2019-03-28 18:41:39 +01:00
- debug:
msg: executing testrole from legacy playbook-adjacent roles dir
- name: exec a FQ module from a legacy role
register: coll_module_out
- name: exec a legacy playbook-adjacent module from a legacy role
register: ping_out
- name: sample collections list inside a legacy role (should be empty)
register: plugin_lookup_out
- debug:
msg: '{{ test_role_input | default("(undefined)") }}'
register: test_role_output
2019-08-29 11:25:44 +02:00
- set_fact:
testrole_source: legacy roles dir
2019-03-28 18:41:39 +01:00
- assert:
- coll_module_out.source == 'user'
# ensure we used the library/ ping override, not the builtin or one from another collection
- ping_out.source == 'legacy_library_dir'
- not plugin_lookup_out.collection_list