unit IdSocketIOHandling; interface uses Classes, Generics.Collections, superobject, IdServerBaseHandling, IdContext, IdException, IdIOHandlerWebsocket, IdHTTP, SyncObjs, SysUtils; type TSocketIOContext = class; TSocketIOCallbackObj = class; TIdBaseSocketIOHandling = class; TIdSocketIOHandling = class; ISocketIOContext = interface; ISocketIOCallback = interface; TSocketIOMsg = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aText: string; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback); TSocketIOMsgJSON = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback); TSocketIONotify = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext); TSocketIOEvent = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aArgument: TSuperArray; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback); TSocketIOError = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aErrorClass, aErrorMessage: string); TSocketIOEventError = reference to procedure(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aCallback: ISocketIOCallback; E: Exception); TSocketIONotifyList = class(TList); TSocketIOEventList = class(TList); EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage = class(EIdSilentException); ISocketIOContext = interface ['{ACCAC678-054C-4D75-8BAD-5922F55623AB}'] function GetCustomData: TObject; function GetOwnsCustomData: Boolean; procedure SetCustomData(const Value: TObject); procedure SetOwnsCustomData(const Value: Boolean); property CustomData: TObject read GetCustomData write SetCustomData; property OwnsCustomData: Boolean read GetOwnsCustomData write SetOwnsCustomData; function ResourceName: string; function PeerIP: string; function PeerPort: Integer; procedure EmitEvent(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; procedure EmitEvent(const aEventName: string; const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; procedure Send(const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); procedure SendJSON(const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); end; TSocketIOContext = class(TInterfacedObject, ISocketIOContext) private FLock: TCriticalSection; FPingSend: Boolean; FConnectSend: Boolean; FGUID: string; FPeerIP: string; FCustomData: TObject; FOwnsCustomData: Boolean; procedure SetContext(const Value: TIdContext); procedure SetConnectSend(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetPingSend(const Value: Boolean); function GetCustomData: TObject; function GetOwnsCustomData: Boolean; procedure SetCustomData(const Value: TObject); procedure SetOwnsCustomData(const Value: Boolean); protected FHandling: TIdBaseSocketIOHandling; FContext: TIdContext; FIOHandler: TIdIOHandlerWebsocket; FClient: TIdHTTP; FEvent: TEvent; FQueue: TList; procedure QueueData(const aData: string); procedure ServerContextDestroy(AContext: TIdContext); public constructor Create();overload; constructor Create(aClient: TIdHTTP);overload; procedure AfterConstruction; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure UnLock; function WaitForQueue(aTimeout_ms: Integer): string; function ResourceName: string; function PeerIP: string; function PeerPort: Integer; function IsDisconnected: Boolean; property GUID: string read FGUID; property Context: TIdContext read FContext write SetContext; property PingSend: Boolean read FPingSend write SetPingSend; property ConnectSend: Boolean read FConnectSend write SetConnectSend; property CustomData: TObject read GetCustomData write SetCustomData; property OwnsCustomData: Boolean read GetOwnsCustomData write SetOwnsCustomData; //todo: OnEvent per socket //todo: store session info per connection (see Socket.IO Set + Get -> Storing data associated to a client) //todo: namespace using "Of" procedure EmitEvent(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; procedure EmitEvent(const aEventName: string; const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; // procedure BroadcastEventToOthers(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil); procedure Send(const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); procedure SendJSON(const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); end; ISocketIOCallback = interface ['{BCC31817-7FD8-4CF6-B68B-0F9BAA80DF90}'] procedure SendResponse(const aResponse: string); function IsResponseSend: Boolean; end; TSocketIOCallbackObj = class(TInterfacedObject, ISocketIOCallback) protected FHandling: TIdBaseSocketIOHandling; FSocket: TSocketIOContext; FMsgNr: Integer; {ISocketIOCallback} procedure SendResponse(const aResponse: string); function IsResponseSend: Boolean; public constructor Create(aHandling: TIdBaseSocketIOHandling; aSocket: TSocketIOContext; aMsgNr: Integer); end; TIdBaseSocketIOHandling = class(TIdServerBaseHandling) protected FLock: TCriticalSection; FConnections: TObjectDictionary; FConnectionsGUID: TObjectDictionary; FOnConnectionList, FOnDisconnectList: TSocketIONotifyList; FOnEventList: TObjectDictionary; FOnSocketIOMsg: TSocketIOMsg; FOnSocketIOJson: TSocketIOMsgJSON; procedure ProcessEvent(const AContext: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string; aMsgNr: Integer; aHasCallback: Boolean); private FOnEventError: TSocketIOEventError; protected type TSocketIOCallback = procedure(const aData: string) of object; TSocketIOCallbackRef = reference to procedure(const aData: string); var FSocketIOMsgNr: Integer; FSocketIOEventCallback: TDictionary; FSocketIOEventCallbackRef: TDictionary; FSocketIOErrorRef: TDictionary; function WriteConnect(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext): string; overload; procedure WriteDisConnect(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext);overload; procedure WritePing(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext);overload; // function WriteConnect(const AContext: TIdContext): string; overload; procedure WriteDisConnect(const AContext: TIdContext);overload; procedure WritePing(const AContext: TIdContext);overload; procedure WriteSocketIOMsg(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aData: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); procedure WriteSocketIOJSON(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aJSON: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); procedure WriteSocketIOEvent(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallback; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); procedure WriteSocketIOEventRef(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); procedure WriteSocketIOResult(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; aRequestMsgNr: Integer; const aRoom, aData: string); procedure ProcessSocketIO_XHR(const aGUID: string; const aStrmRequest, aStrmResponse: TStream); procedure ProcessSocketIORequest(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const strmRequest: TMemoryStream);overload; procedure ProcessSocketIORequest(const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aData: string);overload; procedure ProcessSocketIORequest(const AContext: TIdContext; const strmRequest: TMemoryStream);overload; procedure ProcessHeatbeatRequest(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string);virtual; procedure ProcessCloseChannel(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aChannel: string);virtual; function WriteString(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string): string; virtual; public procedure AfterConstruction; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Lock; procedure UnLock; function ConnectionCount: Integer; function GetSocketIOContext(const AContext: TIdContext): ISocketIOContext; // procedure EmitEventToAll(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil); function NewConnection(const AContext: TIdContext): TSocketIOContext;overload; function NewConnection(const aGUID, aPeerIP: string): TSocketIOContext;overload; procedure FreeConnection(const AContext: TIdContext);overload; procedure FreeConnection(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext);overload; property OnSocketIOMsg : TSocketIOMsg read FOnSocketIOMsg write FOnSocketIOMsg; property OnSocketIOJson : TSocketIOMsgJSON read FOnSocketIOJson write FOnSocketIOJson; procedure OnEvent (const aEventName: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOEvent); procedure OnConnection(const aCallback: TSocketIONotify); procedure OnDisconnect(const aCallback: TSocketIONotify); property OnEventError: TSocketIOEventError read FOnEventError write FOnEventError; procedure EnumerateSockets(const aEachSocketCallback: TSocketIONotify); end; TIdSocketIOHandling = class(TIdBaseSocketIOHandling) public procedure Send(const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); procedure Emit(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; //procedure Emit(const aEventName: string; const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil);overload; end; implementation uses StrUtils, IdServerWebsocketContext, IdHTTPWebsocketClient, Windows; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.AfterConstruction; begin inherited; FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FConnections := TObjectDictionary.Create([doOwnsValues]); FConnectionsGUID := TObjectDictionary.Create([doOwnsValues]); FOnConnectionList := TSocketIONotifyList.Create; FOnDisconnectList := TSocketIONotifyList.Create; FOnEventList := TObjectDictionary.Create([doOwnsValues]); FSocketIOEventCallback := TDictionary.Create; FSocketIOEventCallbackRef := TDictionary.Create; FSocketIOErrorRef := TDictionary.Create; end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ConnectionCount: Integer; var context: TSocketIOContext; begin Lock; try Result := 0; //note: is single connection? for context in FConnections.