Antoine Eiche 35f205a4b6 dockerTools.buildImage: Switch to the format image generated by Skopeo
We were using 'Combined Image JSON + Filesystem Changeset Format' [1] to
unpack and pack image and this patch switches to the format used by the registry.

We used the 'repository' file which is not generated by Skopeo when it
pulls an image. Moreover, all information of this file are also in the
manifest.json file.
We then use the manifest.json file instead of 'repository' file. Note
also the manifest.json file is required to push an image with Skopeo.

Fix #29636

[1] 749d90e10f/image/spec/ (combined-image-json--filesystem-changeset-format)
2017-09-23 13:17:07 +02:00

552 lines
18 KiB

storeDir ? builtins.storeDir,
# WARNING: this API is unstable and may be subject to backwards-incompatible changes in the future.
rec {
examples = import ./examples.nix {
inherit pkgs buildImage pullImage shadowSetup buildImageWithNixDb;
pullImage =
nameReplace = name: builtins.replaceStrings ["/" ":"] ["-" "-"] name;
# For simplicity we only support sha256.
{ imageName, imageTag ? "latest", imageId ? "${imageName}:${imageTag}"
, sha256, name ? (nameReplace "docker-image-${imageName}-${imageTag}.tar") }:
runCommand name {
"${pkgs.skopeo}/bin/skopeo copy docker://${imageId} docker-archive://$out:${imageId}";
# We need to sum layer.tar, not a directory, hence tarsum instead of nix-hash.
# And we cannot untar it, because then we cannot preserve permissions ecc.
tarsum = runCommand "tarsum" {
buildInputs = [ go ];
} ''
mkdir tarsum
cd tarsum
cp ${./tarsum.go} tarsum.go
export GOPATH=$(pwd)
mkdir src
ln -sT ${docker.src}/components/engine/pkg/tarsum src/tarsum
go build
cp tarsum $out
# buildEnv creates symlinks to dirs, which is hard to edit inside the overlay VM
mergeDrvs = {
onlyDeps ? false
runCommand "merge-drvs" {
inherit derivations onlyDeps;
} ''
if [[ -n "$onlyDeps" ]]; then
echo $derivations > $out
exit 0
mkdir $out
for derivation in $derivations; do
echo "Merging $derivation..."
if [[ -d "$derivation" ]]; then
# If it's a directory, copy all of its contents into $out.
cp -drf --preserve=mode -f $derivation/* $out/
# Otherwise treat the derivation as a tarball and extract it
# into $out.
tar -C $out -xpf $drv || true
# Helper for setting up the base files for managing users and
# groups, only if such files don't exist already. It is suitable for
# being used in a runAsRoot script.
shadowSetup = ''
export PATH=${shadow}/bin:$PATH
mkdir -p /etc/pam.d
if [[ ! -f /etc/passwd ]]; then
echo "root:x:0:0::/root:${}" > /etc/passwd
echo "root:!x:::::::" > /etc/shadow
if [[ ! -f /etc/group ]]; then
echo "root:x:0:" > /etc/group
echo "root:x::" > /etc/gshadow
if [[ ! -f /etc/pam.d/other ]]; then
cat > /etc/pam.d/other <<EOF
account sufficient
auth sufficient
password requisite nullok sha512
session required
if [[ ! -f /etc/login.defs ]]; then
touch /etc/login.defs
# Run commands in a virtual machine.
runWithOverlay = {
fromImage ? null,
fromImageName ? null,
fromImageTag ? null,
diskSize ? 1024,
preMount ? "",
postMount ? "",
postUmount ? ""
vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
runCommand name {
preVM = vmTools.createEmptyImage {
size = diskSize;
fullName = "docker-run-disk";
inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag;
buildInputs = [ utillinux e2fsprogs jshon rsync jq ];
} ''
rm -rf $out
mkdir disk
mkfs /dev/${vmTools.hd}
mount /dev/${vmTools.hd} disk
cd disk
if [[ -n "$fromImage" ]]; then
echo "Unpacking base image..."
mkdir image
tar -C image -xpf "$fromImage"
layers=$(jq -r '.[0].Layers | join(" ")' image/manifest.json)
# Unpack all of the layers into the image.
# Layer list is ordered starting from the base image
for layer in $layers; do
echo "Unpacking layer $layer"
layerDir=image/$(echo $layer | cut -d':' -f2)"_unpacked"
mkdir -p $layerDir
tar -C $layerDir -xpf image/$layer
chmod a+w image/$layer
rm image/$layer
find $layerDir -name ".wh.*" -exec bash -c 'name="$(basename {}|sed "s/^.wh.//")"; mknod "$(dirname {})/$name" c 0 0; rm {}' \;
# Get the next lower directory and continue the loop.
mkdir work
mkdir layer
mkdir mnt
${lib.optionalString (preMount != "") ''
# Execute pre-mount steps
echo "Executing pre-mount steps..."
if [ -n "$lowerdir" ]; then
mount -t overlay overlay -olowerdir=$lowerdir,workdir=work,upperdir=layer mnt
mount --bind layer mnt
${lib.optionalString (postMount != "") ''
# Execute post-mount steps
echo "Executing post-mount steps..."
umount mnt
cd layer
cmd='name="$(basename {})"; touch "$(dirname {})/.wh.$name"; rm "{}"'
find . -type c -exec bash -c "$cmd" \;
exportImage = { name ?, fromImage, fromImageName ? null, fromImageTag ? null, diskSize ? 1024 }:
runWithOverlay {
inherit name fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize;
postMount = ''
echo "Packing raw image..."
tar -C mnt --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" -cf $out .
# Create an executable shell script which has the coreutils in its
# PATH. Since root scripts are executed in a blank environment, even
# things like `ls` or `echo` will be missing.
shellScript = name: text:
writeScript name ''
set -e
export PATH=${coreutils}/bin:/bin
nixRegistration = contents: runCommand "nix-registration" {
buildInputs = [ nixUnstable perl ];
# For obtaining the closure of `contents'.
exportReferencesGraph =
let contentsList = if builtins.isList contents then contents else [ contents ];
in map (x: [("closure-" + baseNameOf x) x]) contentsList;
mkdir $out
printRegistration=1 perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} closure-* > $out/db.dump
perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} closure-* > $out/storePaths
# Create a "layer" (set of files).
mkPureLayer = {
# Name of the layer
# JSON containing configuration and metadata for this layer.
# Files to add to the layer.
contents ? null,
# Additional commands to run on the layer before it is tar'd up.
extraCommands ? "", uid ? 0, gid ? 0
runCommand "docker-layer-${name}" {
inherit baseJson contents extraCommands;
buildInputs = [ jshon rsync ];
mkdir layer
if [[ -n "$contents" ]]; then
echo "Adding contents..."
for item in $contents; do
echo "Adding $item"
rsync -ak --chown=0:0 $item/ layer/
echo "No contents to add to layer."
chmod ug+w layer
if [[ -n $extraCommands ]]; then
(cd layer; eval "$extraCommands")
# Tar up the layer and throw it into 'layer.tar'.
echo "Packing layer..."
mkdir $out
tar -C layer --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=${toString uid} --group=${toString gid} -cf $out/layer.tar .
# Compute a checksum of the tarball.
echo "Computing layer checksum..."
tarsum=$(${tarsum} < $out/layer.tar)
# Add a 'checksum' field to the JSON, with the value set to the
# checksum of the tarball.
cat ${baseJson} | jshon -s "$tarsum" -i checksum > $out/json
# Indicate to docker that we're using schema version 1.0.
echo -n "1.0" > $out/VERSION
echo "Finished building layer '${name}'"
# Make a "root" layer; required if we need to execute commands as a
# privileged user on the image. The commands themselves will be
# performed in a virtual machine sandbox.
mkRootLayer = {
# Name of the image.
# Script to run as root. Bash.
# Files to add to the layer. If null, an empty layer will be created.
contents ? null,
# JSON containing configuration and metadata for this layer.
# Existing image onto which to append the new layer.
fromImage ? null,
# Name of the image we're appending onto.
fromImageName ? null,
# Tag of the image we're appending onto.
fromImageTag ? null,
# How much disk to allocate for the temporary virtual machine.
diskSize ? 1024,
# Commands (bash) to run on the layer; these do not require sudo.
extraCommands ? ""
# Generate an executable script from the `runAsRoot` text.
let runAsRootScript = shellScript "" runAsRoot;
in runWithOverlay {
name = "docker-layer-${name}";
inherit fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag diskSize;
preMount = lib.optionalString (contents != null && contents != []) ''
echo "Adding contents..."
for item in ${toString contents}; do
echo "Adding $item..."
rsync -ak --chown=0:0 $item/ layer/
chmod ug+w layer
postMount = ''
mkdir -p mnt/{dev,proc,sys} mnt${storeDir}
# Mount /dev, /sys and the nix store as shared folders.
mount --rbind /dev mnt/dev
mount --rbind /sys mnt/sys
mount --rbind ${storeDir} mnt${storeDir}
# Execute the run as root script. See 'man unshare' for
# details on what's going on here; basically this command
# means that the runAsRootScript will be executed in a nearly
# completely isolated environment.
unshare -imnpuf --mount-proc chroot mnt ${runAsRootScript}
# Unmount directories and remove them.
umount -R mnt/dev mnt/sys mnt${storeDir}
rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty \
mnt/dev mnt/proc mnt/sys mnt${storeDir} \
mnt$(dirname ${storeDir})
postUmount = ''
(cd layer; eval "${extraCommands}")
echo "Packing layer..."
mkdir $out
tar -C layer --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" -cf $out/layer.tar .
# Compute the tar checksum and add it to the output json.
echo "Computing checksum..."
ts=$(${tarsum} < $out/layer.tar)
cat ${baseJson} | jshon -s "$ts" -i checksum > $out/json
# Indicate to docker that we're using schema version 1.0.
echo -n "1.0" > $out/VERSION
echo "Finished building layer '${name}'"
# 1. extract the base image
# 2. create the layer
# 3. add layer deps to the layer itself, diffing with the base image
# 4. compute the layer id
# 5. put the layer in the image
# 6. repack the image
buildImage = args@{
# Image name.
# Image tag.
tag ? "latest",
# Parent image, to append to.
fromImage ? null,
# Name of the parent image; will be read from the image otherwise.
fromImageName ? null,
# Tag of the parent image; will be read from the image otherwise.
fromImageTag ? null,
# Files to put on the image (a nix store path or list of paths).
contents ? null,
# Docker config; e.g. what command to run on the container.
config ? null,
# Optional bash script to run on the files prior to fixturizing the layer.
extraCommands ? "", uid ? 0, gid ? 0,
# Optional bash script to run as root on the image when provisioning.
runAsRoot ? null,
# Size of the virtual machine disk to provision when building the image.
diskSize ? 1024,
# Time of creation of the image.
created ? "1970-01-01T00:00:01Z",
baseName = baseNameOf name;
# Create a JSON blob of the configuration. Set the date to unix zero.
baseJson = writeText "${baseName}-config.json" (builtins.toJSON {
inherit created config;
architecture = "amd64";
os = "linux";
layer =
if runAsRoot == null
then mkPureLayer {
name = baseName;
inherit baseJson contents extraCommands uid gid;
} else mkRootLayer {
name = baseName;
inherit baseJson fromImage fromImageName fromImageTag
contents runAsRoot diskSize extraCommands;
result = runCommand "docker-image-${baseName}.tar.gz" {
buildInputs = [ jshon pigz coreutils findutils jq ];
# Image name and tag must be lowercase
imageName = lib.toLower name;
imageTag = lib.toLower tag;
inherit fromImage baseJson;
layerClosure = writeReferencesToFile layer;
passthru.buildArgs = args;
passthru.layer = layer;
} ''
# Print tar contents:
# 1: Interpreted as relative to the root directory
# 2: With no trailing slashes on directories
# This is useful for ensuring that the output matches the
# values generated by the "find" command
ls_tar() {
for f in $(tar -tf $1 | xargs realpath -ms --relative-to=.); do
if [[ "$f" != "." ]]; then
echo "/$f"
mkdir image
touch baseFiles
if [[ -n "$fromImage" ]]; then
echo "Unpacking base image..."
