2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2014-06-18 10:07:46 -05:00
# $params is not currently used in this module
# $params = Parse-Args $args;
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
$result = New-Object psobject @{
ansible_facts = New-Object psobject
changed = $false
2015-08-21 13:37:29 -07:00
$win32_os = Get-CimInstance Win32_OperatingSystem
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
$osversion = [Environment]::OSVersion
2014-07-22 01:38:46 +02:00
$memory = @()
$memory += Get-WmiObject win32_Physicalmemory
$capacity = 0
$memory | foreach {$capacity += $_.Capacity}
2014-06-18 12:29:14 -05:00
$netcfg = Get-WmiObject win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
2014-08-29 10:39:42 +02:00
$ActiveNetcfg = @(); $ActiveNetcfg+= $netcfg | where {$_.ipaddress -ne $null}
$formattednetcfg = @()
foreach ($adapter in $ActiveNetcfg)
$thisadapter = New-Object psobject @{
interface_name = $adapter.description
dns_domain = $adapter.dnsdomain
default_gateway = $null
interface_index = $adapter.InterfaceIndex
if ($adapter.defaultIPGateway)
$thisadapter.default_gateway = $adapter.DefaultIPGateway[0].ToString()
$formattednetcfg += $thisadapter;$thisadapter = $null
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_interfaces" $formattednetcfg
2015-04-06 23:25:29 -05:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_architecture" $win32_os.OSArchitecture
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_hostname" $env:COMPUTERNAME;
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_fqdn" "$([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName((hostname)).HostName)"
2014-06-18 09:36:10 -05:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_system" $osversion.Platform.ToString()
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_os_family" "Windows"
2015-08-22 19:01:11 -04:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_os_name" ($win32_os.Name.Split('|')[0]).Trim()
2014-06-18 09:32:02 -05:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_distribution" $osversion.VersionString
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_distribution_version" $osversion.Version.ToString()
2015-10-12 16:02:36 -05:00
$date = New-Object psobject
2015-10-12 16:16:10 -05:00
Set-Attr $date "date" (Get-Date -format d)
Set-Attr $date "year" (Get-Date -format yyyy)
Set-Attr $date "month" (Get-Date -format MM)
2015-10-12 16:02:36 -05:00
Set-Attr $date "day" (Get-Date -format dd)
Set-Attr $date "hour" (Get-Date -format HH)
Set-Attr $date "iso8601" (Get-Date -format s)
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_date_time" $date
2014-07-22 01:38:46 +02:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_totalmem" $capacity
2014-06-18 12:29:14 -05:00
2015-08-21 13:37:29 -07:00
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_lastboot" $win32_os.lastbootuptime.ToString("u")
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_uptime_seconds" $([System.Convert]::ToInt64($(Get-Date).Subtract($win32_os.lastbootuptime).TotalSeconds))
2014-06-18 12:29:14 -05:00
$ips = @()
Foreach ($ip in $netcfg.IPAddress) { If ($ip) { $ips += $ip } }
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_ip_addresses" $ips
2014-08-31 16:20:50 +01:00
$psversion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_powershell_version" $psversion
2014-09-01 21:22:18 +01:00
$winrm_https_listener_parent_path = Get-ChildItem -Path WSMan:\localhost\Listener -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSChildName -eq "Transport" -and $_.Value -eq "HTTPS"} | select PSParentPath
2015-09-29 16:35:47 -04:00
$winrm_https_listener_path = $null
2015-09-29 16:37:26 -04:00
$https_listener = $null
2015-09-29 16:38:48 -04:00
$winrm_cert_thumbprint = $null
2015-09-29 16:40:22 -04:00
$uppercase_cert_thumbprint = $null
2014-09-01 21:22:18 +01:00
if ($winrm_https_listener_parent_path ) {
$winrm_https_listener_path = $winrm_https_listener_parent_path.PSParentPath.Substring($winrm_https_listener_parent_path.PSParentPath.LastIndexOf("\"))
if ($winrm_https_listener_path)
$https_listener = Get-ChildItem -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Listener$winrm_https_listener_path"
if ($https_listener)
$winrm_cert_thumbprint = $https_listener | where {$_.Name -EQ "CertificateThumbprint" } | select Value
if ($winrm_cert_thumbprint)
$uppercase_cert_thumbprint = $winrm_cert_thumbprint.Value.ToString().ToUpper()
$winrm_cert_expiry = Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\My | where Thumbprint -EQ $uppercase_cert_thumbprint | select NotAfter
2014-08-31 16:20:50 +01:00
if ($winrm_cert_expiry)
Set-Attr $result.ansible_facts "ansible_winrm_certificate_expires" $winrm_cert_expiry.NotAfter.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
2014-06-18 11:48:50 -05:00
Exit-Json $result;