unit IdIOHandlerWebsocket; {.$DEFINE DEBUG_WS} //The WebSocket Protocol, RFC 6455 //http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc6455/?include_text=1 interface uses Classes, SysUtils, IdIOHandlerStack, IdGlobal, IdException, IdBuffer, SyncObjs, Generics.Collections; type TWSDataType = (wdtText, wdtBinary); TWSDataCode = (wdcNone, wdcContinuation, wdcText, wdcBinary, wdcClose, wdcPing, wdcPong); TWSExtensionBit = (webBit1, webBit2, webBit3); TWSExtensionBits = set of TWSExtensionBit; TIdIOHandlerWebsocket = class; EIdWebSocketHandleError = class(EIdSocketHandleError); {$if CompilerVersion >= 26} //XE5 TIdTextEncoding = IIdTextEncoding; {$ifend} TIdIOHandlerWebsocket = class(TIdIOHandlerStack) private FIsServerSide: Boolean; FBusyUpgrading: Boolean; FIsWebsocket: Boolean; FWSInputBuffer: TIdBuffer; FExtensionBits: TWSExtensionBits; FLock: TCriticalSection; FSelectLock: TCriticalSection; FCloseReason: string; FCloseCode: Integer; FClosing: Boolean; FLastActivityTime: TDateTime; FLastPingTime: TDateTime; class var FUseSingleWriteThread: Boolean; procedure SetIsWebsocket(const Value: Boolean); protected FMessageStream: TMemoryStream; FWriteTextToTarget: Boolean; FCloseCodeSend: Boolean; FPendingWriteCount: Integer; function InternalReadDataFromSource(var VBuffer: TIdBytes; ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Integer; function ReadDataFromSource(var VBuffer: TIdBytes): Integer; override; function WriteDataToTarget (const ABuffer: TIdBytes; const AOffset, ALength: Integer): Integer; override; function ReadFrame(out aFIN, aRSV1, aRSV2, aRSV3: boolean; out aDataCode: TWSDataCode; out aData: TIdBytes): Integer; function ReadMessage(var aBuffer: TIdBytes; out aDataCode: TWSDataCode): Integer; {$if CompilerVersion >= 26} //XE5 function UTF8Encoding: IIdTextEncoding; {$else} function UTF8Encoding: TEncoding; {$ifend} public function WriteData(aData: TIdBytes; aType: TWSDataCode; aFIN: boolean = true; aRSV1: boolean = false; aRSV2: boolean = false; aRSV3: boolean = false): integer; property BusyUpgrading : Boolean read FBusyUpgrading write FBusyUpgrading; property IsWebsocket : Boolean read FIsWebsocket write SetIsWebsocket; property IsServerSide : Boolean read FIsServerSide write FIsServerSide; property ClientExtensionBits : TWSExtensionBits read FExtensionBits write FExtensionBits; public class constructor Create; procedure AfterConstruction;override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure Unlock; function TryLock: Boolean; function HasData: Boolean; procedure Clear; function Readable(AMSec: Integer = IdTimeoutDefault): Boolean; override; function Connected: Boolean; override; procedure Close; override; property Closing : Boolean read FClosing; property CloseCode : Integer read FCloseCode write FCloseCode; property CloseReason: string read FCloseReason write FCloseReason; //text/string writes procedure Write(const AOut: string; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding = nil); overload; override; procedure WriteLn(const AOut: string; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding = nil); overload; override; procedure WriteLnRFC(const AOut: string = ''; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding = nil); override; procedure Write(AValue: TStrings; AWriteLinesCount: Boolean = False; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding = nil); overload; override; procedure Write(AStream: TStream; aType: TWSDataType); overload; procedure WriteBufferFlush(AByteCount: Integer); override; procedure ReadBytes(var VBuffer: TIdBytes; AByteCount: Integer; AAppend: Boolean = True); override; property LastActivityTime: TDateTime read FLastActivityTime write FLastActivityTime; property LastPingTime: TDateTime read FLastPingTime write FLastPingTime; class property UseSingleWriteThread: Boolean read FUseSingleWriteThread write FUseSingleWriteThread; end; TThreadID = NativeUInt; TIdWebsocketQueueThread = class(TThread) private function GetThreadID: TThreadID; protected FLock: TCriticalSection; FTempThread: Integer; FEvent: TEvent; FEvents, FProcessing: TList; public procedure AfterConstruction;override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure UnLock; procedure ProcessQueue; procedure Execute; override; property ThreadID: TThreadID read GetThreadID; procedure Terminate; procedure QueueEvent(aEvent: TThreadProcedure); end; //http://tangentsoft.net/wskfaq/intermediate.html //Winsock is not threadsafe, use a single/seperate write thread and seperate read thread //(do not write in 2 different thread or read in 2 different threads) TIdWebsocketWriteThread = class(TIdWebsocketQueueThread) private class var FInstance: TIdWebsocketWriteThread; public class function Instance: TIdWebsocketWriteThread; class procedure RemoveInstance; end; TIdBuffer_Ext = class(TIdBuffer); //close frame codes const C_FrameClose_Normal = 1000; //1000 indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for //which the connection was established has been fulfilled. C_FrameClose_GoingAway = 1001; //1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server //going down or a browser having navigated away from a page. C_FrameClose_ProtocolError = 1002; //1002 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due //to a protocol error. C_FrameClose_UnhandledDataType = 1003; //1003 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection //because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an //endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it //receives a binary message). C_FrameClose_Reserved = 1004; //Reserved. The specific meaning might be defined in the future. C_FrameClose_ReservedNoStatus = 1005; //1005 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a //Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in //applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status //code was actually present. C_FrameClose_ReservedAbnormal = 1006; //1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a //Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in //applications expecting a status code to indicate that the //connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or //receiving a Close control frame. C_FrameClose_InconsistentData = 1007; //1007 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection //because it has received data within a message that was not //consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629] //data within a text message). C_FrameClose_PolicyError = 1008; //1008 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection //because it has received a message that violates its policy. This //is a generic status code that can be returned when there is no //other more suitable status code (e.g., 1003 or 1009) or if there //is a need to hide specific details about the policy. C_FrameClose_ToBigMessage = 1009; //1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection //because it has received a message that is too big for it to process. C_FrameClose_MissingExtenstion = 1010; //1010 indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the //connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or //more extension, but the server didn't return them in the response //message of the WebSocket handshake. The list of extensions that //are needed SHOULD appear in the /reason/ part of the Close frame. //Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it //can fail the WebSocket handshake instead. C_FrameClose_UnExpectedError = 1011; //1011 indicates that a server is terminating the connection because //it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from //fulfilling the request. C_FrameClose_ReservedTLSError = 1015; //1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a //Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in //applications expecting a status code to indicate that the //connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake //(e.g., the server certificate can't be verified). implementation uses Math, Windows, IdStream, IdStack, IdWinsock2, IdExceptionCore, IdResourceStrings, IdResourceStringsCore; //frame codes const C_FrameCode_Continuation = 0; C_FrameCode_Text = 1; C_FrameCode_Binary = 2; //3-7 are reserved for further non-control frames C_FrameCode_Close = 8; C_FrameCode_Ping = 9; C_FrameCode_Pong = 10 {A}; //B-F are reserved for further control frames function BytesToStringRaw(const AValue: TIdBytes; aSize: Integer = -1): string; var i: Integer; begin //SetLength(Result, Length(aValue)); for i := 0 to High(AValue) do begin if (AValue[i] = 0) and (aSize < 0) then Exit; if (AValue[i] < 33) or ( (AValue[i] > 126) and (AValue[i] < 161) ) then Result := Result + '#' + IntToStr(AValue[i]) else Result := Result + Char(AValue[i]); if (aSize > 0) and (i > aSize) then Break; end; end; { TIdIOHandlerStack_Websocket } procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.AfterConstruction; begin inherited; FMessageStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FWSInputBuffer := TIdBuffer.Create; FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FSelectLock := TCriticalSection.Create; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Clear; begin FWSInputBuffer.Clear; InputBuffer.Clear; FBusyUpgrading := False; FIsWebsocket := False; FClosing := False; FClosing := False; FExtensionBits := []; FCloseReason := ''; FCloseCode := 0; FLastActivityTime := 0; FLastPingTime := 0; FWriteTextToTarget := False; FCloseCodeSend := False; FPendingWriteCount := 0; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Close; var iaWriteBuffer: TIdBytes; sReason: UTF8String; iOptVal, iOptLen: Integer; bConnected: Boolean; begin try //valid connection? bConnected := Opened and SourceIsAvailable and not ClosedGracefully; //no socket error? connection closed by software abort, connection reset by peer, etc iOptLen := SIZE_INTEGER; bConnected := bConnected and (IdWinsock2.getsockopt(Self.Binding.Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, PAnsiChar(@iOptVal), iOptLen) = 0) and (iOptVal = 0); if bConnected and IsWebsocket then begin //close message must be responded with a close message back //or initiated with a close message if not FCloseCodeSend then begin FCloseCodeSend := True; //we initiate the close? then write reason etc if not Closing then begin SetLength(iaWriteBuffer, 2); if CloseCode < C_FrameClose_Normal then CloseCode := C_FrameClose_Normal; iaWriteBuffer[0] := Byte(CloseCode shr 8); iaWriteBuffer[1] := Byte(CloseCode); if CloseReason <> '' then begin sReason := utf8string(CloseReason); SetLength(iaWriteBuffer, Length(iaWriteBuffer) + Length(sReason)); Move(sReason[1], iaWriteBuffer[2], Length(sReason)); end; end else begin //just send normal close response back SetLength(iaWriteBuffer, 2); iaWriteBuffer[0] := Byte(C_FrameClose_Normal shr 8); iaWriteBuffer[1] := Byte(C_FrameClose_Normal); end; WriteData(iaWriteBuffer, wdcClose); //send close + code back end; //we did initiate the close? then wait (a little) for close response if not Closing then begin FClosing := True; CheckForDisconnect(); //wait till client respond with close message back //but a pending message can be in the buffer, so process this too while ReadFromSource(False{no disconnect error}, 1 * 1000, False) > 0 do ; //response within 1s? end; end; except //ignore, it's possible that the client is disconnected already (crashed etc) end; IsWebsocket := False; BusyUpgrading := False; inherited Close; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Connected: Boolean; begin Lock; try Result := inherited Connected; finally Unlock; end; end; class constructor TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Create; begin //UseSingleWriteThread := True; end; destructor TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Destroy; begin while FPendingWriteCount > 0 do Sleep(1); FLock.Enter; FSelectLock.Enter; FLock.Free; FSelectLock.Free; FWSInputBuffer.Free; FMessageStream.Free; inherited; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.HasData: Boolean; begin //buffered data available? (more data from previous read) Result := (FWSInputBuffer.Size > 0) or not InputBufferIsEmpty; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.InternalReadDataFromSource( var VBuffer: TIdBytes; ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Integer; begin SetLength(VBuffer, 0); CheckForDisconnect; if not Readable(ReadTimeout) or not Opened or not SourceIsAvailable then begin CheckForDisconnect; //disconnected during wait in "Readable()"? if not Opened then EIdNotConnected.Toss(RSNotConnected) else if not SourceIsAvailable then EIdClosedSocket.Toss(RSStatusDisconnected); GStack.CheckForSocketError(GStack.WSGetLastError); //check for socket error if ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout then EIdReadTimeout.Toss(RSIdNoDataToRead) //exit, no data can be received else Exit(0); end; SetLength(VBuffer, RecvBufferSize); Result := inherited ReadDataFromSource(VBuffer); if Result = 0 then begin CheckForDisconnect; //disconnected in the mean time? GStack.CheckForSocketError(GStack.WSGetLastError); //check