mirror of
synced 2024-11-18 15:56:50 +01:00
This version of module has disabled socketActivation, because until nixos upgrade systemd to at least 214, systemd does not support SocketGroup. So socket is created with "root" group when socketActivation enabled. Should be fixed as soon as systemd upgraded. Includes changes from #3015 and supersedes #3028
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/* -*- coding: utf-8; -*- */
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_1126 = "Christian Lask <mail@elfsechsundzwanzig.de>";
aforemny = "Alexander Foremny <alexanderforemny@googlemail.com>";
ak = "Alexander Kjeldaas <ak@formalprivacy.com>";
akc = "Anders Claesson <akc@akc.is>";
algorith = "Dries Van Daele <dries_van_daele@telenet.be>";
all = "Nix Committers <nix-commits@lists.science.uu.nl>";
amiddelk = "Arie Middelkoop <amiddelk@gmail.com>";
amorsillo = "Andrew Morsillo <andrew.morsillo@gmail.com>";
AndersonTorres = "Anderson Torres <torres.anderson.85@gmail.com>";
andres = "Andres Loeh <ksnixos@andres-loeh.de>";
antono = "Antono Vasiljev <self@antono.info>";
arobyn = "Alexei Robyn <shados@shados.net>";
astsmtl = "Alexander Tsamutali <astsmtl@yandex.ru>";
aszlig = "aszlig <aszlig@redmoonstudios.org>";
auntie = "Jonathan Glines <auntieNeo@gmail.com>";
bbenoist = "Baptist BENOIST <return_0@live.com>";
bennofs = "Benno Fünfstück <benno.fuenfstueck@gmail.com>";
berdario = "Dario Bertini <berdario@gmail.com>";
bjg = "Brian Gough <bjg@gnu.org>";
bjornfor = "Bjørn Forsman <bjorn.forsman@gmail.com>";
bluescreen303 = "Mathijs Kwik <mathijs@bluescreen303.nl>";
bodil = "Bodil Stokke <nix@bodil.org>";
bosu = "Boris Sukholitko <boriss@gmail.com>";
calrama = "Moritz Maxeiner <moritz@ucworks.org>";
cfouche = "Chaddaï Fouché <chaddai.fouche@gmail.com>";
chaoflow = "Florian Friesdorf <flo@chaoflow.net>";
coconnor = "Corey O'Connor <coreyoconnor@gmail.com>";
coroa = "Jonas Hörsch <jonas@chaoflow.net>";
cstrahan = "Charles Strahan <charles.c.strahan@gmail.com>";
ederoyd46 = "Matthew Brown <matt@ederoyd.co.uk>";
edwtjo = "Edward Tjörnhammar <ed@cflags.cc>";
eelco = "Eelco Dolstra <eelco.dolstra@logicblox.com>";
emery = "Emery Hemingway <emery@vfemail.net>";
ertes = "Ertugrul Söylemez <ertesx@gmx.de>";
falsifian = "James Cook <james.cook@utoronto.ca>";
flosse = "Markus Kohlhase <mail@markus-kohlhase.de>";
fuuzetsu = "Mateusz Kowalczyk <fuuzetsu@fuuzetsu.co.uk>";
garbas = "Rok Garbas <rok@garbas.si>";
goibhniu = "Cillian de Róiste <cillian.deroiste@gmail.com>";
guibert = "David Guibert <david.guibert@gmail.com>";
hinton = "Tom Hinton <t@larkery.com>";
ianwookim = "Ian-Woo Kim <ianwookim@gmail.com>";
iElectric = "Domen Kozar <domen@dev.si>";
iyzsong = "Song Wenwu <iyzsong@gmail.com>";
jcumming = "Jack Cummings <jack@mudshark.org>";
jgeerds = "Jascha Geerds <jg@ekby.de>";
joamaki = "Jussi Maki <joamaki@gmail.com>";
joelteon = "Joel Taylor <me@joelt.io>";
jwiegley = "John Wiegley <johnw@newartisans.com>";
kkallio = "Karn Kallio <tierpluspluslists@gmail.com>";
ktosiek = "Tomasz Kontusz <tomasz.kontusz@gmail.com>";
lethalman = "Luca Bruno <lucabru@src.gnome.org>";
linquize = "Linquize <linquize@yahoo.com.hk>";
lovek323 = "Jason O'Conal <jason@oconal.id.au>";
ludo = "Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>";
madjar = "Georges Dubus <georges.dubus@compiletoi.net>";
marcweber = "Marc Weber <marco-oweber@gmx.de>";
matejc = "Matej Cotman <cotman.matej@gmail.com>";
modulistic = "Pablo Costa <modulistic@gmail.com>";
mornfall = "Petr Ročkai <me@mornfall.net>";
msackman = "Matthew Sackman <matthew@wellquite.org>";
ocharles = "Oliver Charles <ollie@ocharles.org.uk>";
offline = "Jaka Hudoklin <jakahudoklin@gmail.com>";
orbitz = "Malcolm Matalka <mmatalka@gmail.com>";
page = "Carles Pagès <page@cubata.homelinux.net>";
phreedom = "Evgeny Egorochkin <phreedom@yandex.ru>";
pierron = "Nicolas B. Pierron <nixos@nbp.name>";
piotr = "Piotr Pietraszkiewicz <ppietrasa@gmail.com>";
pkmx = "Chih-Mao Chen <pkmx.tw@gmail.com>";
plcplc = "Philip Lykke Carlsen <plcplc@gmail.com>";
pSub = "Pascal Wittmann <mail@pascal-wittmann.de>";
qknight = "Joachim Schiele <js@lastlog.de>";
raskin = "Michael Raskin <7c6f434c@mail.ru>";
redbaron = "Maxim Ivanov <ivanov.maxim@gmail.com>";
refnil = "Martin Lavoie <broemartino@gmail.com>";
relrod = "Ricky Elrod <ricky@elrod.me>";
rickynils = "Rickard Nilsson <rickynils@gmail.com>";
rob = "Rob Vermaas <rob.vermaas@gmail.com>";
roconnor = "Russell O'Connor <roconnor@theorem.ca>";
roelof = "Roelof Wobben <rwobben@hotmail.com>";
romildo = "José Romildo Malaquias <malaquias@gmail.com>";
rszibele = "Richard Szibele <richard_szibele@hotmail.com>";
sander = "Sander van der Burg <s.vanderburg@tudelft.nl>";
shlevy = "Shea Levy <shea@shealevy.com>";
simons = "Peter Simons <simons@cryp.to>";
skeidel = "Sven Keidel <svenkeidel@gmail.com>";
smironov = "Sergey Mironov <ierton@gmail.com>";
sprock = "Roger Mason <rmason@mun.ca>";
tailhook = "Paul Colomiets <paul@colomiets.name>";
thammers = "Tobias Hammerschmidt <jawr@gmx.de>";
the-kenny = "Moritz Ulrich <moritz@tarn-vedra.de>";
thoughtpolice = "Austin Seipp <aseipp@pobox.com>";
tomberek = "Thomas Bereknyei <tomberek@gmail.com>";
ttuegel = "Thomas Tuegel <ttuegel@gmail.com>";
tv = "Tomislav Viljetić <tv@shackspace.de>";
urkud = "Yury G. Kudryashov <urkud+nix@ya.ru>";
vbmithr = "Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>";
vcunat = "Vladimír Čunát <vcunat@gmail.com>";
viric = "Lluís Batlle i Rossell <viric@viric.name>";
vizanto = "Danny Wilson <danny@prime.vc>";
vlstill = "Vladimír Štill <xstill@fi.muni.cz>";
winden = "Antonio Vargas Gonzalez <windenntw@gmail.com>";
wizeman = "Ricardo M. Correia <rcorreia@wizy.org>";
wjlroe = "William Roe <willroe@gmail.com>";
wmertens = "Wout Mertens <Wout.Mertens@gmail.com>";
z77z = "Marco Maggesi <maggesi@math.unifi.it>";
zef = "Zef Hemel <zef@zef.me>";
zimbatm = "zimbatm <zimbatm@zimbatm.com>";
zoomulator = "Kim Simmons <zoomulator@gmail.com>";