# Not active anymore Unfortunately I don't have time to support this project anymore. Also the websocket protocol has changed in the meantime, so it won't work with browser and other modern implementations. Please take a look at the free (but closed) 3rd party component: * http://www.esegece.com/websockets/download * http://www.esegece.com/download/sgcWebSockets_free.zip # DelphiWebsockets Websockets and Socket.io for Delphi See below for an event driven async example of an socket.io server and client: ```delphi uses IdWebsocketServer, IdHTTPWebsocketClient, superobject, IdSocketIOHandling; var server: TIdWebsocketServer; client: TIdHTTPWebsocketClient; const C_CLIENT_EVENT = 'CLIENT_TO_SERVER_EVENT_TEST'; C_SERVER_EVENT = 'SERVER_TO_CLIENT_EVENT_TEST'; procedure ShowMessageInMainthread(const aMsg: string) ; begin TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin ShowMessage(aMsg); end); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin server := TIdWebsocketServer.Create(Self); server.DefaultPort := 12345; server.SocketIO.OnEvent(C_CLIENT_EVENT, procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback) begin //show request (threadsafe) ShowMessageInMainthread('REQUEST: ' + aArgument[0].AsJSon); //send callback (only if specified!) if aCallback <> nil then aCallback.SendResponse( SO(['succes', True]).AsJSon ); end); server.Active := True; client := TIdHTTPWebsocketClient.Create(Self); client.Port := 12345; client.Host := 'localhost'; client.SocketIOCompatible := True; client.SocketIO.OnEvent(C_SERVER_EVENT, procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback) begin ShowMessageInMainthread('Data PUSHED from server: ' + aArgument[0].AsJSon); //server wants a response? if aCallback <> nil then aCallback.SendResponse('thank for the push!'); end); client.Connect; client.SocketIO.Emit(C_CLIENT_EVENT, SO([ 'request', 'some data']), //provide callback procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback) begin //show response (threadsafe) ShowMessageInMainthread('RESPONSE: ' + aJSON.AsJSon); end); //start timer so server pushes (!) data to all clients Timer1.Interval := 5 * 1000; //5s Timer1.Enabled := True; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin Timer1.Enabled := false; server.SocketIO.EmitEventToAll(C_SERVER_EVENT, SO(['data', 'pushed from server']), procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback) begin //show response (threadsafe) TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin ShowMessage('RESPONSE from a client: ' + aJSON.AsJSon); end); end); end; ```