnotation,
EventID: target.MXID,
Key: variationselector.Add(reaction.GetText()),
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
content.DoublePuppet = doublePuppetValue
resp, err := intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, event.EventReaction, &content, info.Timestamp.UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to bridge reaction %s from %s to %s: %v", info.ID, info.Sender, target.JID, err)
portal.finishHandling(existingMsg, info, resp.EventID, database.MsgReaction, database.MsgNoError)
portal.upsertReaction(intent, target.JID, info.Sender, resp.EventID, info.ID)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMessageRevoke(user *User, info *types.MessageInfo, key *waProto.MessageKey) bool {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, key.GetId())
if msg == nil || msg.IsFakeMXID() {
return false
intent := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(info.Sender).IntentFor(portal)
redactionReq := mautrix.ReqRedact{Extra: map[string]interface{}{}}
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
redactionReq.Extra[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
_, err := intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, msg.MXID, redactionReq)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().RedactEvent(portal.MXID, msg.MXID, redactionReq)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to redact %s: %v", msg.JID, err)
} else {
return true
func (portal *Portal) sendMainIntentMessage(content *event.MessageEventContent) (*mautrix.RespSendEvent, error) {
return portal.sendMessage(portal.MainIntent(), event.EventMessage, content, nil, 0)
func (portal *Portal) encrypt(content *event.Content, eventType event.Type) (event.Type, error) {
if portal.Encrypted && portal.bridge.Crypto != nil {
// TODO maybe the locking should be inside mautrix-go?
encrypted, err := portal.bridge.Crypto.Encrypt(portal.MXID, eventType, *content)
if err != nil {
return eventType, fmt.Errorf("failed to encrypt event: %w", err)
eventType = event.EventEncrypted
content.Parsed = encrypted
return eventType, nil
const doublePuppetKey = "fi.mau.double_puppet_source"
const doublePuppetValue = "mautrix-whatsapp"
func (portal *Portal) sendMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, eventType event.Type, content *event.MessageEventContent, extraContent map[string]interface{}, timestamp int64) (*mautrix.RespSendEvent, error) {
wrappedContent := event.Content{Parsed: content, Raw: extraContent}
if timestamp != 0 && intent.IsCustomPuppet {
if wrappedContent.Raw == nil {
wrappedContent.Raw = map[string]interface{}{}
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
wrappedContent.Raw[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
var err error
eventType, err = portal.encrypt(&wrappedContent, eventType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if eventType == event.EventEncrypted {
// Clear other custom keys if the event was encrypted, but keep the double puppet identifier
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
wrappedContent.Raw = map[string]interface{}{doublePuppetKey: doublePuppetValue}
} else {
wrappedContent.Raw = nil
_, _ = intent.UserTyping(portal.MXID, false, 0)
if timestamp == 0 {
return intent.SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, eventType, &wrappedContent)
} else {
return intent.SendMassagedMessageEvent(portal.MXID, eventType, &wrappedContent, timestamp)
type ConvertedMessage struct {
Intent *appservice.IntentAPI
Type event.Type
Content *event.MessageEventContent
Extra map[string]interface{}
Caption *event.MessageEventContent
MultiEvent []*event.MessageEventContent
ReplyTo types.MessageID
ExpiresIn uint32
Error database.MessageErrorType
func (portal *Portal) convertTextMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, source *User, msg *waProto.Message) *ConvertedMessage {
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: msg.GetConversation(),
MsgType: event.MsgText,
if len(msg.GetExtendedTextMessage().GetText()) > 0 {
content.Body = msg.GetExtendedTextMessage().GetText()
contextInfo := msg.GetExtendedTextMessage().GetContextInfo()
portal.bridge.Formatter.ParseWhatsApp(portal.MXID, content, contextInfo.GetMentionedJid())
replyTo := contextInfo.GetStanzaId()
expiresIn := contextInfo.GetExpiration()
extraAttrs := map[string]interface{}{}
extraAttrs["com.beeper.linkpreviews"] = portal.convertURLPreviewToBeeper(intent, source, msg.GetExtendedTextMessage())
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: content,
ReplyTo: replyTo,
ExpiresIn: expiresIn,
Extra: extraAttrs,
func (portal *Portal) convertLiveLocationMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msg *waProto.LiveLocationMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: "Started sharing live location",
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
if len(msg.GetCaption()) > 0 {
content.Body += ": " + msg.GetCaption()
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: content,
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
func (portal *Portal) convertLocationMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msg *waProto.LocationMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
url := msg.GetUrl()
if len(url) == 0 {
url = fmt.Sprintf("https://maps.google.com/?q=%.5f,%.5f", msg.GetDegreesLatitude(), msg.GetDegreesLongitude())
name := msg.GetName()
if len(name) == 0 {
latChar := 'N'
if msg.GetDegreesLatitude() < 0 {
latChar = 'S'
longChar := 'E'
if msg.GetDegreesLongitude() < 0 {
longChar = 'W'
name = fmt.Sprintf("%.4f° %c %.4f° %c", math.Abs(msg.GetDegreesLatitude()), latChar, math.Abs(msg.GetDegreesLongitude()), longChar)
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgLocation,
Body: fmt.Sprintf("Location: %s\n%s\n%s", name, msg.GetAddress(), url),
Format: event.FormatHTML,
FormattedBody: fmt.Sprintf("Location: <a href='%s'>%s</a><br>%s", url, name, msg.GetAddress()),
GeoURI: fmt.Sprintf("geo:%.5f,%.5f", msg.GetDegreesLatitude(), msg.GetDegreesLongitude()),
if len(msg.GetJpegThumbnail()) > 0 {
thumbnailMime := http.DetectContentType(msg.GetJpegThumbnail())
uploadedThumbnail, _ := intent.UploadBytes(msg.GetJpegThumbnail(), thumbnailMime)
if uploadedThumbnail != nil {
cfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(msg.GetJpegThumbnail()))
content.Info = &event.FileInfo{
ThumbnailInfo: &event.FileInfo{
Size: len(msg.GetJpegThumbnail()),
Width: cfg.Width,
Height: cfg.Height,
MimeType: thumbnailMime,
ThumbnailURL: uploadedThumbnail.ContentURI.CUString(),
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: content,
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
const inviteMsg = `%s<hr/>This invitation to join "%s" expires at %s. Reply to this message with <code>!wa accept</code> to accept the invite.`
const inviteMetaField = "fi.mau.whatsapp.invite"
const escapedInviteMetaField = `fi\.mau\.whatsapp\.invite`
type InviteMeta struct {
JID types.JID `json:"jid"`
Code string `json:"code"`
Expiration int64 `json:"expiration,string"`
Inviter types.JID `json:"inviter"`
