The website `Ansible Galaxy <>`_, is a free site for finding, downloading, and sharing community developed Ansible roles. Downloading roles from Galaxy is a great way to jumpstart your automation projects.
This can be useful if you have a master folder that contains ansible galaxy roles shared across several projects. The default is the roles_path configured in your ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured).
To install multiple roles, the ansible-galaxy CLI can be fed a requirements file. All versions of ansible allow the following syntax for installing roles from the Ansible Galaxy website::
For more advanced control over where to download roles from, including support for remote repositories, Ansible 1.8 and later support a new YAML format for the role requirements file, which must end in a 'yml' extension. It works like this::
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
The extension is important. If the .yml extension is left off, the ansible-galaxy CLI will assume the file is in the "basic" format and will be confused.
And here's an example showing some specific version downloads from multiple sources. In one of the examples we also override the name of the role and download it as something different::
Roles pulled from galaxy work as with other SCM sourced roles above. To download a role with dependencies, and automatically install those dependencies, the role must be uploaded to the Ansible Galaxy website.
Use the init command to initialize the base structure of a new role, saving time on creating the various directories and main.yml files a role requires::
$ ansible-galaxy init rolename
The above will create the following directory structure in the current working directory:
.travis.yml and tests/ are new in Ansible 2.0
If a directory matching the name of the role already exists in the current working directory, the init command will result in an error. To ignore the error use the --force option. Force will create the above subdirectories and files, replacing anything that matches.
Search for Roles
The search command provides for querying the Galaxy database, allowing for searching by tags, platforms, author and multiple keywords. For example:
The format of results pictured here is new in Ansible 2.0.
List Installed Roles
The list command shows the name and version of each role installed in roles_path.
$ ansible-galaxy list
- chouseknecht.role-install_mongod, master
- chouseknecht.test-role-1, v1.0.2
- chrismeyersfsu.role-iptables, master
- chrismeyersfsu.role-required_vars, master
Remove an Installed Role
The remove command will delete a role from roles_path:
$ ansible-galaxy remove username.rolename
Authenticate with Galaxy
To use the import, delete and setup commands authentication with Galaxy is required. The login command will authenticate the user,retrieve a token from Galaxy, and store it in the user's home directory.
$ ansible-galaxy login
We need your Github login to identify you.
This information will not be sent to Galaxy, only to
The password will not be displayed.
Use --github-token if you do not want to enter your password.
Github Username: dsmith
Password for dsmith:
Succesfully logged into Galaxy as dsmith
As depicted above, the login command prompts for a GitHub username and password. It does NOT send your password to Galaxy. It actually authenticates with GitHub and creates a personal access token. It then sends the personal access token to Galaxy, which in turn verifies that you are you and returns a Galaxy access token. After authentication completes the GitHub personal access token is destroyed.
If you do not wish to use your GitHub password, or if you have two-factor authentication enabled with GitHub, use the --github-token option to pass a personal access token that you create. Log into GitHub, go to Settings and click on Personal Access Token to create a token.
Import a Role
Roles can be imported using ansible-galaxy. The import command expects that the user previously authenticated with Galaxy using the login command.
Import any GitHub repo you have access to:
$ ansible-galaxy import github_user github_repo
By default the command will wait for the role to be imported by Galaxy, displaying the results as the import progresses:
Use the --branch option to import a specific branch. If not specified, the default branch for the repo will be used.
If the --no-wait option is present, the command will not wait for results. Results of the most recent import for any of your roles is available on the Galaxy web site under My Imports.
The import command is only available in Ansible 2.0.
Delete a Role
Remove a role from the Galaxy web site using the delete command. You can delete any role that you have access to in GitHub. The delete command expects that the user previously authenticated with Galaxy using the login command.
ansible-galaxy delete github_user github_repo
This only removes the role from Galaxy. It does not impact the actual GitHub repo.
The delete command is only available in Ansible 2.0.
Setup Travis Integerations
Using the setup command you can enable notifications from `travis <>`_. The setup command expects that the user previously authenticated with Galaxy using the login command.
Added integration for travis chouseknecht/ansible-role-sendmail
The setup command requires your Travis token. The Travis token is not stored in Galaxy. It is used along with the GitHub username and repo to create a hash as described in `the Travis documentation <>`_. The calculated hash is stored in Galaxy and used to verify notifications received from Travis.
The setup command enables Galaxy to respond to notifications. Follow the `Travis getting started guide <>`_ to enable the Travis build process for the role repository.
When you create your .travis.yml file add the following to cause Travis to notify Galaxy when a build completes: