mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:40:18 +01:00
This adds a new backfill type for media that sends a request to the phone for every media that is not available on the WA servers. WA deletes media from their servers after about two weeks, so you have to ask the phone to re-upload it. In order to use this, you need to enable bridge.history_sync.backfill_media and configure the requests that will be made per portal using bridge.history_sync.media (which is similar to the deferred backfill config). If you already have backfilled portals, but want to do a one-off media backfill for all existing portals, you can set bridge.history_sync.enqueue_backfill_media_next_start to true.
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// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
type CommandHandler struct {
bridge *Bridge
log maulogger.Logger
// NewCommandHandler creates a CommandHandler
func NewCommandHandler(bridge *Bridge) *CommandHandler {
return &CommandHandler{
bridge: bridge,
log: bridge.Log.Sub("Command handler"),
// CommandEvent stores all data which might be used to handle commands
type CommandEvent struct {
Bot *appservice.IntentAPI
Bridge *Bridge
Portal *Portal
Handler *CommandHandler
RoomID id.RoomID
EventID id.EventID
User *User
Command string
Args []string
ReplyTo id.EventID
// Reply sends a reply to command as notice
func (ce *CommandEvent) Reply(msg string, args ...interface{}) {
content := format.RenderMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf(msg, args...), true, false)
content.MsgType = event.MsgNotice
intent := ce.Bot
if ce.Portal != nil && ce.Portal.IsPrivateChat() {
intent = ce.Portal.MainIntent()
_, err := intent.SendMessageEvent(ce.RoomID, event.EventMessage, content)
if err != nil {
ce.Handler.log.Warnfln("Failed to reply to command from %s: %v", ce.User.MXID, err)
// Handle handles messages to the bridge
func (handler *CommandHandler) Handle(roomID id.RoomID, eventID id.EventID, user *User, message string, replyTo id.EventID) {
args := strings.Fields(message)
if len(args) == 0 {
args = []string{"unknown-command"}
ce := &CommandEvent{
Bot: handler.bridge.Bot,
Bridge: handler.bridge,
Portal: handler.bridge.GetPortalByMXID(roomID),
Handler: handler,
RoomID: roomID,
EventID: eventID,
User: user,
Command: strings.ToLower(args[0]),
Args: args[1:],
ReplyTo: replyTo,
handler.log.Debugfln("%s sent '%s' in %s", user.MXID, message, roomID)
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandMux(ce *CommandEvent) {
switch ce.Command {
case "login":
case "ping-matrix":
case "logout-matrix":
case "help":
case "version":
case "reconnect", "connect":
case "disconnect":
case "ping":
case "delete-session":
case "delete-portal":
case "delete-all-portals":
case "discard-megolm-session", "discard-session":
case "dev-test":
case "set-pl":
case "logout":
case "toggle":
case "set-relay", "unset-relay", "login-matrix", "sync", "list", "search", "open", "pm", "invite-link", "resolve", "resolve-link", "join", "create", "accept", "backfill":
if !ce.User.HasSession() {
ce.Reply("You are not logged in. Use the `login` command to log into WhatsApp.")
} else if !ce.User.IsLoggedIn() {
ce.Reply("You are not connected to WhatsApp. Use the `reconnect` command to reconnect.")
switch ce.Command {
case "set-relay":
case "unset-relay":
case "login-matrix":
case "sync":
case "list":
case "search":
case "open":
case "pm":
case "invite-link":
case "resolve", "resolve-link":
case "join":
case "create":
case "accept":
case "backfill":
ce.Reply("Unknown command, use the `help` command for help.")
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDiscardMegolmSession(ce *CommandEvent) {
if handler.bridge.Crypto == nil {
ce.Reply("This bridge instance doesn't have end-to-bridge encryption enabled")
} else if !ce.User.Admin {
ce.Reply("Only the bridge admin can reset Megolm sessions")
} else {
ce.Reply("Successfully reset Megolm session in this room. New decryption keys will be shared the next time a message is sent from WhatsApp.")
const cmdSetRelayHelp = `set-relay - Relay messages in this room through your WhatsApp account.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSetRelay(ce *CommandEvent) {
if !handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.Enabled {
ce.Reply("Relay mode is not enabled on this instance of the bridge")
} else if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("This is not a portal room")
} else if handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.AdminOnly && !ce.User.Admin {
ce.Reply("Only admins are allowed to enable relay mode on this instance of the bridge")
} else {
ce.Portal.RelayUserID = ce.User.MXID
ce.Reply("Messages from non-logged-in users in this room will now be bridged through your WhatsApp account")
const cmdUnsetRelayHelp = `unset-relay - Stop relaying messages in this room.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandUnsetRelay(ce *CommandEvent) {
if !handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.Enabled {
ce.Reply("Relay mode is not enabled on this instance of the bridge")
} else if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("This is not a portal room")
} else if handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Relay.AdminOnly && !ce.User.Admin {
ce.Reply("Only admins are allowed to enable relay mode on this instance of the bridge")
} else {
ce.Portal.RelayUserID = ""
ce.Reply("Messages from non-logged-in users will no longer be bridged in this room")
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDevTest(_ *CommandEvent) {
const cmdVersionHelp = `version - View the bridge version`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandVersion(ce *CommandEvent) {
linkifiedVersion := fmt.Sprintf("v%s", Version)
if Tag == Version {
linkifiedVersion = fmt.Sprintf("[v%s](%s/releases/v%s)", Version, URL, Tag)
} else if len(Commit) > 8 {
linkifiedVersion = strings.Replace(linkifiedVersion, Commit[:8], fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s/commit/%s)", Commit[:8], URL, Commit), 1)
ce.Reply(fmt.Sprintf("[%s](%s) %s (%s)", Name, URL, linkifiedVersion, BuildTime))
const cmdInviteLinkHelp = `invite-link [--reset] - Get an invite link to the current group chat, optionally regenerating the link and revoking the old link.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandInviteLink(ce *CommandEvent) {
reset := len(ce.Args) > 0 && strings.ToLower(ce.Args[0]) == "--reset"
if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("Not a portal room")
} else if ce.Portal.IsPrivateChat() {
ce.Reply("Can't get invite link to private chat")
} else if ce.Portal.IsBroadcastList() {
ce.Reply("Can't get invite link to broadcast list")
} else if link, err := ce.User.Client.GetGroupInviteLink(ce.Portal.Key.JID, reset); err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get invite link: %v", err)
} else {
const cmdResolveLinkHelp = `resolve-link <group or message link> - Resolve a WhatsApp group invite or business message link.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandResolveLink(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `resolve-link <group or message link>`")
if strings.HasPrefix(ce.Args[0], whatsmeow.InviteLinkPrefix) {
group, err := ce.User.Client.GetGroupInfoFromLink(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get group info: %v", err)
ce.Reply("That invite link points at %s (`%s`)", group.Name, group.JID)
} else if strings.HasPrefix(ce.Args[0], whatsmeow.BusinessMessageLinkPrefix) || strings.HasPrefix(ce.Args[0], whatsmeow.BusinessMessageLinkDirectPrefix) {
target, err := ce.User.Client.ResolveBusinessMessageLink(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get business info: %v", err)
message := ""
if len(target.Message) > 0 {
parts := strings.Split(target.Message, "\n")
for i, part := range parts {
parts[i] = "> " + html.EscapeString(part)
message = fmt.Sprintf(" The following prefilled message is attached:\n\n%s", strings.Join(parts, "\n"))
ce.Reply("That link points at %s (+%s).%s", target.PushName, target.JID.User, message)
} else {
ce.Reply("That doesn't look like a group invite link nor a business message link.")
