unit IdServerSocketIOHandling; interface {$I wsdefines.pas} uses Classes, Generics.Collections, SysUtils, StrUtils , IdContext , IdCustomTCPServer , IdException // {$IFDEF SUPEROBJECT} , superobject {$ENDIF} , IdServerBaseHandling , IdSocketIOHandling ; type TIdServerSocketIOHandling = class(TIdBaseSocketIOHandling) protected procedure ProcessHeatbeatRequest(const AContext: ISocketIOContext; const aText: string); override; public function SendToAll(const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil): Integer; procedure SendTo (const aContext: TIdServerContext; const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); function EmitEventToAll(const aEventName: string; const aData: string ; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil): Integer;overload; {$IFDEF SUPEROBJECT} function EmitEventToAll(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil): Integer;overload; procedure EmitEventTo (const aContext: TIdServerContext; const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; procedure EmitEventTo (const aContext: ISocketIOContext; const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; {$ENDIF} end; implementation { TIdServerSocketIOHandling } procedure TIdServerSocketIOHandling.ProcessHeatbeatRequest( const AContext: ISocketIOContext; const aText: string); begin inherited ProcessHeatbeatRequest(AContext, aText); end; {$IFDEF SUPEROBJECT} procedure TIdServerSocketIOHandling.EmitEventTo( const aContext: ISocketIOContext; const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var jsonarray: string; begin if aContext.IsDisconnected then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create('socket.io connection closed!'); if aData.IsType(stArray) then jsonarray := aData.AsString else if aData.IsType(stString) then jsonarray := '["' + aData.AsString + '"]' else jsonarray := '[' + aData.AsString + ']'; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOEvent(aContext, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, nil, nil) else WriteSocketIOEventRef(aContext, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(aContext, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); end; procedure TIdServerSocketIOHandling.EmitEventTo( const aContext: TIdServerContext; const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var context: ISocketIOContext; begin Lock; try context := FConnections.Items[aContext]; EmitEventTo(context, aEventName, aData, aCallback, aOnError); finally UnLock; end; end; function TIdServerSocketIOHandling.EmitEventToAll(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError): Integer; begin if aData.IsType(stString) then Result := EmitEventToAll(aEventName, '"' + aData.AsString + '"', aCallback, aOnError) else Result := EmitEventToAll(aEventName, aData.AsString, aCallback, aOnError); end; {$ENDIF} function TIdServerSocketIOHandling.EmitEventToAll(const aEventName, aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError): Integer; var context: ISocketIOContext; jsonarray: string; begin Result := 0; jsonarray := '[' + aData + ']'; Lock; try for context in FConnections.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; try if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOEvent(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, nil, nil) else WriteSocketIOEventRef(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); except //try to send to others end; Inc(Result); end; for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; try if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOEvent(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, nil, nil) else WriteSocketIOEventRef(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); except //try to send to others end; Inc(Result); end; finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdServerSocketIOHandling.SendTo(const aContext: TIdServerContext; const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var context: ISocketIOContext; begin Lock; try context := FConnections.Items[aContext]; if context.IsDisconnected then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create('socket.io connection closed!'); if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, nil) else WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); finally UnLock; end; end; function TIdServerSocketIOHandling.SendToAll(const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError): Integer; var context: ISocketIOContext; begin Result := 0; Lock; try for context in FConnections.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, nil) else WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); Inc(Result); end; for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, nil) else WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end); Inc(Result); end; finally UnLock; end; end; end.