2019-06-14 02:11:44 +02:00
# (c) 2019 Robert Williams
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
2019-10-28 10:21:40 +01:00
__metaclass__ = type
2019-06-14 02:11:44 +02:00
import pytest
import datetime
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.loader import lookup_loader
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
except ImportError:
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("This test requires the boto3 and botocore Python libraries")
def dummy_credentials():
dummy_credentials = {}
dummy_credentials['boto_profile'] = None
dummy_credentials['aws_secret_key'] = "notasecret"
dummy_credentials['aws_access_key'] = "notakey"
dummy_credentials['aws_security_token'] = None
dummy_credentials['region'] = 'eu-west-1'
return dummy_credentials
def test_lookup_variable(mocker, dummy_credentials):
dateutil_tz = pytest.importorskip("dateutil.tz")
simple_variable_success_response = {
'Name': 'secret',
'VersionId': 'cafe8168-e6ce-4e59-8830-5b143faf6c52',
'SecretString': '{"secret":"simplesecret"}',
'VersionStages': ['AWSCURRENT'],
'CreatedDate': datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 4, 11, 41, 0, 878000, tzinfo=dateutil_tz.tzlocal()),
'ResponseMetadata': {
'RequestId': '21099462-597c-490a-800f-8b7a41e5151c',
'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'HTTPHeaders': {
'date': 'Thu, 04 Apr 2019 10:43:12 GMT',
'content-type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
'content-length': '252',
'connection': 'keep-alive',
'x-amzn-requestid': '21099462-597c-490a-800f-8b7a41e5151c'
'RetryAttempts': 0
lookup = lookup_loader.get('aws_secret')
boto3_double = mocker.MagicMock()
boto3_double.Session.return_value.client.return_value.get_secret_value.return_value = simple_variable_success_response
boto3_client_double = boto3_double.Session.return_value.client
2020-01-26 10:16:16 +01:00
mocker.patch.object(boto3, 'session', boto3_double)
retval = lookup.run(["simple_variable"], None, **dummy_credentials)
2019-06-14 02:11:44 +02:00
assert(retval[0] == '{"secret":"simplesecret"}')
boto3_client_double.assert_called_with('secretsmanager', 'eu-west-1', aws_access_key_id='notakey',
aws_secret_access_key="notasecret", aws_session_token=None)
error_response = {'Error': {'Code': 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'Message': 'Fake Testing Error'}}
operation_name = 'FakeOperation'
def test_warn_denied_variable(mocker, dummy_credentials):
boto3_double = mocker.MagicMock()
boto3_double.Session.return_value.client.return_value.get_secret_value.side_effect = ClientError(error_response, operation_name)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleError):
2020-01-26 10:16:16 +01:00
mocker.patch.object(boto3, 'session', boto3_double)
lookup_loader.get('aws_secret').run(["denied_variable"], None, **dummy_credentials)