2014-03-16 13:58:42 -05:00
:doctype: manpage
:man source: Ansible
:man version: %VERSION%
:man manual: System administration commands
ansible-galaxy - manage roles using galaxy.ansible.com
ansible-galaxy [init|info|install|list|remove] [--help] [options] ...
2015-10-26 11:03:50 -04:00
*Ansible Galaxy* is a shared repository for Ansible roles.
The ansible-galaxy command can be used to manage these roles,
or by creating a skeleton framework for roles you'd like to upload to Galaxy.
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*-h*, *--help*::
Show a help message related to the given sub-command.
The *install* sub-command is used to install roles.
$ ansible-galaxy install [options] [-r FILE | role_name(s)[,version] | tar_file(s)]
Roles can be installed in several different ways:
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* A username.rolename[,version] - this will install a single role. The Galaxy
API will be contacted to provide the information about the role, and the
corresponding .tar.gz will be downloaded from *github.com*. If the version
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is omitted, the most recent version available will be installed.
* A file name, using *-r* - this will install multiple roles listed one per
line. The format of each line is the same as above: username.rolename[,version]
* A .tar.gz of a valid role you've downloaded directly from *github.com*. This
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is mainly useful when the system running Ansible does not have access to
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the Galaxy API, for instance when behind a firewall or proxy.
*-f*, *--force*::
Force overwriting an existing role.
*-i*, *--ignore-errors*::
Ignore errors and continue with the next specified role.
*-n*, *--no-deps*::
Don't download roles listed as dependencies.
*-p* 'ROLES_PATH', *--roles-path=*'ROLES_PATH'::
The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the *roles_path*
configured in your *ansible.cfg* file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)
*-r* 'ROLE_FILE', *--role-file=*'ROLE_FILE'::
A file containing a list of roles to be imported, as specified above. This
option cannot be used if a rolename or .tar.gz have been specified.
The *remove* sub-command is used to remove one or more roles.
$ ansible-galaxy remove role1 role2 ...
*-p* 'ROLES_PATH', *--roles-path=*'ROLES_PATH'::
The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the *roles_path*
configured in your *ansible.cfg* file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)
The *init* command is used to create an empty role suitable for uploading
to https://galaxy.ansible.com (or for roles in general).
$ ansible-galaxy init [options] role_name
*-f*, *--force*::
Force overwriting an existing role.
*-p* 'INIT_PATH', *--init-path=*'INIT_PATH'::
The path in which the skeleton role will be created.The default is the current
working directory.
2014-12-09 10:49:05 -08:00
Don't query the galaxy API when creating roles
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The *list* sub-command is used to show what roles are currently instaled.
You can specify a role name, and if installed only that role will be shown.
$ ansible-galaxy list [role_name]
*-p* 'ROLES_PATH', *--roles-path=*'ROLES_PATH'::
The path to the directory containing your roles. The default is the *roles_path*
configured in your *ansible.cfg* file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)
Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file
for a complete list of contributors.
Copyright © 2014, Michael DeHaan
Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
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*ansible*(1), *ansible-pull*(1), *ansible-doc*(1), *ansible-playbook*(1), *ansible-vault*(1)
2014-03-16 13:58:42 -05:00
Extensive documentation is available in the documentation site:
<http://docs.ansible.com>. IRC and mailing list info can be found
in file CONTRIBUTING.md, available in: <https://github.com/ansible/ansible>