2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
- win_shell : $AnsiPart = Get-Partition -DriveLetter T; $AnsiVol = Get-Volume -DriveLetter T; "$($AnsiPart.Size),$($AnsiVol.Size)"
register : shell_result
- name : Assert volume size is 0 for pristine volume
assert :
that :
- shell_result.stdout | trim == "2096037888,0"
- name : Get partition access path
win_shell : (Get-Partition -DriveLetter T).AccessPaths[1]
register : shell_partition_result
- name : Try to format using mutually exclusive parameters
win_format :
drive_letter : T
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
register : format_mutex_result
ignore_errors : True
- assert :
that :
- format_mutex_result is failed
- 'format_mutex_result.msg == "parameters are mutually exclusive: drive_letter, path, label"'
- name : Fully format volume and assign label (check)
win_format :
drive_letter : T
new_label : Formatted
full : True
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
allocation_unit_size : 8192
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
register : format_result_check
check_mode : True
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
- win_shell : $AnsiPart = Get-Partition -DriveLetter T; $AnsiVol = Get-Volume -DriveLetter T; "$($AnsiPart.Size),$($AnsiVol.Size),$($AnsiVol.FileSystemLabel),$((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveLetter = 'T:'" -Property BlockSize).BlockSize)"
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
register : formatted_value_result_check
- name : Fully format volume and assign label
win_format :
drive_letter : T
new_label : Formatted
full : True
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
allocation_unit_size : 8192
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
register : format_result
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
- win_shell : $AnsiPart = Get-Partition -DriveLetter T; $AnsiVol = Get-Volume -DriveLetter T; "$($AnsiPart.Size),$($AnsiVol.Size),$($AnsiVol.FileSystemLabel),$((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Volume -Filter "DriveLetter = 'T:'" -Property BlockSize).BlockSize)"
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
register : formatted_value_result
- assert :
that :
- format_result_check is changed
- format_result is changed
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
- formatted_value_result_check.stdout | trim == "2096037888,0,,"
- formatted_value_result.stdout | trim == "2096037888,2096029696,Formatted,8192"
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
- name : Format NTFS volume with integrity streams enabled
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : ntfs
integrity_streams : True
ignore_errors : True
register : ntfs_integrity_streams
- assert :
that :
- ntfs_integrity_streams is failed
- 'ntfs_integrity_streams.msg == "Integrity streams can be enabled only on ReFS volumes. You specified: ntfs"'
- name : Format volume (require force_format for specifying different file system)
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : fat32
ignore_errors : True
register : require_force_format
- assert :
that :
- require_force_format is failed
- 'require_force_format.msg == "Force format must be specified since target file system: fat32 is different from the current file system of the volume: ntfs"'
- name : Format volume (forced) (check)
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : refs
force : True
check_mode : True
ignore_errors : True
register : not_pristine_forced_check
- name : Format volume (forced)
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : refs
force : True
register : not_pristine_forced
- name : Format volume (forced) (idempotence will not work)
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : refs
force : True
register : not_pristine_forced_idem_fails
- name : Format volume (idempotence)
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : refs
register : not_pristine_forced_idem
- assert :
that :
- not_pristine_forced_check is changed
- not_pristine_forced is changed
- not_pristine_forced_idem_fails is changed
- not_pristine_forced_idem is not changed
2019-09-16 04:45:44 +02:00
- name : Add a file
win_file :
path : T:\path\to\directory
state : directory
- name : Format volume with file inside without force and same fs
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
register : format_volume_without_force_same_fs
- name : Format volume (forced) - to test case for files existing and a different fs
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
file_system : ntfs
force : True
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
- name : Add a file
win_file :
path : T:\path\to\directory
state : directory
register : add_file_to_volume
- name : Format volume with file inside without force
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
2019-09-16 04:45:44 +02:00
file_system : refs
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
register : format_volume_without_force
ignore_errors : True
- name : Format volume with file inside with force
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
force : True
register : format_volume_with_force
- assert :
that :
- add_file_to_volume is changed
- format_volume_without_force is failed
2019-09-16 04:45:44 +02:00
- format_volume_without_force_same_fs is not changed
2019-04-08 22:45:04 +02:00
- 'format_volume_without_force.msg == "Force format must be specified to format non-pristine volumes"'
- format_volume_with_force is changed
2019-09-25 14:58:30 +02:00
- name : Reformat using different alu without force format
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
allocation_unit_size : 8192
file_system : ntfs
register : reformat_using_alu_without_force
ignore_errors : True
- assert :
that :
- reformat_using_alu_without_force is failed
- name : Reformat using different alu using force format
win_format :
path : "{{ shell_partition_result.stdout | trim }}"
allocation_unit_size : 8192
file_system : ntfs
force : True
register : reformat_using_alu_with_force
- assert :
that :
- reformat_using_alu_with_force is changed