const cmdJoinHelp = `join <invite link> - Join a group chat with an invite link.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandJoin(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `join <invite link>`")
} else if !strings.HasPrefix(ce.Args[0], whatsmeow.InviteLinkPrefix) {
ce.Reply("That doesn't look like a WhatsApp invite link")
jid, err := ce.User.Client.JoinGroupWithLink(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to join group: %v", err)
handler.log.Debugln("%s successfully joined group %s", ce.User.MXID, jid)
ce.Reply("Successfully joined group `%s`, the portal should be created momentarily", jid)
func tryDecryptEvent(crypto Crypto, evt *event.Event) (json.RawMessage, error) {
var data json.RawMessage
if evt.Type != event.EventEncrypted {
data = evt.Content.VeryRaw
} else {
err := evt.Content.ParseRaw(evt.Type)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, event.ErrContentAlreadyParsed) {
return nil, err
decrypted, err := crypto.Decrypt(evt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data = decrypted.Content.VeryRaw
return data, nil
func parseInviteMeta(data json.RawMessage) (*InviteMeta, error) {
result := gjson.GetBytes(data, escapedInviteMetaField)
if !result.Exists() || !result.IsObject() {
return nil, nil
var meta InviteMeta
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(result.Raw), &meta)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil
return &meta, nil
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandAccept(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.Portal == nil || len(ce.ReplyTo) == 0 {
ce.Reply("You must reply to a group invite message when using this command.")
} else if evt, err := ce.Portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(ce.RoomID, ce.ReplyTo); err != nil {
handler.log.Errorln("Failed to get event %s to handle !wa accept command: %v", ce.ReplyTo, err)
ce.Reply("Failed to get reply event")
} else if rawContent, err := tryDecryptEvent(ce.Bridge.Crypto, evt); err != nil {
handler.log.Errorln("Failed to decrypt event %s to handle !wa accept command: %v", ce.ReplyTo, err)
ce.Reply("Failed to decrypt reply event")
} else if meta, err := parseInviteMeta(rawContent); err != nil || meta == nil {
ce.Reply("That doesn't look like a group invite message.")
} else if meta.Inviter.User == ce.User.JID.User {
ce.Reply("You can't accept your own invites")
} else if err = ce.User.Client.JoinGroupWithInvite(meta.JID, meta.Inviter, meta.Code, meta.Expiration); err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to accept group invite: %v", err)
} else {
ce.Reply("Successfully accepted the invite, the portal should be created momentarily")
const cmdCreateHelp = `create - Create a group chat.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandCreate(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.Portal != nil {
ce.Reply("This is already a portal room")
members, err := ce.Bot.JoinedMembers(ce.RoomID)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get room members: %v", err)
var roomNameEvent event.RoomNameEventContent
err = ce.Bot.StateEvent(ce.RoomID, event.StateRoomName, "", &roomNameEvent)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) {
handler.log.Errorln("Failed to get room name to create group:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to get room name")
} else if len(roomNameEvent.Name) == 0 {
ce.Reply("Please set a name for the room first")
var encryptionEvent event.EncryptionEventContent
err = ce.Bot.StateEvent(ce.RoomID, event.StateEncryption, "", &encryptionEvent)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) {
ce.Reply("Failed to get room encryption status")
var participants []types.JID
participantDedup := make(map[types.JID]bool)
participantDedup[ce.User.JID.ToNonAD()] = true
participantDedup[types.EmptyJID] = true
for userID := range members.Joined {
jid, ok := handler.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID)
if !ok {
user := handler.bridge.GetUserByMXID(userID)
if user != nil && !user.JID.IsEmpty() {
jid = user.JID.ToNonAD()
if !participantDedup[jid] {
participantDedup[jid] = true
participants = append(participants, jid)
handler.log.Infofln("Creating group for %s with name %s and participants %+v", ce.RoomID, roomNameEvent.Name, participants)
resp, err := ce.User.Client.CreateGroup(roomNameEvent.Name, participants)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to create group: %v", err)
portal := ce.User.GetPortalByJID(resp.JID)
defer portal.roomCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(portal.MXID) != 0 {
portal.log.Warnln("Detected race condition in room creation")
// TODO race condition, clean up the old room
portal.MXID = ce.RoomID
portal.Name = roomNameEvent.Name
portal.Encrypted = encryptionEvent.Algorithm == id.AlgorithmMegolmV1
if !portal.Encrypted && handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.Encryption.Default {
_, err = portal.MainIntent().SendStateEvent(portal.MXID, event.StateEncryption, "", &event.EncryptionEventContent{Algorithm: id.AlgorithmMegolmV1})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Failed to enable encryption in room:", err)
if errors.Is(err, mautrix.MForbidden) {
ce.Reply("I don't seem to have permission to enable encryption in this room.")