for socket error if ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout then EIdNoDataToRead.Toss(RSIdNoDataToRead); //nothing read? then connection is probably closed -> exit end; SetLength(VBuffer, Result); end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteLn(const AOut: string; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding); begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); WriteLn(AOut, AEncoding); end) end else begin Lock; try FWriteTextToTarget := True; inherited WriteLn(AOut, UTF8Encoding); //must be UTF8! finally FWriteTextToTarget := False; Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteLnRFC(const AOut: string; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding); begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); WriteLnRFC(AOut, AEncoding); end) end else begin Lock; try FWriteTextToTarget := True; inherited WriteLnRFC(AOut, UTF8Encoding); //must be UTF8! finally FWriteTextToTarget := False; Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Write(const AOut: string; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding); begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); Write(AOut, AEncoding); end) end else begin Lock; try FWriteTextToTarget := True; inherited Write(AOut, UTF8Encoding); //must be UTF8! finally FWriteTextToTarget := False; Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Write(AValue: TStrings; AWriteLinesCount: Boolean; AEncoding: TIdTextEncoding); begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); Write(AValue, AWriteLinesCount, AEncoding); end) end else begin Lock; try FWriteTextToTarget := True; inherited Write(AValue, AWriteLinesCount, UTF8Encoding); //must be UTF8! finally FWriteTextToTarget := False; Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Write(AStream: TStream; aType: TWSDataType); begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); Write(AStream, aType); end) end else begin Lock; try FWriteTextToTarget := (aType = wdtText); inherited Write(AStream); finally FWriteTextToTarget := False; Unlock; end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteBufferFlush(AByteCount: Integer); begin if (FWriteBuffer = nil) or (FWriteBuffer.Size <= 0) then Exit; if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then begin InterlockedIncrement(FPendingWriteCount); TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.QueueEvent( procedure begin InterlockedDecrement(FPendingWriteCount); WriteBufferFlush(AByteCount); end) end else inherited WriteBufferFlush(AByteCount); end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteDataToTarget(const ABuffer: TIdBytes; const AOffset, ALength: Integer): Integer; begin if UseSingleWriteThread and IsWebsocket and (GetCurrentThreadId <> TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance.ThreadID) then Assert(False, 'Write done in different thread than TIdWebsocketWriteThread!'); Lock; try Result := -1; if not IsWebsocket then begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if Debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Send (non ws, TID:%d, P:%d): %s', [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(ABuffer)]))); {$ENDIF} Result := inherited WriteDataToTarget(ABuffer, AOffset, ALength) end else begin {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if Debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Send (ws, TID:%d, P:%d): %s', [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(ABuffer)]))); {$ENDIF} try if FWriteTextToTarget then Result := WriteData(ABuffer, wdcText, True{send all at once}, webBit1 in ClientExtensionBits, webBit2 in ClientExtensionBits, webBit3 in ClientExtensionBits) else Result := WriteData(ABuffer, wdcBinary, True{send all at once}, webBit1 in ClientExtensionBits, webBit2 in ClientExtensionBits, webBit3 in ClientExtensionBits); except FClosedGracefully := True; Result := -1; Raise; end; end; finally Unlock; end; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Readable(AMSec: Integer): Boolean; begin if FWSInputBuffer.Size > 0 then Exit(True); if not FSelectLock.TryEnter then Exit(False); try Result := inherited Readable(AMSec); finally FSelectLock.Leave; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.ReadBytes(var VBuffer: TIdBytes; AByteCount: Integer; AAppend: Boolean); begin inherited; {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if