func (portal *Portal) convertGroupInviteMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, info *types.MessageInfo, msg *waProto.GroupInviteMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
expiry := time.Unix(msg.GetInviteExpiration(), 0)
htmlMessage := fmt.Sprintf(inviteMsg, html.EscapeString(msg.GetCaption()), msg.GetGroupName(), expiry)
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgText,
Body: format.HTMLToText(htmlMessage),
Format: event.FormatHTML,
FormattedBody: htmlMessage,
groupJID, err := types.ParseJID(msg.GetGroupJid())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to parse invite group JID: %v", err)
extraAttrs := map[string]interface{}{
inviteMetaField: InviteMeta{
JID: groupJID,
Code: msg.GetInviteCode(),
Expiration: msg.GetInviteExpiration(),
Inviter: info.Sender.ToNonAD(),
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: content,
Extra: extraAttrs,
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
func (portal *Portal) convertContactMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msg *waProto.ContactMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.vcf", msg.GetDisplayName())
data := []byte(msg.GetVcard())
mimeType := "text/vcard"
uploadMimeType, file := portal.encryptFileInPlace(data, mimeType)
uploadResp, err := intent.UploadBytesWithName(data, uploadMimeType, fileName)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to upload vcard of %s: %v", msg.GetDisplayName(), err)
return nil
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: fileName,
MsgType: event.MsgFile,
File: file,
Info: &event.FileInfo{
MimeType: mimeType,
Size: len(msg.GetVcard()),
if content.File != nil {
content.File.URL = uploadResp.ContentURI.CUString()
} else {
content.URL = uploadResp.ContentURI.CUString()
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: content,
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
func (portal *Portal) convertContactsArrayMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msg *waProto.ContactsArrayMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
name := msg.GetDisplayName()
if len(name) == 0 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%d contacts", len(msg.GetContacts()))
contacts := make([]*event.MessageEventContent, 0, len(msg.GetContacts()))
for _, contact := range msg.GetContacts() {
converted := portal.convertContactMessage(intent, contact)
if converted != nil {
contacts = append(contacts, converted.Content)
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: event.EventMessage,
Content: &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
Body: fmt.Sprintf("Sent %s", name),
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
MultiEvent: contacts,
func (portal *Portal) tryKickUser(userID id.UserID, intent *appservice.IntentAPI) error {
_, err := intent.KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: userID})
if err != nil {
httpErr, ok := err.(mautrix.HTTPError)
if ok && httpErr.RespError != nil && httpErr.RespError.ErrCode == "M_FORBIDDEN" {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: userID})
return err
func (portal *Portal) removeUser(isSameUser bool, kicker *appservice.IntentAPI, target id.UserID, targetIntent *appservice.IntentAPI) {
if !isSameUser || targetIntent == nil {
err := portal.tryKickUser(target, kicker)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to kick %s from %s: %v", target, portal.MXID, err)
if targetIntent != nil {
_, _ = portal.leaveWithPuppetMeta(targetIntent)
} else {
_, err := portal.leaveWithPuppetMeta(targetIntent)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to leave portal as %s: %v", target, err)
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: target})
func (portal *Portal) HandleWhatsAppKick(source *User, senderJID types.JID, jids []types.JID) {
sender := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(senderJID)
senderIntent := sender.IntentFor(portal)
for _, jid := range jids {
//if source != nil && source.JID.User == jid.User {
// portal.log.Debugln("Ignoring self-kick by", source.MXID)
// continue
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
portal.removeUser(puppet.JID == sender.JID, senderIntent, puppet.MXID, puppet.DefaultIntent())
if !portal.IsBroadcastList() {
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByJID(jid)
if user != nil {
var customIntent *appservice.IntentAPI
if puppet.CustomMXID == user.MXID {
customIntent = puppet.CustomIntent()
portal.removeUser(puppet.JID == sender.JID, senderIntent, user.MXID, customIntent)
func (portal *Portal) leaveWithPuppetMeta(intent *appservice.IntentAPI) (*mautrix.RespSendEvent, error) {
content := event.Content{
Parsed: event.MemberEventContent{
Membership: event.MembershipLeave,
Raw: map[string]interface{}{
doublePuppetKey: doublePuppetValue,
// Bypass IntentAPI, we don't want to EnsureJoined here
return intent.Client.SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateMember, intent.UserID.String(), &content)
func (portal *Portal) HandleWhatsAppInvite(source *User, senderJID *types.JID, jids []types.JID) (evtID id.EventID) {
intent := portal.MainIntent()
if senderJID != nil && !senderJID.IsEmpty() {
sender := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(*senderJID)
intent = sender.IntentFor(portal)
for _, jid := range jids {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
puppet.SyncContact(source, true, "handling whatsapp invite")
content := event.Content{
Parsed: event.MemberEventContent{
Membership: "invite",
Displayname: puppet.Displayname,
AvatarURL: puppet.AvatarURL.CUString(),
Raw: map[string]interface{}{
doublePuppetKey: doublePuppetValue,
resp, err := intent.SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateMember, puppet.MXID.String(), &content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to invite %s as %s: %v", puppet.MXID, intent.UserID, err)
_ = portal.MainIntent().EnsureInvited(portal.MXID, puppet.MXID)
} else {
evtID = resp.EventID
err = puppet.DefaultIntent().EnsureJoined(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to ensure %s is joined: %v", puppet.MXID, err)
const failedMediaField = "fi.mau.whatsapp.failed_media"
type FailedMediaKeys struct {
Key []byte `json:"key"`
Length int `json:"length"`
Type whatsmeow.MediaType `json:"type"`
SHA256 []byte `json:"sha256"`
EncSHA256 []byte `json:"enc_sha256"`
type FailedMediaMeta struct {
Type event.Type `json:"type"`
Content *event.MessageEventContent `json:"content"`
ExtraContent map[string]interface{} `json:"extra_content,omitempty"`
Media FailedMediaKeys `json:"whatsapp_media"`
func shallowCopyMap(data map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
newMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(data))
for key, value := range data {
newMap[key] = value
return newMap
func (portal *Portal) makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info *types.MessageInfo, bridgeErr error, converted *ConvertedMessage, keys *FailedMediaKeys, userFriendlyError string) *ConvertedMessage {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to bridge media for %s: %v", info.ID, bridgeErr)
if keys != nil {
meta := &FailedMediaMeta{
Type: converted.Type,
Content: converted.Content,
ExtraContent: shallowCopyMap(converted.Extra),
Media: *keys,
converted.Extra[failedMediaField] = meta
portal.mediaErrorCache[info.ID] = meta
converted.Type = event.EventMessage
body := userFriendlyError
if body == "" {
body = fmt.Sprintf("Failed to bridge media: %v", bridgeErr)
converted.Content = &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
Body: body,
return converted
func (portal *Portal) encryptFileInPlace(data []byte, mimeType string) (string, *event.EncryptedFileInfo) {
if !portal.Encrypted {
return mimeType, nil
file := &event.EncryptedFileInfo{
EncryptedFile: *attachment.NewEncryptedFile(),
URL: "",
return "application/octet-stream", file
type MediaMessage interface {
GetContextInfo() *waProto.ContextInfo
GetFileLength() uint64
GetMimetype() string
type MediaMessageWithThumbnail interface {
GetJpegThumbnail() []byte
type MediaMessageWithCaption interface {
GetCaption() string
type MediaMessageWithDimensions interface {
GetHeight() uint32
GetWidth() uint32
type MediaMessageWithFileName interface {
GetFileName() string
type MediaMessageWithDuration interface {
GetSeconds() uint32
func (portal *Portal) convertMediaMessageContent(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, msg MediaMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
content := &event.MessageEventContent{
Info: &event.FileInfo{
MimeType: msg.GetMimetype(),
Size: int(msg.GetFileLength()),
extraContent := map[string]interface{}{}
messageWithDimensions, ok := msg.(MediaMessageWithDimensions)
if ok {
content.Info.Width = int(messageWithDimensions.GetWidth())
content.Info.Height = int(messageWithDimensions.GetHeight())
msgWithName, ok := msg.(MediaMessageWithFileName)
if ok && len(msgWithName.GetFileName()) > 0 {
content.Body = msgWithName.GetFileName()
} else {
mimeClass := strings.Split(msg.GetMimetype(), "/")[0]
switch mimeClass {
case "application":
content.Body = "file"
content.Body = mimeClass
content.Body += util.ExtensionFromMimetype(msg.GetMimetype())
msgWithDuration, ok := msg.(MediaMessageWithDuration)
if ok {
content.Info.Duration = int(msgWithDuration.GetSeconds()) * 1000
videoMessage, ok := msg.(*waProto.VideoMessage)
var isGIF bool
if ok && videoMessage.GetGifPlayback() {
isGIF = true
extraContent["info"] = map[string]interface{}{
"fi.mau.loop": true,
"fi.mau.autoplay": true,
"fi.mau.hide_controls": true,
"fi.mau.no_audio": true,
messageWithThumbnail, ok := msg.(MediaMessageWithThumbnail)
if ok && messageWithThumbnail.GetJpegThumbnail() != nil && (portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.WhatsappThumbnail || isGIF) {
thumbnailData := messageWithThumbnail.GetJpegThumbnail()
thumbnailMime := http.DetectContentType(thumbnailData)
thumbnailCfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(thumbnailData))
thumbnailSize := len(thumbnailData)
thumbnailUploadMime, thumbnailFile := portal.encryptFileInPlace(thumbnailData, thumbnailMime)
uploadedThumbnail, err := intent.UploadBytes(thumbnailData, thumbnailUploadMime)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to upload thumbnail: %v", err)
} else if uploadedThumbnail != nil {
if thumbnailFile != nil {
thumbnailFile.URL = uploadedThumbnail.ContentURI.CUString()
content.Info.ThumbnailFile = thumbnailFile
} else {
content.Info.ThumbnailURL = uploadedThumbnail.ContentURI.CUString()
content.Info.ThumbnailInfo = &event.FileInfo{
Size: thumbnailSize,
Width: thumbnailCfg.Width,
Height: thumbnailCfg.Height,
MimeType: thumbnailMime,
_, isSticker := msg.(*waProto.StickerMessage)
switch strings.ToLower(strings.Split(msg.GetMimetype(), "/")[0]) {
case "image":
if !isSticker {
content.MsgType = event.MsgImage
case "video":
content.MsgType = event.MsgVideo
case "audio":
content.MsgType = event.MsgAudio
content.MsgType = event.MsgFile
eventType := event.EventMessage
if isSticker {
eventType = event.EventSticker
audioMessage, ok := msg.(*waProto.AudioMessage)
if ok {
var waveform []int
if audioMessage.Waveform != nil {
waveform = make([]int, len(audioMessage.Waveform))
max := 0
for i, part := range audioMessage.Waveform {
waveform[i] = int(part)
if waveform[i] > max {
max = waveform[i]
multiplier := 0
if max > 0 {
multiplier = 1024 / max
if multiplier > 32 {
multiplier = 32
for i := range waveform {
waveform[i] *= multiplier
extraContent["org.matrix.msc1767.audio"] = map[string]interface{}{
"duration": int(audioMessage.GetSeconds()) * 1000,
"waveform": waveform,
if audioMessage.GetPtt() {
extraContent["org.matrix.msc3245.voice"] = map[string]interface{}{}
messageWithCaption, ok := msg.(MediaMessageWithCaption)
var captionContent *event.MessageEventContent
if ok && len(messageWithCaption.GetCaption()) > 0 {
captionContent = &event.MessageEventContent{
Body: messageWithCaption.GetCaption(),
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
portal.bridge.Formatter.ParseWhatsApp(portal.MXID, captionContent, msg.GetContextInfo().GetMentionedJid())
return &ConvertedMessage{
Intent: intent,
Type: eventType,
Content: content,
Caption: captionContent,
ReplyTo: msg.GetContextInfo().GetStanzaId(),
ExpiresIn: msg.GetContextInfo().GetExpiration(),
Extra: extraContent,
func (portal *Portal) uploadMedia(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, data []byte, content *event.MessageEventContent) error {
uploadMimeType, file := portal.encryptFileInPlace(data, content.Info.MimeType)
req := mautrix.ReqUploadMedia{
ContentBytes: data,
ContentType: uploadMimeType,
var mxc id.ContentURI
if portal.bridge.Config.Homeserver.AsyncMedia {
uploaded, err := intent.UnstableUploadAsync(req)
if err != nil {
return err
mxc = uploaded.ContentURI
} else {
uploaded, err := intent.UploadMedia(req)
if err != nil {
return err
mxc = uploaded.ContentURI
if file != nil {
file.URL = mxc.CUString()
content.File = file
} else {
content.URL = mxc.CUString()
content.Info.Size = len(data)
if content.Info.Width == 0 && content.Info.Height == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(content.Info.MimeType, "image/") {
cfg, _, _ := image.DecodeConfig(bytes.NewReader(data))
content.Info.Width, content.Info.Height = cfg.Width, cfg.Height
return nil
func (portal *Portal) convertMediaMessage(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, source *User, info *types.MessageInfo, msg MediaMessage) *ConvertedMessage {
converted := portal.convertMediaMessageContent(intent, msg)
data, err := source.Client.Download(msg)
if errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrMediaDownloadFailedWith404) || errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrMediaDownloadFailedWith410) {
//portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to download media for %s: %v. Requesting retry", info.ID, err)
//err = source.Client.SendMediaRetryReceipt(info, msg.GetMediaKey())
//if err != nil {
// portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to send media retry receipt for %s: %v", info.ID, err)
converted.Error = database.MsgErrMediaNotFound
errorText := "Old photo or attachment."
