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2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
# (C) 2013, James Cammarata <>
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import collections
import datetime
Replace the inhouse collection dependency resolver with `resolvelib` PR #72591 This change: * Adds an artifacts manager that abstracts away extracting the metadata from artifacts, downloading and caching them in a temporary location. * Adds `resolvelib` to direct ansible-core dependencies[0]. * Implements a `resolvelib`-based dependency resolver for `collection` subcommands that replaces the legacy in-house code. This is a dependency resolution library that pip 20.3+ uses by default. It's now integrated for use for the collection dependency resolution in ansible-galaxy CLI. * Refactors of the `ansible-galaxy collection` CLI. In particular, it: - reimplements most of the `download`, `install`, `list` and `verify` subcommands from scratch; - reuses helper bits previously moved out into external modules; - replaces the old in-house resolver with a more clear implementation based on the resolvelib library[0][1][2]. * Adds a multi Galaxy API proxy layer that abstracts accessing the version and dependencies via API or local artifacts manager. * Makes `GalaxyAPI` instances sortable. * Adds string representation methods to `GalaxyAPI`. * Adds dev representation to `GalaxyAPI`. * Removes unnecessary integration and unit tests. * Aligns the tests with the new expectations. * Adds more tests, integration ones in particular. [0]: [1]: [2]: Co-Authored-By: Jordan Borean <> Co-Authored-By: Matt Clay <> Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <> Co-Authored-By: Sloane Hertel <> Co-Authored-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <> Signed-Off-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <>
2021-01-27 22:23:22 +01:00
import functools
import hashlib
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
import json
import os
import stat
import tarfile
import time
import threading
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.galaxy.user_agent import user_agent
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote as urlquote, urlencode, urlparse
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url, prepare_multipart
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from ansible.utils.hashing import secure_hash_s
from ansible.utils.path import makedirs_safe
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
# Python 2
from urlparse import urlparse
display = Display()
_CACHE_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def cache_lock(func):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
def g_connect(versions):
Wrapper to lazily initialize connection info to Galaxy and verify the API versions required are available on the
:param versions: A list of API versions that the function supports.
def decorator(method):
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
if not self._available_api_versions:
display.vvvv("Initial connection to galaxy_server: %s" % self.api_server)
# Determine the type of Galaxy server we are talking to. First try it unauthenticated then with Bearer
# auth for Automation Hub.
n_url = self.api_server
error_context_msg = 'Error when finding available api versions from %s (%s)' % (, n_url)
if self.api_server == '' or self.api_server == '':
n_url = ''
data = self._call_galaxy(n_url, method='GET', error_context_msg=error_context_msg, cache=True)
except (AnsibleError, GalaxyError, ValueError, KeyError) as err:
# Either the URL doesnt exist, or other error. Or the URL exists, but isn't a galaxy API
# root (not JSON, no 'available_versions') so try appending '/api/'
if n_url.endswith('/api') or n_url.endswith('/api/'):
# Let exceptions here bubble up but raise the original if this returns a 404 (/api/ wasn't found).
n_url = _urljoin(n_url, '/api/')
data = self._call_galaxy(n_url, method='GET', error_context_msg=error_context_msg, cache=True)
except GalaxyError as new_err:
if new_err.http_code == 404:
raise err
if 'available_versions' not in data:
raise AnsibleError("Tried to find galaxy API root at %s but no 'available_versions' are available "
"on %s" % (n_url, self.api_server))
# Update api_server to point to the "real" API root, which in this case could have been the configured
# url + '/api/' appended.
self.api_server = n_url
# Default to only supporting v1, if only v1 is returned we also assume that v2 is available even though
# it isn't returned in the available_versions dict.
available_versions = data.get('available_versions', {u'v1': u'v1/'})
if list(available_versions.keys()) == [u'v1']:
available_versions[u'v2'] = u'v2/'
self._available_api_versions = available_versions
display.vvvv("Found API version '%s' with Galaxy server %s (%s)"
% (', '.join(available_versions.keys()),, self.api_server))
# Verify that the API versions the function works with are available on the server specified.
available_versions = set(self._available_api_versions.keys())
common_versions = set(versions).intersection(available_versions)
if not common_versions:
raise AnsibleError("Galaxy action %s requires API versions '%s' but only '%s' are available on %s %s"
% (method.__name__, ", ".join(versions), ", ".join(available_versions),, self.api_server))
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return decorator
Support galaxy v3/autohub API in ansible-galaxy (#60982) * Add galaxy collections API v3 support Issue: ansible/galaxy-dev#60 - Determine if server supports v3 Use 'available_versions' from `GET /api` to determine if 'v3' api is available on the server. - Support v3 pagination style ie, 'limit/offset style', with the paginated responses based on v2 galaxy uses pagination that is more or less 'django rest framework style' or 'page/page_size style', based on the default drf pagination described at - Support galaxy v3 style error response The error objects returned by the galaxy v3 api are based on the JSONAPI response/errors format ( This handles that style response. At least for publish_collection for now. Needs extracting/generalizing. Handle HTTPError in CollectionRequirement.from_name() with _handle_http_error(). It will raise AnsibleError based on the json in an error response. - Update unit tests update test/unit/galaxy/test_collection* to paramaterize calls to test against mocked v2 and v3 servers apis. Update artifacts_versions_json() to tale an api version paramater. Add error_json() for generating v3/v3 style error responses. So now, the urls generated and the pagination schema of the response will use the v3 version if the passed in GalaxyAPI 'galaxy_api' instance has 'v3' in it's available_api_versions * Move checking of server avail versions to needs to know the server api versions supported before it makes collection related calls, so the 'lazy' server version check in api.GalaxyAPI is never called and isn't set, so 'v3' servers weren't found. Update unit tests to mock the return value of the request instead of GalaxyAPI itself.
2019-08-28 22:59:34 +02:00
def get_cache_id(url):
""" Gets the cache ID for the URL specified. """
url_info = urlparse(url)
port = None
port = url_info.port
except ValueError:
pass # While the URL is probably invalid, let the caller figure that out when using it
# Cannot use netloc because it could contain credentials if the server specified had them in there.
return '%s:%s' % (url_info.hostname, port or '')
def _load_cache(b_cache_path):
""" Loads the cache file requested if possible. The file must not be world writable. """
cache_version = 1
if not os.path.isfile(b_cache_path):
display.vvvv("Creating Galaxy API response cache file at '%s'" % to_text(b_cache_path))
with open(b_cache_path, 'w'):
os.chmod(b_cache_path, 0o600)
cache_mode = os.stat(b_cache_path).st_mode
if cache_mode & stat.S_IWOTH:
display.warning("Galaxy cache has world writable access (%s), ignoring it as a cache source."
% to_text(b_cache_path))
with open(b_cache_path, mode='rb') as fd:
json_val = to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
cache = json.loads(json_val)
except ValueError:
cache = None
if not isinstance(cache, dict) or cache.get('version', None) != cache_version:
display.vvvv("Galaxy cache file at '%s' has an invalid version, clearing" % to_text(b_cache_path))
cache = {'version': cache_version}
# Set the cache after we've cleared the existing entries
with open(b_cache_path, mode='wb') as fd:
fd.write(to_bytes(json.dumps(cache), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
return cache
def _urljoin(*args):
return '/'.join(to_native(a, errors='surrogate_or_strict').strip('/') for a in args + ('',) if a)
Support galaxy v3/autohub API in ansible-galaxy (#60982) * Add galaxy collections API v3 support Issue: ansible/galaxy-dev#60 - Determine if server supports v3 Use 'available_versions' from `GET /api` to determine if 'v3' api is available on the server. - Support v3 pagination style ie, 'limit/offset style', with the paginated responses based on v2 galaxy uses pagination that is more or less 'django rest framework style' or 'page/page_size style', based on the default drf pagination described at - Support galaxy v3 style error response The error objects returned by the galaxy v3 api are based on the JSONAPI response/errors format ( This handles that style response. At least for publish_collection for now. Needs extracting/generalizing. Handle HTTPError in CollectionRequirement.from_name() with _handle_http_error(). It will raise AnsibleError based on the json in an error response. - Update unit tests update test/unit/galaxy/test_collection* to paramaterize calls to test against mocked v2 and v3 servers apis. Update artifacts_versions_json() to tale an api version paramater. Add error_json() for generating v3/v3 style error responses. So now, the urls generated and the pagination schema of the response will use the v3 version if the passed in GalaxyAPI 'galaxy_api' instance has 'v3' in it's available_api_versions * Move checking of server avail versions to needs to know the server api versions supported before it makes collection related calls, so the 'lazy' server version check in api.GalaxyAPI is never called and isn't set, so 'v3' servers weren't found. Update unit tests to mock the return value of the request instead of GalaxyAPI itself.
