# Synapse Documentation **The documentation is currently hosted [here](https://element-hq.github.io/synapse).** Please update any links to point to the new website instead. ## About This directory currently holds a series of markdown files documenting how to install, use and develop Synapse. The documentation is readable directly from this repository, but it is recommended to instead browse through the [website](https://element-hq.github.io/synapse) for easier discoverability. ## Adding to the documentation Most of the documentation currently exists as top-level files, as when organising them into a structured website, these files were kept in place so that existing links would not break. The rest of the documentation is stored in folders, such as `setup`, `usage`, and `development` etc. **All new documentation files should be placed in structured folders.** For example: To create a new user-facing documentation page about a new Single Sign-On protocol named "MyCoolProtocol", one should create a new file with a relevant name, such as "my_cool_protocol.md". This file might fit into the documentation structure at: - Usage - Configuration - User Authentication - Single Sign-On - **My Cool Protocol** Given that, one would place the new file under `usage/configuration/user_authentication/single_sign_on/my_cool_protocol.md`. Note that the structure of the documentation (and thus the left sidebar on the website) is determined by the list in [SUMMARY.md](SUMMARY.md). The final thing to do when adding a new page is to add a new line linking to the new documentation file: ```markdown - [My Cool Protocol](usage/configuration/user_authentication/single_sign_on/my_cool_protocol.md) ``` ## Building the documentation The documentation is built with [mdbook](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/), and the outline of the documentation is determined by the structure of [SUMMARY.md](SUMMARY.md). First, [get mdbook](https://github.com/rust-lang/mdBook#installation). Then, **from the root of the repository**, build the documentation with: ```sh mdbook build ``` The rendered contents will be outputted to a new `book/` directory at the root of the repository. Please note that index.html is not built by default, it is created by copying over the file `welcome_and_overview.html` to `index.html` during deployment. Thus, when running `mdbook serve` locally the book will initially show a 404 in place of the index due to the above. Do not be alarmed! You can also have mdbook host the docs on a local webserver with hot-reload functionality via: ```sh mdbook serve ``` The URL at which the docs can be viewed at will be logged. ## Configuration and theming The look and behaviour of the website is configured by the [book.toml](../book.toml) file at the root of the repository. See [mdbook's documentation on configuration](https://rust-lang.github.io/mdBook/format/config.html) for available options. The site can be themed and additionally extended with extra UI and features. See [website_files/README.md](website_files/README.md) for details.