} else {
ce.Reply("Failed to enable encryption in room: %v", err)
portal.Encrypted = true
ce.Reply("Successfully created WhatsApp group %s", portal.Key.JID)
const cmdSetPowerLevelHelp = `set-pl [user ID] <power level> - Change the power level in a portal room. Only for bridge admins.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSetPowerLevel(ce *CommandEvent) {
if !ce.User.Admin {
ce.Reply("Only bridge admins can use `set-pl`")
} else if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("This is not a portal room")
var level int
var userID id.UserID
var err error
if len(ce.Args) == 1 {
level, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Invalid power level \"%s\"", ce.Args[0])
userID = ce.User.MXID
} else if len(ce.Args) == 2 {
userID = id.UserID(ce.Args[0])
_, _, err := userID.Parse()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Invalid user ID \"%s\"", ce.Args[0])
level, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[1])
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Invalid power level \"%s\"", ce.Args[1])
} else {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `set-pl [user] <level>`")
intent := ce.Portal.MainIntent()
_, err = intent.SetPowerLevel(ce.RoomID, userID, level)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to set power levels: %v", err)
const cmdLoginHelp = `login - Link the bridge to your WhatsApp account as a web client`
// CommandLogin handles login command
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogin(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Session != nil {
if ce.User.IsConnected() {
ce.Reply("You're already logged in")
} else {
ce.Reply("You're already logged in. Perhaps you wanted to `reconnect`?")
qrChan, err := ce.User.Login(context.Background())
if err != nil {
ce.User.log.Errorf("Failed to log in:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to log in: %v", err)
var qrEventID id.EventID
for item := range qrChan {
switch item.Event {
case whatsmeow.QRChannelSuccess.Event:
jid := ce.User.Client.Store.ID
ce.Reply("Successfully logged in as +%s (device #%d)", jid.User, jid.Device)
case whatsmeow.QRChannelTimeout.Event:
ce.Reply("QR code timed out. Please restart the login.")
case whatsmeow.QRChannelErrUnexpectedEvent.Event:
ce.Reply("Failed to log in: unexpected connection event from server")
case whatsmeow.QRChannelClientOutdated.Event:
ce.Reply("Failed to log in: outdated client. The bridge must be updated to continue.")
case whatsmeow.QRChannelScannedWithoutMultidevice.Event:
ce.Reply("Please enable the WhatsApp multidevice beta and scan the QR code again.")
case "error":
ce.Reply("Failed to log in: %v", item.Error)
case "code":
qrEventID = ce.User.sendQR(ce, item.Code, qrEventID)
_, _ = ce.Bot.RedactEvent(ce.RoomID, qrEventID)
func (user *User) sendQR(ce *CommandEvent, code string, prevEvent id.EventID) id.EventID {
url, ok := user.uploadQR(ce, code)
if !ok {
return prevEvent
content := event.MessageEventContent{
MsgType: event.MsgImage,
Body: code,
URL: url.CUString(),
if len(prevEvent) != 0 {
resp, err := ce.Bot.SendMessageEvent(ce.RoomID, event.EventMessage, &content)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to send edited QR code to user:", err)
} else if len(prevEvent) == 0 {
prevEvent = resp.EventID
return prevEvent
func (user *User) uploadQR(ce *CommandEvent, code string) (id.ContentURI, bool) {
qrCode, err := qrcode.Encode(code, qrcode.Low, 256)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to encode QR code:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to encode QR code: %v", err)
return id.ContentURI{}, false
bot := user.bridge.AS.BotClient()
resp, err := bot.UploadBytes(qrCode, "image/png")
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to upload QR code:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to upload QR code: %v", err)
return id.ContentURI{}, false
return resp.ContentURI, true
const cmdLogoutHelp = `logout - Unlink the bridge from your WhatsApp account`
// CommandLogout handles !logout command
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogout(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Session == nil {
ce.Reply("You're not logged in.")