2019-08-28 22:59:34 +02:00
class GalaxyError(AnsibleError):
""" Error for bad Galaxy server responses. """
def __init__(self, http_error, message):
super(GalaxyError, self).__init__(message)
self.http_code = http_error.code
self.url = http_error.geturl()
http_msg = to_text(
err_info = json.loads(http_msg)
except (AttributeError, ValueError):
err_info = {}
url_split = self.url.split('/')
if 'v2' in url_split:
galaxy_msg = err_info.get('message', http_error.reason)
code = err_info.get('code', 'Unknown')
full_error_msg = u"%s (HTTP Code: %d, Message: %s Code: %s)" % (message, self.http_code, galaxy_msg, code)
elif 'v3' in url_split:
errors = err_info.get('errors', [])
if not errors:
errors = [{}] # Defaults are set below, we just need to make sure 1 error is present.
message_lines = []
for error in errors:
error_msg = error.get('detail') or error.get('title') or http_error.reason
error_code = error.get('code') or 'Unknown'
message_line = u"(HTTP Code: %d, Message: %s Code: %s)" % (self.http_code, error_msg, error_code)
full_error_msg = "%s %s" % (message, ', '.join(message_lines))
# v1 and unknown API endpoints
galaxy_msg = err_info.get('default', http_error.reason)
full_error_msg = u"%s (HTTP Code: %d, Message: %s)" % (message, self.http_code, galaxy_msg)
self.message = to_native(full_error_msg)
# Keep the raw string results for the date. It's too complex to parse as a datetime object and the various APIs return
# them in different formats.
CollectionMetadata = collections.namedtuple('CollectionMetadata', ['namespace', 'name', 'created_str', 'modified_str'])
class CollectionVersionMetadata:
def __init__(self, namespace, name, version, download_url, artifact_sha256, dependencies):
Contains common information about a collection on a Galaxy server to smooth through API differences for
Collection and define a standard meta info for a collection.
:param namespace: The namespace name.
:param name: The collection name.
:param version: The version that the metadata refers to.
:param download_url: The URL to download the collection.
:param artifact_sha256: The SHA256 of the collection artifact for later verification.
:param dependencies: A dict of dependencies of the collection.
self.namespace = namespace = name
self.version = version
self.download_url = download_url
self.artifact_sha256 = artifact_sha256
self.dependencies = dependencies
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
Replace the inhouse collection dependency resolver with `resolvelib` PR #72591 This change: * Adds an artifacts manager that abstracts away extracting the metadata from artifacts, downloading and caching them in a temporary location. * Adds `resolvelib` to direct ansible-core dependencies[0]. * Implements a `resolvelib`-based dependency resolver for `collection` subcommands that replaces the legacy in-house code. This is a dependency resolution library that pip 20.3+ uses by default. It's now integrated for use for the collection dependency resolution in ansible-galaxy CLI. * Refactors of the `ansible-galaxy collection` CLI. In particular, it: - reimplements most of the `download`, `install`, `list` and `verify` subcommands from scratch; - reuses helper bits previously moved out into external modules; - replaces the old in-house resolver with a more clear implementation based on the resolvelib library[0][1][2]. * Adds a multi Galaxy API proxy layer that abstracts accessing the version and dependencies via API or local artifacts manager. * Makes `GalaxyAPI` instances sortable. * Adds string representation methods to `GalaxyAPI`. * Adds dev representation to `GalaxyAPI`. * Removes unnecessary integration and unit tests. * Aligns the tests with the new expectations. * Adds more tests, integration ones in particular. [0]: [1]: [2]: Co-Authored-By: Jordan Borean <> Co-Authored-By: Matt Clay <> Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <> Co-Authored-By: Sloane Hertel <> Co-Authored-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <> Signed-Off-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <>
2021-01-27 22:23:22 +01:00
class GalaxyAPI:
""" This class is meant to be used as a API client for an Ansible Galaxy server """
Replace the inhouse collection dependency resolver with `resolvelib` PR #72591 This change: * Adds an artifacts manager that abstracts away extracting the metadata from artifacts, downloading and caching them in a temporary location. * Adds `resolvelib` to direct ansible-core dependencies[0]. * Implements a `resolvelib`-based dependency resolver for `collection` subcommands that replaces the legacy in-house code. This is a dependency resolution library that pip 20.3+ uses by default. It's now integrated for use for the collection dependency resolution in ansible-galaxy CLI. * Refactors of the `ansible-galaxy collection` CLI. In particular, it: - reimplements most of the `download`, `install`, `list` and `verify` subcommands from scratch; - reuses helper bits previously moved out into external modules; - replaces the old in-house resolver with a more clear implementation based on the resolvelib library[0][1][2]. * Adds a multi Galaxy API proxy layer that abstracts accessing the version and dependencies via API or local artifacts manager. * Makes `GalaxyAPI` instances sortable. * Adds string representation methods to `GalaxyAPI`. * Adds dev representation to `GalaxyAPI`. * Removes unnecessary integration and unit tests. * Aligns the tests with the new expectations. * Adds more tests, integration ones in particular. [0]: [1]: [2]: Co-Authored-By: Jordan Borean <> Co-Authored-By: Matt Clay <> Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <> Co-Authored-By: Sloane Hertel <> Co-Authored-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <> Signed-Off-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <>