tar -C image -xpf "$fromImage"
config=$(jq -r '.[0].Config' image/manifest.json)
layers=$(jq -r '.[0].Layers | join(" ")' image/manifest.json)
for l in $layers; do
ls_tar image/$l >> baseFiles
chmod u+w image image/$config
rm image/$config
chmod -R ug+rw image
mkdir temp
cp ${layer}/* temp/
chmod ug+w temp/*
echo "$(dirname ${storeDir})" >> layerFiles
echo '${storeDir}' >> layerFiles
for dep in $(cat $layerClosure); do
find $dep >> layerFiles
echo "Adding layer..."
# Record the contents of the tarball with ls_tar.
ls_tar temp/layer.tar >> baseFiles
# Get the files in the new layer which were *not* present in
# the old layer, and record them as newFiles.
comm <(sort -n baseFiles|uniq) \
<(sort -n layerFiles|uniq|grep -v ${layer}) -1 -3 > newFiles
# Append the new files to the layer.
tar -rpf temp/layer.tar --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" \
--owner=0 --group=0 --no-recursion --files-from newFiles
gzip temp/layer.tar
layerID="sha256:$(sha256sum temp/layer.tar.gz | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
mv temp/layer.tar.gz image/$layerID
echo "Generating image configuration and manifest..."
imageJson=$(cat ${baseJson} | jq ". + {\"rootfs\": {\"diff_ids\": [], \"type\": \"layers\"}}")
manifestJson=$(jq -n "[{\"RepoTags\":[\"$imageName:$imageTag\"]}]")
# The layer list is ordered starting from the base image
layers=$(echo $layers $layerID)
for i in $(echo $layers); do
imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".history |= [{\"created\": \"${created}\"}] + .")
diffId=$(gzip -dc image/$i | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)
imageJson=$(echo "$imageJson" | jq ".rootfs.diff_ids |= [\"sha256:$diffId\"] + .")
manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Layers |= [\"$i\"] + .")
imageJsonChecksum=$(echo "$imageJson" | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
echo "$imageJson" > "image/sha256:$imageJsonChecksum"
manifestJson=$(echo "$manifestJson" | jq ".[0].Config = \"sha256:$imageJsonChecksum\"")
echo "$manifestJson" > image/manifest.json
# Make the image read-only.
chmod -R a-w image
echo "Cooking the image..."
tar -C image --mtime="@$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" --owner=0 --group=0 --xform s:'./':: -c . | pigz -nT > $out
echo "Finished."
# Build an image and populate its nix database with the provided
# contents. The main purpose is to be able to use nix commands in
# the container.
# Be careful since this doesn't work well with multilayer.
buildImageWithNixDb = args@{ contents ? null, extraCommands ? "", ... }:
buildImage (args // {
extraCommands = ''
echo "Generating the nix database..."
echo "Warning: only the database of the deepest Nix layer is loaded."
echo " If you want to use nix commands in the container, it would"
echo " be better to only have one layer that contains a nix store."
# This requires Nix 1.12 or higher
export NIX_REMOTE=local?root=$PWD
${nixUnstable}/bin/nix-store --load-db < ${nixRegistration contents}/db.dump
# We fill the store in order to run the 'verify' command that
# generates hash and size of output paths.
# Note when Nix 1.12 is be the stable one, the database dump
# generated by the exportReferencesGraph function will
# contains sha and size. See
storePaths=$(cat ${nixRegistration contents}/storePaths)
echo "Copying everything to /nix/store (will take a while)..."
cp -prd $storePaths nix/store/
${nixUnstable}/bin/nix-store --verify --check-contents
mkdir -p nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/
for i in ${lib.concatStringsSep " " contents}; do
ln -s $i nix/var/nix/gcroots/docker/$(basename $i)
'' + extraCommands;