2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
- debug:
msg: "Start nxos_lldp_global deleted integration tests connection = {{ ansible_connection }}"
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
# N35 skips all tests, image issues.
2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
- block:
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
- set_fact: cfg_port_id=True
when: platform is not search('N[567]K') and imagetag is not search("I[2345]")
- name: feature off to cleanup lldp
nxos_feature: &feature_off
feature: lldp
state: disabled
- name: Enable LLDP feature
feature: lldp
state: enabled
2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
- name: Setup
config: |
lldp holdtime 125
lldp timer 32
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
no lldp tlv-select dcbxp
2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
lldp tlv-select system-name
no lldp tlv-select system-description
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
- name: Setup2
config: |
lldp portid-subtype 1
no lldp tlv-select power-management
when: cfg_port_id is defined
2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
- name: Gather lldp_global facts
nxos_facts: &facts
- '!all'
- '!min'
gather_network_resources: lldp_global
- name: Deleted
nxos_lldp_global: &deleted
state: deleted
register: result
- assert:
- "ansible_facts.network_resources.lldp_global == result.before"
- "'no lldp holdtime 125' in result.commands"
- "'no lldp timer 32' in result.commands"
- "'lldp tlv-select dcbxp' in result.commands"
- "'lldp tlv-select system-description' in result.commands"
- "result.changed == true "
- "result.after | length == 0"
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
- assert:
- "'no lldp portid-subtype 1' in result.commands"
- "'lldp tlv-select power-management' in result.commands"
when: cfg_port_id is defined
2019-08-27 11:22:24 +02:00
- name: Gather lldp_global post facts
nxos_facts: *facts
- assert:
- "ansible_facts.network_resources == {} "
- name: Idempotence - deleted
nxos_lldp_global: *deleted
register: result
- assert:
- "result.changed == false"
- "result.commands|length == 0"
2019-11-06 11:11:40 +01:00
- name: teardown
nxos_feature: *feature_off
when: platform is not search('N35')