} else if !ce.User.IsLoggedIn() {
ce.Reply("You are not connected to WhatsApp. Use the `reconnect` command to reconnect, or `delete-session` to forget all login information.")
puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(ce.User.JID)
if puppet.CustomMXID != "" {
err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID("", "")
if err != nil {
ce.User.log.Warnln("Failed to logout-matrix while logging out of WhatsApp:", err)
err := ce.User.Client.Logout()
if err != nil {
ce.User.log.Warnln("Error while logging out:", err)
ce.Reply("Unknown error while logging out: %v", err)
ce.User.Session = nil
ce.User.removeFromJIDMap(BridgeState{StateEvent: StateLoggedOut})
ce.Reply("Logged out successfully.")
const cmdToggleHelp = `toggle <presence|receipts|all> - Toggle bridging of presence or read receipts`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandToggle(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 || (ce.Args[0] != "presence" && ce.Args[0] != "receipts" && ce.Args[0] != "all") {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `toggle <presence|receipts|all>`")
if ce.User.Session == nil {
ce.Reply("You're not logged in.")
customPuppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(ce.User.MXID)
if customPuppet == nil {
ce.Reply("You're not logged in with your Matrix account.")
if ce.Args[0] == "presence" || ce.Args[0] == "all" {
customPuppet.EnablePresence = !customPuppet.EnablePresence
var newPresence types.Presence
if customPuppet.EnablePresence {
newPresence = types.PresenceAvailable
ce.Reply("Enabled presence bridging")
} else {
newPresence = types.PresenceUnavailable
ce.Reply("Disabled presence bridging")
if ce.User.IsLoggedIn() {
err := ce.User.Client.SendPresence(newPresence)
if err != nil {
ce.User.log.Warnln("Failed to set presence:", err)
if ce.Args[0] == "receipts" || ce.Args[0] == "all" {
customPuppet.EnableReceipts = !customPuppet.EnableReceipts
if customPuppet.EnableReceipts {
ce.Reply("Enabled read receipt bridging")
} else {
ce.Reply("Disabled read receipt bridging")
const cmdDeleteSessionHelp = `delete-session - Delete session information and disconnect from WhatsApp without sending a logout request`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDeleteSession(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Session == nil && ce.User.Client == nil {
ce.Reply("Nothing to purge: no session information stored and no active connection.")
ce.User.removeFromJIDMap(BridgeState{StateEvent: StateLoggedOut})
ce.Reply("Session information purged")
const cmdReconnectHelp = `reconnect - Reconnect to WhatsApp`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandReconnect(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Client == nil {
if ce.User.Session == nil {
ce.Reply("You're not logged into WhatsApp. Please log in first.")
} else {
ce.Reply("Started connecting to WhatsApp")
} else {
ce.User.sendBridgeState(BridgeState{StateEvent: StateTransientDisconnect, Error: WANotConnected})
ce.Reply("Restarted connection to WhatsApp")
const cmdDisconnectHelp = `disconnect - Disconnect from WhatsApp (without logging out)`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDisconnect(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Client == nil {
ce.Reply("You don't have a WhatsApp connection.")
ce.Reply("Successfully disconnected. Use the `reconnect` command to reconnect.")
ce.User.sendBridgeState(BridgeState{StateEvent: StateBadCredentials, Error: WANotConnected})
const cmdPingHelp = `ping - Check your connection to WhatsApp.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPing(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.User.Session == nil {
if ce.User.Client != nil {
ce.Reply("Connected to WhatsApp, but not logged in.")
} else {
ce.Reply("You're not logged into WhatsApp.")