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; Inc(Result); end; for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; Inc(Result); end; finally UnLock; end; end; destructor TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.Destroy; var squid: string; idcontext: TIdContext; begin Lock; FSocketIOEventCallback.Free; FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.Free; FSocketIOErrorRef.Free; FOnEventList.Free; FOnConnectionList.Free; FOnDisconnectList.Free; while FConnections.Count > 0 do for idcontext in FConnections.Keys do begin FConnections.Items[idcontext]._Release; FConnections.ExtractPair(idcontext); end; while FConnectionsGUID.Count > 0 do for squid in FConnectionsGUID.Keys do begin FConnectionsGUID.Items[squid]._Release; FConnectionsGUID.ExtractPair(squid); end; FConnections.Free; FConnections := nil; FConnectionsGUID.Free; UnLock; FLock.Free; inherited; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.EnumerateSockets( const aEachSocketCallback: TSocketIONotify); var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin Assert(Assigned(aEachSocketCallback)); Lock; try for socket in FConnections.Values do try aEachSocketCallback(socket); except //continue: e.g. connnection closed etc end; for socket in FConnectionsGUID.Values do try aEachSocketCallback(socket); except //continue: e.g. connnection closed etc end; finally Unlock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.FreeConnection( const ASocket: TSocketIOContext); var squid: string; idcontext: TIdContext; begin if ASocket = nil then Exit; Lock; try ASocket.Context := nil; ASocket.FIOHandler := nil; ASocket.FClient := nil; ASocket.FHandling := nil; ASocket.FGUID := ''; ASocket.FPeerIP := ''; for idcontext in FConnections.Keys do begin if FConnections.Items[idcontext] = ASocket then begin FConnections.ExtractPair(idcontext); ASocket._Release; end; end; for squid in FConnectionsGUID.Keys do begin if FConnectionsGUID.Items[squid] = ASocket then begin FConnectionsGUID.ExtractPair(squid); ASocket._Release; //use reference count? otherwise AV when used in TThread.Queue end; end; finally Unlock; end; end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.GetSocketIOContext(const AContext: TIdContext): ISocketIOContext; var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin Result := nil; Lock; try if FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then Exit(socket); finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.FreeConnection(const AContext: TIdContext); var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin Lock; try if FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then FreeConnection(socket); finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.Lock; begin // Assert(FConnections <> nil); // System.TMonitor.Enter(Self); FLock.Enter; end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.NewConnection( const AGUID, aPeerIP: string): TSocketIOContext; var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin Lock; try if not FConnectionsGUID.TryGetValue(AGUID, socket) then begin socket := TSocketIOContext.Create; socket._AddRef; FConnectionsGUID.Add(AGUID, socket); end; //socket.Context := AContext; socket.FGUID := AGUID; if aPeerIP <> '' then socket.FPeerIP := aPeerIP; socket.FHandling := Self; socket.FConnectSend := False; socket.FPingSend := False; Result := socket; finally UnLock; end; end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.NewConnection(const AContext: TIdContext): TSocketIOContext; var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin Lock; try if not FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then begin socket := TSocketIOContext.Create; socket._AddRef; FConnections.Add(AContext, socket); end; socket.Context := AContext; socket.FHandling := Self; socket.FConnectSend := False; socket.FPingSend := False; Result := socket; finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.OnConnection(const aCallback: TSocketIONotify); var context: TSocketIOContext; begin FOnConnectionList.Add(aCallback); Lock; try for context in FConnections.Values do aCallback(context); for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do aCallback(context); finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.OnDisconnect(const aCallback: TSocketIONotify); begin FOnDisconnectList.Add(aCallback); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.OnEvent(const aEventName: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOEvent); var list: TSocketIOEventList; begin if not FOnEventList.TryGetValue(aEventName, list) then begin list := TSocketIOEventList.Create; FOnEventList.Add(aEventName, list); end; list.Add(aCallback); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessCloseChannel( const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aChannel: string); begin if aChannel <> '' then //todo: close channel