IsWebsocket then if Debughook > 0 then begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('%d Bytes read(TID:%d): %s', [AByteCount, getcurrentthreadid, BytesToStringRaw(VBuffer, AByteCount)]))); OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Buffer (HeadIndex:%d): %s', [TIdBuffer_Ext(InputBuffer).FHeadIndex, BytesToStringRaw(TIdBuffer_Ext(InputBuffer).FBytes, InputBuffer.Size + TIdBuffer_Ext(InputBuffer).FHeadIndex)]))); end; {$ENDIF} end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.ReadDataFromSource( var VBuffer: TIdBytes): Integer; var wscode: TWSDataCode; begin //the first time something is read AFTER upgrading, we switch to WS //(so partial writes can be done, till a read is done) if BusyUpgrading then begin BusyUpgrading := False; IsWebsocket := True; end; Result := -1; Lock; try if not IsWebsocket then begin Result := inherited ReadDataFromSource(VBuffer); {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if Debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Received (non ws, TID:%d, P:%d): %s', [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(VBuffer, Result)]))); {$ENDIF} end else begin try //we wait till we have a full message here (can be fragmented in several frames) Result := ReadMessage(VBuffer, wscode); {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if Debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Received (ws, TID:%d, P:%d): %s', [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(VBuffer)]))); {$ENDIF} //first write the data code (text or binary, ping, pong) FInputBuffer.Write(LongWord(Ord(wscode))); //we write message size here, vbuffer is written after this. This way we can use ReadStream to get 1 single message (in case multiple messages in FInputBuffer) if LargeStream then FInputBuffer.Write(Int64(Result)) else FInputBuffer.Write(LongWord(Result)) except FClosedGracefully := True; //closed (but not gracefully?) Raise; end; end; finally Unlock; //normal unlock (no double try finally) end; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.ReadMessage(var aBuffer: TIdBytes; out aDataCode: TWSDataCode): Integer; var iReadCount: Integer; iaReadBuffer: TIdBytes; bFIN, bRSV1, bRSV2, bRSV3: boolean; lDataCode: TWSDataCode; lFirstDataCode: TWSDataCode; // closeCode: integer; // closeResult: string; begin Result := 0; (* ...all fragments of a message are of the same type, as set by the first fragment's opcode. Since control frames cannot be fragmented, the type for all fragments in a message MUST be either text, binary, or one of the reserved opcodes. *) lFirstDataCode := wdcNone; FMessageStream.Clear; repeat //read a single frame iReadCount := ReadFrame(bFIN, bRSV1, bRSV2, bRSV3, lDataCode, iaReadBuffer); if (iReadCount > 0) or (lDataCode <> wdcNone) then begin Assert(Length(iaReadBuffer) = iReadCount); //store client extension bits if Self.IsServerSide then begin ClientExtensionBits := []; if bRSV1 then ClientExtensionBits := ClientExtensionBits + [webBit1]; if bRSV2 then ClientExtensionBits := ClientExtensionBits + [webBit2]; if bRSV3 then ClientExtensionBits := ClientExtensionBits + [webBit3]; end; //process frame case lDataCode of wdcText, wdcBinary: begin if lFirstDataCode <> wdcNone then raise EIdWebSocketHandleError.Create('Invalid frame: specified data code only allowed for the first frame. Data = ' + BytesToStringRaw(iaReadBuffer)); lFirstDataCode := lDataCode; FMessageStream.Clear; TIdStreamHelper.Write(FMessageStream, iaReadBuffer); end; wdcContinuation: begin if not (lFirstDataCode in [wdcText, wdcBinary]) then raise EIdWebSocketHandleError.Create('Invalid frame continuation. Data = ' + BytesToStringRaw(iaReadBuffer)); TIdStreamHelper.Write(FMessageStream, iaReadBuffer); end; wdcClose: begin FCloseCode := C_FrameClose_Normal; //"If there is a body, the first two bytes of the body MUST be a 2-byte // unsigned integer (in network byte order) representing a status code" if Length(iaReadBuffer) > 1 then begin FCloseCode := (iaReadBuffer[0] shl 8) + iaReadBuffer[1]; if Length(iaReadBuffer) > 2 then FCloseReason := BytesToString(iaReadBuffer, 2, Length(iaReadBuffer), UTF8Encoding); end; FClosing := True; Self.Close; end; //Note: control frames can be send between fragmented frames wdcPing: begin WriteData(iaReadBuffer, wdcPong); //send pong + same data back lFirstDataCode := lDataCode; //bFIN := False; //ignore ping when we wait for data? end; wdcPong: begin //pong received, ignore; lFirstDataCode := lDataCode; end; end; end else Break; until bFIN; //done? if bFIN then begin if (lFirstDataCode in [wdcText, wdcBinary]) then begin //result FMessageStream.Position := 0; TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(FMessageStream, aBuffer); Result := FMessageStream.Size; aDataCode := lFirstDataCode end else if (lFirstDataCode in [wdcPing, wdcPong]) then begin //result FMessageStream.Position := 0; TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(FMessageStream, aBuffer); SetLength(aBuffer, FMessageStream.Size); //dummy data: there *must* be some data read otherwise connection is closed by Indy! if Length(aBuffer) <= 0 then begin SetLength(aBuffer, 1); aBuffer[0] := Ord(lFirstDataCode); end; Result := Length(aBuffer); aDataCode := lFirstDataCode end; end; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.SetIsWebsocket(const Value: Boolean); var data: TIdBytes; begin //copy websocket data which was send/received during http upgrade if not FIsWebsocket and Value and (FInputBuffer.Size > 0) then begin FInputBuffer.ExtractToBytes(data); FWSInputBuffer.Write(data); end; FIsWebsocket := Value; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Lock; begin FLock.Enter; end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.TryLock: Boolean; begin Result := FLock.TryEnter; end; procedure TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.Unlock; begin FLock.Leave; end; {$if CompilerVersion >= 26} //XE5 function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.UTF8Encoding: IIdTextEncoding; begin Result := IndyTextEncoding_UTF8; end; {$else} function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.UTF8Encoding: TEncoding; begin Result := TIdTextEncoding.UTF8; end; {$ifend} function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.ReadFrame(out aFIN, aRSV1, aRSV2, aRSV3: boolean; out aDataCode: TWSDataCode; out aData: TIdBytes): Integer; var iInputPos: NativeInt; function _WaitByte(ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout: Boolean): Boolean; var temp: TIdBytes; begin //if HasData then Exit(True); if (FWSInputBuffer.Size > 0) then Exit(True); Result := InternalReadDataFromSource(temp, ARaiseExceptionOnTimeout) > 0; if Result then begin FWSInputBuffer.Write(temp); {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} // if debughook > 0 then // OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Received (TID:%d, P:%d): %s', // [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(temp)]))); // OutputDebugString(PChar('Received: ' + BytesToStringRaw(temp))); {$ENDIF} end; end; function _GetByte: Byte; begin while FWSInputBuffer.Size <= iInputPos do begin //FWSInputBuffer.AsString; _WaitByte(True); if FWSInputBuffer.Size <= iInputPos then Sleep(1); end; //Self.ReadByte copies all data everytime (because the first byte must be removed) so we use index (much more efficient) Result := FWSInputBuffer.PeekByte(iInputPos); //FWSInputBuffer.AsString inc(iInputPos); end; function _GetBytes(aCount: Integer): TIdBytes; var temp: TIdBytes; begin while FWSInputBuffer.Size < aCount do begin InternalReadDataFromSource(temp, True); FWSInputBuffer.Write(temp); {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar('Received: ' + BytesToStringRaw(temp))); {$ENDIF} if FWSInputBuffer.Size < aCount then Sleep(1); end; FWSInputBuffer.ExtractToBytes(Result, aCount); end; var iByte: Byte; i, iCode: NativeInt; bHasMask: boolean; iDataLength, iPos: Int64; rMask: record case Boolean of True : (MaskAsBytes: array[0..3] of Byte); False: (MaskAsInt : Int32); end; begin iInputPos := 0; Result := 0; aFIN := False; aRSV1 := False; aRSV2:= False; aRSV3:= False; aDataCode := wdcNone; SetLength(aData, 0); if not _WaitByte(False) then Exit; FLastActivityTime := Now; //received some data //wait + process data iByte := _GetByte; (* 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 (nr) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bit) +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |K| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + *) //FIN, RSV1, RSV2, RSV3: 1 bit each aFIN := (iByte and (1 shl 7)) > 0; aRSV1 := (iByte and (1 shl 6)) > 0; aRSV2 := (iByte and (1 shl 5)) > 0; aRSV3 := (iByte and (1 shl 4)) > 