# Remove all files immediately after, triggering delete_self events for all of them
rm -rf -- *
# Only check for the inotify events if we actually started inotify earlier
if[[ -v watcher ]];then
# Get the first event
read -r -u "${watcher[0]}" event file
# There's only these two possible event timelines:
# - open, ..., open, delete_self, ..., delete_self: If some excluded files were read
# - delete_self, ..., delete_self: If no excluded files were read
# So by looking at the first event we can figure out which one it is!
case"$event" in
die "$expression opened excluded file $file when it shouldn't have"
# Expected events
die "Unexpected event type '$event' on file $file that should be excluded"
# For each path that should be included, make sure it does occur in the resulting store path
for p in "${included[@]}";do
if[[ ! -e "$storePath/$p"]];then
die "$expression doesn't include path $p when it should have"
# For each path that should be excluded, make sure it doesn't occur in the resulting store path
for p in "${excluded[@]}";do
if[[ -e "$storePath/$p"]];then
die "$expression included path $p when it shouldn't have"
#### Error messages #####
# Absolute paths in strings cannot be passed as `root`
expectFailure 'toSource { root = "/nix/store/foobar"; fileset = ./.; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `root`"/nix/store/foobar" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
\s*Paths in strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.'
# Only paths are accepted as `root`
expectFailure 'toSource { root = 10; fileset = ./.; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `root` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.'
# Different filesystem roots in root and fileset are not supported
' 'lib.fileset.toSource: Filesystem roots are not the same for`fileset` and `root`"'"$work"'/foo/mock-root":
\s*`root`: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root"
\s*`fileset`: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root"
\s*Different roots are not supported.'
rm -rf *
# `root` needs to exist
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
# `root` needs to be a file
touch a
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./a; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `root` '"$work"'/a is a file, but it should be a directory instead. Potential solutions:
\s*- If you want to import the file into the store _without_ a containing directory, use string interpolation or `builtins.path` instead of this function.
\s*- If you want to import the file into the store _with_ a containing directory, set`root` to the containing directory, such as '"$work"', and set`fileset` to the file path.'
# The fileset argument should be evaluated, even if the directory is empty
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = abort "This should be evaluated"; }''evaluation aborted with the following error message: '\''This should be evaluated'\'
# Only paths under `root` should be able to influence the result
mkdir a
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./a; fileset = ./.; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` could contain files in '"$work"', which is not under the `root` '"$work"'/a. Potential solutions:
\s*- Set `root` to '"$work"' or any directory higher up. This changes the layout of the resulting store path.
\s*- Set `fileset` to a file set that cannot contain files outside the `root`'"$work"'/a. This could change the files included in the result.'
rm -rf *
# Path coercion only works for paths
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = 10; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` is of type int, but it should be a path instead.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = "/some/path"; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset`"/some/path" is a string-like value, but it should be a path instead.
\s*Paths represented as strings are not supported by `lib.fileset`, use `lib.sources` or derivations instead.'
# Path coercion errors for non-existent paths
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./a; }''lib.fileset.toSource: `fileset` '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
expectFailure 'union ./. ./.''lib.fileset: Directly evaluating a file set is not supported. Use `lib.fileset.toSource` to turn it into a usable source instead.'
expectFailure '_coerce "<tests>: value" { _type = "fileset"; _internalVersion = 3; }''<tests>: value is a file set created from a future version of the file set library with a different internal representation:
# We should be able to import an empty directory and end up with an empty result
checkFileset './.'
# Directories recursively containing no files are not included
checkFileset './.'
# Check trees that could cause a naïve string prefix checking implementation to fail
checkFileset './ab/xy'
# Check path coercion examples in ../../doc/functions/fileset.section.md
checkFileset './.'
checkFileset './a'
checkFileset './a/x'
checkFileset './a/b'
checkFileset './c'
# Test the source filter for the somewhat special case of files in the filesystem root
# We can't easily test this with the above functions because we can't write to the filesystem root and we don't want to make any assumptions which files are there in the sandbox
' 'lib.fileset.unions: Filesystem roots are not the same:
\s*element 0 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/foo/mock-root"
\s*element 1 of the argument: root "'"$work"'/bar/mock-root"
\s*Different roots are not supported.'
rm -rf *
# Coercion errors show the correct context
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./a ./.; }''lib.fileset.union: first argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = union ./. ./b; }''lib.fileset.union: second argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./a ./. ]; }''lib.fileset.unions: element 0 of the argument '"$work"'/a does not exist.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ./. ./b ]; }''lib.fileset.unions: element 1 of the argument '"$work"'/b does not exist.'
# unions needs a list with at least 1 element
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions null; }''lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list, but got a null.'
expectFailure 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions [ ]; }''lib.fileset.unions: Expected argument to be a list with at least one element, but it contains no elements.'
# The tree of later arguments should not be evaluated if a former argument already includes all files
checkFileset 'union ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!"))'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./. (_create ./. (abort "This should not be used!")) ]'
# union doesn't include files that weren't specified
checkFileset 'union ./x ./y'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]'
# Also for directories
checkFileset 'union ./x ./y'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x ./y ]'
# And for very specific paths
checkFileset 'union ./x/a ./y/b'
checkFileset 'unions [ ./x/a ./y/b ]'
# unions or chained union's can include more paths