import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: let api_token = "f87f42114e44b63ad1b9e3c3d33d6fbe"; # random md5 hash wrong_api_token = "e68ba041fcf1eab923a7a6de3af5f726"; # another random md5 hash in { name = "librenms"; meta.maintainers = lib.teams.wdz.members; nodes.librenms = { time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ curl jq ]; services.librenms = { enable = true; hostname = "librenms"; database = { createLocally = true; host = "localhost"; database = "librenms"; username = "librenms"; passwordFile = pkgs.writeText "librenms-db-pass" "librenmsdbpass"; }; nginx = { default = true; }; enableOneMinutePolling = true; settings = { enable_billing = true; }; }; # systemd oneshot to create a dummy admin user and a API token for testing = { description = "LibreNMS API init"; after = [ "librenms-setup.service" ]; wantedBy = [ "" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = "oneshot"; RemainAfterExit = true; User = "root"; Group = "root"; }; script = '' API_USER_NAME=api API_TOKEN=${api_token} # random md5 hash # seeding database to get the admin roles ${pkgs.librenms}/artisan db:seed --force --no-interaction # we don't need to know the password, it just has to exist API_USER_PASS=$(${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen -s 64 1) ${pkgs.librenms}/artisan user:add $API_USER_NAME -r admin -p $API_USER_PASS API_USER_ID=$(${pkgs.mariadb}/bin/mysql -D librenms -N -B -e "SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = '$API_USER_NAME';") ${pkgs.mariadb}/bin/mysql -D librenms -e "INSERT INTO api_tokens (user_id, token_hash, description) VALUES ($API_USER_ID, '$API_TOKEN', 'API User')" ''; }; }; nodes.snmphost = { services.snmpd = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; configText = '' com2sec readonly default public group MyROGroup v2c readonly view all included .1 80 access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none syslocation Testcity, Testcountry syscontact Testi mc Test ''; }; }; testScript = '' start_all() snmphost.wait_for_unit("snmpd.service") librenms.wait_for_unit("lnms-api-init.service") librenms.wait_for_open_port(80) # Test that we can authenticate against the API librenms.succeed("curl --fail -H 'X-Auth-Token: ${api_token}' http://localhost/api/v0")"curl --fail -H 'X-Auth-Token: ${wrong_api_token}' http://localhost/api/v0") # add snmphost as a device librenms.succeed("curl --fail -X POST -d '{\"hostname\":\"snmphost\",\"version\":\"v2c\",\"community\":\"public\"}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: ${api_token}' http://localhost/api/v0/devices") # wait until snmphost gets polled librenms.wait_until_succeeds("test $(curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: ${api_token}' http://localhost/api/v0/devices/snmphost | jq -Mr .devices[0].last_polled) != 'null'") ''; })