2021-01-27 22:23:22 +01:00
def __init__(
self, galaxy, name, url,
username=None, password=None, token=None, validate_certs=True,
clear_response_cache=False, no_cache=True,
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
self.galaxy = galaxy = name
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.token = token
self.api_server = url
self.validate_certs = validate_certs
self._available_api_versions = available_api_versions or {}
Replace the inhouse collection dependency resolver with `resolvelib` PR #72591 This change: * Adds an artifacts manager that abstracts away extracting the metadata from artifacts, downloading and caching them in a temporary location. * Adds `resolvelib` to direct ansible-core dependencies[0]. * Implements a `resolvelib`-based dependency resolver for `collection` subcommands that replaces the legacy in-house code. This is a dependency resolution library that pip 20.3+ uses by default. It's now integrated for use for the collection dependency resolution in ansible-galaxy CLI. * Refactors of the `ansible-galaxy collection` CLI. In particular, it: - reimplements most of the `download`, `install`, `list` and `verify` subcommands from scratch; - reuses helper bits previously moved out into external modules; - replaces the old in-house resolver with a more clear implementation based on the resolvelib library[0][1][2]. * Adds a multi Galaxy API proxy layer that abstracts accessing the version and dependencies via API or local artifacts manager. * Makes `GalaxyAPI` instances sortable. * Adds string representation methods to `GalaxyAPI`. * Adds dev representation to `GalaxyAPI`. * Removes unnecessary integration and unit tests. * Aligns the tests with the new expectations. * Adds more tests, integration ones in particular. [0]: [1]: [2]: Co-Authored-By: Jordan Borean <> Co-Authored-By: Matt Clay <> Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <> Co-Authored-By: Sloane Hertel <> Co-Authored-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <> Signed-Off-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <>
2021-01-27 22:23:22 +01:00
self._priority = priority
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
b_cache_dir = to_bytes(C.config.get_config_value('GALAXY_CACHE_DIR'), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
makedirs_safe(b_cache_dir, mode=0o700)
self._b_cache_path = os.path.join(b_cache_dir, b'api.json')
if clear_response_cache:
if os.path.exists(self._b_cache_path):
display.vvvv("Clearing cache file (%s)" % to_text(self._b_cache_path))
self._cache = None
if not no_cache:
self._cache = _load_cache(self._b_cache_path)
display.debug('Validate TLS certificates for %s: %s' % (self.api_server, self.validate_certs))
Replace the inhouse collection dependency resolver with `resolvelib` PR #72591 This change: * Adds an artifacts manager that abstracts away extracting the metadata from artifacts, downloading and caching them in a temporary location. * Adds `resolvelib` to direct ansible-core dependencies[0]. * Implements a `resolvelib`-based dependency resolver for `collection` subcommands that replaces the legacy in-house code. This is a dependency resolution library that pip 20.3+ uses by default. It's now integrated for use for the collection dependency resolution in ansible-galaxy CLI. * Refactors of the `ansible-galaxy collection` CLI. In particular, it: - reimplements most of the `download`, `install`, `list` and `verify` subcommands from scratch; - reuses helper bits previously moved out into external modules; - replaces the old in-house resolver with a more clear implementation based on the resolvelib library[0][1][2]. * Adds a multi Galaxy API proxy layer that abstracts accessing the version and dependencies via API or local artifacts manager. * Makes `GalaxyAPI` instances sortable. * Adds string representation methods to `GalaxyAPI`. * Adds dev representation to `GalaxyAPI`. * Removes unnecessary integration and unit tests. * Aligns the tests with the new expectations. * Adds more tests, integration ones in particular. [0]: [1]: [2]: Co-Authored-By: Jordan Borean <> Co-Authored-By: Matt Clay <> Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <> Co-Authored-By: Sloane Hertel <> Co-Authored-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <> Signed-Off-By: Sviatoslav Sydorenko <>
2021-01-27 22:23:22 +01:00
def __str__(self):
# type: (GalaxyAPI) -> str
"""Render GalaxyAPI as a native string representation."""
return to_native(
def __unicode__(self):
# type: (GalaxyAPI) -> unicode
"""Render GalaxyAPI as a unicode/text string representation."""
return to_text(
def __repr__(self):
# type: (GalaxyAPI) -> str
"""Render GalaxyAPI as an inspectable string representation."""
return (
'<{instance!s} "{name!s}" @ {url!s} with priority {priority!s}>'.
priority=self._priority, url=self.api_server,
def __lt__(self, other_galaxy_api):
# type: (GalaxyAPI, GalaxyAPI) -> Union[bool, 'NotImplemented']
"""Return whether the instance priority is higher than other."""
if not isinstance(other_galaxy_api, self.__class__):
return NotImplemented
return (
self._priority > other_galaxy_api._priority or <
@g_connect(['v1', 'v2', 'v3'])
def available_api_versions(self):
# Calling g_connect will populate self._available_api_versions
return self._available_api_versions
def _call_galaxy(self, url, args=None, headers=None, method=None, auth_required=False, error_context_msg=None,
url_info = urlparse(url)
cache_id = get_cache_id(url)
if cache and self._cache:
server_cache = self._cache.setdefault(cache_id, {})
iso_datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
valid = False
if url_info.path in server_cache:
expires = datetime.datetime.strptime(server_cache[url_info.path]['expires'], iso_datetime_format)
valid = datetime.datetime.utcnow() < expires
if valid and not url_info.query:
# Got a hit on the cache and we aren't getting a paginated response
path_cache = server_cache[url_info.path]
if path_cache.get('paginated'):
if '/v3/' in url_info.path:
res = {'links': {'next': None}}
res = {'next': None}
# Technically some v3 paginated APIs return in 'data' but the caller checks the keys for this so
# always returning the cache under results is fine.
res['results'] = []
for result in path_cache['results']:
res = path_cache['results']
return res
elif not url_info.query:
# The cache entry had expired or does not exist, start a new blank entry to be filled later.
expires = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
expires += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
server_cache[url_info.path] = {
'expires': expires.strftime(iso_datetime_format),
'paginated': False,
headers = headers or {}
self._add_auth_token(headers, url, required=auth_required)
display.vvvv("Calling Galaxy at %s" % url)
resp = open_url(to_native(url), data=args, validate_certs=self.validate_certs, headers=headers,
method=method, timeout=20, http_agent=user_agent(), follow_redirects='safe')
except HTTPError as e:
raise GalaxyError(e, error_context_msg)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Unknown error when attempting to call Galaxy at '%s': %s" % (url, to_native(e)))
resp_data = to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
data = json.loads(resp_data)
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to parse Galaxy response from '%s' as JSON:\n%s"
% (resp.url, to_native(resp_data)))
if cache and self._cache:
path_cache = self._cache[cache_id][url_info.path]
# v3 can return data or results for paginated results. Scan the result so we can determine what to cache.
paginated_key = None
for key in ['data', 'results']:
if key in data:
paginated_key = key
if paginated_key:
path_cache['paginated'] = True
results = path_cache.setdefault('results', [])
for result in data[paginated_key]:
path_cache['results'] = data
return data
def _add_auth_token(self, headers, url, token_type=None, required=False):
# Don't add the auth token if one is already present
if 'Authorization' in headers:
Support galaxy v3/autohub API in ansible-galaxy (#60982) * Add galaxy collections API v3 support Issue: ansible/galaxy-dev#60 - Determine if server supports v3 Use 'available_versions' from `GET /api` to determine if 'v3' api is available on the server. - Support v3 pagination style ie, 'limit/offset style', with the paginated responses based on v2 galaxy uses pagination that is more or less 'django rest framework style' or 'page/page_size style', based on the default drf pagination described at - Support galaxy v3 style error response The error objects returned by the galaxy v3 api are based on the JSONAPI response/errors format ( This handles that style response. At least for publish_collection for now. Needs extracting/generalizing. Handle HTTPError in CollectionRequirement.from_name() with _handle_http_error(). It will raise AnsibleError based on the json in an error response. - Update unit tests update test/unit/galaxy/test_collection* to paramaterize calls to test against mocked v2 and v3 servers apis. Update artifacts_versions_json() to tale an api version paramater. Add error_json() for generating v3/v3 style error responses. So now, the urls generated and the pagination schema of the response will use the v3 version if the passed in GalaxyAPI 'galaxy_api' instance has 'v3' in it's available_api_versions * Move checking of server avail versions to needs to know the server api versions supported before it makes collection related calls, so the 'lazy' server version check in api.GalaxyAPI is never called and isn't set, so 'v3' servers weren't found. Update unit tests to mock the return value of the request instead of GalaxyAPI itself.
