* For the current development status of Collections and FAQ see `Ansible Collections Overview and FAQ <https://github.com/ansible-collections/overview/blob/master/README.rst>`_.
Collections follow a simple data structure. None of the directories are required unless you have specific content that belongs in one of them. A collection does require a ``galaxy.yml`` file at the root level of the collection. This file contains all of the metadata that Galaxy and other tools need in order to package, build and publish the collection::
Put general documentation for the collection here. Keep the specific documentation for plugins and modules embedded as Python docstrings. Use the ``docs`` folder to describe how to use the roles and plugins the collection provides, role requirements, and so on. Use markdown and do not add subfolders.
The ``ansible-doc`` command requires the fully qualified collection name (FQCN) to display specific plugin documentation. In this example, ``my_namespace`` is the Galaxy namespace and ``my_collection`` is the collection name within that namespace.
..note:: The Galaxy namespace of an Ansible collection is defined in the ``galaxy.yml`` file. It can be different from the GitHub organization or repository name.
Add a 'per plugin type' specific subdirectory here, including ``module_utils`` which is usable not only by modules, but by most plugins by using their FQCN. This is a way to distribute modules, lookups, filters, and so on, without having to import a role in every play.
Vars plugins are unsupported in collections. Cache plugins may be used in collections for fact caching, but are not supported for inventory plugins.
When coding with ``module_utils`` in a collection, the Python ``import`` statement needs to take into account the FQCN along with the ``ansible_collections`` convention. The resulting Python import will look like ``from ansible_collections.{namespace}.{collection}.plugins.module_utils.{util} import {something}``
- Roles in a collection cannot contain plugins any more. Plugins must live in the collection ``plugins`` directory tree. Each plugin is accessible to all roles in the collection.
You can migrate 'traditional roles' into a collection but they must follow the rules above. You may need to rename roles if they don't conform. You will have to move or link any role-based plugins to the collection specific directories.
For roles imported into Galaxy directly from a GitHub repository, setting the ``role_name`` value in the role's metadata overrides the role name used by Galaxy. For collections, that value is ignored. When importing a collection, Galaxy uses the role directory as the name of the role and ignores the ``role_name`` metadata value.
Both the namespace and collection names have strict requirements. See `Galaxy namespaces <https://galaxy.ansible.com/docs/contributing/namespaces.html#galaxy-namespaces>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for details.
Once the skeleton exists, you can populate the directories with the content you want inside the collection. See `ansible-collections <https://github.com/ansible-collections/>`_ GitHub Org to get a better idea of what you can place inside a collection.
To include documentation fragments in your collection:
#. Create the documentation fragment: ``plugins/doc_fragments/fragment_name``.
#. Refer to the documentation fragment with its FQCN.
..code-block:: yaml
- community.kubernetes.k8s_name_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_auth_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_resource_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_scale_options
:ref:`module_docs_fragments` covers the basics for documentation fragments. The `kubernetes <https://github.com/ansible-collections/kubernetes>`_ collection includes a complete example.
You can also share documentation fragments across collections with the FQCN.
* Certain files and folders are excluded when building the collection artifact. See :ref:`ignoring_files_and_folders_collections` to exclude other files you would not wish to distribute.
* If you used the now-deprecated ``Mazer`` tool for any of your collections, delete any and all files it added to your :file:`releases/` directory before you build your collection with ``ansible-galaxy``.
* The current Galaxy maximum tarball size is 2 MB.
You can publish collections to Galaxy using the ``ansible-galaxy collection publish`` command or the Galaxy UI itself. You need a namespace on Galaxy to upload your collection. See `Galaxy namespaces <https://galaxy.ansible.com/docs/contributing/namespaces.html#galaxy-namespaces>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for details.
To upload your collection to Galaxy, you must first obtain an API token (``--token`` in the ``ansible-galaxy`` CLI command or ``token`` in the :file:`ansible.cfg` file under the ``galaxy_server`` section). The API token is a secret token used to protect your content.
You can use the ``--token`` argument with the ``ansible-galaxy`` command (in conjunction with the ``--server`` argument or :ref:`GALAXY_SERVER` setting in your :file:`ansible.cfg` file). You cannot use ``apt-key`` with any servers defined in your :ref:`Galaxy server list <galaxy_server_config>`.
With this option, you configure one or more servers for Galaxy in your :file:`ansible.cfg` file under the ``galaxy_server_list`` section. For each server, you also configure the token.
..code-block:: ini
server_list = release_galaxy
See :ref:`galaxy_server_config` for complete details.
By default, ``ansible-galaxy`` uses https://galaxy.ansible.com as the Galaxy server (as listed in the :file:`ansible.cfg` file under :ref:`galaxy_server`). If you are only publishing your collection to Ansible Galaxy, you do not need any further configuration. If you are using Red Hat Automation Hub or any other Galaxy server, see :ref:`Configuring the ansible-galaxy client <galaxy_server_config>`.
Collection versions use `Semantic Versioning <https://semver.org/>`_ for version numbers. Please read the official documentation for details and examples. In summary:
You can experiment with migrating existing modules into a collection using the `content_collector tool <https://github.com/ansible/content_collector>`_. The ``content_collector`` is a playbook that helps you migrate content from an Ansible distribution into a collection.
This tool is in active development and is provided only for experimentation and feedback at this point.
See the `content_collector README <https://github.com/ansible/content_collector>`_ for full details and usage guidelines.
