2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2015, René Moser <mail@renemoser.net>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module: cs_instance
short_description: Manages instances and virtual machines on Apache CloudStack based clouds.
- Deploy, start, restart, stop and destroy instances on Apache CloudStack, Citrix CloudPlatform and Exoscale.
version_added: '2.0'
author: René Moser
- Host name of the instance. C(name) can only contain ASCII letters.
required: true
- Custom display name of the instances.
required: false
default: null
- Group in where the new instance should be in.
required: false
default: null
- State of the instance.
required: false
default: 'present'
choices: [ 'deployed', 'started', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'destroyed', 'expunged', 'present', 'absent' ]
- Name or id of the service offering of the new instance. If not set, first found service offering is used.
required: false
default: null
- Name or id of the template to be used for creating the new instance. Required when using C(state=present). Mutually exclusive with C(ISO) option.
required: false
default: null
- Name or id of the ISO to be used for creating the new instance. Required when using C(state=present). Mutually exclusive with C(template) option.
required: false
default: null
- Name the hypervisor to be used for creating the new instance. Relevant when using C(state=present) and option C(ISO) is used. If not set, first found hypervisor will be used.
required: false
default: null
choices: [ 'KVM', 'VMware', 'BareMetal', 'XenServer', 'LXC', 'HyperV', 'UCS', 'OVM' ]
- Keyboard device type for the instance.
required: false
default: null
choices: [ 'de', 'de-ch', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'fr-be', 'fr-ch', 'is', 'it', 'jp', 'nl-be', 'no', 'pt', 'uk', 'us' ]
- List of networks to use for the new instance.
required: false
default: []
aliases: [ 'network' ]
- IPv4 address for default instance's network during creation
required: false
default: null
- IPv6 address for default instance's network.
required: false
default: null
- Name of the disk offering to be used.
required: false
default: null
- Disk size in GByte required if deploying instance from ISO.
required: false
default: null
- List of security groups the instance to be applied to.
required: false
default: []
aliases: [ 'security_group' ]
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
- Domain the instance is related to.
required: false
default: null
- Account the instance is related to.
required: false
default: null
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
- Name of the project the instance to be deployed in.
required: false
default: null
- Name of the zone in which the instance shoud be deployed. If not set, default zone is used.
required: false
default: null
- Name of the SSH key to be deployed on the new instance.
required: false
default: null
- Affinity groups names to be applied to the new instance.
required: false
default: []
aliases: [ 'affinity_group' ]
- Optional data (ASCII) that can be sent to the instance upon a successful deployment.
- The data will be automatically base64 encoded.
- Consider switching to HTTP_POST by using C(CLOUDSTACK_METHOD=post) to increase the HTTP_GET size limit of 2KB to 32 KB.
required: false
default: null
- Force stop/start the instance if required to apply changes, otherwise a running instance will not be changed.
required: false
default: true
- List of tags. Tags are a list of dictionaries having keys C(key) and C(value).
2015-05-04 13:24:21 -07:00
- "If you want to delete all tags, set a empty list e.g. C(tags: [])."
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
required: false
default: null
- Poll async jobs until job has finished.