2019-08-28 22:59:34 +02:00
if not self.token and required:
raise AnsibleError("No access token or username set. A token can be set with --api-key "
"or at {0}.".format(to_native(C.GALAXY_TOKEN_PATH)))
if self.token:
def _set_cache(self):
with open(self._b_cache_path, mode='wb') as fd:
fd.write(to_bytes(json.dumps(self._cache), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def authenticate(self, github_token):
Retrieve an authentication token
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "tokens") + '/'
args = urlencode({"github_token": github_token})
resp = open_url(url, data=args, validate_certs=self.validate_certs, method="POST", http_agent=user_agent())
data = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data
def create_import_task(self, github_user, github_repo, reference=None, role_name=None):
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
Post an import request
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "imports") + '/'
args = {
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
"github_user": github_user,
"github_repo": github_repo,
"github_reference": reference if reference else ""
if role_name:
args['alternate_role_name'] = role_name
elif github_repo.startswith('ansible-role'):
args['alternate_role_name'] = github_repo[len('ansible-role') + 1:]
data = self._call_galaxy(url, args=urlencode(args), method="POST")
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
if data.get('results', None):
return data['results']
return data
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def get_import_task(self, task_id=None, github_user=None, github_repo=None):
Check the status of an import task.
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "imports")
if task_id is not None:
url = "%s?id=%d" % (url, task_id)
elif github_user is not None and github_repo is not None:
url = "%s?github_user=%s&github_repo=%s" % (url, github_user, github_repo)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
raise AnsibleError("Expected task_id or github_user and github_repo")
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data['results']
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
def lookup_role_by_name(self, role_name, notify=True):
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
Find a role by name.
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
role_name = to_text(urlquote(to_bytes(role_name)))
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
parts = role_name.split(".")
user_name = ".".join(parts[0:-1])
role_name = parts[-1]
if notify:
display.display("- downloading role '%s', owned by %s" % (role_name, user_name))
except Exception:
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
raise AnsibleError("Invalid role name (%s). Specify role as format: username.rolename" % role_name)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "roles",
"?owner__username=%s&name=%s" % (user_name, role_name))
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
if len(data["results"]) != 0:
return data["results"][0]
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
return None
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
def fetch_role_related(self, related, role_id):
Fetch the list of related items for the given role.
The url comes from the 'related' field of the role.
results = []
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "roles", role_id, related,
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
results = data['results']
2016-03-01 01:24:56 +01:00
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
# api_server contains part of the API path but next_link includes the /api part so strip it out.
url_info = urlparse(self.api_server)
base_url = "%s://%s/" % (url_info.scheme, url_info.netloc)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
while not done:
url = _urljoin(base_url, data['next_link'])
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
results += data['results']
2016-03-01 01:24:56 +01:00
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
except Exception as e:
display.warning("Unable to retrieve role (id=%s) data (%s), but this is not fatal so we continue: %s"
% (role_id, related, to_text(e)))
return results
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
def get_list(self, what):
Fetch the list of items specified.
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], what, "?page_size")
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
if "results" in data:
results = data['results']
results = data
done = True
if "next" in data:
2016-03-01 01:24:56 +01:00
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
while not done:
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, data['next_link'])
data = self._call_galaxy(url)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
results += data['results']
2016-03-01 01:24:56 +01:00
done = (data.get('next_link', None) is None)
2015-04-23 05:41:05 +02:00
return results
except Exception as error:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to download the %s list: %s" % (what, to_native(error)))
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def search_roles(self, search, **kwargs):
search_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "search", "roles", "?")
