2019-05-22 16:01:36 -04:00
.. _VMware_module_development:
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Guidelines for VMware module development
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The VMware modules and these guidelines are maintained by the VMware Working Group. For
further information see the `team community page <https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/VMware> `_ .
.. contents ::
Testing with govcsim
Most of the existing modules are covered by functional tests. The tests are located in the :file: `test/integration/targets/` .
By default, the tests run against a vCenter API simulator called `govcsim <https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/tree/master/vcsim> `_ . `` ansible-test `` will automatically pull a `govcsim container <https://quay.io/repository/ansible/vcenter-test-container>` and use it to set-up the test environment.
You can trigger the test of a module manually with the `` ansible-test `` command. For example, to trigger `` vcenter_folder `` tests:
.. code-block :: shell
source hacking/env-setup
ansible-test integration --python 3.7 vcenter_folder
`` govcsim `` is handy because it's much more fast that than a regular test environment. However, it does not
support all the ESXi or vCenter features.
.. note ::
Do not confuse `` govcsim `` with `` vcsim `` . It's old outdated version of vCenter simulator whereas govcsim is new and written in go lang
Testing with your own infrastructure
You can also target a regular VMware environment. This paragraph explains step by step how you can run the test-suite yourself.
- 2 ESXi hosts (6.5 or 6.7)
- with 2 NIC, the second ones should be available for the test
- a VCSA host
- a NFS server
- Python dependencies:
- `pyvmomi <https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/tree/master/pyVmomi>`
- `requests <https://2.python-requests.org/en/master/>` .
If you want to deploy your test environment in a hypervisor, both VMware or Libvirt <https://github.com/goneri/vmware-on-libvirt> work well.
NFS server configuration
Your NFS server must expose the following directory structure:
.. code-block :: shell
$ tree /srv/share/
├── isos
│ ├── base.iso
│ ├── centos.iso
│ └── fedora.iso
└── vms
2 directories, 3 files
On a Linux system, you can expose the directory over NFS with the following export file:
.. code-block :: shell
$ cat /etc/exports
.. note ::
With this configuration all the new files will be owned by the user with the UID and GID 1000/1000.
Adjust the configuration to match your user's UID/GID.
The service can be enabled with:
.. code-block :: shell
$ sudo systemctl enable --now nfs-server
Configure your installation
Prepare a configuration file that describes your set-up. The file
should be called :file: `test/integration/cloud-config-vcenter.ini` and based on
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:file: `test/lib/ansible_test/config/cloud-config-vcenter.ini.template` . For instance, if you've deployed your lab with
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`vmware-on-libvirt <https://github.com/goneri/vmware-on-libvirt>` :
.. code-block :: ini
vcenter_username: administrator@vsphere.local
vcenter_password: !234AaAa56
vcenter_hostname: vcenter.test
vmware_validate_certs: false
esxi1_username: root
esxi1_hostname: esxi1.test
esxi1_password: root
esxi2_username: root
esxi2_hostname: test2.test
esxi2_password: root
If you use an HTTP proxy
Support for hosting test infrastructure behind an HTTP proxy is currently in development. See the following pull requests for more information:
- ansible-test: vcenter behind an HTTP proxy <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/58208>
- pyvmomi: proxy support <https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi/pull/799>
- VMware: add support for HTTP proxy in connection API <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/52936>
Once you have incorporated the code from those PRs, specify the location of the proxy server with the two extra keys:
.. code-block :: ini
vmware_proxy_host: esxi1-gw.ws.testing.ansible.com
vmware_proxy_port: 11153
In addition, you may need to adjust the variables of the following file to match the configuration of your lab:
:file: `test/integration/targets/prepare_vmware_tests/vars/real_lab.yml` . If you use `vmware-on-libvirt <https://github.com/goneri/vmware-on-libvirt>` to prepare you lab, you don't have anything to change.
Run the test-suite
Once your configuration is ready, you can trigger a run with the following command:
.. code-block :: shell
source hacking/env-setup
VMWARE_TEST_PLATFORM=static ansible-test integration --python 3.7 vmware_host_firewall_manager
`` vmware_host_firewall_manager `` is the name of the module to test.
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`` vmware_guest `` is much larger than any other test role and is rather slow. You can enable or disable some of its test playbooks in
:file: `test/integration/targets/vmware_guest/defaults/main.yml` .
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The VMware modules have limited unit-test coverage. You can run the test suite with the
following commands:
.. code-block :: shell
source hacking/env-setup
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ansible-test units --venv --python 3.7 '.*vmware.* '
2019-05-22 16:01:36 -04:00
Code style and best practice
datacenter argument with ESXi
The `` datacenter `` parameter should not use `` ha-datacenter `` by default. This is because the user may
not realize that Ansible silently targets the wrong data center.
esxi_hostname should not be mandatory
Depending upon the functionality provided by ESXi or vCenter, some modules can seamlessly work with both. In this case,
`` esxi_hostname `` parameter should be optional.
.. code-block :: python
if self.is_vcenter():
esxi_hostname = module.params.get('esxi_hostname')
if not esxi_hostname:
self.module.fail_json("esxi_hostname parameter is mandatory")
self.host = self.get_all_host_objs(cluster_name=cluster_name, esxi_host_name=esxi_hostname)[0]
self.host = find_obj(self.content, [vim.HostSystem], None)
if self.host is None:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find host system.")
2020-05-11 16:27:20 -04:00
Example should use the fully qualified collection name (FQCN)
Use FQCN for examples within module documentation For instance, you should use `` community.vmware.vmware_guest `` instead of just
`` vmware_guest `` .
This way, the examples don't depend on the `` collections `` directive of the
2019-07-11 08:12:49 +02:00
Functional tests
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Writing new tests
If you are writing a new collection of integration tests, there are a few VMware-specific things to note beyond
the standard Ansible :ref: `integration testing<testing_integration>` process.
The test-suite uses a set of common, pre-defined vars located in the :file: `test/integration/targets/prepare_vmware_tests/` role.
The resources defined there are automatically created by importing that role at the start of your test:
.. code-block :: yaml
- import_role:
name: prepare_vmware_tests
setup_datacenter: true
This will give you a ready to use cluster, datacenter, datastores, folder, switch, dvswitch, ESXi hosts, and VMs.
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No need to create too much resources
Most of the time, it's not necessary to use `` with_items `` to create multiple resources. By avoiding it,
you speed up the test execution and you simplify the clean up afterwards.
VM names should be predictable
If you need to create a new VM during your test, you can use `` test_vm1 `` , `` test_vm2 `` or `` test_vm3 `` . This
way it will be automatically clean up for you.
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Avoid the common boiler plate code in your test playbook
From Ansible 2.10, the test suite uses `modules_defaults` . This module
allow us to preinitialize the following default keys of the VMware modules:
- hostname
- username
- password
- validate_certs
For example, the following block:
.. code-block :: yaml
- name: Add a VMware vSwitch
hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}'
username: '{{ vcenter_username }}'
password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
validate_certs: 'no'
esxi_hostname: 'esxi1'
switch_name: "boby"
state: present
should be simplified to just:
.. code-block :: yaml
- name: Add a VMware vSwitch
esxi_hostname: 'esxi1'
switch_name: "boby"
state: present
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2019-05-22 16:01:36 -04:00
Typographic convention
We try to enforce the following rules in our documentation:
- VMware, not VMWare or vmware
- ESXi, not esxi or ESXI
- vCenter, not vcenter or VCenter
We also refer to vcsim's Go implementation with `` govcsim `` . This to avoid any confusion with the outdated implementation.