required: false
default: true
2015-05-05 15:53:55 +02:00
extends_documentation_fragment: cloudstack
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
# Create a instance on CloudStack from an ISO
# NOTE: Names of offerings and ISOs depending on the CloudStack configuration.
- local_action:
module: cs_instance
name: web-vm-1
iso: Linux Debian 7 64-bit
hypervisor: VMware
project: Integration
zone: ch-zrh-ix-01
service_offering: 1cpu_1gb
disk_offering: PerfPlus Storage
disk_size: 20
- Server Integration
- Sync Integration
- Storage Integration
# For changing a running instance, use the 'force' parameter
- local_action:
module: cs_instance
name: web-vm-1
display_name: web-vm-01.example.com
iso: Linux Debian 7 64-bit
service_offering: 2cpu_2gb
force: yes
# Create or update a instance on Exoscale's public cloud
- local_action:
module: cs_instance
name: web-vm-1
template: Linux Debian 7 64-bit
service_offering: Tiny
ssh_key: john@example.com
- { key: admin, value: john }
- { key: foo, value: bar }
register: vm
- debug: msg='default ip {{ vm.default_ip }} and is in state {{ vm.state }}'
# Ensure a instance has stopped
- local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=stopped
# Ensure a instance is running
- local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=started
# Remove a instance
- local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=absent
RETURN = '''
description: ID of the instance.
returned: success
type: string
sample: 04589590-ac63-4ffc-93f5-b698b8ac38b6
description: Name of the instance.
returned: success
type: string
sample: web-01
description: Display name of the instance.
returned: success
type: string
sample: web-01
description: Group name of the instance is related.
returned: success
type: string
sample: web
description: Date of the instance was created.
returned: success
type: string
sample: 2014-12-01T14:57:57+0100
description: True if password setting is enabled.
returned: success
type: boolean
sample: true
description: The password of the instance if exists.
returned: success
type: string
sample: Ge2oe7Do
description: Name of ssh key deployed to instance.
returned: success
type: string
sample: key@work
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
description: Domain the instance is related to.
returned: success
type: string
sample: example domain
description: Account the instance is related to.
returned: success
type: string
sample: example account
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
description: Name of project the instance is related to.
returned: success
type: string
sample: Production
description: Default IP address of the instance.
returned: success
type: string
description: Public IP address with instance via static nat rule.
returned: success
type: string
description: Name of ISO the instance was deployed with.
returned: success
type: string
sample: Debian-8-64bit
description: Name of template the instance was deployed with.
returned: success
type: string
sample: Debian-8-64bit
description: Name of the service offering the instance has.
returned: success
type: string
sample: 2cpu_2gb
description: Name of zone the instance is in.
returned: success
type: string
sample: ch-gva-2
description: State of the instance.
returned: success
type: string
sample: Running
description: Security groups the instance is in.
returned: success
type: list
sample: '[ "default" ]'
description: Affinity groups the instance is in.
returned: success
type: list
sample: '[ "webservers" ]'
description: List of resource tags associated with the instance.
returned: success
type: dict
sample: '[ { "key": "foo", "value": "bar" } ]'
import base64
from cs import CloudStack, CloudStackException, read_config
has_lib_cs = True
except ImportError:
has_lib_cs = False
# import cloudstack common
from ansible.module_utils.cloudstack import *
class AnsibleCloudStackInstance(AnsibleCloudStack):
def __init__(self, module):
AnsibleCloudStack.__init__(self, module)
self.instance = None
def get_service_offering_id(self):
service_offering = self.module.params.get('service_offering')
service_offerings = self.cs.listServiceOfferings()
if service_offerings:
if not service_offering:
return service_offerings['serviceoffering'][0]['id']
for s in service_offerings['serviceoffering']:
if service_offering in [ s['name'], s['id'] ]:
return s['id']
self.module.fail_json(msg="Service offering '%s' not found" % service_offering)
def get_template_or_iso_id(self):
template = self.module.params.get('template')
iso = self.module.params.get('iso')
if not template and not iso:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Template or ISO is required.")
if template and iso:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Template are ISO are mutually exclusive.")
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args = {}
args['account'] = self.get_account('name')
args['domainid'] = self.get_domain('id')
args['projectid'] = self.get_project('id')
args['zoneid'] = self.get_zone('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if template:
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args['templatefilter'] = 'executable'
templates = self.cs.listTemplates(**args)
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if templates:
for t in templates['template']:
if template in [ t['displaytext'], t['name'], t['id'] ]:
return t['id']
self.module.fail_json(msg="Template '%s' not found" % template)
elif iso:
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args['isofilter'] = 'executable'
isos = self.cs.listIsos(**args)
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if isos:
for i in isos['iso']:
if iso in [ i['displaytext'], i['name'], i['id'] ]:
return i['id']
self.module.fail_json(msg="ISO '%s' not found" % iso)
def get_disk_offering_id(self):
disk_offering = self.module.params.get('disk_offering')
if not disk_offering:
return None
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args = {}
args['domainid'] = self.get_domain('id')
disk_offerings = self.cs.listDiskOfferings(**args)
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if disk_offerings:
for d in disk_offerings['diskoffering']:
if disk_offering in [ d['displaytext'], d['name'], d['id'] ]:
return d['id']
self.module.fail_json(msg="Disk offering '%s' not found" % disk_offering)
def get_instance(self):
instance = self.instance
if not instance:
instance_name = self.module.params.get('name')
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args = {}
args['account'] = self.get_account('name')
args['domainid'] = self.get_domain('id')
args['projectid'] = self.get_project('id')
args['zoneid'] = self.get_zone('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
instances = self.cs.listVirtualMachines(**args)
if instances:
for v in instances['virtualmachine']:
if instance_name in [ v['name'], v['displayname'], v['id'] ]:
self.instance = v
return self.instance
def get_network_ids(self):
network_names = self.module.params.get('networks')
if not network_names:
return None
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args = {}
args['account'] = self.get_account('name')
args['domainid'] = self.get_domain('id')
args['projectid'] = self.get_project('id')
args['zoneid'] = self.get_zone('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
networks = self.cs.listNetworks(**args)
if not networks:
self.module.fail_json(msg="No networks available")
network_ids = []
network_displaytexts = []
for network_name in network_names:
for n in networks['network']:
if network_name in [ n['displaytext'], n['name'], n['id'] ]:
if len(network_ids) != len(network_names):
self.module.fail_json(msg="Could not find all networks, networks list found: %s" % network_displaytexts)
return ','.join(network_ids)
def present_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if not instance:
instance = self.deploy_instance()
instance = self.update_instance(instance)
instance = self.ensure_tags(resource=instance, resource_type='UserVm')
return instance
def get_user_data(self):
user_data = self.module.params.get('user_data')
if user_data:
user_data = base64.b64encode(user_data)
return user_data
def get_display_name(self):
display_name = self.module.params.get('display_name')
if not display_name:
display_name = self.module.params.get('name')
return display_name
def deploy_instance(self):
self.result['changed'] = True
args = {}
args['templateid'] = self.get_template_or_iso_id()
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args['zoneid'] = self.get_zone('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
args['serviceofferingid'] = self.get_service_offering_id()
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args['account'] = self.get_account('name')
args['domainid'] = self.get_domain('id')
args['projectid'] = self.get_project('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
args['diskofferingid'] = self.get_disk_offering_id()
args['networkids'] = self.get_network_ids()
args['hypervisor'] = self.get_hypervisor()
args['userdata'] = self.get_user_data()
args['keyboard'] = self.module.params.get('keyboard')
args['ipaddress'] = self.module.params.get('ip_address')
args['ip6address'] = self.module.params.get('ip6_address')
args['name'] = self.module.params.get('name')
args['group'] = self.module.params.get('group')
args['keypair'] = self.module.params.get('ssh_key')
args['size'] = self.module.params.get('disk_size')
args['securitygroupnames'] = ','.join(self.module.params.get('security_groups'))
args['affinitygroupnames'] = ','.join(self.module.params.get('affinity_groups'))
instance = None
if not self.module.check_mode:
instance = self.cs.deployVirtualMachine(**args)