} else if ce.User.Client == nil || !ce.User.Client.IsConnected() {
ce.Reply("You're logged in as +%s (device #%d), but you don't have a WhatsApp connection.", ce.User.JID.User, ce.User.JID.Device)
} else {
ce.Reply("Logged in as +%s (device #%d), connection to WhatsApp OK (probably)", ce.User.JID.User, ce.User.JID.Device)
const cmdHelpHelp = `help - Prints this help`
// CommandHelp handles help command
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandHelp(ce *CommandEvent) {
cmdPrefix := ""
if ce.User.ManagementRoom != ce.RoomID {
cmdPrefix = handler.bridge.Config.Bridge.CommandPrefix + " "
ce.Reply("* " + strings.Join([]string{
cmdPrefix + cmdHelpHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdVersionHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLoginHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLogoutHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdDeleteSessionHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdReconnectHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdDisconnectHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdPingHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdSetRelayHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdUnsetRelayHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLoginMatrixHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdPingMatrixHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdLogoutMatrixHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdToggleHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdListHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdSearchHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdSyncHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdOpenHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdPMHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdInviteLinkHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdResolveLinkHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdJoinHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdCreateHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdSetPowerLevelHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdDeletePortalHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdDeleteAllPortalsHelp,
cmdPrefix + cmdBackfillHelp,
}, "\n* "))
func canDeletePortal(portal *Portal, userID id.UserID) bool {
members, err := portal.MainIntent().JoinedMembers(portal.MXID)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Failed to get joined members to check if portal can be deleted by %s: %v", userID, err)
return false
for otherUser := range members.Joined {
_, isPuppet := portal.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(otherUser)
if isPuppet || otherUser == portal.bridge.Bot.UserID || otherUser == userID {
user := portal.bridge.GetUserByMXID(otherUser)
if user != nil && user.Session != nil {
return false
return true
const cmdDeletePortalHelp = `delete-portal - Delete the current portal. If the portal is used by other people, this is limited to bridge admins.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDeletePortal(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("You must be in a portal room to use that command")
if !ce.User.Admin && !canDeletePortal(ce.Portal, ce.User.MXID) {
ce.Reply("Only bridge admins can delete portals with other Matrix users")
ce.Portal.log.Infoln(ce.User.MXID, "requested deletion of portal.")
const cmdDeleteAllPortalsHelp = `delete-all-portals - Delete all portals.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandDeleteAllPortals(ce *CommandEvent) {
portals := handler.bridge.GetAllPortals()
var portalsToDelete []*Portal
if ce.User.Admin {
portalsToDelete = portals
} else {
portalsToDelete = portals[:0]
for _, portal := range portals {
if canDeletePortal(portal, ce.User.MXID) {
portalsToDelete = append(portalsToDelete, portal)
leave := func(portal *Portal) {
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().KickUser(portal.MXID, &mautrix.ReqKickUser{
Reason: "Deleting portal",
UserID: ce.User.MXID,
customPuppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(ce.User.MXID)
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
intent := customPuppet.CustomIntent()
leave = func(portal *Portal) {
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
_, _ = intent.LeaveRoom(portal.MXID)
_, _ = intent.ForgetRoom(portal.MXID)
ce.Reply("Found %d portals, deleting...", len(portalsToDelete))
for _, portal := range portalsToDelete {
ce.Reply("Finished deleting portal info. Now cleaning up rooms in background.")
go func() {
for _, portal := range portalsToDelete {
ce.Reply("Finished background cleanup of deleted portal rooms.")
const cmdBackfillHelp = `backfill [batch size] [batch delay] - Backfill all messages the portal.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandBackfill(ce *CommandEvent) {
if ce.Portal == nil {
ce.Reply("This is not a portal room")
if !ce.Bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
ce.Reply("Backfill is not enabled for this bridge.")
batchSize := 100
batchDelay := 5
if len(ce.Args) >= 1 {
var err error
batchSize, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil || batchSize < 1 {
ce.Reply("\"%s\" isn't a valid batch size", ce.Args[0])
if len(ce.Args) >= 2 {
var err error
batchDelay, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[0])
if err != nil || batchSize < 0 {
ce.Reply("\"%s\" isn't a valid batch delay", ce.Args[1])
