# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright 2018-2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # import os import shutil import tempfile from binascii import unhexlify from io import BytesIO from typing import Any, BinaryIO, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch from urllib import parse import attr from parameterized import parameterized, parameterized_class from PIL import Image as Image from typing_extensions import Literal from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers from twisted.web.iweb import UNKNOWN_LENGTH, IResponse from twisted.web.resource import Resource from synapse.api.errors import Codes, HttpResponseException from synapse.api.ratelimiting import Ratelimiter from synapse.events import EventBase from synapse.http.types import QueryParams from synapse.logging.context import make_deferred_yieldable from synapse.media._base import FileInfo, ThumbnailInfo from synapse.media.filepath import MediaFilePaths from synapse.media.media_storage import MediaStorage, ReadableFileWrapper from synapse.media.storage_provider import FileStorageProviderBackend from synapse.media.thumbnailer import ThumbnailProvider from synapse.module_api import ModuleApi from synapse.module_api.callbacks.spamchecker_callbacks import load_legacy_spam_checkers from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import login, media from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.types import JsonDict, RoomAlias from synapse.util import Clock from tests import unittest from tests.server import FakeChannel from tests.test_utils import SMALL_PNG from tests.unittest import override_config from tests.utils import default_config class MediaStorageTests(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): needs_threadpool = True def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="synapse-tests-") self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, self.test_dir) self.primary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "primary") self.secondary_base_path = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "secondary") hs.config.media.media_store_path = self.primary_base_path storage_providers = [FileStorageProviderBackend(hs, self.secondary_base_path)] self.filepaths = MediaFilePaths(self.primary_base_path) self.media_storage = MediaStorage( hs, self.primary_base_path, self.filepaths, storage_providers ) def test_ensure_media_is_in_local_cache(self) -> None: media_id = "some_media_id" test_body = "Test\n" # First we create a file that is in a storage provider but not in the # local primary media store rel_path = self.filepaths.local_media_filepath_rel(media_id) secondary_path = os.path.join(self.secondary_base_path, rel_path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(secondary_path)) with open(secondary_path, "w") as f: f.write(test_body) # Now we run ensure_media_is_in_local_cache, which should copy the file # to the local cache. file_info = FileInfo(None, media_id) # This uses a real blocking threadpool so we have to wait for it to be # actually done :/ x = defer.ensureDeferred( self.media_storage.ensure_media_is_in_local_cache(file_info) ) # Hotloop until the threadpool does its job... self.wait_on_thread(x) local_path = self.get_success(x) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(local_path)) # Asserts the file is under the expected local cache directory self.assertEqual( os.path.commonprefix([self.primary_base_path, local_path]), self.primary_base_path, ) with open(local_path) as f: body = f.read() self.assertEqual(test_body, body) @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, frozen=True) class TestImage: """An image for testing thumbnailing with the expected results Attributes: data: The raw image to thumbnail content_type: The type of the image as a content type, e.g. "image/png" extension: The extension associated with the format, e.g. ".png" expected_cropped: The expected bytes from cropped thumbnailing, or None if test should just check for success. expected_scaled: The expected bytes from scaled thumbnailing, or None if test should just check for a valid image returned. expected_found: True if the file should exist on the server, or False if a 404/400 is expected. unable_to_thumbnail: True if we expect the thumbnailing to fail (400), or False if the thumbnailing should succeed or a normal 404 is expected. is_inline: True if we expect the file to be served using an inline Content-Disposition or False if we expect an attachment. """ data: bytes content_type: bytes extension: bytes expected_cropped: Optional[bytes] = None expected_scaled: Optional[bytes] = None expected_found: bool = True unable_to_thumbnail: bool = False is_inline: bool = True small_png = TestImage( SMALL_PNG, b"image/png", b".png", unhexlify( b"89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000020000000200806" b"000000737a7af40000001a49444154789cedc101010000008220" b"ffaf6e484001000000ef0610200001194334ee0000000049454e" b"44ae426082" ), unhexlify( b"89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000001000000010806" b"0000001f15c4890000000d49444154789c636060606000000005" b"0001a5f645400000000049454e44ae426082" ), ) small_png_with_transparency = TestImage( unhexlify( b"89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d49484452000000010000000101000" b"00000376ef9240000000274524e5300010194fdae0000000a4944" b"4154789c636800000082008177cd72b60000000049454e44ae426" b"082" ), b"image/png", b".png", # Note that we don't check the output since it varies across # different versions of Pillow. ) small_lossless_webp = TestImage( unhexlify( b"524946461a000000574542505650384c0d0000002f0000001007" b"1011118888fe0700" ), b"image/webp", b".webp", ) empty_file = TestImage( b"", b"image/gif", b".gif", expected_found=False, unable_to_thumbnail=True, ) SVG = TestImage( b""" """, b"image/svg", b".svg", expected_found=False, unable_to_thumbnail=True, is_inline=False, ) test_images = [ small_png, small_png_with_transparency, small_lossless_webp, empty_file, SVG, ] input_values = [(x,) for x in test_images] @parameterized_class(("test_image",), input_values) class MediaRepoTests(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [media.register_servlets] test_image: ClassVar[TestImage] hijack_auth = True user_id = "@test:user" def make_homeserver(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock) -> HomeServer: self.fetches: List[ Tuple[ "Deferred[Tuple[bytes, Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]]]", str, str, Optional[QueryParams], ] ] = [] def get_file( destination: str, path: str, output_stream: BinaryIO, download_ratelimiter: Ratelimiter, ip_address: Any, max_size: int, args: Optional[QueryParams] = None, retry_on_dns_fail: bool = True, ignore_backoff: bool = False, follow_redirects: bool = False, ) -> "Deferred[Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]]": """A mock for MatrixFederationHttpClient.get_file.""" def write_to( r: Tuple[bytes, Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]] ) -> Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]: data, response = r output_stream.write(data) return response def write_err(f: Failure) -> Failure: f.trap(HttpResponseException) output_stream.write(f.value.response) return f d: Deferred[Tuple[bytes, Tuple[int, Dict[bytes, List[bytes]]]]] = Deferred() self.fetches.append((d, destination, path, args)) # Note that this callback changes the value held by d. d_after_callback = d.addCallbacks(write_to, write_err) return make_deferred_yieldable(d_after_callback) # Mock out the homeserver's MatrixFederationHttpClient client = Mock() client.get_file = get_file self.storage_path = self.mktemp() self.media_store_path = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(self.storage_path) os.mkdir(self.media_store_path) config = self.default_config() config["media_store_path"] = self.media_store_path config["max_image_pixels"] = 2000000 provider_config = { "module": "synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend", "store_local": True, "store_synchronous": False, "store_remote": True, "config": {"directory": self.storage_path}, } config["media_storage_providers"] = [provider_config] hs = self.setup_test_homeserver(config=config, federation_http_client=client) return hs def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.store = hs.get_datastores().main self.media_repo = hs.get_media_repository() self.media_id = "example.com/12345" def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]: resources = super().create_resource_dict() resources["/_matrix/media"] = self.hs.get_media_repository_resource() return resources def _req( self, content_disposition: Optional[bytes], include_content_type: bool = True ) -> FakeChannel: channel = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/v3/download/{self.media_id}", shorthand=False, await_result=False, ) self.pump() # We've made one fetch, to example.com, using the media URL, and asking # the other server not to do a remote fetch self.assertEqual(len(self.fetches), 1) self.assertEqual(self.fetches[0][1], "example.com") self.assertEqual( self.fetches[0][2], "/_matrix/media/v3/download/" + self.media_id ) self.assertEqual( self.fetches[0][3], {"allow_remote": "false", "timeout_ms": "20000", "allow_redirect": "true"}, ) headers = { b"Content-Length": [b"%d" % (len(self.test_image.data))], } if include_content_type: headers[b"Content-Type"] = [self.test_image.content_type] if content_disposition: headers[b"Content-Disposition"] = [content_disposition] self.fetches[0][0].callback( (self.test_image.data, (len(self.test_image.data), headers)) ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) return channel def test_handle_missing_content_type(self) -> None: channel = self._req( b"attachment; filename=out" + self.test_image.extension, include_content_type=False, ) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Type"), [b"application/octet-stream"] ) def test_disposition_filename_ascii(self) -> None: """ If the filename is filename= then Synapse will decode it as an ASCII string, and use filename= in the response. """ channel = self._req(b"attachment; filename=out" + self.test_image.extension) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Type"), [self.test_image.content_type] ) self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Disposition"), [ (b"inline" if self.test_image.is_inline else b"attachment") + b"; filename=out" + self.test_image.extension ], ) def test_disposition_filenamestar_utf8escaped(self) -> None: """ If the filename is filename=*utf8'' then Synapse will correctly decode it as the UTF-8 string, and use filename* in the response. """ filename = parse.quote("\u2603".encode()).encode("ascii") channel = self._req( b"attachment; filename*=utf-8''" + filename + self.test_image.extension ) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Type"), [self.test_image.content_type] ) self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Disposition"), [ (b"inline" if self.test_image.is_inline else b"attachment") + b"; filename*=utf-8''" + filename + self.test_image.extension ], ) def test_disposition_none(self) -> None: """ If there is no filename, Content-Disposition should only be a disposition type. """ channel = self._req(None) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Type"), [self.test_image.content_type] ) self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Content-Disposition"), [b"inline" if self.test_image.is_inline else b"attachment"], ) def test_thumbnail_crop(self) -> None: """Test that a cropped remote thumbnail is available.""" self._test_thumbnail( "crop", self.test_image.expected_cropped, expected_found=self.test_image.expected_found, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) def test_thumbnail_scale(self) -> None: """Test that a scaled remote thumbnail is available.""" self._test_thumbnail( "scale", self.test_image.expected_scaled, expected_found=self.test_image.expected_found, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) def test_invalid_type(self) -> None: """An invalid thumbnail type is never available.""" self._test_thumbnail( "invalid", None, expected_found=False, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) @unittest.override_config( {"thumbnail_sizes": [{"width": 32, "height": 32, "method": "scale"}]} ) def test_no_thumbnail_crop(self) -> None: """ Override the config to generate only scaled thumbnails, but request a cropped one. """ self._test_thumbnail( "crop", None, expected_found=False, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) @unittest.override_config( {"thumbnail_sizes": [{"width": 32, "height": 32, "method": "crop"}]} ) def test_no_thumbnail_scale(self) -> None: """ Override the config to generate only cropped thumbnails, but request a scaled one. """ self._test_thumbnail( "scale", None, expected_found=False, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) def test_thumbnail_repeated_thumbnail(self) -> None: """Test that fetching the same thumbnail works, and deleting the on disk thumbnail regenerates it. """ self._test_thumbnail( "scale", self.test_image.expected_scaled, expected_found=self.test_image.expected_found, unable_to_thumbnail=self.test_image.unable_to_thumbnail, ) if not self.test_image.expected_found: return # Fetching again should work, without re-requesting the image from the # remote. params = "?width=32&height=32&method=scale" channel = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/{self.media_id}{params}", shorthand=False, await_result=False, ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) if self.test_image.expected_scaled: self.assertEqual( channel.result["body"], self.test_image.expected_scaled, channel.result["body"], ) # Deleting the thumbnail on disk then re-requesting it should work as # Synapse should regenerate missing thumbnails. origin, media_id = self.media_id.split("/") info = self.get_success(self.store.get_cached_remote_media(origin, media_id)) assert info is not None file_id = info.filesystem_id thumbnail_dir = self.media_repo.filepaths.remote_media_thumbnail_dir( origin, file_id ) shutil.rmtree(thumbnail_dir, ignore_errors=True) channel = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/{self.media_id}{params}", shorthand=False, await_result=False, ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) if self.test_image.expected_scaled: self.assertEqual( channel.result["body"], self.test_image.expected_scaled, channel.result["body"], ) def _test_thumbnail( self, method: str, expected_body: Optional[bytes], expected_found: bool, unable_to_thumbnail: bool = False, ) -> None: """Test the given thumbnailing