2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2013-2014, Epic Games, Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- - -
module : zabbix_host
short_description : Zabbix host creates / updates / deletes
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- This module allows you to create , modify and delete Zabbix host entries and associated group and template data .
version_added : " 2.0 "
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
author : Tony Minfei Ding , Harrison Gu
requirements :
2015-05-11 13:25:50 -07:00
- " python >= 2.6 "
- zabbix - api
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
options :
server_url :
description :
- Url of Zabbix server , with protocol ( http or https ) .
required : true
aliases : [ " url " ]
login_user :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- Zabbix user name , used to authenticate against the server .
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : true
login_password :
description :
- Zabbix user password .
required : true
host_name :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- Name of the host in Zabbix .
- host_name is the unique identifier used and cannot be updated using this module .
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : true
host_groups :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- List of host groups the host is part of .
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : false
link_templates :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- List of templates linked to the host .
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : false
default : None
status :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- ' Monitoring status of the host. Possible values are: " enabled " and " disabled " . '
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : false
default : " enabled "
state :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- ' Possible values are: " present " and " absent " . If the host already exists, and the state is " present " , it will just to update the host is the associated data is different. " absent " will remove a host if it exists. '
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
required : false
default : " present "
timeout :
description :
- The timeout of API request ( seconds ) .
default : 10
interfaces :
description :
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
- List of interfaces to be created for the host ( see example below ) .
2015-03-31 09:33:59 -04:00
- ' Available values are: dns, ip, main, port, type and useip. '
- Please review the interface documentation for more information on the supported properties
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
- https : / / www . zabbix . com / documentation / 2.0 / manual / appendix / api / hostinterface / definitions #host_interface
required : false
2015-03-29 16:51:30 -04:00
default : [ ]
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
- name : Create a new host or update an existing host ' s info
local_action :
module : zabbix_host
server_url : http : / / monitor . example . com
login_user : username
login_password : password
host_name : ExampleHost
host_groups :
- Example group1
- Example group2
link_templates :
- Example template1
- Example template2
status : enabled
state : present
interfaces :
- type : 1
main : 1
useip : 1
ip : 10. xx . xx . xx
dns : " "
port : 10050
- type : 4
main : 1
useip : 1
ip : 10. xx . xx . xx
dns : " "
port : 12345
import logging
import copy
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
try :
from zabbix_api import ZabbixAPI , ZabbixAPISubClass
except ImportError :
# Extend the ZabbixAPI
# Since the zabbix-api python module too old (version 1.0, no higher version so far),
# it does not support the 'hostinterface' api calls,
# so we have to inherit the ZabbixAPI class to add 'hostinterface' support.
class ZabbixAPIExtends ( ZabbixAPI ) :
hostinterface = None
def __init__ ( self , server , timeout , * * kwargs ) :
ZabbixAPI . __init__ ( self , server , timeout = timeout )
self . hostinterface = ZabbixAPISubClass ( self , dict ( { " prefix " : " hostinterface " } , * * kwargs ) )
class Host ( object ) :
def __init__ ( self , module , zbx ) :
self . _module = module
self . _zapi = zbx
# exist host
def is_host_exist ( self , host_name ) :
result = self . _zapi . host . exists ( { ' host ' : host_name } )
return result
# check if host group exists
def check_host_group_exist ( self , group_names ) :
for group_name in group_names :
result = self . _zapi . hostgroup . exists ( { ' name ' : group_name } )
if not result :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Hostgroup not found: %s " % group_name )
return True
def get_template_ids ( self , template_list ) :
template_ids = [ ]
if template_list is None or len ( template_list ) == 0 :
return template_ids
for template in template_list :
template_list = self . _zapi . template . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' filter ' : { ' host ' : template } } )
if len ( template_list ) < 1 :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Template not found: %s " % template )
else :
template_id = template_list [ 0 ] [ ' templateid ' ]
template_ids . append ( template_id )
return template_ids
def add_host ( self , host_name , group_ids , status , interfaces ) :
try :