backfillMessages := ce.Portal.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.NewWithValues(ce.User.MXID, database.BackfillImmediate, 0, &ce.Portal.Key, nil, nil, batchSize, -1, batchDelay)
if ce.Bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.BackfillMedia {
backfillMedia := ce.Portal.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.NewWithValues(ce.User.MXID, database.BackfillMedia, 1, &ce.Portal.Key, nil, nil, batchSize, -1, batchDelay)
ce.User.BackfillQueue.ReCheckQueue <- true
const cmdListHelp = `list <contacts|groups> [page] [items per page] - Get a list of all contacts and groups.`
func matchesQuery(str string, query string) bool {
if query == "" {
return true
return strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(str), query)
func formatContacts(bridge *Bridge, input map[types.JID]types.ContactInfo, query string) (result []string) {
hasQuery := len(query) > 0
for jid, contact := range input {
if len(contact.FullName) == 0 {
puppet := bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
pushName := contact.PushName
if len(pushName) == 0 {
pushName = contact.FullName
if !hasQuery || matchesQuery(pushName, query) || matchesQuery(contact.FullName, query) || matchesQuery(jid.User, query) {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("* %s / [%s](https://matrix.to/#/%s) - `+%s`", contact.FullName, pushName, puppet.MXID, jid.User))
func formatGroups(input []*types.GroupInfo, query string) (result []string) {
hasQuery := len(query) > 0
for _, group := range input {
if !hasQuery || matchesQuery(group.GroupName.Name, query) || matchesQuery(group.JID.User, query) {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("* %s - `%s`", group.GroupName.Name, group.JID.User))
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandList(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `list <contacts|groups> [page] [items per page]`")
mode := strings.ToLower(ce.Args[0])
if mode[0] != 'g' && mode[0] != 'c' {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `list <contacts|groups> [page] [items per page]`")
var err error
page := 1
max := 100
if len(ce.Args) > 1 {
page, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[1])
if err != nil || page <= 0 {
ce.Reply("\"%s\" isn't a valid page number", ce.Args[1])
if len(ce.Args) > 2 {
max, err = strconv.Atoi(ce.Args[2])
if err != nil || max <= 0 {
ce.Reply("\"%s\" isn't a valid number of items per page", ce.Args[2])
} else if max > 400 {
ce.Reply("Warning: a high number of items per page may fail to send a reply")
contacts := mode[0] == 'c'
typeName := "Groups"
var result []string
if contacts {
typeName = "Contacts"
contactList, err := ce.User.Client.Store.Contacts.GetAllContacts()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get contacts: %s", err)
result = formatContacts(ce.User.bridge, contactList, "")
} else {
groupList, err := ce.User.Client.GetJoinedGroups()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get groups: %s", err)
result = formatGroups(groupList, "")
if len(result) == 0 {
ce.Reply("No %s found", strings.ToLower(typeName))
pages := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(result)) / float64(max)))
if (page-1)*max >= len(result) {
if pages == 1 {
ce.Reply("There is only 1 page of %s", strings.ToLower(typeName))
} else {
ce.Reply("There are %d pages of %s", pages, strings.ToLower(typeName))
lastIndex := page * max
if lastIndex > len(result) {
lastIndex = len(result)
result = result[(page-1)*max : lastIndex]
ce.Reply("### %s (page %d of %d)\n\n%s", typeName, page, pages, strings.Join(result, "\n"))
const cmdSearchHelp = `search <query> - Search for contacts or groups.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSearch(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `search <query>`")
contactList, err := ce.User.Client.Store.Contacts.GetAllContacts()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get contacts: %s", err)
groupList, err := ce.User.Client.GetJoinedGroups()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get groups: %s", err)
query := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(strings.Join(ce.Args, " ")))
formattedContacts := strings.Join(formatContacts(ce.User.bridge, contactList, query), "\n")
formattedGroups := strings.Join(formatGroups(groupList, query), "\n")
result := make([]string, 0, 2)
if len(formattedContacts) > 0 {
result = append(result, "### Contacts\n\n"+formattedContacts)
if len(formattedGroups) > 0 {
result = append(result, "### Groups\n\n"+formattedGroups)
if len(result) == 0 {
ce.Reply("No contacts or groups found")
ce.Reply(strings.Join(result, "\n\n"))
const cmdOpenHelp = `open <_group JID_> - Open a group chat portal.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandOpen(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `open <group JID>`")
var jid types.JID
if strings.ContainsRune(ce.Args[0], '@') {
jid, _ = types.ParseJID(ce.Args[0])
} else {
jid = types.NewJID(ce.Args[0], types.GroupServer)
if jid.Server != types.GroupServer || (!strings.ContainsRune(jid.User, '-') && len(jid.User) < 15) {
ce.Reply("That does not look like a group JID")
info, err := ce.User.Client.GetGroupInfo(jid)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to get group info: %v", err)
handler.log.Debugln("Importing", jid, "for", ce.User.MXID)
portal := ce.User.GetPortalByJID(info.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
portal.UpdateMatrixRoom(ce.User, info)
ce.Reply("Portal room synced.")
} else {
err = portal.CreateMatrixRoom(ce.User, info, true, true)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to create room: %v", err)
} else {
ce.Reply("Portal room created.")
const cmdPMHelp = `pm <_international phone number_> - Open a private chat with the given phone number.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPM(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `pm <international phone number>`")
user := ce.User
number := strings.Join(ce.Args, "")
resp, err := ce.User.Client.IsOnWhatsApp([]string{number})
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to check if user is on WhatsApp: %v", err)
} else if len(resp) == 0 {
ce.Reply("Didn't get a response to checking if the user is on WhatsApp")
targetUser := resp[0]
if !targetUser.IsIn {
ce.Reply("The server said +%s is not on WhatsApp", targetUser.JID.User)
portal, puppet, justCreated, err := user.StartPM(targetUser.JID, "manual PM command")
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to create portal room: %v", err)
} else if !justCreated {
ce.Reply("You already have a private chat portal with +%s at [%s](https://matrix.to/#/%s)", puppet.JID.User, puppet.Displayname, portal.MXID)
} else {
ce.Reply("Created portal room with +%s and invited you to it.", puppet.JID.User)
const cmdSyncHelp = `sync <appstate/contacts/groups/space> [--create-portals] - Synchronize data from WhatsApp.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandSync(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `sync <appstate/contacts/groups/space> [--create-portals]`")
args := strings.ToLower(strings.Join(ce.Args, " "))
contacts := strings.Contains(args, "contacts")
appState := strings.Contains(args, "appstate")
space := strings.Contains(args, "space")
groups := strings.Contains(args, "groups") || space
createPortals := strings.Contains(args, "--create-portals")
if appState {
for _, name := range appstate.AllPatchNames {
err := ce.User.Client.FetchAppState(name, true, false)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Error syncing app state %s: %v", name, err)
} else if name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow {
ce.Reply("Synced app state %s, contact sync running in background", name)
} else {
ce.Reply("Synced app state %s", name)
} else if contacts {
err := ce.User.ResyncContacts()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Error resyncing contacts: %v", err)
} else {
ce.Reply("Resynced contacts")
if space {
if !ce.Bridge.Config.Bridge.PersonalFilteringSpaces {
ce.Reply("Personal filtering spaces are not enabled on this instance of the bridge")
keys := ce.Bridge.DB.Portal.FindPrivateChatsNotInSpace(ce.User.JID)
count := 0
for _, key := range keys {
portal := ce.Bridge.GetPortalByJID(key)
plural := "s"
if count == 1 {
plural = ""
ce.Reply("Added %d DM room%s to space", count, plural)
if groups {
err := ce.User.ResyncGroups(createPortals)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Error resyncing groups: %v", err)
} else {
ce.Reply("Resynced groups")
const cmdLoginMatrixHelp = `login-matrix <_access token_> - Replace your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet with your real Matrix account.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLoginMatrix(ce *CommandEvent) {
if len(ce.Args) == 0 {
ce.Reply("**Usage:** `login-matrix <access token>`")
puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(ce.User.JID)
err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID(ce.Args[0], ce.User.MXID)
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to switch puppet: %v", err)
ce.Reply("Successfully switched puppet")
const cmdPingMatrixHelp = `ping-matrix - Check if your double puppet is working correctly.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandPingMatrix(ce *CommandEvent) {
puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(ce.User.MXID)
if puppet == nil || puppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
ce.Reply("You have not changed your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet.")
resp, err := puppet.CustomIntent().Whoami()
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to validate Matrix login: %v", err)
} else {
ce.Reply("Confirmed valid access token for %s / %s", resp.UserID, resp.DeviceID)
const cmdLogoutMatrixHelp = `logout-matrix - Switch your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet back to the default one.`
func (handler *CommandHandler) CommandLogoutMatrix(ce *CommandEvent) {
puppet := handler.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(ce.User.MXID)
if puppet == nil || puppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
ce.Reply("You had not changed your WhatsApp account's Matrix puppet.")
err := puppet.SwitchCustomMXID("", "")
if err != nil {
ce.Reply("Failed to remove custom puppet: %v", err)
ce.Reply("Successfully removed custom puppet")