method works as expected. Args: method: The thumbnailing method to use (crop, scale). expected_body: The expected bytes from thumbnailing, or None if test should just check for a valid image. expected_found: True if the file should exist on the server, or False if a 404/400 is expected. unable_to_thumbnail: True if we expect the thumbnailing to fail (400), or False if the thumbnailing should succeed or a normal 404 is expected. """ params = "?width=32&height=32&method=" + method channel = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/{self.media_id}{params}", shorthand=False, await_result=False, ) self.pump() headers = { b"Content-Length": [b"%d" % (len(self.test_image.data))], b"Content-Type": [self.test_image.content_type], } self.fetches[0][0].callback( (self.test_image.data, (len(self.test_image.data), headers)) ) self.pump() if expected_found: self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) self.assertEqual( channel.headers.getRawHeaders(b"Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"), [b"cross-origin"], ) if expected_body is not None: self.assertEqual( channel.result["body"], expected_body, channel.result["body"] ) else: # ensure that the result is at least some valid image Image.open(BytesIO(channel.result["body"])) elif unable_to_thumbnail: # A 400 with a JSON body. self.assertEqual(channel.code, 400) self.assertEqual( channel.json_body, { "errcode": "M_UNKNOWN", "error": "Cannot find any thumbnails for the requested media ('/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/example.com/12345'). This might mean the media is not a supported_media_format=(image/jpeg, image/jpg, image/webp, image/gif, image/png) or that thumbnailing failed for some other reason. (Dynamic thumbnails are disabled on this server.)", }, ) else: # A 404 with a JSON body. self.assertEqual(channel.code, 404) self.assertEqual( channel.json_body, { "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND", "error": "Not found '/_matrix/media/r0/thumbnail/example.com/12345'", }, ) @parameterized.expand([("crop", 16), ("crop", 64), ("scale", 16), ("scale", 64)]) def test_same_quality(self, method: str, desired_size: int) -> None: """Test that choosing between thumbnails with the same quality rating succeeds. We are not particular about which thumbnail is chosen.""" content_type = self.test_image.content_type.decode() media_repo = self.hs.get_media_repository() thumbnail_provider = ThumbnailProvider( self.hs, media_repo, media_repo.media_storage ) self.assertIsNotNone( thumbnail_provider._select_thumbnail( desired_width=desired_size, desired_height=desired_size, desired_method=method, desired_type=content_type, # Provide two identical thumbnails which are guaranteed to have the same # quality rating. thumbnail_infos=[ ThumbnailInfo( width=32, height=32, method=method, type=content_type, length=256, ), ThumbnailInfo( width=32, height=32, method=method, type=content_type, length=256, ), ], file_id=f"image{self.test_image.extension.decode()}", url_cache=False, server_name=None, ) ) def test_x_robots_tag_header(self) -> None: """ Tests that the `X-Robots-Tag` header is present, which informs web crawlers to not index, archive, or follow links in media. """ channel = self._req(b"attachment; filename=out" + self.test_image.extension) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"X-Robots-Tag"), [b"noindex, nofollow, noarchive, noimageindex"], ) def test_cross_origin_resource_policy_header(self) -> None: """ Test that the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header is set to "cross-origin" allowing web clients to embed media from the downloads API. """ channel = self._req(b"attachment; filename=out" + self.test_image.extension) headers = channel.headers self.assertEqual( headers.getRawHeaders(b"Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"), [b"cross-origin"], ) def test_unknown_v3_endpoint(self) -> None: """ If the v3 endpoint fails, try the r0 one. """ channel = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/v3/download/{self.media_id}", shorthand=False, await_result=False, ) self.pump() # We've made one fetch, to example.com, using the media URL, and asking # the other server not to do a remote fetch self.assertEqual(len(self.fetches), 1) self.assertEqual(self.fetches[0][1], "example.com") self.assertEqual( self.fetches[0][2], "/_matrix/media/v3/download/" + self.media_id ) # The result which says the endpoint is unknown. unknown_endpoint = b'{"errcode":"M_UNRECOGNIZED","error":"Unknown request"}' self.fetches[0][0].errback( HttpResponseException(404, "NOT FOUND", unknown_endpoint) ) self.pump() # There should now be another request to the r0 URL. self.assertEqual(len(self.fetches), 2) self.assertEqual(self.fetches[1][1], "example.com") self.assertEqual( self.fetches[1][2], f"/_matrix/media/r0/download/{self.media_id}" ) headers = { b"Content-Length": [b"%d" % (len(self.test_image.data))], } self.fetches[1][0].callback( (self.test_image.data, (len(self.test_image.data), headers)) ) self.pump() self.assertEqual(channel.code, 200) class TestSpamCheckerLegacy: """A spam checker module that rejects all media that includes the bytes `evil`. Uses the legacy Spam-Checker API. """ def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any], api: ModuleApi) -> None: self.config = config self.api = api @staticmethod def parse_config(config: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: return config async def check_event_for_spam(self, event: EventBase) -> Union[bool, str]: return False # allow all events async def user_may_invite( self, inviter_userid: str, invitee_userid: str, room_id: str, ) -> bool: return True # allow all invites async def user_may_create_room(self, userid: str) -> bool: return True # allow all room creations async def user_may_create_room_alias( self, userid: str, room_alias: RoomAlias ) -> bool: return True # allow all room aliases async def user_may_publish_room(self, userid: str, room_id: str) -> bool: return True # allow publishing of all rooms async def check_media_file_for_spam( self, file_wrapper: ReadableFileWrapper, file_info: FileInfo ) -> bool: buf = BytesIO() await file_wrapper.write_chunks_to(buf.write) return b"evil" in buf.getvalue() class SpamCheckerTestCaseLegacy(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ login.register_servlets, admin.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.tok = self.login("user", "pass") load_legacy_spam_checkers(hs) def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]: resources = super().create_resource_dict() resources["/_matrix/media"] = self.hs.get_media_repository_resource() return resources def default_config(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: config = default_config("test") config.update( { "spam_checker": [ { "module": TestSpamCheckerLegacy.__module__ + ".TestSpamCheckerLegacy", "config": {}, } ] } ) return config def test_upload_innocent(self) -> None: """Attempt to upload some innocent data that should be allowed.""" self.helper.upload_media(SMALL_PNG, tok=self.tok, expect_code=200) def test_upload_ban(self) -> None: """Attempt to upload some data that includes bytes "evil", which should get rejected by the spam checker. """ data = b"Some evil data" self.helper.upload_media(data, tok=self.tok, expect_code=400) EVIL_DATA = b"Some evil data" EVIL_DATA_EXPERIMENT = b"Some evil data to trigger the experimental tuple API" class SpamCheckerTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ login.register_servlets, admin.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.tok = self.login("user", "pass") hs.get_module_api().register_spam_checker_callbacks( check_media_file_for_spam=self.check_media_file_for_spam ) def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]: resources = super().create_resource_dict() resources["/_matrix/media"] = self.hs.get_media_repository_resource() return resources async def check_media_file_for_spam( self, file_wrapper: ReadableFileWrapper, file_info: FileInfo ) -> Union[Codes, Literal["NOT_SPAM"], Tuple[Codes, JsonDict]]: buf = BytesIO() await file_wrapper.write_chunks_to(buf.write) if buf.getvalue() == EVIL_DATA: return Codes.FORBIDDEN elif buf.getvalue() == EVIL_DATA_EXPERIMENT: return (Codes.FORBIDDEN, {}) else: return "NOT_SPAM" def test_upload_innocent(self) -> None: """Attempt to upload some innocent data that should be allowed.""" self.helper.upload_media(SMALL_PNG, tok=self.tok, expect_code=200) def test_upload_ban(self) -> None: """Attempt to upload some data that includes bytes "evil", which should get rejected by the spam checker. """ self.helper.upload_media(EVIL_DATA, tok=self.tok, expect_code=400) self.helper.upload_media( EVIL_DATA_EXPERIMENT, tok=self.tok, expect_code=400, ) class RemoteDownloadLimiterTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase): def make_homeserver(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock) -> HomeServer: config = self.default_config() self.storage_path = self.mktemp() self.media_store_path = self.mktemp() os.mkdir(self.storage_path) os.mkdir(self.media_store_path) config["media_store_path"] = self.media_store_path provider_config = { "module": "synapse.media.storage_provider.FileStorageProviderBackend", "store_local": True, "store_synchronous": False, "store_remote": True, "config": {"directory": self.storage_path}, } config["media_storage_providers"] = [provider_config] return self.setup_test_homeserver(config=config) def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self.repo = hs.get_media_repository() self.client = hs.get_federation_http_client() self.store = hs.get_datastores().main def create_resource_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Resource]: # We need to manually set the resource tree to include