# # This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. # # Copyright (C) 2023 New Vector, Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details: # . # # Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: # . # # [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited] # # from typing import cast import idna from OpenSSL import SSL from synapse.config._base import Config, RootConfig from synapse.config.homeserver import HomeServerConfig from synapse.config.tls import ConfigError, TlsConfig from synapse.crypto.context_factory import ( FederationPolicyForHTTPS, SSLClientConnectionCreator, ) from synapse.types import JsonDict from tests.unittest import TestCase class FakeServer(Config): section = "server" def has_tls_listener(self) -> bool: return False class TestConfig(RootConfig): config_classes = [FakeServer, TlsConfig] class TLSConfigTests(TestCase): def test_tls_client_minimum_default(self) -> None: """ The default client TLS version is 1.0. """ config: JsonDict = {} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1") def test_tls_client_minimum_set(self) -> None: """ The default client TLS version can be set to 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. """ config: JsonDict = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1") config = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1.1} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1.1") config = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1.2} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1.2") # Also test a string version config = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": "1"} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1") config = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": "1.2"} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1.2") def test_tls_client_minimum_1_point_3_missing(self) -> None: """ If TLS 1.3 support is missing and it's configured, it will raise a ConfigError. """ # thanks i hate it if hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3"): OP_NO_TLSv1_3 = SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_3 delattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3") self.addCleanup(setattr, SSL, "SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_3", OP_NO_TLSv1_3) assert not hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3") config: JsonDict = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1.3} t = TestConfig() with self.assertRaises(ConfigError) as e: t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual( e.exception.args[0], ( "federation_client_minimum_tls_version cannot be 1.3, " "your OpenSSL does not support it" ), ) def test_tls_client_minimum_1_point_3_exists(self) -> None: """ If TLS 1.3 support exists and it's configured, it will be settable. """ # thanks i hate it, still if not hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3"): SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_3 = 0x00 self.addCleanup(lambda: delattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3")) assert hasattr(SSL, "OP_NO_TLSv1_3") config: JsonDict = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1.3} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") self.assertEqual(t.tls.federation_client_minimum_tls_version, "1.3") def test_tls_client_minimum_set_passed_through_1_2(self) -> None: """ The configured TLS version is correctly configured by the ContextFactory. """ config: JsonDict = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1.2} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") cf = FederationPolicyForHTTPS(cast(HomeServerConfig, t)) options = _get_ssl_context_options(cf._verify_ssl_context) # The context has had NO_TLSv1_1 and NO_TLSv1_0 set, but not NO_TLSv1_2 self.assertNotEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1, 0) self.assertNotEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_1, 0) self.assertEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_2, 0) def test_tls_client_minimum_set_passed_through_1_0(self) -> None: """ The configured TLS version is correctly configured by the ContextFactory. """ config: JsonDict = {"federation_client_minimum_tls_version": 1} t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") cf = FederationPolicyForHTTPS(cast(HomeServerConfig, t)) options = _get_ssl_context_options(cf._verify_ssl_context) # The context has not had any of the NO_TLS set. self.assertEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1, 0) self.assertEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_1, 0) self.assertEqual(options & SSL.OP_NO_TLSv1_2, 0) def test_whitelist_idna_failure(self) -> None: """ The federation certificate whitelist will not allow IDNA domain names. """ config: JsonDict = { "federation_certificate_verification_whitelist": [ "example.com", "*.ドメイン.テスト", ] } t = TestConfig() e = self.assertRaises( ConfigError, t.tls.read_config, config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="" ) self.assertIn("IDNA domain names", str(e)) def test_whitelist_idna_result(self) -> None: """ The federation certificate whitelist will match on IDNA encoded names. """ config: JsonDict = { "federation_certificate_verification_whitelist": [ "example.com", "*.xn--eckwd4c7c.xn--zckzah", ] } t = TestConfig() t.tls.read_config(config, config_dir_path="", data_dir_path="") cf = FederationPolicyForHTTPS(cast(HomeServerConfig, t)) # Not in the whitelist opts = cf.get_options(b"notexample.com") assert isinstance(opts, SSLClientConnectionCreator) self.assertTrue(opts._verifier._verify_certs) # Caught by the wildcard opts = cf.get_options(idna.encode("テスト.ドメイン.テスト")) assert isinstance(opts, SSLClientConnectionCreator) self.assertFalse(opts._verifier._verify_certs) def _get_ssl_context_options(ssl_context: SSL.Context) -> int: """get the options bits from an openssl context object""" # the OpenSSL.SSL.Context wrapper doesn't expose get_options, so we have to # use the low-level interface return SSL._lib.SSL_CTX_get_options(ssl_context._context) # type: ignore[attr-defined]