if search:
search_url += '&autocomplete=' + to_text(urlquote(to_bytes(search)))
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
tags = kwargs.get('tags', None)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
platforms = kwargs.get('platforms', None)
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size', None)
author = kwargs.get('author', None)
if tags and isinstance(tags, string_types):
tags = tags.split(',')
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
search_url += '&tags_autocomplete=' + '+'.join(tags)
if platforms and isinstance(platforms, string_types):
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
platforms = platforms.split(',')
search_url += '&platforms_autocomplete=' + '+'.join(platforms)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
if page_size:
search_url += '&page_size=%s' % page_size
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
if author:
search_url += '&username_autocomplete=%s' % author
data = self._call_galaxy(search_url)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def add_secret(self, source, github_user, github_repo, secret):
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "notification_secrets") + '/'
args = urlencode({
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
"source": source,
"github_user": github_user,
"github_repo": github_repo,
"secret": secret
data = self._call_galaxy(url, args=args, method="POST")
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def list_secrets(self):
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "notification_secrets")
data = self._call_galaxy(url, auth_required=True)
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def remove_secret(self, secret_id):
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "notification_secrets", secret_id) + '/'
data = self._call_galaxy(url, auth_required=True, method='DELETE')
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
return data
2015-12-09 16:51:12 +01:00
def delete_role(self, github_user, github_repo):
url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v1'], "removerole",
"?github_user=%s&github_repo=%s" % (github_user, github_repo))
data = self._call_galaxy(url, auth_required=True, method='DELETE')
return data
# Collection APIs #
@g_connect(['v2', 'v3'])
def publish_collection(self, collection_path):
Publishes a collection to a Galaxy server and returns the import task URI.
:param collection_path: The path to the collection tarball to publish.
:return: The import task URI that contains the import results.
display.display("Publishing collection artifact '%s' to %s %s" % (collection_path,, self.api_server))
b_collection_path = to_bytes(collection_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if not os.path.exists(b_collection_path):
raise AnsibleError("The collection path specified '%s' does not exist." % to_native(collection_path))
elif not tarfile.is_tarfile(b_collection_path):
raise AnsibleError("The collection path specified '%s' is not a tarball, use 'ansible-galaxy collection "
"build' to create a proper release artifact." % to_native(collection_path))
with open(b_collection_path, 'rb') as collection_tar:
sha256 = secure_hash_s(, hash_func=hashlib.sha256)
content_type, b_form_data = prepare_multipart(
'sha256': sha256,
'file': {
'filename': b_collection_path,
'mime_type': 'application/octet-stream',
headers = {
'Content-type': content_type,
'Content-length': len(b_form_data),
if 'v3' in self.available_api_versions:
n_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v3'], 'artifacts', 'collections') + '/'
n_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v2'], 'collections') + '/'
resp = self._call_galaxy(n_url, args=b_form_data, headers=headers, method='POST', auth_required=True,
error_context_msg='Error when publishing collection to %s (%s)'
% (, self.api_server))
return resp['task']
@g_connect(['v2', 'v3'])
def wait_import_task(self, task_id, timeout=0):
Waits until the import process on the Galaxy server has completed or the timeout is reached.
:param task_id: The id of the import task to wait for. This can be parsed out of the return
value for GalaxyAPI.publish_collection.
:param timeout: The timeout in seconds, 0 is no timeout.
state = 'waiting'
data = None
# Construct the appropriate URL per version
if 'v3' in self.available_api_versions:
full_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v3'],
'imports/collections', task_id, '/')
full_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, self.available_api_versions['v2'],
'collection-imports', task_id, '/')
display.display("Waiting until Galaxy import task %s has completed" % full_url)
start = time.time()
wait = 2
while timeout == 0 or (time.time() - start) < timeout:
data = self._call_galaxy(full_url, method='GET', auth_required=True,
error_context_msg='Error when getting import task results at %s' % full_url)
except GalaxyError as e:
if e.http_code != 404:
# The import job may not have started, and as such, the task url may not yet exist
display.vvv('Galaxy import process has not started, wait %s seconds before trying again' % wait)
state = data.get('state', 'waiting')
if data.get('finished_at', None):
display.vvv('Galaxy import process has a status of %s, wait %d seconds before trying again'
% (state, wait))
# poor man's exponential backoff algo so we don't flood the Galaxy API, cap at 30 seconds.
wait = min(30, wait * 1.5)
if state == 'waiting':
raise AnsibleError("Timeout while waiting for the Galaxy import process to finish, check progress at '%s'"
% to_native(full_url))
for message in data.get('messages', []):
level = message['level']
if level == 'error':
display.error("Galaxy import error message: %s" % message['message'])
elif level == 'warning':
display.warning("Galaxy import warning message: %s" % message['message'])
display.vvv("Galaxy import message: %s - %s" % (level, message['message']))
if state == 'failed':
code = to_native(data['error'].get('code', 'UNKNOWN'))
description = to_native(
data['error'].get('description', "Unknown error, see %s for more details" % full_url))
raise AnsibleError("Galaxy import process failed: %s (Code: %s)" % (description, code))
@g_connect(['v2', 'v3'])
def get_collection_metadata(self, namespace, name):
Gets the collection information from the Galaxy server about a specific Collection.