The `BOTMETA.yml <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/.github/BOTMETA.yml>`_ in the ansible/ansible GitHub repository is the source of truth for:
* The ``migrated_to:`` key must be added explicitly for every *file*. You cannot add ``migrated_to`` at the directory level. This is to allow module and plugin webdocs to be redirected to the new collection docs.
*``migrated_to:`` MUST be added for every:
* module
* plugin
* module_utils
* contrib/inventory script
* You do NOT need to add ``migrated_to`` for:
* Unit tests
* Integration tests
* ReStructured Text docs (anything under ``docs/docsite/rst/``)
* Files that never existed in ``ansible/ansible:devel``
The main tool for testing collections is ``ansible-test``, Ansible's testing tool described in :ref:`developing_testing`. You can run several compile and sanity checks, as well as run unit and integration tests for plugins using ``ansible-test``. When you test collections, test against the ansible-base version(s) you are targeting.
You must always execute ``ansible-test`` from the root directory of a collection. You can run ``ansible-test`` in Docker containers without installing any special requirements. The Ansible team uses this approach in Shippable both in the ansible/ansible GitHub repository and in the large community collections such as `community.general <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/>`_ and `community.network <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.network/>`_. The examples below demonstrate running tests in Docker containers.
Compile and sanity tests
To run all compile and sanity tests::
ansible-test sanity --docker default -v
See :ref:`testing_compile` and :ref:`testing_sanity` for more information. See the :ref:`full list of sanity tests <all_sanity_tests>` for details on the sanity tests and how to fix identified issues.
Unit tests
You must place unit tests in the appropriate``tests/unit/plugins/`` directory. For example, you would place tests for ``plugins/module_utils/foo/bar.py`` in ``tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/test_bar.py`` or ``tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/bar/test_bar.py``. For examples, see the `unit tests in community.general <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/tree/master/tests/unit/>`_.
To run all unit tests for all supported Python versions::
ansible-test units --docker default -v
To run all unit tests only for a specific Python version::
ansible-test units --docker default -v --python 3.6
To run only a specific unit test::
ansible-test units --docker default -v --python 3.6 tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/test_bar.py
You can specify Python requirements in the ``tests/unit/requirements.txt`` file. See :ref:`testing_units` for more information, especially on fixture files.
Integration tests
You must place integration tests in the appropriate ``tests/integration/targets/`` directory. For module integration tests, you can use the module name alone. For example, you would place integration tests for ``plugins/modules/foo.py`` in a directory called ``tests/integration/targets/foo/``. For non-module plugin integration tests, you must add the plugin type to the directory name. For example, you would place integration tests for ``plugins/connections/bar.py`` in a directory called ``tests/integration/targets/connection_bar/``. For lookup plugins, the directory must be called ``lookup_foo``, for inventory plugins, ``inventory_foo``, and so on.
You can write two different kinds of integration tests:
* Ansible role tests run with ``ansible-playbook`` and validate various aspects of the module. They can depend on other integration tests (usually named ``prepare_bar`` or ``setup_bar``, which prepare a service or install a requirement named ``bar`` in order to test module ``foo``) to set-up required resources, such as installing required libraries or setting up server services.
*``runme.sh`` tests run directly as scripts. They can set up inventory files, and execute ``ansible-playbook`` or ``ansible-inventory`` with various settings.
For examples, see the `integration tests in community.general <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/tree/master/tests/integration/targets/>`_. See also :ref:`testing_integration` for more details.
Since integration tests can install requirements, and set-up, start and stop services, we recommended running them in docker containers or otherwise restricted environments whenever possible. By default, ``ansible-test`` supports Docker images for several operating systems. See the `list of supported docker images <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/test/lib/ansible_test/_data/completion/docker.txt>`_ for all options. Use the ``default`` image mainly for platform-independent integration tests, such as those for cloud modules. The following examples use the ``centos8`` image.
To execute all integration tests for a collection::
ansible-test integration --docker centos8 -v
If you want more detailed output, run the command with ``-vvv`` instead of ``-v``. Alternatively, specify ``--retry-on-error`` to automatically re-run failed tests with higher verbosity levels.
To execute only the integration tests in a specific directory::
You can specify multiple target names. Each target name is the name of a directory in ``tests/integration/targets/``.
Contributing to collections
If you want to add functionality to an existing collection, modify a collection you are using to fix a bug, or change the behavior of a module in a collection, clone the git repository for that collection and make changes on a branch. You can combine changes to a collection with a local checkout of Ansible (``source hacking/env-setup``).
This section describes the process for `community.general <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/>`_. To contribute to other collections, replace the folder names ``community`` and ``general`` with the namespace and collection name of a different collection.
We assume that you have included ``~/dev/ansible/collections/`` in :ref:`COLLECTIONS_PATHS`, and if that path mentions multiple directories, that you made sure that no other directory earlier in the search path contains a copy of ``community.general``. Create the directory ``~/dev/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community``, and in it clone `the community.general Git repository <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/>`_ or a fork of it into the folder ``general``::
Now you can use this checkout of ``community.general`` in playbooks and roles with whichever version of Ansible you have installed locally, including a local checkout of the ``devel`` branch.
For collections hosted in the ``ansible_collections`` GitHub org, create a branch and commit your changes on the branch. When you are done (remember to add tests, see :ref:`testing_collections`), push your changes to your fork of the collection and create a Pull Request. For other collections, especially for collections not hosted on GitHub, check the ``README.md`` of the collection for information on contributing to it.