else if (ASocket.FContext <> nil) then ASocket.FContext.Connection.Disconnect; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessEvent( const AContext: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string; aMsgNr: Integer; aHasCallback: Boolean); var json: ISuperObject; name: string; args: TSuperArray; list: TSocketIOEventList; event: TSocketIOEvent; callback: ISocketIOCallback; // socket: TSocketIOContext; begin //'5:' [message id ('+')] ':' [message endpoint] ':' [json encoded event] //5::/chat:{"name":"my other event","args":[{"my":"data"}]} //5:1+:/chat:{"name":"GetLocations","args":[""]} json := SO(aText); // args := nil; try name := json.S['name']; //"my other event args := json.A['args']; //[{"my":"data"}] if FOnEventList.TryGetValue(name, list) then begin if list.Count = 0 then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(aText); // socket := FConnections.Items[AContext]; if aHasCallback then callback := TSocketIOCallbackObj.Create(Self, AContext, aMsgNr) else callback := nil; try for event in list do try event(AContext, args, callback); except on E:Exception do if Assigned(OnEventError) then OnEventError(AContext, callback, e) else if callback <> nil then callback.SendResponse( SO(['Error', SO(['msg', e.message])]).AsJSon ); end; finally callback := nil; end; end else raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(aText); finally // args.Free; json := nil; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessHeatbeatRequest(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string); begin if ASocket.PingSend then ASocket.PingSend := False //reset, client responded with 2:: heartbeat too else begin ASocket.PingSend := True; //stop infinite ping response loops WriteString(ASocket, aText); //write same connect back, e.g. 2:: end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessSocketIORequest( const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const strmRequest: TMemoryStream); function __ReadToEnd: string; var utf8: TBytes; ilength: Integer; begin Result := ''; ilength := strmRequest.Size - strmRequest.Position; SetLength(utf8, ilength); strmRequest.Read(utf8[0], ilength); Result := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(utf8); end; var str: string; begin str := __ReadToEnd; ProcessSocketIORequest(ASocket, str); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessSocketIORequest(const AContext: TIdContext; const strmRequest: TMemoryStream); var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin if not FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then begin socket := NewConnection(AContext); end; ProcessSocketIORequest(socket, strmRequest); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessSocketIO_XHR(const aGUID: string; // const AContext: TIdContext; const aStrmRequest, aStrmResponse: TStream); var socket: TSocketIOContext; sdata: string; i, ilength: Integer; bytes, singlemsg: TBytes; begin if not FConnectionsGUID.TryGetValue(aGUID, socket) or socket.IsDisconnected then socket := NewConnection(aGUID, ''); if not socket.FConnectSend then WriteConnect(socket); if (aStrmRequest <> nil) and (aStrmRequest.Size > 0) then begin aStrmRequest.Position := 0; SetLength(bytes, aStrmRequest.Size); aStrmRequest.Read(bytes[0], aStrmRequest.Size); if (Length(bytes) > 3) and (bytes[0] = 239) and (bytes[1] = 191) and (bytes[2] = 189) then begin //io.parser.encodePayload(msgs) //'\ufffd' + packet.length + '\ufffd' //'�17�3:::singlemessage�52�5:4+::{"name":"registerScanner","args":["scanner1"]}' while bytes <> nil do begin i := 3; //search second '\ufffd' while not ( (bytes[i+0] = 239) and (bytes[i+1] = 191) and (bytes[i+2] = 189) ) do begin Inc(i); if i+2 > High(bytes) then Exit; //wrong data end; //get data between ilength := StrToInt( TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes, 3, i-3) ); //17 singlemsg := Copy(bytes, i+3, ilength); bytes := Copy(bytes, i+3 + ilength, Length(bytes)); sdata := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(singlemsg); //3:::singlemessage try ProcessSocketIORequest(socket, sdata); except //next end; end; end else begin sdata := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); ProcessSocketIORequest(socket, sdata); end; end; //e.g. POST, no GET? if aStrmResponse = nil then Exit; //wait till some response data to be send (long polling) sdata := socket.WaitForQueue(5 * 1000); if sdata = '' then begin //no data? then send ping WritePing(socket); sdata := socket.WaitForQueue(0); end; //send response back if sdata <> '' then begin {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} // if DebugHook <> 0 then // Windows.OutputDebugString(PChar('Send: ' + sdata)); bytes := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sdata); aStrmResponse.Write(bytes[0], Length(bytes)); end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.UnLock; begin //System.TMonitor.Exit(Self); FLock.Leave; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.ProcessSocketIORequest( const ASocket: ISocketIOContext; const aData: string); function __GetSocketIOPart(const aData: string; aIndex: Integer): string; var ipos: Integer; i: Integer; begin //'5::/chat:{"name":"hi!"