program UnitTestWebsockets; { Delphi DUnit Test Project ------------------------- This project contains the DUnit test framework and the GUI/Console test runners. Add "CONSOLE_TESTRUNNER" to the conditional defines entry in the project options to use the console test runner. Otherwise the GUI test runner will be used by default. } {$IFDEF CONSOLE_TESTRUNNER} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$ENDIF} //{$IFNDEF USE_JEDI_JCL} {$MESSAGE ERROR 'Must define "USE_JEDI_JCL" for location info of errors'} {$ENDIF} {$R *.RES} uses DUnitTestRunner, TestFramework, mtTestWebSockets in 'mtTestWebSockets.pas', IdHTTPWebsocketClient in '..\IdHTTPWebsocketClient.pas', superobject in '..\superobject\superobject.pas'; begin RegisterTest(TTestWebSockets.Suite); DUnitTestRunner.RunRegisteredTests; end.