media, the # default only does `/_matrix/client` APIs. return {"/_matrix/media": self.hs.get_media_repository_resource()} # mock actually reading file body def read_body_with_max_size_30MiB(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Deferred: d: Deferred = defer.Deferred() d.callback(31457280) return d def read_body_with_max_size_50MiB(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Deferred: d: Deferred = defer.Deferred() d.callback(52428800) return d @patch( "synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_body_with_max_size", read_body_with_max_size_30MiB, ) def test_download_ratelimit_default(self) -> None: """ Test remote media download ratelimiting against default configuration - 500MB bucket and 87kb/second drain rate """ # mock out actually sending the request, returns a 30MiB response async def _send_request(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IResponse: resp = MagicMock(spec=IResponse) resp.code = 200 resp.length = 31457280 resp.headers = Headers({"Content-Type": ["application/octet-stream"]}) resp.phrase = b"OK" return resp self.client._send_request = _send_request # type: ignore # first request should go through channel = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", shorthand=False, ) assert channel.code == 200 # next 15 should go through for i in range(15): channel2 = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy{i}", shorthand=False, ) assert channel2.code == 200 # 17th will hit ratelimit channel3 = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyx", shorthand=False, ) assert channel3.code == 429 # however, a request from a different IP will go through channel4 = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", shorthand=False, client_ip="", ) assert channel4.code == 200 # at 87Kib/s it should take about 2 minutes for enough to drain from bucket that another # 30MiB download is authorized - The last download was blocked at 503,316,480. # The next download will be authorized when bucket hits 492,830,720 # (524,288,000 total capacity - 31,457,280 download size) so 503,316,480 - 492,830,720 ~= 10,485,760 # needs to drain before another download will be authorized, that will take ~= # 2 minutes (10,485,760/89,088/60) self.reactor.pump([2.0 * 60.0]) # enough has drained and next request goes through channel5 = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyb", shorthand=False, ) assert channel5.code == 200 @override_config( { "remote_media_download_per_second": "50M", "remote_media_download_burst_count": "50M", } ) @patch( "synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_body_with_max_size", read_body_with_max_size_50MiB, ) def test_download_rate_limit_config(self) -> None: """ Test that download rate limit config options are correctly picked up and applied """ async def _send_request(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IResponse: resp = MagicMock(spec=IResponse) resp.code = 200 resp.length = 52428800 resp.headers = Headers({"Content-Type": ["application/octet-stream"]}) resp.phrase = b"OK" return resp self.client._send_request = _send_request # type: ignore # first request should go through channel = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", shorthand=False, ) assert channel.code == 200 # immediate second request should fail channel = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy1", shorthand=False, ) assert channel.code == 429 # advance half a second self.reactor.pump([0.5]) # request still fails channel = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy2", shorthand=False, ) assert channel.code == 429 # advance another half second self.reactor.pump([0.5]) # enough has drained from bucket and request is successful channel = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy3", shorthand=False, ) assert channel.code == 200 @patch( "synapse.http.matrixfederationclient.read_body_with_max_size", read_body_with_max_size_30MiB, ) def test_download_ratelimit_max_size_sub(self) -> None: """ Test that if no content-length is provided, the default max size is applied instead """ # mock out actually sending the request async def _send_request(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> IResponse: resp = MagicMock(spec=IResponse) resp.code = 200 resp.length = UNKNOWN_LENGTH resp.headers = Headers({"Content-Type": ["application/octet-stream"]}) resp.phrase = b"OK" return resp self.client._send_request = _send_request # type: ignore # ten requests should go through using the max size (500MB/50MB) for i in range(10): channel2 = self.make_request( "GET", f"/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy{i}", shorthand=False, ) assert channel2.code == 200 # eleventh will hit ratelimit channel3 = self.make_request( "GET", "/_matrix/media/v3/download/remote.org/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyx", shorthand=False, ) assert channel3.code == 429