}' //0 = 5 //1 = //2 = /chat //3 = {"name":"hi!"} ipos := 0; for i := 0 to aIndex-1 do ipos := PosEx(':', aData, ipos+1); if ipos >= 0 then begin Result := Copy(aData, ipos+1, Length(aData)); if aIndex < 3 then // /chat:{"name":"hi!"}' begin ipos := PosEx(':', Result, 1); // :{"name":"hi!"}' if ipos > 0 then Result := Copy(Result, 1, ipos-1); // /chat end; end; end; var str, smsg, schannel, sdata: string; imsg: Integer; bCallback: Boolean; // socket: TSocketIOContext; callback: TSocketIOCallback; callbackref: TSocketIOCallbackRef; callbackobj: ISocketIOCallback; errorref: TSocketIOError; error: ISuperObject; socket: TSocketIOContext; begin if ASocket = nil then Exit; socket := ASocket as TSocketIOContext; if not FConnections.ContainsValue(socket) and not FConnectionsGUID.ContainsValue(socket) then begin Lock; try ASocket._AddRef; FConnections.Add(nil, socket); //clients do not have a TIdContext? finally UnLock; end; end; str := aData; if str = '' then Exit; // if DebugHook <> 0 then // Windows.OutputDebugString(PChar('Received: ' + str)); while str[1] = #0 do Delete(str, 1, 1); //5:1+:/chat:test smsg := __GetSocketIOPart(str, 1); imsg := 0; bCallback := False; if smsg <> '' then // 1+ begin imsg := StrToIntDef(ReplaceStr(smsg,'+',''), 0); // 1 bCallback := (Pos('+', smsg) > 1); //trailing +, e.g. 1+ end; schannel := __GetSocketIOPart(str, 2); // /chat sdata := __GetSocketIOPart(str, 3); // test //(0) Disconnect if StartsStr('0:', str) then begin schannel := __GetSocketIOPart(str, 2); ProcessCloseChannel(socket, schannel); end //(1) Connect //'1::' [path] [query] else if StartsStr('1:', str) then begin //todo: add channel/room to authorized channel/room list if not socket.ConnectSend then WriteString(socket, str); //write same connect back, e.g. 1::/chat end //(2) Heartbeat else if StartsStr('2:', str) then begin //todo: timer to disconnect client if no ping within time ProcessHeatbeatRequest(socket, str); end //(3) Message (https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec#3-message) //'3:' [message id ('+')] ':' [message endpoint] ':' [data] //3::/chat:hi else if StartsStr('3:', str) then begin if Assigned(OnSocketIOMsg) then begin if bCallback then begin callbackobj := TSocketIOCallbackObj.Create(Self, socket, imsg); try try OnSocketIOMsg(socket, sdata, callbackobj); //, imsg, bCallback); except on E:Exception do begin if not callbackobj.IsResponseSend then callbackobj.SendResponse( SO(['Error', SO(['Type', e.ClassName, 'Message', e.Message])]).AsJSon ); end; end; finally callbackobj := nil; end end else OnSocketIOMsg(ASocket, sdata, nil); end else raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(str); end //(4) JSON Message //'4:' [message id ('+')] ':' [message endpoint] ':' [json] //4:1::{"a":"b"} else if StartsStr('4:', str) then begin if Assigned(OnSocketIOJson) then begin if bCallback then begin callbackobj := TSocketIOCallbackObj.Create(Self, socket, imsg); try try OnSocketIOJson(socket, SO(sdata), callbackobj); //, imsg, bCallback); except on E:Exception do begin if not callbackobj.IsResponseSend then callbackobj.SendResponse( SO(['Error', SO(['Type', e.ClassName, 'Message', e.Message])]).AsJSon ); end; end; finally callbackobj := nil; end end else OnSocketIOJson(ASocket, SO(sdata), nil); //, imsg, bCallback); end else raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(str); end //(5) Event //'5:' [message id ('+')] ':' [message endpoint] ':' [json encoded event] //5::/chat:{"name":"my other event","args":[{"my":"data"}]} //5:1+:/chat:{"name":"GetLocations","args":[""]} else if StartsStr('5:', str) then begin //if Assigned(OnSocketIOEvent) then // OnSocketIOEvent(AContext, sdata, imsg, bCallback); try ProcessEvent(socket, sdata, imsg, bCallback); except on e:exception do // end end //(6) ACK //6::/news:1+["callback"] //6:::1+["Response"] else if StartsStr('6:', str) then begin smsg := Copy(sdata, 1, Pos('+', sData)-1); imsg := StrToIntDef(smsg, 0); sData := Copy(sdata, Pos('+', sData)+1, Length(sData)); if FSocketIOErrorRef.TryGetValue(imsg, errorref) then begin FSocketIOErrorRef.Remove(imsg); //'[{"Error":{"Message":"Operation aborted","Type":"EAbort"}}]' if ContainsText(sdata, '{"Error":') then begin error := SO(sdata); if error.IsType(stArray) then error := error.O['0']; error := error.O['Error']; if error.S['Message'] <> '' then errorref(ASocket, error.S['Type'], error.S['Message']) else errorref(ASocket, 'Unknown', sdata); Exit; end; end; if FSocketIOEventCallback.TryGetValue(imsg, callback) then begin FSocketIOEventCallback.Remove(imsg); if Assigned(callback) then callback(sdata); end else if FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.TryGetValue(imsg, callbackref) then begin FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.Remove(imsg); if Assigned(callbackref) then callbackref(sdata); end else ; //raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(str); end //(7) Error else if StartsStr('7:', str) then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create(str) //(8) Noop else if StartsStr('8:', str) then begin //nothing end else raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unsupported data: "%s"', [str]); end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteConnect( const ASocket: TSocketIOContext): string; var notify: TSocketIONotify; begin Lock; try if not FConnections.ContainsValue(ASocket) and not FConnectionsGUID.ContainsValue(ASocket) then begin ASocket._AddRef; FConnections.Add(nil, ASocket); //clients do not have a TIdContext? end; if not ASocket.ConnectSend then begin ASocket.ConnectSend := True; Result := WriteString(ASocket, '1::'); end; finally UnLock; end; for notify in FOnConnectionList do notify(ASocket); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteDisConnect( const ASocket: TSocketIOContext); var notify: TSocketIONotify; begin if ASocket = nil then Exit; for notify in FOnDisconnectList do notify(ASocket); Lock; try if not ASocket.IsDisconnected then try WriteString(ASocket, '0::'); except end; FreeConnection(ASocket); finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WritePing( const ASocket: TSocketIOContext); begin ASocket.PingSend := True; WriteString(ASocket, '2::') //heartbeat: https://github.com/LearnBoost/socket.io-spec end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteSocketIOEvent(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallback; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var sresult: string; inr: Integer; begin //see TROIndyHTTPWebsocketServer.ProcessSocketIORequest too //5:1+:/chat:{"name":"GetLocations","args":[""]} inr := InterlockedIncrement(FSocketIOMsgNr); if not Assigned(aCallback) then sresult := Format('5:%d:%s:{"name":"%s", "args":%s}', [inr, aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray]) else begin if FSocketIOEventCallback = nil then FSocketIOEventCallback := TDictionary.Create; sresult := Format('5:%d+:%s:{"name":"%s", "args":%s}', [inr, aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray]); FSocketIOEventCallback.Add(inr, aCallback); if Assigned(aOnError) then FSocketIOErrorRef.Add(inr, aOnError); end; WriteString(ASocket, sresult); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteSocketIOEventRef(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var sresult: string; inr: Integer; begin //see TROIndyHTTPWebsocketServer.ProcessSocketIORequest too //5:1+:/chat:{"name":"GetLocations","args":[""]} inr := InterlockedIncrement(FSocketIOMsgNr); if not Assigned(aCallback) then sresult := Format('5:%d:%s:{"name":"%s", "args":%s}', [inr, aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray]) else begin if FSocketIOEventCallbackRef = nil then FSocketIOEventCallbackRef := TDictionary.Create; sresult := Format('5:%d+:%s:{"name":"%s", "args":%s}', [inr, aRoom, aEventName, aJSONArray]); FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.Add(inr, aCallback); if Assigned(aOnError) then FSocketIOErrorRef.Add(inr, aOnError); end; WriteString(ASocket, sresult); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteSocketIOJSON(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aJSON: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); var sresult: string; inr: Integer; begin //see TROIndyHTTPWebsocketServer.ProcessSocketIORequest too //4:1::{"a":"b"} inr := InterlockedIncrement(FSocketIOMsgNr); if not Assigned(aCallback) then sresult := Format('4:%d:%s:%s', [inr, aRoom, aJSON]) else begin if FSocketIOEventCallbackRef = nil then FSocketIOEventCallbackRef := TDictionary.Create; sresult := Format('4:%d+:%s:%s', [inr, aRoom, aJSON]); FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.Add(inr, aCallback); if Assigned(aOnError) then FSocketIOErrorRef.Add(inr, aOnError); end; WriteString(ASocket, sresult); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteSocketIOMsg(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aRoom, aData: string; aCallback: TSocketIOCallbackRef = nil; const aOnError: TSocketIOError = nil); var sresult: string; inr: Integer; begin //see TROIndyHTTPWebsocketServer.ProcessSocketIORequest too //3::/chat:hi inr := InterlockedIncrement(FSocketIOMsgNr); if not Assigned(aCallback) then sresult := Format('3:%d:%s:%s', [inr, aRoom, aData]) else begin if FSocketIOEventCallbackRef = nil then FSocketIOEventCallbackRef := TDictionary.Create; sresult := Format('3:%d+:%s:%s', [inr, aRoom, aData]); FSocketIOEventCallbackRef.Add(inr, aCallback); if Assigned(aOnError) then FSocketIOErrorRef.Add(inr, aOnError); end; WriteString(ASocket, sresult); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteSocketIOResult(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; aRequestMsgNr: Integer; const aRoom, aData: string); var sresult: string; begin //6::/news:2+["callback"] sresult := Format('6::%s:%d+[%s]', [aRoom, aRequestMsgNr, aData]); WriteString(ASocket, sresult); end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteString(const ASocket: TSocketIOContext; const aText: string): string; begin if ASocket = nil then Exit; ASocket.Lock; try if ASocket.FIOHandler = nil then begin if ASocket.FContext <> nil then ASocket.FIOHandler := (ASocket.FContext as TIdServerWSContext).IOHandler; end; if (ASocket.FIOHandler <> nil) then begin //Assert(ASocket.FIOHandler.IsWebsocket); // if DebugHook <> 0 then // Windows.OutputDebugString(PChar('Send: ' + aText)); ASocket.FIOHandler.Write(aText); end else if ASocket.GUID <> '' then begin ASocket.QueueData(aText); Result := aText; //for xhr-polling the data must be send using responseinfo instead of direct write! end else //disconnected Assert(False, 'disconnected'); finally ASocket.UnLock; end; end; { TSocketIOCallbackObj } constructor TSocketIOCallbackObj.Create(aHandling: TIdBaseSocketIOHandling; aSocket: TSocketIOContext; aMsgNr: Integer); begin FHandling := aHandling; FSocket := aSocket; FMsgNr := aMsgNr; inherited Create(); end; function TSocketIOCallbackObj.IsResponseSend: Boolean; begin Result := (FMsgNr < 0); end; procedure TSocketIOCallbackObj.SendResponse(const aResponse: string); begin FHandling.WriteSocketIOResult(FSocket, FMsgNr, '', aResponse); FMsgNr := -1; end; { TSocketIOContext } procedure TSocketIOContext.AfterConstruction; begin inherited; FLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FQueue := TList.Create; end; constructor TSocketIOContext.Create(aClient: TIdHTTP); begin FClient := aClient; if aClient is TIdHTTPWebsocketClient then begin FHandling := (aClient as TIdHTTPWebsocketClient).SocketIO; end; FIOHandler := (aClient as TIdHTTPWebsocketClient).IOHandler; end; destructor TSocketIOContext.Destroy; begin Lock; FEvent.Free; FreeAndNil(FQueue); UnLock; FLock.Free; if OwnsCustomData then FCustomData.Free; inherited; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.EmitEvent(const aEventName, aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); begin Assert(FHandling <> nil); if not Assigned(aCallback) then FHandling.WriteSocketIOEvent(Self, '', aEventName, '[' + aData + ']', nil, nil) else begin FHandling.WriteSocketIOEventRef(Self, '', aEventName, '[' + aData + ']', procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(Self, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); end; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.EmitEvent(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); begin if aData <> nil then EmitEvent(aEventName, aData.AsJSon, aCallback, aOnError) else EmitEvent(aEventName, '', aCallback, aOnError); end; function TSocketIOContext.GetCustomData: TObject; begin Result := FCustomData; end; function TSocketIOContext.GetOwnsCustomData: Boolean; begin Result := FOwnsCustomData; end; function TSocketIOContext.IsDisconnected: Boolean; begin Result := (FClient = nil) and (FContext = nil) and (FGUID = ''); end; procedure TSocketIOContext.Lock; begin // Assert(FQueue <> nil); // System.TMonitor.Enter(Self); FLock.Enter; end; constructor TSocketIOContext.Create; begin // end; function TSocketIOContext.PeerIP: string; begin Result := FPeerIP; if FContext is TIdServerWSContext then Result := (FContext as TIdServerWSContext).Binding.PeerIP else if FIOHandler <> nil then Result := FIOHandler.Binding.PeerIP; end; function TSocketIOContext.PeerPort: Integer; begin Result := 0; if FContext is TIdServerWSContext then Result := (FContext as TIdServerWSContext).Binding.PeerPort else if FIOHandler <> nil then Result := FIOHandler.Binding.PeerPort end; procedure TSocketIOContext.QueueData(const aData: string); begin if FEvent = nil then FEvent := TEvent.Create; FQueue.Add(aData); FEvent.SetEvent; end; function TSocketIOContext.ResourceName: string; begin if FContext is TIdServerWSContext then Result := (FContext as TIdServerWSContext).ResourceName else if FClient <> nil then Result := (FClient as TIdHTTPWebsocketClient).WSResourceName end; procedure TSocketIOContext.Send(const aData: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); begin if not Assigned(aCallback) then FHandling.WriteSocketIOMsg(Self, '', aData) else begin FHandling.WriteSocketIOMsg(Self, '', aData, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(Self, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); end; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SendJSON(const