0; //Opcode: 4 bits iCode := (iByte and $0F); //clear 4 MSB's case iCode of C_FrameCode_Continuation: aDataCode := wdcContinuation; C_FrameCode_Text: aDataCode := wdcText; C_FrameCode_Binary: aDataCode := wdcBinary; C_FrameCode_Close: aDataCode := wdcClose; C_FrameCode_Ping: aDataCode := wdcPing; C_FrameCode_Pong: aDataCode := wdcPong; else raise EIdException.CreateFmt('Unsupported data code: %d. Buffer = %s', [iCode, FWSInputBuffer.AsString]); end; //Mask: 1 bit iByte := _GetByte; bHasMask := (iByte and (1 shl 7)) > 0; //Length (7 bits or 7+16 bits or 7+64 bits) iDataLength := (iByte and $7F); //clear 1 MSB //Extended payload length? //If 126, the following 2 bytes interpreted as a 16-bit unsigned integer are the payload length if (iDataLength = 126) then begin iByte := _GetByte; iDataLength := (iByte shl 8); //8 MSB iByte := _GetByte; iDataLength := iDataLength + iByte; end //If 127, the following 8 bytes interpreted as a 64-bit unsigned integer (the most significant bit MUST be 0) are the payload length else if (iDataLength = 127) then begin iDataLength := 0; for i := 7 downto 0 do //read 8 bytes in reverse order begin iByte := _GetByte; iDataLength := iDataLength + (Int64(iByte) shl (8 * i)); //shift bits to left to recreate 64bit integer end; Assert(iDataLength > 0); end; //"All frames sent from client to server must have this bit set to 1" if IsServerSide and not bHasMask then raise EIdWebSocketHandleError.Create('No mask supplied: mask is required for clients when sending data to server. Buffer = ' + FWSInputBuffer.AsString) else if not IsServerSide and bHasMask then raise EIdWebSocketHandleError.Create('Mask supplied but mask is not allowed for servers when sending data to clients. Buffer = ' + FWSInputBuffer.AsString); //Masking-key: 0 or 4 bytes if bHasMask then begin rMask.MaskAsBytes[0] := _GetByte; rMask.MaskAsBytes[1] := _GetByte; rMask.MaskAsBytes[2] := _GetByte; rMask.MaskAsBytes[3] := _GetByte; end; //Payload data: (x+y) bytes FWSInputBuffer.Remove(iInputPos); //remove first couple of processed bytes (header) //simple read? if not bHasMask then aData := _GetBytes(iDataLength) else //reverse mask begin aData := _GetBytes(iDataLength); iPos := 0; while iPos < iDataLength do begin aData[iPos] := aData[iPos] xor rMask.MaskAsBytes[iPos mod 4]; //apply mask inc(iPos); end; end; Result := Length(aData); {$IFDEF DEBUG_WS} if debughook > 0 then OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Received (TID:%d, P:%d, Count=%d): %s', [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, Result, BytesToStringRaw(aData, Result)]))); {$ENDIF} end; function TIdIOHandlerWebsocket.WriteData(aData: TIdBytes; aType: TWSDataCode; aFIN, aRSV1, aRSV2, aRSV3: boolean): integer; var iByte: Byte; i, ioffset: NativeInt; iDataLength, iPos: Int64; rLength: Int64Rec; rMask: record case Boolean of True : (MaskAsBytes: array[0..3] of Byte); False: (MaskAsInt : Int32); end; strmData: TMemoryStream; bData: TIdBytes; begin Result := 0; Assert(Binding <> nil); strmData := TMemoryStream.Create; Lock; try FLastActivityTime := Now; //sending some data (* 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 (nr) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bit) +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+-------------------------------+ |F|R|R|R| opcode|M| Payload len | Extended payload length | |I|S|S|S| (4) |A| (7) | (16/64) | |N|V|V|V| |S| | (if payload len==126/127) | | |1|2|3| |K| | | +-+-+-+-+-------+-+-------------+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + *) //FIN, RSV1, RSV2, RSV3: 1 bit each if aFIN then iByte := (1 shl 7); if aRSV1 then iByte := iByte + (1 shl 6); if aRSV2 then iByte := iByte + (1 shl 5); if aRSV3 then iByte := iByte + (1 shl 4); //Opcode: 4 bits case aType of wdcContinuation : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Continuation; wdcText : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Text; wdcBinary : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Binary; wdcClose : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Close; wdcPing : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Ping; wdcPong : iByte := iByte + C_FrameCode_Pong; else raise EIdException.CreateFmt('Unsupported data code: %d', [Ord(aType)]); end; strmData.Write(iByte, SizeOf(iByte)); iByte := 0; //Mask: 1 bit; Note: Clients must apply a mask