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.BackfillMedia {
if len(portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Media) > 0 {
errorText += " Media will be requested from your phone later."
} else {
errorText += ` React with the \u267b (recycle) emoji or the text "click to retry" to request this media from your phone or use the backfill command to request all missing media for this chat.`
} else {
errorText += ` Automatic media backfill is disabled. React with the \u267b (recycle) emoji or the text "click to retry" to request this media from your phone.`
return portal.makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info, err, converted, &FailedMediaKeys{
Key: msg.GetMediaKey(),
Length: int(msg.GetFileLength()),
Type: whatsmeow.GetMediaType(msg),
SHA256: msg.GetFileSha256(),
EncSHA256: msg.GetFileEncSha256(),
}, errorText)
} else if errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrNoURLPresent) {
portal.log.Debugfln("No URL present error for media message %s, ignoring...", info.ID)
return nil
} else if errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrFileLengthMismatch) || errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrInvalidMediaSHA256) {
portal.log.Warnfln("Mismatching media checksums in %s: %v. Ignoring because WhatsApp seems to ignore them too", info.ID, err)
} else if err != nil {
return portal.makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info, err, converted, nil, "")
err = portal.uploadMedia(intent, data, converted.Content)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MTooLarge) {
return portal.makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info, errors.New("homeserver rejected too large file"), converted, nil, "")
} else if httpErr, ok := err.(mautrix.HTTPError); ok && httpErr.IsStatus(413) {
return portal.makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info, errors.New("proxy rejected too large file"), converted, nil, "")
} else {
return portal.makeMediaBridgeFailureMessage(info, fmt.Errorf("failed to upload media: %w", err), converted, nil, "")
return converted
func (portal *Portal) fetchMediaRetryEvent(msg *database.Message) (*FailedMediaMeta, error) {
errorMeta, ok := portal.mediaErrorCache[msg.JID]
if ok {
return errorMeta, nil
evt, err := portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(portal.MXID, msg.MXID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch event %s: %w", msg.MXID, err)
if evt.Type == event.EventEncrypted {
err = evt.Content.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse encrypted content in %s: %w", msg.MXID, err)
evt, err = portal.bridge.Crypto.Decrypt(evt)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt event %s: %w", msg.MXID, err)
errorMetaResult := gjson.GetBytes(evt.Content.VeryRaw, strings.ReplaceAll(failedMediaField, ".", "\\."))
if !errorMetaResult.Exists() || !errorMetaResult.IsObject() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("didn't find failed media metadata in %s", msg.MXID)
var errorMetaBytes []byte
if errorMetaResult.Index > 0 {
errorMetaBytes = evt.Content.VeryRaw[errorMetaResult.Index : errorMetaResult.Index+len(errorMetaResult.Raw)]
} else {
errorMetaBytes = []byte(errorMetaResult.Raw)
err = json.Unmarshal(errorMetaBytes, &errorMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal failed media metadata in %s: %w", msg.MXID, err)
return errorMeta, nil
func (portal *Portal) handleMediaRetry(retry *events.MediaRetry, source *User) {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, retry.MessageID)
if msg == nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Dropping media retry notification for unknown message %s", retry.MessageID)
} else if msg.Error != database.MsgErrMediaNotFound {
portal.log.Warnfln("Dropping media retry notification for non-errored message %s / %s", retry.MessageID, msg.MXID)
meta, err := portal.fetchMediaRetryEvent(msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Can't handle media retry notification for %s: %v", retry.MessageID, err)
retryData, err := whatsmeow.DecryptMediaRetryNotification(retry, meta.Media.Key)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to handle media retry notification for %s: %v", retry.MessageID, err)
} else if retryData.GetResult() != waProto.MediaRetryNotification_SUCCESS {
portal.log.Warnfln("Got error response in media retry notification for %s: %s", retry.MessageID, waProto.MediaRetryNotification_MediaRetryNotificationResultType_name[int32(retryData.GetResult())])
var puppet *Puppet
if retry.FromMe {
puppet = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(source.JID)
} else if retry.ChatID.Server == types.DefaultUserServer {
puppet = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(retry.ChatID)
} else {
puppet = portal.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(retry.SenderID)
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
data, err := source.Client.DownloadMediaWithPath(retryData.GetDirectPath(), meta.Media.EncSHA256, meta.Media.SHA256, meta.Media.Key, meta.Media.Length, meta.Media.Type, "")
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to download media in %s after retry notification: %v", retry.MessageID, err)
err = portal.uploadMedia(intent, data, meta.Content)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to re-upload media for %s after retry notification: %v", retry.MessageID, err)
replaceContent := &event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: meta.Content.MsgType,
Body: "* " + meta.Content.Body,
NewContent: meta.Content,
RelatesTo: &event.RelatesTo{
EventID: msg.MXID,
Type: event.RelReplace,
// Move the extra content into m.new_content too
meta.ExtraContent = map[string]interface{}{
"m.new_content": shallowCopyMap(meta.ExtraContent),
resp, err := portal.sendMessage(intent, meta.Type, replaceContent, meta.ExtraContent, time.Now().UnixMilli())
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to edit %s after retry notification for %s: %v", msg.MXID, retry.MessageID, err)
portal.log.Debugfln("Successfully edited %s -> %s after retry notification for %s", msg.MXID, resp.EventID, retry.MessageID)
msg.UpdateMXID(resp.EventID, database.MsgNormal, database.MsgNoError)
func (portal *Portal) requestMediaRetry(user *User, eventID id.EventID) {
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(eventID)
if msg == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("%s requested a media retry for unknown event %s", user.MXID, eventID)
} else if msg.Error != database.MsgErrMediaNotFound {
portal.log.Debugfln("%s requested a media retry for non-errored event %s", user.MXID, eventID)
evt, err := portal.fetchMediaRetryEvent(msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Can't send media retry request for %s: %v", msg.JID, err)
err = user.Client.SendMediaRetryReceipt(&types.MessageInfo{
ID: msg.JID,
MessageSource: types.MessageSource{
IsFromMe: msg.Sender.User == user.JID.User,
IsGroup: !portal.IsPrivateChat(),
Sender: msg.Sender,
Chat: portal.Key.JID,
}, evt.Media.Key)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to send media retry request for %s: %v", msg.JID, err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Sent media retry request for %s", msg.JID)
const thumbnailMaxSize = 72
const thumbnailMinSize = 24
func createJPEGThumbnailAndGetSize(source []byte) ([]byte, int, int, error) {
src, _, err := image.Decode(bytes.NewReader(source))
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode thumbnail: %w", err)
imageBounds := src.Bounds()
width, height := imageBounds.Max.X, imageBounds.Max.Y
var img image.Image
if width <= thumbnailMaxSize && height <= thumbnailMaxSize {