if 'errortext' in instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % instance['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
return instance
def update_instance(self, instance):
args_service_offering = {}
args_service_offering['id'] = instance['id']
args_service_offering['serviceofferingid'] = self.get_service_offering_id()
args_instance_update = {}
args_instance_update['id'] = instance['id']
args_instance_update['group'] = self.module.params.get('group')
args_instance_update['displayname'] = self.get_display_name()
args_instance_update['userdata'] = self.get_user_data()
args_instance_update['ostypeid'] = self.get_os_type_id()
args_ssh_key = {}
args_ssh_key['id'] = instance['id']
args_ssh_key['keypair'] = self.module.params.get('ssh_key')
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
args_ssh_key['projectid'] = self.get_project('id')
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if self._has_changed(args_service_offering, instance) or \
self._has_changed(args_instance_update, instance) or \
self._has_changed(args_ssh_key, instance):
force = self.module.params.get('force')
instance_state = instance['state'].lower()
if instance_state == 'stopped' or force:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
# Ensure VM has stopped
instance = self.stop_instance()
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
self.instance = instance
# Change service offering
if self._has_changed(args_service_offering, instance):
res = self.cs.changeServiceForVirtualMachine(**args_service_offering)
if 'errortext' in res:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['errortext'])
instance = res['virtualmachine']
self.instance = instance
# Update VM
if self._has_changed(args_instance_update, instance):
res = self.cs.updateVirtualMachine(**args_instance_update)
if 'errortext' in res:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['errortext'])
instance = res['virtualmachine']
self.instance = instance
# Reset SSH key
if self._has_changed(args_ssh_key, instance):
instance = self.cs.resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine(**args_ssh_key)
if 'errortext' in instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % instance['errortext'])
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
self.instance = instance
# Start VM again if it was running before
if instance_state == 'running':
instance = self.start_instance()
return instance
def absent_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if instance:
if instance['state'].lower() not in ['expunging', 'destroying', 'destroyed']:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
res = self.cs.destroyVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'])
if 'errortext' in res:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(res, 'virtualmachine')
return instance
def expunge_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if instance:
res = {}
if instance['state'].lower() in [ 'destroying', 'destroyed' ]:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
res = self.cs.expungeVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'])
elif instance['state'].lower() not in [ 'expunging' ]:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
res = self.cs.destroyVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'], expunge=True)
if res and 'errortext' in res:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % res['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(res, 'virtualmachine')
return instance
def stop_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if not instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Instance named '%s' not found" % self.module.params.get('name'))
if instance['state'].lower() in ['stopping', 'stopped']:
return instance
if instance['state'].lower() in ['starting', 'running']:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
instance = self.cs.stopVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'])
if 'errortext' in instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % instance['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
return instance
def start_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if not instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Instance named '%s' not found" % module.params.get('name'))
if instance['state'].lower() in ['starting', 'running']:
return instance
if instance['state'].lower() in ['stopped', 'stopping']:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
instance = self.cs.startVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'])
if 'errortext' in instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % instance['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
return instance
def restart_instance(self):
instance = self.get_instance()
if not instance:
module.fail_json(msg="Instance named '%s' not found" % self.module.params.get('name'))
if instance['state'].lower() in [ 'running', 'starting' ]:
self.result['changed'] = True
if not self.module.check_mode:
instance = self.cs.rebootVirtualMachine(id=instance['id'])
if 'errortext' in instance:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed: '%s'" % instance['errortext'])
poll_async = self.module.params.get('poll_async')
if poll_async:
instance = self._poll_job(instance, 'virtualmachine')
elif instance['state'].lower() in [ 'stopping', 'stopped' ]:
instance = self.start_instance()
return instance
def get_result(self, instance):
if instance:
if 'id' in instance:
self.result['id'] = instance['id']
if 'name' in instance:
self.result['name'] = instance['name']
if 'displayname' in instance:
self.result['display_name'] = instance['displayname']
if 'group' in instance:
self.result['group'] = instance['group']
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
if 'domain' in instance:
self.result['domain'] = instance['domain']
if 'account' in instance:
self.result['account'] = instance['account']
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
if 'project' in instance:
self.result['project'] = instance['project']
if 'publicip' in instance:
self.result['public_ip'] = instance['public_ip']
if 'passwordenabled' in instance:
self.result['password_enabled'] = instance['passwordenabled']
if 'password' in instance:
self.result['password'] = instance['password']
if 'serviceofferingname' in instance:
self.result['service_offering'] = instance['serviceofferingname']
if 'zonename' in instance:
self.result['zone'] = instance['zonename']
if 'templatename' in instance:
self.result['template'] = instance['templatename']
if 'isoname' in instance:
self.result['iso'] = instance['isoname']
if 'keypair' in instance:
self.result['ssh_key'] = instance['keypair']
if 'created' in instance:
self.result['created'] = instance['created']
if 'state' in instance:
self.result['state'] = instance['state']
if 'tags' in instance:
self.result['tags'] = []
for tag in instance['tags']:
result_tag = {}
result_tag['key'] = tag['key']
result_tag['value'] = tag['value']
if 'securitygroup' in instance:
security_groups = []
for securitygroup in instance['securitygroup']:
self.result['security_groups'] = security_groups
if 'affinitygroup' in instance:
affinity_groups = []
for affinitygroup in instance['affinitygroup']:
self.result['affinity_groups'] = affinity_groups
if 'nic' in instance:
for nic in instance['nic']:
if nic['isdefault']:
self.result['default_ip'] = nic['ipaddress']
return self.result
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
argument_spec = dict(
name = dict(required=True),
display_name = dict(default=None),
group = dict(default=None),
state = dict(choices=['present', 'deployed', 'started', 'stopped', 'restarted', 'absent', 'destroyed', 'expunged'], default='present'),
service_offering = dict(default=None),
template = dict(default=None),
iso = dict(default=None),
networks = dict(type='list', aliases=[ 'network' ], default=None),
ip_address = dict(defaul=None),
ip6_address = dict(defaul=None),
disk_offering = dict(default=None),
disk_size = dict(type='int', default=None),
keyboard = dict(choices=['de', 'de-ch', 'es', 'fi', 'fr', 'fr-be', 'fr-ch', 'is', 'it', 'jp', 'nl-be', 'no', 'pt', 'uk', 'us'], default=None),
hypervisor = dict(default=None),
security_groups = dict(type='list', aliases=[ 'security_group' ], default=[]),
affinity_groups = dict(type='list', aliases=[ 'affinity_group' ], default=[]),
2015-05-07 19:02:38 +02:00
domain = dict(default=None),
account = dict(default=None),
2015-05-01 17:32:29 +02:00
project = dict(default=None),
user_data = dict(default=None),
zone = dict(default=None),
ssh_key = dict(default=None),
force = dict(choices=BOOLEANS, default=False),
tags = dict(type='list', aliases=[ 'tag' ], default=None),
poll_async = dict(choices=BOOLEANS, default=True),
api_key = dict(default=None),
api_secret = dict(default=None),
api_url = dict(default=None),
api_http_method = dict(default='get'),
if not has_lib_cs:
module.fail_json(msg="python library cs required: pip install cs")
acs_instance = AnsibleCloudStackInstance(module)
state = module.params.get('state')
if state in ['absent', 'destroyed']:
instance = acs_instance.absent_instance()
elif state in ['expunged']:
instance = acs_instance.expunge_instance()
elif state in ['present', 'deployed']:
instance = acs_instance.present_instance()
elif state in ['stopped']:
instance = acs_instance.stop_instance()
elif state in ['started']:
instance = acs_instance.start_instance()
elif state in ['restarted']:
instance = acs_instance.restart_instance()
if instance and 'state' in instance and instance['state'].lower() == 'error':
module.fail_json(msg="Instance named '%s' in error state." % module.params.get('name'))
result = acs_instance.get_result(instance)
except CloudStackException, e:
module.fail_json(msg='CloudStackException: %s' % str(e))
# import module snippets
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *