# The Admin API ## Authenticate as a server admin Many of the API calls in the admin api will require an `access_token` for a server admin. (Note that a server admin is distinct from a room admin.) An existing user can be marked as a server admin by updating the database directly. Check your [database settings](config_documentation.md#database) in the configuration file, connect to the correct database using either `psql [database name]` (if using PostgreSQL) or `sqlite3 path/to/your/database.db` (if using SQLite) and elevate the user `@foo:bar.com` to administrator. ```sql UPDATE users SET admin = 1 WHERE name = '@foo:bar.com'; ``` A new server admin user can also be created using the `register_new_matrix_user` command. This is a script that is distributed as part of synapse. It is possibly already on your `$PATH` depending on how Synapse was installed. Finding your user's `access_token` is client-dependent, but will usually be shown in the client's settings. ## Making an Admin API request For security reasons, we [recommend](../../../reverse_proxy.md#synapse-administration-endpoints) that the Admin API (`/_synapse/admin/...`) should be hidden from public view using a reverse proxy. This means you should typically query the Admin API from a terminal on the machine which runs Synapse. Once you have your `access_token`, you will need to authenticate each request to an Admin API endpoint by providing the token as either a query parameter or a request header. To add it as a request header in cURL: ```sh curl --header "Authorization: Bearer " ``` For example, suppose we want to [query the account](user_admin_api.md#query-user-account) of the user `@foo:bar.com`. We need an admin access token (e.g. `syt_AjfVef2_L33JNpafeif_0feKJfeaf0CQpoZk`), and we need to know which port Synapse's [`client` listener](config_documentation.md#listeners) is listening on (e.g. `8008`). Then we can use the following command to request the account information from the Admin API. ```sh curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_AjfVef2_L33JNpafeif_0feKJfeaf0CQpoZk" -X GET ``` For more details on access tokens in Matrix, please refer to the complete [matrix spec documentation](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.1#using-access-tokens).