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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2015, Trond Hindenes <>, and others
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'}
module: win_dsc
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
- Configures a resource using PowerShell DSC.
- Requires PowerShell version 5.0 or newer.
- Most of the options for this module are dynamic and will vary depending on
the DSC Resource specified in I(resource_name).
- See :doc:`/user_guide/windows_dsc` for more information on how to use this module.
- The name of the DSC Resource to use.
- Must be accessible to PowerShell using any of the default paths.
type: str
required: yes
- Can be used to configure the exact version of the DSC resource to be
- Useful if the target node has multiple versions installed of the module
containing the DSC resource.
- If not specified, the module will follow standard PowerShell convention
and use the highest version available.
type: str
default: latest
- The M(win_dsc) module takes in multiple free form options based on the
DSC resource being invoked by I(resource_name).
- There is no option actually named C(free_form) so see the examples.
- This module will try and convert the option to the correct type required
by the DSC resource and throw a warning if it fails.
- If the type of the DSC resource option is a C(CimInstance) or
C(CimInstance[]), this means the value should be a dictionary or list
of dictionaries based on the values required by that option.
- If the type of the DSC resource option is a C(PSCredential) then there
needs to be 2 options set in the Ansible task definition suffixed with
C(_username) and C(_password).
- If the type of the DSC resource option is an array, then a list should be
provided but a comma separated string also work. Use a list where
possible as no escaping is required and it works with more complex types
list C(CimInstance[]).
- If the type of the DSC resource option is a C(DateTime), you should use
a string in the form of an ISO 8901 string to ensure the exact date is
- Since Ansible 2.8, Ansible will now validate the input fields against the
DSC resource definition automatically. Older versions will silently
ignore invalid fields.
type: str
required: true
- By default there are a few builtin resources that come with PowerShell 5.0,
see U( for
more information on these resources.
- Custom DSC resources can be installed with M(win_psmodule) using the I(name)
- The DSC engine run's each task as the SYSTEM account, any resources that need
to be accessed with a different account need to have C(PsDscRunAsCredential)
- To see the valid options for a DSC resource, run the module with C(-vvv) to
show the possible module invocation. Default values are not shown in this
output but are applied within the DSC engine.
- Trond Hindenes (@trondhindenes)
- name: Extract zip file
resource_name: Archive
Ensure: Present
Path: C:\Temp\
Destination: C:\Temp\Temp2
- name: Install a Windows feature with the WindowsFeature resource
resource_name: WindowsFeature
Name: telnet-client
- name: Edit HKCU reg key under specific user
resource_name: Registry
Ensure: Present
ValueName: TestValue
ValueData: TestData
PsDscRunAsCredential_username: '{{ansible_user}}'
PsDscRunAsCredential_password: '{{ansible_password}}'
no_log: true
- name: Create file with multiple attributes
resource_name: File
DestinationPath: C:\ansible\dsc
Attributes: # can also be a comma separated string, e.g. 'Hidden, System'
- Hidden
- System
Ensure: Present
Type: Directory
- name: Call DSC resource with DateTime option
resource_name: DateTimeResource
DateTimeOption: '2019-02-22T13:57:31.2311892+00:00'
# more complex example using custom DSC resource and dict values
- name: Setup the xWebAdministration module
name: xWebAdministration
state: present
- name: Create IIS Website with Binding and Authentication options
resource_name: xWebsite
Ensure: Present
Name: DSC Website
State: Started
PhysicalPath: C:\inetpub\wwwroot
BindingInfo: # Example of a CimInstance[] DSC parameter (list of dicts)
- Protocol: https
Port: 1234
CertificateStoreName: MY
CertificateThumbprint: C676A89018C4D5902353545343634F35E6B3A659
HostName: DSCTest
IPAddress: '*'
SSLFlags: '1'
- Protocol: http
Port: 4321
IPAddress: '*'
AuthenticationInfo: # Example of a CimInstance DSC parameter (dict)
Anonymous: no
Basic: true
Digest: false
Windows: yes
RETURN = r'''
description: The version of the dsc resource/module used.
returned: always
type: str
sample: "1.0.1"
description: Flag returned from the DSC engine indicating whether or not
the machine requires a reboot for the invoked changes to take effect.
returned: always
type: bool
sample: true
description: The verbose output as a list from executing the DSC test
returned: Ansible verbosity is -vvv or greater
type: list
sample: [
"Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with the following parameters, ",
"[SERVER]: LCM: [Start Test ] [[File]DirectResourceAccess]",
"Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete."
description: The verbose output as a list from executing the DSC Set
returned: Ansible verbosity is -vvv or greater and a change occurred
type: list
sample: [
"Perform operation 'Invoke CimMethod' with the following parameters, ",
"[SERVER]: LCM: [Start Set ] [[File]DirectResourceAccess]",
"Operation 'Invoke CimMethod' complete."