# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor from synapse.api.constants import AccountDataTypes, EventTypes, JoinRules, Membership from synapse.push.rulekinds import PRIORITY_CLASS_MAP from synapse.rest import admin from synapse.rest.client import account, login, room from synapse.server import HomeServer from synapse.synapse_rust.push import PushRule from synapse.types import UserID, create_requester from synapse.util import Clock from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase class DeactivateAccountTestCase(HomeserverTestCase): servlets = [ login.register_servlets, admin.register_servlets, account.register_servlets, room.register_servlets, ] def prepare(self, reactor: MemoryReactor, clock: Clock, hs: HomeServer) -> None: self._store = hs.get_datastores().main self.user = self.register_user("user", "pass") self.token = self.login("user", "pass") self.handler = self.hs.get_room_member_handler() def _deactivate_my_account(self) -> None: """ Deactivates the account `self.user` using `self.token` and asserts that it returns a 200 success code. """ req = self.make_request( "POST", "account/deactivate", { "auth": { "type": "m.login.password", "user": self.user, "password": "pass", }, "erase": True, }, access_token=self.token, ) self.assertEqual(req.code, 200, req) def test_global_account_data_deleted_upon_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Tests that global account data is removed upon deactivation. """ # Add some account data self.get_success( self._store.add_account_data_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, {"@someone:remote": ["!somewhere:remote"]}, ) ) # Check that we actually added some. self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT ) ), ) # Request the deactivation of our account self._deactivate_my_account() # Check that the account data does not persist. self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT ) ), ) def test_room_account_data_deleted_upon_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Tests that room account data is removed upon deactivation. """ room_id = "!room:test" # Add some room account data self.get_success( self._store.add_account_data_to_room( self.user, room_id, "m.fully_read", {"event_id": "$aaaa:test"}, ) ) # Check that we actually added some. self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_account_data_for_room_and_type( self.user, room_id, "m.fully_read" ) ), ) # Request the deactivation of our account self._deactivate_my_account() # Check that the account data does not persist. self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_account_data_for_room_and_type( self.user, room_id, "m.fully_read" ) ), ) def _is_custom_rule(self, push_rule: PushRule) -> bool: """ Default rules start with a dot: such as .m.rule and .im.vector. This function returns true iff a rule is custom (not default). """ return "/." not in push_rule.rule_id def test_push_rules_deleted_upon_account_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Push rules are a special case of account data. They are stored separately but get sent to the client as account data in /sync. This tests that deactivating a user deletes push rules along with the rest of their account data. """ # Add a push rule self.get_success( self._store.add_push_rule( self.user, "personal.override.rule1", PRIORITY_CLASS_MAP["override"], [], [], ) ) # Test the rule exists filtered_push_rules = self.get_success( self._store.get_push_rules_for_user(self.user) ) # Filter out default rules; we don't care push_rules = [ r for r, _ in filtered_push_rules.rules() if self._is_custom_rule(r) ] # Check our rule made it self.assertEqual(len(push_rules), 1) self.assertEqual(push_rules[0].rule_id, "personal.override.rule1") self.assertEqual(push_rules[0].priority_class, 5) self.assertEqual(push_rules[0].conditions, []) self.assertEqual(push_rules[0].actions, []) # Request the deactivation of our account self._deactivate_my_account() filtered_push_rules = self.get_success( self._store.get_push_rules_for_user(self.user) ) # Filter out default rules; we don't care push_rules = [ r for r, _ in filtered_push_rules.rules() if self._is_custom_rule(r) ] # Check our rule no longer exists self.assertEqual(push_rules, [], push_rules) def test_ignored_users_deleted_upon_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Ignored users are a special case of account data. They get denormalised into the `ignored_users` table upon being stored as account data. Test that a user's list of ignored users is deleted upon deactivation. """ # Add an ignored user self.get_success( self._store.add_account_data_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.IGNORED_USER_LIST, {"ignored_users": {"@sheltie:test": {}}}, ) ) # Test the user is ignored self.assertEqual( self.get_success(self._store.ignored_by("@sheltie:test")), {self.user} ) # Request the deactivation of our account self._deactivate_my_account() # Test the user is no longer ignored by the user that was deactivated self.assertEqual( self.get_success(self._store.ignored_by("@sheltie:test")), set() ) def _rerun_retroactive_account_data_deletion_update(self) -> None: # Reset the 'all done' flag self._store.db_pool.updates._all_done = False self.get_success( self._store.db_pool.simple_insert( "background_updates", { "update_name": "delete_account_data_for_deactivated_users", "progress_json": "{}", }, ) ) self.wait_for_background_updates() def test_account_data_deleted_retroactively_by_background_update_if_deactivated( self, ) -> None: """ Tests that a user, who deactivated their account before account data was deleted automatically upon deactivation, has their account data retroactively scrubbed by the background update. """ # Request the deactivation of our account self._deactivate_my_account() # Add some account data # (we do this after the deactivation so that the act of deactivating doesn't # clear it out. This emulates a user that was deactivated before this was cleared # upon deactivation.) self.get_success( self._store.add_account_data_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, {"@someone:remote": ["!somewhere:remote"]}, ) ) # Check that the account data is there. self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, ) ), ) # Re-run the retroactive deletion update self._rerun_retroactive_account_data_deletion_update() # Check that the account data was cleared. self.assertIsNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, ) ), ) def test_account_data_preserved_by_background_update_if_not_deactivated( self, ) -> None: """ Tests that the background update does not scrub account data for users that have not been deactivated. """ # Add some account data # (we do this after the deactivation so that the act of deactivating doesn't # clear it out. This emulates a user that was deactivated before this was cleared # upon deactivation.) self.get_success( self._store.add_account_data_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, {"@someone:remote": ["!somewhere:remote"]}, ) ) # Check that the account data is there. self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, ) ), ) # Re-run the retroactive deletion update self._rerun_retroactive_account_data_deletion_update() # Check that the account data was NOT cleared. self.assertIsNotNone( self.get_success( self._store.get_global_account_data_by_type_for_user( self.user, AccountDataTypes.DIRECT, ) ), ) def test_deactivate_account_needs_auth(self) -> None: """ Tests that making a request to /deactivate with an empty body succeeds in starting the user-interactive auth flow. """ req = self.make_request( "POST", "account/deactivate", {}, access_token=self.token, ) self.assertEqual(req.code, 401, req) self.assertEqual(req.json_body["flows"], [{"stages": ["m.login.password"]}]) def test_deactivate_account_rejects_invites(self) -> None: """ Tests that deactivating an account rejects its invite memberships """ # Create another user and room just for the invitation another_user = self.register_user("another_user", "pass") token = self.login("another_user", "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(another_user, is_public=False, tok=token) # Invite user to the created room invite_event, _ = self.get_success( self.handler.update_membership( requester=create_requester(another_user), target=UserID.from_string(self.user), room_id=room_id, action=Membership.INVITE, ) ) # Check that the invite exists invite = self.get_success( self._store.get_invited_rooms_for_local_user(self.user) ) self.assertEqual(invite[0].event_id, invite_event) # Deactivate the user self._deactivate_my_account() # Check that the deactivated user has no invites in the room after_deactivate_invite = self.get_success( self._store.get_invited_rooms_for_local_user(self.user) ) self.assertEqual(len(after_deactivate_invite), 0) def test_deactivate_account_rejects_knocks(self) -> None: """ Tests that deactivating an account rejects its knock memberships """ # Create another user and room just for the invitation another_user = self.register_user("another_user", "pass") token = self.login("another_user", "pass") room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( another_user, is_public=False, tok=token, ) # Allow room to be knocked at self.helper.send_state( room_id, EventTypes.JoinRules, {"join_rule": JoinRules.KNOCK}, tok=token, ) # Knock user at the created room knock_event, _ = self.get_success( self.handler.update_membership( requester=create_requester(self.user), target=UserID.from_string(self.user), room_id=room_id, action=Membership.KNOCK, ) ) # Check that the knock exists knocks = self.get_success( self._store.get_knocked_at_rooms_for_local_user(self.user) ) self.assertEqual(knocks[0].event_id, knock_event) # Deactivate the user self._deactivate_my_account() # Check that the deactivated user has no knocks after_deactivate_knocks = self.get_success( self._store.get_knocked_at_rooms_for_local_user(self.user) ) self.assertEqual(len(after_deactivate_knocks), 0) def test_membership_is_redacted_upon_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Tests that room membership events are redacted if erasure is requested. """ # Create a room room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( self.user, is_public=True, tok=self.token, ) # Change the displayname membership_event, _ = self.get_success( self.handler.update_membership( requester=create_requester(self.user), target=UserID.from_string(self.user), room_id=room_id, action=Membership.JOIN, content={"displayname": "Hello World!"}, ) ) # Deactivate the account self._deactivate_my_account() # Get the all membership event IDs membership_event_ids = self.get_success( self._store.get_membership_event_ids_for_user(self.user, room_id=room_id) ) # Get the events incl. JSON events = self.get_success(self._store.get_events_as_list(membership_event_ids)) # Validate that there is no displayname in any of the events for event in events: self.assertTrue("displayname" not in event.content) def test_rooms_forgotten_upon_deactivation(self) -> None: """ Tests that the user 'forgets' the rooms they left upon deactivation. """ # Create a room room_id = self.helper.create_room_as( self.user, is_public=True, tok=self.token, ) # Deactivate the account self._deactivate_my_account() # Get all of the user's forgotten rooms forgotten_rooms = self.get_success( self._store.get_forgotten_rooms_for_user(self.user) ) # Validate that the created room is forgotten self.assertTrue(room_id in forgotten_rooms)