aJSON: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); begin if not Assigned(aCallback) then FHandling.WriteSocketIOJSON(Self, '', aJSON.AsJSon()) else begin FHandling.WriteSocketIOMsg(Self, '', aJSON.AsJSon(), procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(Self, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); end; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.ServerContextDestroy(AContext: TIdContext); begin Self.Context := nil; Self.FIOHandler := nil; if FHandling <> nil then Self.FHandling.FreeConnection(AContext); end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SetConnectSend(const Value: Boolean); begin FConnectSend := Value; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SetContext(const Value: TIdContext); begin if (Value <> FContext) and (Value = nil) and (FContext is TIdServerWSContext) then (FContext as TIdServerWSContext).OnDestroy := nil; FContext := Value; if FContext is TIdServerWSContext then (FContext as TIdServerWSContext).OnDestroy := Self.ServerContextDestroy; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SetCustomData(const Value: TObject); begin FCustomData := Value; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SetOwnsCustomData(const Value: Boolean); begin FOwnsCustomData := Value; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.SetPingSend(const Value: Boolean); begin FPingSend := Value; end; procedure TSocketIOContext.UnLock; begin //System.TMonitor.Exit(Self); FLock.Leave; end; function TSocketIOContext.WaitForQueue(aTimeout_ms: Integer): string; begin if (FEvent = nil) or (FQueue = nil) then begin Lock; try if FEvent = nil then FEvent := TEvent.Create; if FQueue = nil then FQueue := TList.Create; finally UnLock; end; end; if (FQueue.Count > 0) or (FEvent.WaitFor(aTimeout_ms) = wrSignaled) then begin Lock; try FEvent.ResetEvent; if (FQueue.Count > 0) then begin Result := FQueue.First; FQueue.Delete(0); end; finally UnLock; end; end; end; function TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteConnect(const AContext: TIdContext): string; var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin //if not FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then socket := NewConnection(AContext); Result := WriteConnect(socket); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WriteDisConnect(const AContext: TIdContext); var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin if not FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then socket := NewConnection(AContext); WriteDisConnect(socket); end; procedure TIdBaseSocketIOHandling.WritePing(const AContext: TIdContext); var socket: TSocketIOContext; begin if not FConnections.TryGetValue(AContext, socket) then socket := NewConnection(AContext); WritePing(socket); end; { TIdSocketIOHandling } procedure TIdSocketIOHandling.Emit(const aEventName: string; const aData: ISuperObject; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var context: TSocketIOContext; jsonarray: string; isendcount: Integer; begin if aData <> nil then begin if aData.IsType(stArray) then jsonarray := aData.AsString else if aData.IsType(stString) then jsonarray := '["' + aData.AsString + '"]' else jsonarray := '[' + aData.AsString + ']'; end; Lock; try isendcount := 0; //note: is single connection? for context in FConnections.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOEvent(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, nil, nil) else WriteSocketIOEventRef(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); Inc(isendcount); end; for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOEvent(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, nil, nil) else WriteSocketIOEventRef(context, ''{no room}, aEventName, jsonarray, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); Inc(isendcount); end; if isendcount = 0 then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create('Cannot emit: no socket.io connections!'); finally UnLock; end; end; procedure TIdSocketIOHandling.Send(const aMessage: string; const aCallback: TSocketIOMsgJSON; const aOnError: TSocketIOError); var context: TSocketIOContext; isendcount: Integer; begin Lock; try isendcount := 0; //note: is single connection? for context in FConnections.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, nil) else WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); Inc(isendcount); end; for context in FConnectionsGUID.Values do begin if context.IsDisconnected then Continue; if not Assigned(aCallback) then WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, nil) else WriteSocketIOMsg(context, ''{no room}, aMessage, procedure(const aData: string) begin aCallback(context, SO(aData), nil); end, aOnError); Inc(isendcount); end; if isendcount = 0 then raise EIdSocketIoUnhandledMessage.Create('Cannot send: no socket.io connections!'); finally UnLock; end; end; end.