// No need to resize
img = src
} else {
if width == height {
width = thumbnailMaxSize
height = thumbnailMaxSize
} else if width < height {
width /= height / thumbnailMaxSize
height = thumbnailMaxSize
} else {
height /= width / thumbnailMaxSize
width = thumbnailMaxSize
if width < thumbnailMinSize {
width = thumbnailMinSize
if height < thumbnailMinSize {
height = thumbnailMinSize
dst := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
draw.NearestNeighbor.Scale(dst, dst.Rect, src, src.Bounds(), draw.Over, nil)
img = dst
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = jpeg.Encode(&buf, img, &jpeg.Options{Quality: jpeg.DefaultQuality})
if err != nil {
return nil, width, height, fmt.Errorf("failed to re-encode thumbnail: %w", err)
return buf.Bytes(), width, height, nil
func createJPEGThumbnail(source []byte) ([]byte, error) {
data, _, _, err := createJPEGThumbnailAndGetSize(source)
return data, err
func (portal *Portal) downloadThumbnail(original []byte, thumbnailURL id.ContentURIString, eventID id.EventID) ([]byte, error) {
if len(thumbnailURL) == 0 {
// just fall back to making thumbnail of original
} else if mxc, err := thumbnailURL.Parse(); err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Malformed thumbnail URL in %s: %v (falling back to generating thumbnail from source)", eventID, err)
} else if thumbnail, err := portal.MainIntent().DownloadBytes(mxc); err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to download thumbnail in %s: %v (falling back to generating thumbnail from source)", eventID, err)
} else {
return createJPEGThumbnail(thumbnail)
return createJPEGThumbnail(original)
func (portal *Portal) convertWebPtoPNG(webpImage []byte) ([]byte, error) {
webpDecoded, err := webp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(webpImage))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to decode webp image: %w", err)
var pngBuffer bytes.Buffer
if err := png.Encode(&pngBuffer, webpDecoded); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to encode png image: %w", err)
return pngBuffer.Bytes(), nil
func (portal *Portal) preprocessMatrixMedia(sender *User, relaybotFormatted bool, content *event.MessageEventContent, eventID id.EventID, mediaType whatsmeow.MediaType) *MediaUpload {
var caption string
var mentionedJIDs []string
if relaybotFormatted {
caption, mentionedJIDs = portal.bridge.Formatter.ParseMatrix(content.FormattedBody)
var file *event.EncryptedFileInfo
rawMXC := content.URL
if content.File != nil {
file = content.File
rawMXC = file.URL
mxc, err := rawMXC.Parse()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Malformed content URL in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
data, err := portal.MainIntent().DownloadBytes(mxc)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to download media in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
if file != nil {
err = file.DecryptInPlace(data)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to decrypt media in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
if mediaType == whatsmeow.MediaVideo && content.GetInfo().MimeType == "image/gif" {
data, err = ffmpeg.ConvertBytes(data, ".mp4", []string{"-f", "gif"}, []string{
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p", "-c:v", "libx264", "-movflags", "+faststart",
"-filter:v", "crop='floor(in_w/2)*2:floor(in_h/2)*2'",
}, content.GetInfo().MimeType)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to convert gif to mp4 in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
content.Info.MimeType = "video/mp4"
if mediaType == whatsmeow.MediaImage && content.GetInfo().MimeType == "image/webp" {
data, err = portal.convertWebPtoPNG(data)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to convert webp to png in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
content.Info.MimeType = "image/png"
uploadResp, err := sender.Client.Upload(context.Background(), data, mediaType)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to upload media in %s: %v", eventID, err)
return nil
// Audio doesn't have thumbnails
var thumbnail []byte
if mediaType != whatsmeow.MediaAudio {
thumbnail, err = portal.downloadThumbnail(data, content.GetInfo().ThumbnailURL, eventID)
// Ignore format errors for non-image files, we don't care about those thumbnails
if err != nil && (!errors.Is(err, image.ErrFormat) || mediaType == whatsmeow.MediaImage) {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to generate thumbnail for %s: %v", eventID, err)
return &MediaUpload{
UploadResponse: uploadResp,
Caption: caption,
MentionedJIDs: mentionedJIDs,
Thumbnail: thumbnail,
FileLength: len(data),
type MediaUpload struct {
Caption string
MentionedJIDs []string
Thumbnail []byte
FileLength int
func (portal *Portal) addRelaybotFormat(sender *User, content *event.MessageEventContent) bool {
member := portal.MainIntent().Member(portal.MXID, sender.MXID)
if member == nil {
member = &event.MemberEventContent{}
if content.Format != event.FormatHTML {
content.FormattedBody = strings.Replace(html.EscapeString(content.Body), "\n", "<br/>", -1)
content.Format = event.FormatHTML
data, err := portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.FormatMessage(content, sender.MXID, *member)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to apply relaybot format:", err)
content.FormattedBody = data
return true
func addCodecToMime(mimeType, codec string) string {
mediaType, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(mimeType)
if err != nil {
return mimeType
if _, ok := params["codecs"]; !ok {
params["codecs"] = codec
return mime.FormatMediaType(mediaType, params)
func parseGeoURI(uri string) (lat, long float64, err error) {
if !strings.HasPrefix(uri, "geo:") {
err = fmt.Errorf("uri doesn't have geo: prefix")
// Remove geo: prefix and anything after ;
coordinates := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(uri, "geo:"), ";")[0]
if splitCoordinates := strings.Split(coordinates, ","); len(splitCoordinates) != 2 {
err = fmt.Errorf("didn't find exactly two numbers separated by a comma")
} else if lat, err = strconv.ParseFloat(splitCoordinates[0], 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("latitude is not a number: %w", err)
} else if long, err = strconv.ParseFloat(splitCoordinates[1], 64); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("longitude is not a number: %w", err)
func getUnstableWaveform(content map[string]interface{}) []byte {
audioInfo, ok := content["org.matrix.msc1767.audio"].(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
waveform, ok := audioInfo["waveform"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
output := make([]byte, len(waveform))
var val float64
for i, part := range waveform {
val, ok = part.(float64)
if ok {
output[i] = byte(val / 4)
return output
func (portal *Portal) convertMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *event.Event) (*waProto.Message, *User) {
content, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(*event.MessageEventContent)
if !ok {
portal.log.Debugfln("Failed to handle event %s: unexpected parsed content type %T", evt.ID, evt.Content.Parsed)
return nil, sender
var msg waProto.Message
var ctxInfo waProto.ContextInfo
replyToID := content.GetReplyTo()
if len(replyToID) > 0 {
replyToMsg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(replyToID)
if replyToMsg != nil && !replyToMsg.IsFakeJID() && replyToMsg.Type == database.MsgNormal {
ctxInfo.StanzaId = &replyToMsg.JID
ctxInfo.Participant = proto.String(replyToMsg.Sender.ToNonAD().String())
// Using blank content here seems to work fine on all official WhatsApp apps.
// We could probably invent a slightly more accurate version of the quoted message
// by fetching the Matrix event and converting it to the WhatsApp format, but that's
// a lot of work and this works fine.
ctxInfo.QuotedMessage = &waProto.Message{Conversation: proto.String("")}
if portal.ExpirationTime != 0 {
ctxInfo.Expiration = proto.Uint32(portal.ExpirationTime)
relaybotFormatted := false
if !sender.IsLoggedIn() || (portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.JID.User != portal.Key.Receiver.User) {
if !portal.HasRelaybot() {
portal.log.Warnln("Ignoring message from", sender.MXID, "in chat with no relaybot (convertMatrixMessage)")
return nil, sender
relaybotFormatted = portal.addRelaybotFormat(sender, content)
sender = portal.GetRelayUser()
if evt.Type == event.EventSticker {
content.MsgType = event.MsgImage
if content.MsgType == event.MsgImage && content.GetInfo().MimeType == "image/gif" {
content.MsgType = event.MsgVideo
switch content.MsgType {
case event.MsgText, event.MsgEmote, event.MsgNotice:
text := content.Body
if content.MsgType == event.MsgNotice && !portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.BridgeNotices {
return nil, sender
if content.Format == event.FormatHTML {
text, ctxInfo.MentionedJid = portal.bridge.Formatter.ParseMatrix(content.FormattedBody)
if content.MsgType == event.MsgEmote && !relaybotFormatted {
text = "/me " + text
msg.ExtendedTextMessage = &waProto.ExtendedTextMessage{
Text: &text,
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
hasPreview := portal.convertURLPreviewToWhatsApp(sender, evt, msg.ExtendedTextMessage)
if ctxInfo.StanzaId == nil && ctxInfo.MentionedJid == nil && ctxInfo.Expiration == nil && !hasPreview {
// No need for extended message
msg.ExtendedTextMessage = nil
msg.Conversation = &text
case event.MsgImage:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, relaybotFormatted, content, evt.ID, whatsmeow.MediaImage)
if media == nil {
return nil, sender
ctxInfo.MentionedJid = media.MentionedJIDs
msg.ImageMessage = &waProto.ImageMessage{
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
Caption: &media.Caption,
JpegThumbnail: media.Thumbnail,
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &content.GetInfo().MimeType,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uint64(media.FileLength)),
case event.MsgVideo:
gifPlayback := content.GetInfo().MimeType == "image/gif"
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, relaybotFormatted, content, evt.ID, whatsmeow.MediaVideo)
if media == nil {
return nil, sender
duration := uint32(content.GetInfo().Duration / 1000)
ctxInfo.MentionedJid = media.MentionedJIDs
msg.VideoMessage = &waProto.VideoMessage{
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
Caption: &media.Caption,
JpegThumbnail: media.Thumbnail,
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &content.GetInfo().MimeType,
GifPlayback: &gifPlayback,
Seconds: &duration,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uint64(media.FileLength)),
case event.MsgAudio:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, relaybotFormatted, content, evt.ID, whatsmeow.MediaAudio)
if media == nil {
return nil, sender
duration := uint32(content.GetInfo().Duration / 1000)
msg.AudioMessage = &waProto.AudioMessage{
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
Url: &media.URL,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &content.GetInfo().MimeType,
Seconds: &duration,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uint64(media.FileLength)),
_, isMSC3245Voice := evt.Content.Raw["org.matrix.msc3245.voice"]
if isMSC3245Voice {
msg.AudioMessage.Waveform = getUnstableWaveform(evt.Content.Raw)
msg.AudioMessage.Ptt = proto.Bool(true)
// hacky hack to add the codecs param that whatsapp seems to require
msg.AudioMessage.Mimetype = proto.String(addCodecToMime(content.GetInfo().MimeType, "opus"))
case event.MsgFile:
media := portal.preprocessMatrixMedia(sender, relaybotFormatted, content, evt.ID, whatsmeow.MediaDocument)
if media == nil {
return nil, sender
msg.DocumentMessage = &waProto.DocumentMessage{
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
JpegThumbnail: media.Thumbnail,
Url: &media.URL,
Title: &content.Body,
FileName: &content.Body,
MediaKey: media.MediaKey,
Mimetype: &content.GetInfo().MimeType,
FileEncSha256: media.FileEncSHA256,
FileSha256: media.FileSHA256,
FileLength: proto.Uint64(uint64(media.FileLength)),
case event.MsgLocation:
lat, long, err := parseGeoURI(content.GeoURI)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Invalid geo URI on Matrix event %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
return nil, sender
msg.LocationMessage = &waProto.LocationMessage{
DegreesLatitude: &lat,
DegreesLongitude: &long,
Comment: &content.Body,
ContextInfo: &ctxInfo,
portal.log.Debugfln("Unhandled Matrix event %s: unknown msgtype %s", evt.ID, content.MsgType)
return nil, sender
return &msg, sender
func (portal *Portal) sendErrorMessage(message string, confirmed bool) id.EventID {
certainty := "may not have been"
if confirmed {
certainty = "was not"
resp, err := portal.sendMainIntentMessage(&event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgNotice,
Body: fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 Your message %s bridged: %v", certainty, message),
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to send bridging error message:", err)
return ""
return resp.EventID
func (portal *Portal) sendDeliveryReceipt(eventID id.EventID) {
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.DeliveryReceipts {
err := portal.bridge.Bot.MarkRead(portal.MXID, eventID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Failed to send delivery receipt for %s: %v", eventID, err)
func (portal *Portal) generateMessageInfo(sender *User) *types.MessageInfo {
return &types.MessageInfo{
ID: whatsmeow.GenerateMessageID(),
Timestamp: time.Now(),
MessageSource: types.MessageSource{
Sender: sender.JID,
Chat: portal.Key.JID,
IsFromMe: true,
IsGroup: portal.Key.JID.Server == types.GroupServer || portal.Key.JID.Server == types.BroadcastServer,
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixMessage(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if !portal.canBridgeFrom(sender, "message") {
portal.log.Debugfln("Received event %s from %s", evt.ID, evt.Sender)
msg, sender := portal.convertMatrixMessage(sender, evt)
if msg == nil {
portal.MarkDisappearing(evt.ID, portal.ExpirationTime, true)
info := portal.generateMessageInfo(sender)
dbMsg := portal.markHandled(nil, info, evt.ID, false, true, database.MsgNormal, database.MsgNoError)
portal.log.Debugln("Sending event", evt.ID, "to WhatsApp", info.ID)
ts, err := sender.Client.SendMessage(portal.Key.JID, info.ID, msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error sending message: %v", err)
portal.sendErrorMessage(err.Error(), true)
status := appservice.StatusPermFailure
if errors.Is(err, whatsmeow.ErrBroadcastListUnsupported) {
status = appservice.StatusUnsupported
checkpoint := appservice.NewMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, status, 0)
checkpoint.Info = err.Error()
go checkpoint.Send(portal.bridge.AS)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Handled Matrix event %s", evt.ID)
portal.bridge.AS.SendMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, 0)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixReaction(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
portal.log.Debugfln("Received reaction event %s from %s", evt.ID, evt.Sender)
err := portal.handleMatrixReaction(sender, evt)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error sending reaction %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, err, true, 0)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Handled Matrix reaction %s", evt.ID)
portal.bridge.AS.SendMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, 0)
func (portal *Portal) handleMatrixReaction(sender *User, evt *event.Event) error {
content, ok := evt.Content.Parsed.(*event.ReactionEventContent)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected parsed content type %T", evt.Content.Parsed)
target := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(content.RelatesTo.EventID)
if target == nil || target.Type == database.MsgReaction {
return fmt.Errorf("unknown target event %s", content.RelatesTo.EventID)
info := portal.generateMessageInfo(sender)
dbMsg := portal.markHandled(nil, info, evt.ID, false, true, database.MsgReaction, database.MsgNoError)
portal.upsertReaction(nil, target.JID, sender.JID, evt.ID, info.ID)
portal.log.Debugln("Sending reaction", evt.ID, "to WhatsApp", info.ID)
ts, err := portal.sendReactionToWhatsApp(sender, info.ID, target, content.RelatesTo.Key, evt.Timestamp)
if err != nil {
return err
func (portal *Portal) sendReactionToWhatsApp(sender *User, id types.MessageID, target *database.Message, key string, timestamp int64) (time.Time, error) {
var messageKeyParticipant *string
if !portal.IsPrivateChat() {
messageKeyParticipant = proto.String(target.Sender.ToNonAD().String())
key = variationselector.Remove(key)
return sender.Client.SendMessage(portal.Key.JID, id, &waProto.Message{
ReactionMessage: &waProto.ReactionMessage{
Key: &waProto.MessageKey{
RemoteJid: proto.String(portal.Key.JID.String()),
FromMe: proto.Bool(target.Sender.User == sender.JID.User),
Id: proto.String(target.JID),
Participant: messageKeyParticipant,
Text: proto.String(key),
GroupingKey: proto.String(key), // TODO is this correct?
SenderTimestampMs: proto.Int64(timestamp),
func (portal *Portal) upsertReaction(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, targetJID types.MessageID, senderJID types.JID, mxid id.EventID, jid types.MessageID) {
dbReaction := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByTargetJID(portal.Key, targetJID, senderJID)
if dbReaction == nil {
dbReaction = portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.New()
dbReaction.Chat = portal.Key
dbReaction.TargetJID = targetJID
dbReaction.Sender = senderJID
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Redacting old Matrix reaction %s after new one (%s) was sent", dbReaction.MXID, mxid)
var err error
if intent != nil {
extra := make(map[string]interface{})
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
extra[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
_, err = intent.RedactEvent(portal.MXID, dbReaction.MXID, mautrix.ReqRedact{Extra: extra})
if intent == nil || errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().RedactEvent(portal.MXID, dbReaction.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to remove old reaction %s: %v", dbReaction.MXID, err)
dbReaction.MXID = mxid
dbReaction.JID = jid
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixRedaction(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
if !portal.canBridgeFrom(sender, "redaction") {
portal.log.Debugfln("Received redaction %s from %s", evt.ID, evt.Sender)
senderLogIdentifier := sender.MXID
if !sender.HasSession() {
sender = portal.GetRelayUser()
senderLogIdentifier += " (through relaybot)"
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(evt.Redacts)
if msg == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring redaction %s of unknown event by %s", evt.ID, senderLogIdentifier)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, errors.New("target not found"), true, 0)
} else if msg.IsFakeJID() {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring redaction %s of fake event by %s", evt.ID, senderLogIdentifier)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, errors.New("target is a fake event"), true, 0)
} else if msg.Sender.User != sender.JID.User {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring redaction %s of %s/%s by %s: message was sent by someone else (%s, not %s)", evt.ID, msg.MXID, msg.JID, senderLogIdentifier, msg.Sender, sender.JID)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, errors.New("message was sent by someone else"), true, 0)
var err error
if msg.Type == database.MsgReaction {
if reaction := portal.bridge.DB.Reaction.GetByMXID(evt.Redacts); reaction == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring redaction of reaction %s: reaction database entry not found", evt.ID)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, errors.New("reaction database entry not found"), true, 0)
} else if reactionTarget := reaction.GetTarget(); reactionTarget == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring redaction of reaction %s: reaction target message not found", evt.ID)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, errors.New("reaction target message not found"), true, 0)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Sending redaction reaction %s of %s/%s to WhatsApp", evt.ID, msg.MXID, msg.JID)
_, err = portal.sendReactionToWhatsApp(sender, "", reactionTarget, "", evt.Timestamp)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Sending redaction %s of %s/%s to WhatsApp", evt.ID, msg.MXID, msg.JID)
_, err = sender.Client.RevokeMessage(portal.Key.JID, msg.JID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error handling Matrix redaction %s: %v", evt.ID, err)
portal.bridge.AS.SendErrorMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, err, true, 0)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Handled Matrix redaction %s of %s", evt.ID, evt.Redacts)
portal.bridge.AS.SendMessageSendCheckpoint(evt, appservice.StepRemote, 0)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixReadReceipt(sender *User, eventID id.EventID, receiptTimestamp time.Time, isExplicit bool) {
if !sender.IsLoggedIn() {
if isExplicit {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring read receipt by %s: user is not connected to WhatsApp", sender.JID)
maxTimestamp := receiptTimestamp
// Implicit read receipts don't have an event ID that's already bridged
if isExplicit {
if message := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetByMXID(eventID); message != nil {
maxTimestamp = message.Timestamp
prevTimestamp := sender.GetLastReadTS(portal.Key)
lastReadIsZero := false
if prevTimestamp.IsZero() {
prevTimestamp = maxTimestamp.Add(-2 * time.Second)
lastReadIsZero = true
messages := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetMessagesBetween(portal.Key, prevTimestamp, maxTimestamp)
if len(messages) > 0 {
sender.SetLastReadTS(portal.Key, messages[len(messages)-1].Timestamp)
groupedMessages := make(map[types.JID][]types.MessageID)
for _, msg := range messages {
var key types.JID
if msg.IsFakeJID() || msg.Sender.User == sender.JID.User {
// Don't send read receipts for own messages or fake messages
} else if !portal.IsPrivateChat() {
key = msg.Sender
} else if !msg.BroadcastListJID.IsEmpty() {
key = msg.BroadcastListJID
} // else: blank key (participant field isn't needed in direct chat read receipts)
groupedMessages[key] = append(groupedMessages[key], msg.JID)
// For explicit read receipts, log even if there are no targets. For implicit ones only log when there are targets
if len(groupedMessages) > 0 || isExplicit {
portal.log.Debugfln("Sending read receipts by %s (last read: %d, was zero: %t, explicit: %t): %v",
sender.JID, prevTimestamp.Unix(), lastReadIsZero, isExplicit, groupedMessages)
for messageSender, ids := range groupedMessages {
chatJID := portal.Key.JID
if messageSender.Server == types.BroadcastServer {
chatJID = messageSender
messageSender = portal.Key.JID
err := sender.Client.MarkRead(ids, receiptTimestamp, chatJID, messageSender)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to mark %v as read by %s: %v", ids, sender.JID, err)
if isExplicit {
func typingDiff(prev, new []id.UserID) (started, stopped []id.UserID) {
for _, userID := range new {
for _, previousUserID := range prev {
if userID == previousUserID {
continue OuterNew
started = append(started, userID)
for _, userID := range prev {
for _, previousUserID := range new {
if userID == previousUserID {
continue OuterPrev
stopped = append(stopped, userID)
func (portal *Portal) setTyping(userIDs []id.UserID, state types.ChatPresence) {
for _, userID := range userIDs {
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByMXIDIfExists(userID)
if user == nil || !user.IsLoggedIn() {
portal.log.Debugfln("Bridging typing change from %s to chat presence %s", state, user.MXID)
err := user.Client.SendChatPresence(portal.Key.JID, state, types.ChatPresenceMediaText)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Error sending chat presence:", err)
if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.SendPresenceOnTyping {
err = user.Client.SendPresence(types.PresenceAvailable)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to set presence:", err)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixTyping(newTyping []id.UserID) {
defer portal.currentlyTypingLock.Unlock()
startedTyping, stoppedTyping := typingDiff(portal.currentlyTyping, newTyping)
portal.currentlyTyping = newTyping
portal.setTyping(startedTyping, types.ChatPresenceComposing)
portal.setTyping(stoppedTyping, types.ChatPresencePaused)
func (portal *Portal) canBridgeFrom(sender *User, evtType string) bool {
if !sender.IsLoggedIn() {
if portal.HasRelaybot() {
return true
} else if sender.Session != nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring %s from %s as user is not connected", evtType, sender.MXID)
msg := format.RenderMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 You are not connected to WhatsApp, so your %s was not bridged.", evtType), true, false)
msg.MsgType = event.MsgNotice
_, err := portal.sendMainIntentMessage(&msg)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to send bridging failure message:", err)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring %s from non-logged-in user %s in chat with no relay user", evtType, sender.MXID)
return false
} else if portal.IsPrivateChat() && sender.JID.User != portal.Key.Receiver.User && !portal.HasRelaybot() {
portal.log.Debugfln("Ignoring %s from different user %s/%s in private chat with no relay user", evtType, sender.MXID, sender.JID)
return false
return true
func (portal *Portal) Delete() {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByJID, portal.Key)
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
delete(portal.bridge.portalsByMXID, portal.MXID)
func (portal *Portal) GetMatrixUsers() ([]id.UserID, error) {
members, err := portal.MainIntent().JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get member list: %w", err)
var users []id.UserID
for userID := range members.Joined {
_, isPuppet := portal.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID)
if !isPuppet && userID != portal.bridge.Bot.UserID {
users = append(users, userID)
return users, nil
func (portal *Portal) CleanupIfEmpty() {
users, err := portal.GetMatrixUsers()
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to get Matrix user list to determine if portal needs to be cleaned up: %v", err)
if len(users) == 0 {
portal.log.Infoln("Room seems to be empty, cleaning up...")
func (portal *Portal) Cleanup(puppetsOnly bool) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
_, err := portal.MainIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to leave private chat portal with main intent:", err)
intent := portal.MainIntent()
members, err := intent.JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to get portal members for cleanup:", err)
for member := range members.Joined {
if member == intent.UserID {
puppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByMXID(member)
if puppet != nil {
_, err = puppet.DefaultIntent().LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error leaving as puppet while cleaning up portal:", err)
} else if !puppetsOnly {
_, err = intent.KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{UserID: member, Reason: "Deleting portal"})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error kicking user while cleaning up portal:", err)
_, err = intent.LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error leaving with main intent while cleaning up portal:", err)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixLeave(sender *User) {
if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
portal.log.Debugln("User left private chat portal, cleaning up and deleting...")
} else if portal.bridge.Config.Bridge.BridgeMatrixLeave {
err := sender.Client.LeaveGroup(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to leave group as %s: %v", sender.MXID, err)
//portal.log.Infoln("Leave response:", <-resp)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixKick(sender *User, target *Puppet) {
_, err := sender.Client.UpdateGroupParticipants(portal.Key.JID, map[types.JID]whatsmeow.ParticipantChange{
target.JID: whatsmeow.ParticipantChangeRemove,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to kick %s from group as %s: %v", target.JID, sender.MXID, err)
//portal.log.Infoln("Kick %s response: %s", puppet.JID, <-resp)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixInvite(sender *User, target *Puppet) {
_, err := sender.Client.UpdateGroupParticipants(portal.Key.JID, map[types.JID]whatsmeow.ParticipantChange{
target.JID: whatsmeow.ParticipantChangeAdd,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to add %s to group as %s: %v", target.JID, sender.MXID, err)
//portal.log.Infofln("Add %s response: %s", puppet.JID, <-resp)
func (portal *Portal) HandleMatrixMeta(sender *User, evt *event.Event) {
switch content := evt.Content.Parsed.(type) {
case *event.RoomNameEventContent:
if content.Name == portal.Name {
portal.Name = content.Name
err := sender.Client.SetGroupName(portal.Key.JID, content.Name)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to update group name:", err)
case *event.TopicEventContent:
if content.Topic == portal.Topic {
portal.Topic = content.Topic
err := sender.Client.SetGroupTopic(portal.Key.JID, "", "", content.Topic)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Failed to update group description:", err)
case *event.RoomAvatarEventContent:
defer portal.avatarLock.Unlock()
if content.URL == portal.AvatarURL || (content.URL.IsEmpty() && portal.Avatar == "remove") {
var data []byte
var err error
if !content.URL.IsEmpty() {
data, err = portal.MainIntent().DownloadBytes(content.URL)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to download updated avatar %s: %v", content.URL, err)
portal.log.Debugfln("%s set the group avatar to %s", sender.MXID, content.URL)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("%s removed the group avatar", sender.MXID)
newID, err := sender.Client.SetGroupPhoto(portal.Key.JID, data)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to update group avatar: %v", err)
portal.log.Debugfln("Successfully updated group avatar to %s", newID)
portal.Avatar = newID
portal.AvatarURL = content.URL