:param namespace: The collection namespace.
:param name: The collection name.
return: CollectionMetadata about the collection.
if 'v3' in self.available_api_versions:
api_path = self.available_api_versions['v3']
field_map = [
('created_str', 'created_at'),
('modified_str', 'updated_at'),
api_path = self.available_api_versions['v2']
field_map = [
('created_str', 'created'),
('modified_str', 'modified'),
info_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, api_path, 'collections', namespace, name, '/')
error_context_msg = 'Error when getting the collection info for %s.%s from %s (%s)' \
% (namespace, name,, self.api_server)
data = self._call_galaxy(info_url, error_context_msg=error_context_msg)
metadata = {}
for name, api_field in field_map:
metadata[name] = data.get(api_field, None)
return CollectionMetadata(namespace, name, **metadata)
@g_connect(['v2', 'v3'])
def get_collection_version_metadata(self, namespace, name, version):
Gets the collection information from the Galaxy server about a specific Collection version.
:param namespace: The collection namespace.
:param name: The collection name.
:param version: Version of the collection to get the information for.
:return: CollectionVersionMetadata about the collection at the version requested.
api_path = self.available_api_versions.get('v3', self.available_api_versions.get('v2'))
url_paths = [self.api_server, api_path, 'collections', namespace, name, 'versions', version, '/']
n_collection_url = _urljoin(*url_paths)
error_context_msg = 'Error when getting collection version metadata for %s.%s:%s from %s (%s)' \
% (namespace, name, version,, self.api_server)
data = self._call_galaxy(n_collection_url, error_context_msg=error_context_msg, cache=True)
return CollectionVersionMetadata(data['namespace']['name'], data['collection']['name'], data['version'],
data['download_url'], data['artifact']['sha256'],
@g_connect(['v2', 'v3'])
def get_collection_versions(self, namespace, name):
Gets a list of available versions for a collection on a Galaxy server.
:param namespace: The collection namespace.
:param name: The collection name.
:return: A list of versions that are available.
relative_link = False
if 'v3' in self.available_api_versions:
api_path = self.available_api_versions['v3']
pagination_path = ['links', 'next']
relative_link = True # AH pagination results are relative an not an absolute URI.
api_path = self.available_api_versions['v2']
pagination_path = ['next']
versions_url = _urljoin(self.api_server, api_path, 'collections', namespace, name, 'versions', '/')
versions_url_info = urlparse(versions_url)
# We should only rely on the cache if the collection has not changed. This may slow things down but it ensures
# we are not waiting a day before finding any new collections that have been published.
if self._cache:
server_cache = self._cache.setdefault(get_cache_id(versions_url), {})
modified_cache = server_cache.setdefault('modified', {})
modified_date = self.get_collection_metadata(namespace, name).modified_str
except GalaxyError as err:
if err.http_code != 404:
# No collection found, return an empty list to keep things consistent with the various APIs
return []
cached_modified_date = modified_cache.get('%s.%s' % (namespace, name), None)
if cached_modified_date != modified_date:
modified_cache['%s.%s' % (namespace, name)] = modified_date
if versions_url_info.path in server_cache:
del server_cache[versions_url_info.path]
error_context_msg = 'Error when getting available collection versions for %s.%s from %s (%s)' \
% (namespace, name,, self.api_server)
data = self._call_galaxy(versions_url, error_context_msg=error_context_msg, cache=True)
except GalaxyError as err:
if err.http_code != 404:
# v3 doesn't raise a 404 so we need to mimick the empty response from APIs that do.
return []
if 'data' in data:
# v3 automation-hub is the only known API that uses `data`
# since v3 pulp_ansible does not, we cannot rely on version
# to indicate which key to use
results_key = 'data'
results_key = 'results'
versions = []
while True:
versions += [v['version'] for v in data[results_key]]
next_link = data
for path in pagination_path:
next_link = next_link.get(path, {})
if not next_link:
elif relative_link:
# TODO: This assumes the pagination result is relative to the root server. Will need to be verified
# with someone who knows the AH API.
next_link = versions_url.replace(versions_url_info.path, next_link)
data = self._call_galaxy(to_native(next_link, errors='surrogate_or_strict'),
error_context_msg=error_context_msg, cache=True)
return versions