if not IsServerSide then iByte := (1 shl 7); //Length: 7 bits or 7+16 bits or 7+64 bits if Length(aData) < 126 then //7 bit, 128 iByte := iByte + Length(aData) else if Length(aData) < 1 shl 16 then //16 bit, 65536 iByte := iByte + 126 else iByte := iByte + 127; strmData.Write(iByte, SizeOf(iByte)); //Extended payload length? if Length(aData) >= 126 then begin //If 126, the following 2 bytes interpreted as a 16-bit unsigned integer are the payload length if Length(aData) < 1 shl 16 then //16 bit, 65536 begin rLength.Lo := Length(aData); iByte := rLength.Bytes[1]; strmData.Write(iByte, SizeOf(iByte)); iByte := rLength.Bytes[0]; strmData.Write(iByte, SizeOf(iByte)); end else //If 127, the following 8 bytes interpreted as a 64-bit unsigned integer (the most significant bit MUST be 0) are the payload length begin rLength := Int64Rec(Int64(Length(aData))); for i := 7 downto 0 do begin iByte := rLength.Bytes[i]; strmData.Write(iByte, SizeOf(iByte)); end; end end; //Masking-key: 0 or 4 bytes; Note: Clients must apply a mask if not IsServerSide then begin rMask.MaskAsInt := Random(MaxInt); strmData.Write(rMask.MaskAsBytes[0], SizeOf(Byte)); strmData.Write(rMask.MaskAsBytes[1], SizeOf(Byte)); strmData.Write(rMask.MaskAsBytes[2], SizeOf(Byte)); strmData.Write(rMask.MaskAsBytes[3], SizeOf(Byte)); end; //write header strmData.Position := 0; TIdStreamHelper.ReadBytes(strmData, bData); //Mask? Note: Only clients must apply a mask if not IsServerSide then begin iPos := 0; iDataLength := Length(aData); //in place masking while iPos < iDataLength do begin iByte := aData[iPos] xor rMask.MaskAsBytes[iPos mod 4]; //apply mask aData[iPos] := iByte; inc(iPos); end; end; AppendBytes(bData, aData); //important: send all at once! ioffset := 0; repeat Result := Binding.Send(bData, ioffset); Inc(ioffset, Result); until ioffset >= Length(bData); // if debughook > 0 then // OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('Written (TID:%d, P:%d): %s', // [getcurrentthreadid, Self.Binding.PeerPort, BytesToStringRaw(bData)]))); finally Unlock; strmData.Free; end; end; { TIdWebsocketQueueThread } procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.AfterConstruction; begin inherited; FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FEvents := TList.Create; FProcessing := TList.Create; FEvent := TEvent.Create; end; destructor TIdWebsocketQueueThread.Destroy; begin Lock; FEvents.Clear; FProcessing.Free; FEvent.Free; UnLock; FEvents.Free; FLock.Free; inherited; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.Execute; begin TThread.NameThreadForDebugging(ansistring(Self.ClassName)); while not Terminated do begin try if FEvent.WaitFor(3 * 1000) = wrSignaled then begin FEvent.ResetEvent; ProcessQueue; end; if FProcessing.Count > 0 then ProcessQueue; except //continue end; end; end; function TIdWebsocketQueueThread.GetThreadID: TThreadID; begin if FTempThread > 0 then Result := FTempThread else Result := inherited ThreadID; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.Lock; begin //System.TMonitor.Enter(FEvents); FLock.Enter; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.ProcessQueue; var proc: Classes.TThreadProcedure; begin FTempThread := GetCurrentThreadId; Lock; try //copy while FEvents.Count > 0 do begin proc := FEvents.Items[0]; FProcessing.Add(proc); FEvents.Delete(0); end; finally UnLock; end; while FProcessing.Count > 0 do begin proc := FProcessing.Items[0]; FProcessing.Delete(0); proc(); end; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.QueueEvent(aEvent: TThreadProcedure); begin if Terminated then Exit; Lock; try FEvents.Add(aEvent); finally UnLock; end; FEvent.SetEvent; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.Terminate; begin inherited Terminate; FEvent.SetEvent; end; procedure TIdWebsocketQueueThread.UnLock; begin //System.TMonitor.Exit(FEvents); FLock.Leave; end; { TIdWebsocketWriteThread } class function TIdWebsocketWriteThread.Instance: TIdWebsocketWriteThread; begin if FInstance = nil then begin GlobalNameSpace.BeginWrite; try if FInstance = nil then begin FInstance := Self.Create(True); FInstance.Start; end; finally GlobalNameSpace.EndWrite; end; end; Result := FInstance; end; class procedure TIdWebsocketWriteThread.RemoveInstance; begin if FInstance <> nil then begin FInstance.Terminate; FInstance.WaitFor; FreeAndNil(FInstance); end; end; end.