if self . _module . check_mode :
self . _module . exit_json ( changed = True )
host_list = self . _zapi . host . create ( { ' host ' : host_name , ' interfaces ' : interfaces , ' groups ' : group_ids , ' status ' : status } )
if len ( host_list ) > = 1 :
return host_list [ ' hostids ' ] [ 0 ]
except Exception , e :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to create host %s : %s " % ( host_name , e ) )
def update_host ( self , host_name , group_ids , status , host_id , interfaces , exist_interface_list ) :
try :
if self . _module . check_mode :
self . _module . exit_json ( changed = True )
self . _zapi . host . update ( { ' hostid ' : host_id , ' groups ' : group_ids , ' status ' : status } )
interface_list_copy = exist_interface_list
if interfaces :
for interface in interfaces :
flag = False
interface_str = interface
for exist_interface in exist_interface_list :
interface_type = interface [ ' type ' ]
exist_interface_type = int ( exist_interface [ ' type ' ] )
if interface_type == exist_interface_type :
# update
interface_str [ ' interfaceid ' ] = exist_interface [ ' interfaceid ' ]
self . _zapi . hostinterface . update ( interface_str )
flag = True
interface_list_copy . remove ( exist_interface )
if not flag :
# add
interface_str [ ' hostid ' ] = host_id
self . _zapi . hostinterface . create ( interface_str )
# remove
remove_interface_ids = [ ]
for remove_interface in interface_list_copy :
interface_id = remove_interface [ ' interfaceid ' ]
remove_interface_ids . append ( interface_id )
if len ( remove_interface_ids ) > 0 :
self . _zapi . hostinterface . delete ( remove_interface_ids )
except Exception , e :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to update host %s : %s " % ( host_name , e ) )
def delete_host ( self , host_id , host_name ) :
try :
if self . _module . check_mode :
self . _module . exit_json ( changed = True )
self . _zapi . host . delete ( { ' hostid ' : host_id } )
except Exception , e :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to delete host %s : %s " % ( host_name , e ) )
# get host by host name
def get_host_by_host_name ( self , host_name ) :
host_list = self . _zapi . host . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' filter ' : { ' host ' : [ host_name ] } } )
if len ( host_list ) < 1 :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Host not found: %s " % host_name )
else :
return host_list [ 0 ]
# get group ids by group names
def get_group_ids_by_group_names ( self , group_names ) :
group_ids = [ ]
if self . check_host_group_exist ( group_names ) :
group_list = self . _zapi . hostgroup . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' filter ' : { ' name ' : group_names } } )
for group in group_list :
group_id = group [ ' groupid ' ]
group_ids . append ( { ' groupid ' : group_id } )
return group_ids
# get host templates by host id
def get_host_templates_by_host_id ( self , host_id ) :
template_ids = [ ]
template_list = self . _zapi . template . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' hostids ' : host_id } )
for template in template_list :
template_ids . append ( template [ ' templateid ' ] )
return template_ids
# get host groups by host id
def get_host_groups_by_host_id ( self , host_id ) :
exist_host_groups = [ ]
host_groups_list = self . _zapi . hostgroup . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' hostids ' : host_id } )
if len ( host_groups_list ) > = 1 :
for host_groups_name in host_groups_list :
exist_host_groups . append ( host_groups_name [ ' name ' ] )
return exist_host_groups
# check the exist_interfaces whether it equals the interfaces or not
def check_interface_properties ( self , exist_interface_list , interfaces ) :
interfaces_port_list = [ ]
if len ( interfaces ) > = 1 :
for interface in interfaces :
interfaces_port_list . append ( int ( interface [ ' port ' ] ) )
exist_interface_ports = [ ]
if len ( exist_interface_list ) > = 1 :
for exist_interface in exist_interface_list :
exist_interface_ports . append ( int ( exist_interface [ ' port ' ] ) )
if set ( interfaces_port_list ) != set ( exist_interface_ports ) :
return True
for exist_interface in exist_interface_list :
exit_interface_port = int ( exist_interface [ ' port ' ] )
for interface in interfaces :
interface_port = int ( interface [ ' port ' ] )
if interface_port == exit_interface_port :
for key in interface . keys ( ) :
if str ( exist_interface [ key ] ) != str ( interface [ key ] ) :
return True
return False
# get the status of host by host
def get_host_status_by_host ( self , host ) :
return host [ ' status ' ]
# check all the properties before link or clear template
def check_all_properties ( self , host_id , host_groups , status , interfaces , template_ids ,
exist_interfaces , host ) :
# get the existing host's groups
exist_host_groups = self . get_host_groups_by_host_id ( host_id )
if set ( host_groups ) != set ( exist_host_groups ) :
return True
# get the existing status
exist_status = self . get_host_status_by_host ( host )
if int ( status ) != int ( exist_status ) :
return True
# check the exist_interfaces whether it equals the interfaces or not
if self . check_interface_properties ( exist_interfaces , interfaces ) :
return True
# get the existing templates
exist_template_ids = self . get_host_templates_by_host_id ( host_id )
if set ( list ( template_ids ) ) != set ( exist_template_ids ) :
return True
return False
# link or clear template of the host
def link_or_clear_template ( self , host_id , template_id_list ) :
# get host's exist template ids
exist_template_id_list = self . get_host_templates_by_host_id ( host_id )
exist_template_ids = set ( exist_template_id_list )
template_ids = set ( template_id_list )
template_id_list = list ( template_ids )
# get unlink and clear templates
templates_clear = exist_template_ids . difference ( template_ids )
templates_clear_list = list ( templates_clear )
request_str = { ' hostid ' : host_id , ' templates ' : template_id_list , ' templates_clear ' : templates_clear_list }
try :
if self . _module . check_mode :
self . _module . exit_json ( changed = True )
self . _zapi . host . update ( request_str )
except Exception , e :
self . _module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to link template to host: %s " % e )
def main ( ) :
module = AnsibleModule (
argument_spec = dict (
2015-03-29 13:37:15 -07:00
server_url = dict ( required = True , aliases = [ ' url ' ] ) ,
2015-03-28 00:07:01 -07:00
login_user = dict ( required = True ) ,
login_password = dict ( required = True ) ,
host_name = dict ( required = True ) ,
host_groups = dict ( required = False ) ,
link_templates = dict ( required = False ) ,
status = dict ( default = " enabled " ) ,
state = dict ( default = " present " ) ,
timeout = dict ( default = 10 ) ,
interfaces = dict ( required = False )
) ,
supports_check_mode = True
module . fail_json ( msg = " Missing requried zabbix-api module (check docs or install with: pip install zabbix-api) " )
server_url = module . params [ ' server_url ' ]
login_user = module . params [ ' login_user ' ]
login_password = module . params [ ' login_password ' ]
host_name = module . params [ ' host_name ' ]
host_groups = module . params [ ' host_groups ' ]
link_templates = module . params [ ' link_templates ' ]
status = module . params [ ' status ' ]
state = module . params [ ' state ' ]
timeout = module . params [ ' timeout ' ]
interfaces = module . params [ ' interfaces ' ]
# convert enabled to 0; disabled to 1
status = 1 if status == " disabled " else 0
zbx = None
# login to zabbix
try :
zbx = ZabbixAPIExtends ( server_url , timeout = timeout )
zbx . login ( login_user , login_password )
except Exception , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Failed to connect to Zabbix server: %s " % e )
host = Host ( module , zbx )
template_ids = [ ]
if link_templates :
template_ids = host . get_template_ids ( link_templates )
group_ids = [ ]
if host_groups :
group_ids = host . get_group_ids_by_group_names ( host_groups )
ip = " "
if interfaces :
for interface in interfaces :
if interface [ ' type ' ] == 1 :
ip = interface [ ' ip ' ]
# check if host exist
is_host_exist = host . is_host_exist ( host_name )
if is_host_exist :
# get host id by host name
zabbix_host_obj = host . get_host_by_host_name ( host_name )
host_id = zabbix_host_obj [ ' hostid ' ]
if state == " absent " :
# remove host
host . delete_host ( host_id , host_name )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , result = " Successfully delete host %s " % host_name )
else :
if not group_ids :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Specify at least one group for updating host ' %s ' . " % host_name )
# get exist host's interfaces
exist_interfaces = host . _zapi . hostinterface . get ( { ' output ' : ' extend ' , ' hostids ' : host_id } )
exist_interfaces_copy = copy . deepcopy ( exist_interfaces )
# update host
interfaces_len = len ( interfaces ) if interfaces else 0
if len ( exist_interfaces ) > interfaces_len :
if host . check_all_properties ( host_id , host_groups , status , interfaces , template_ids ,
exist_interfaces , zabbix_host_obj ) :
host . link_or_clear_template ( host_id , template_ids )
host . update_host ( host_name , group_ids , status , host_id ,
interfaces , exist_interfaces )
module . exit_json ( changed = True ,
result = " Successfully update host %s ( %s ) and linked with template ' %s ' "
% ( host_name , ip , link_templates ) )
else :
module . exit_json ( changed = False )
else :
if host . check_all_properties ( host_id , host_groups , status , interfaces , template_ids ,
exist_interfaces_copy , zabbix_host_obj ) :
host . update_host ( host_name , group_ids , status , host_id , interfaces , exist_interfaces )
host . link_or_clear_template ( host_id , template_ids )
module . exit_json ( changed = True ,
result = " Successfully update host %s ( %s ) and linked with template ' %s ' "
% ( host_name , ip , link_templates ) )
else :
module . exit_json ( changed = False )
else :
if not group_ids :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Specify at least one group for creating host ' %s ' . " % host_name )
if not interfaces or ( interfaces and len ( interfaces ) == 0 ) :
module . fail_json ( msg = " Specify at least one interface for creating host ' %s ' . " % host_name )
# create host
host_id = host . add_host ( host_name , group_ids , status , interfaces )
host . link_or_clear_template ( host_id , template_ids )
module . exit_json ( changed = True , result = " Successfully added host %s ( %s ) and linked with template ' %s ' " % (
host_name , ip , link_templates ) )
from ansible . module_utils . basic import *
main ( )