
115 lines
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2017-02-09 08:19:08 +10:00
- name: ensure the testing directory is cleared before setting up test
path: '{{win_find_dir}}'
2017-02-09 08:19:08 +10:00
state: absent
# while most of the setup can be done with modules, it is quicker to do them
# all in bulk than with with_items to save each round trip over WinRM
- name: set test files and folders
win_shell: |
$directories = @(
$tmp_dir = '{{ win_find_dir }}'
foreach ($directory in $directories) {
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\$directory" -ItemType Directory
$normal_content = "abcdefg1234567"
$normal_files = @(
foreach ($file in $normal_files) {
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\$file" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\$file", $normal_content)
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\single\small.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\single\small.ps1", "a")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\date\new.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\date\new.ps1", "random text for new date")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\date\old.ps1" -ItemType File
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText("$tmp_dir\date\old.ps1", "random text for old date")
New-Item -Path "$tmp_dir\single\large.ps1" -ItemType File
Set-Content -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\single\large.ps1" -Value ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' * 10000)
$share_stat = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Filter "name='folder-share'"
if ($share_stat) {
$wmi = [wmiClass] 'Win32_Share'
$wmi.Create("$tmp_dir\shared\folder", "folder-share", 0)
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "$tmp_dir\nested\link" "$tmp_dir\link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /D "$tmp_dir\broken-link" "$tmp_dir\broken-link-dest"
cmd.exe /c mklink /H "$tmp_dir\hard-link-dest\hard-link.log" "$tmp_dir\hard-link-dest\file-abc.log"
cmd.exe /c mklink /J "$tmp_dir\junction-link" "$tmp_dir\junction-link-dest"
$date = Get-Date -Year 2016 -Month 11 -Day 1 -Hour 7 -Minute 10 -Second 5 -Millisecond 0
Set-Location -LiteralPath $tmp_dir
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne "new.ps1" } | ForEach-Object {
$_.CreationTime = $date
$_.LastAccessTime = $date
$_.LastWriteTime = $date
$attributes = @{
"hidden" = "Hidden"
"date" = "Hidden"
"nested\archive.log" = "Archive"
"nested\sub-nest\readonly.txt" = "ReadOnly"
"single\hidden.ps1" = "Hidden"
foreach ($attribute in $attributes.GetEnumerator()) {
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\$($attribute.Name)"
$file_attributes = $item.Attributes -split ','
if ($file_attributes -notcontains $attribute.Value) {
$file_attributes += $attribute.Value
$item.Attributes = $file_attributes -join ','
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "$tmp_dir\broken-link-dest" -Force
- block:
- include_tasks: tests.yml
- name: remove test user
name: '{{test_win_find_username}}'
state: absent
- name: remove testing folder
path: '{{win_find_dir}}'
state: absent