diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py
index 0a915a285a1..5315a90c5a3 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py
@@ -36,10 +36,11 @@ description:
- Jason Edelman (@jedelman8)
- Gabriele Gerbino (@GGabriele)
+ - Rewritten as a plugin by (@mikewiebe)
- Tested against NXOS 7.0(3)I2(5), 7.0(3)I4(6), 7.0(3)I5(3),
7.0(3)I6(1), 7.0(3)I7(3), 6.0(2)A8(8), 7.0(3)F3(4), 7.3(0)D1(1),
- 8.3(0)
+ 8.3(0), 9.2, 9.3
- When pushing files (file_pull is False) to the NXOS device,
feature scp-server must be enabled.
- When pulling files (file_pull is True) to the NXOS device,
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ options:
- When (file_pull is False) this is the path to the local file on the Ansible controller.
The local directory must exist.
- - When (file_pull is True) this is the file name used on the NXOS device.
+ - When (file_pull is True) this is the target file name on the NXOS device.
- When (file_pull is False) this is the remote file path on the NXOS device.
@@ -66,13 +67,13 @@ options:
server to be copied to the NXOS device.
- - The remote file system of the device. If omitted,
+ - The remote file system on the nxos device. If omitted,
devices that support a I(file_system) parameter will use
their default values.
default: "bootflash:"
- - SSH port to connect to server during transfer of file
+ - SSH server port used for file transfer.
default: 22
version_added: "2.5"
@@ -85,33 +86,53 @@ options:
type: bool
default: False
version_added: "2.7"
+ file_pull_compact:
+ description:
+ - When file_pull is True, this is used to compact nxos image files.
+ This option can only be used with nxos image files.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
+ type: bool
+ default: False
+ version_added: "2.9"
+ file_pull_kstack:
+ description:
+ - When file_pull is True, this can be used to speed up file copies when
+ the nxos running image supports the use-kstack option.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
+ type: bool
+ default: False
+ version_added: "2.9"
- When (file_pull is True) file is copied from a remote SCP server to the NXOS device,
and written to this directory on the NXOS device. If the directory does not exist, it
will be created under the file_system. This is an optional parameter.
- - When (file_pull is False), this not used.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
version_added: "2.7"
- Use this parameter to set timeout in seconds, when transferring
large files or when the network is slow.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
default: 300
version_added: "2.7"
- - The remote scp server address which is used to pull the file.
+ - The remote scp server address when file_pull is True.
This is required if file_pull is True.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
version_added: "2.7"
- - The remote scp server username which is used to pull the file.
+ - The remote scp server username when file_pull is True.
This is required if file_pull is True.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
version_added: "2.7"
- - The remote scp server password which is used to pull the file.
+ - The remote scp server password when file_pull is True.
This is required if file_pull is True.
+ - When (file_pull is False), this is not used.
version_added: "2.7"
@@ -143,8 +164,7 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
RETURN = '''
- description: Whether a file was transferred. "No Transfer" or "Sent".
- If file_pull is successful, it is set to "Received".
+ description: Whether a file was transferred to the nxos device.
returned: success
type: str
sample: 'Sent'
@@ -158,300 +178,14 @@ remote_file:
returned: success
type: str
sample: '/path/to/remote/file'
+ description: The name of the scp server when file_pull is True.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+ sample: 'fileserver.example.com'
+ description: Indicates wheather or not the file was copied.
+ returned: success
+ type: bool
+ sample: true
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.compat.paramiko import paramiko
-from ansible.module_utils.network.nxos.nxos import run_commands
-from ansible.module_utils.network.nxos.nxos import nxos_argument_spec, check_args
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
- from scp import SCPClient
- HAS_SCP = True
-except ImportError:
- HAS_SCP = False
- import pexpect
-except ImportError:
-def md5sum_check(module, dst, file_system):
- command = 'show file {0}{1} md5sum'.format(file_system, dst)
- remote_filehash = run_commands(module, {'command': command, 'output': 'text'})[0]
- remote_filehash = to_bytes(remote_filehash, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- local_file = module.params['local_file']
- try:
- with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:
- filecontent = f.read()
- except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg="Error reading the file: %s" % to_text(exc))
- filecontent = to_bytes(filecontent, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- local_filehash = hashlib.md5(filecontent).hexdigest()
- if local_filehash == remote_filehash:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def remote_file_exists(module, dst, file_system='bootflash:'):
- command = 'dir {0}/{1}'.format(file_system, dst)
- body = run_commands(module, {'command': command, 'output': 'text'})[0]
- if 'No such file' in body:
- return False
- else:
- return md5sum_check(module, dst, file_system)
-def verify_remote_file_exists(module, dst, file_system='bootflash:'):
- command = 'dir {0}/{1}'.format(file_system, dst)
- body = run_commands(module, {'command': command, 'output': 'text'})[0]
- if 'No such file' in body:
- return 0
- return body.split()[0].strip()
-def local_file_exists(module):
- return os.path.isfile(module.params['local_file'])
-def get_flash_size(module):
- command = 'dir {0}'.format(module.params['file_system'])
- body = run_commands(module, {'command': command, 'output': 'text'})[0]
- match = re.search(r'(\d+) bytes free', body)
- bytes_free = match.group(1)
- return int(bytes_free)
-def enough_space(module):
- flash_size = get_flash_size(module)
- file_size = os.path.getsize(module.params['local_file'])
- if file_size > flash_size:
- return False
- return True
-def transfer_file_to_device(module, dest):
- file_size = os.path.getsize(module.params['local_file'])
- if not enough_space(module):
- module.fail_json(msg='Could not transfer file. Not enough space on device.')
- hostname = module.params['host']
- username = module.params['username']
- password = module.params['password']
- port = module.params['connect_ssh_port']
- ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
- ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- ssh.connect(
- hostname=hostname,
- username=username,
- password=password,
- port=port)
- full_remote_path = '{0}{1}'.format(module.params['file_system'], dest)
- scp = SCPClient(ssh.get_transport())
- try:
- scp.put(module.params['local_file'], full_remote_path)
- except Exception:
- time.sleep(10)
- temp_size = verify_remote_file_exists(
- module, dest, file_system=module.params['file_system'])
- if int(temp_size) == int(file_size):
- pass
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='Could not transfer file. There was an error '
- 'during transfer. Please make sure remote '
- 'permissions are set.', temp_size=temp_size,
- file_size=file_size)
- scp.close()
- ssh.close()
- return True
-def copy_file_from_remote(module, local, local_file_directory, file_system='bootflash:'):
- hostname = module.params['host']
- username = module.params['username']
- password = module.params['password']
- port = module.params['connect_ssh_port']
- try:
- child = pexpect.spawn('ssh ' + username + '@' + hostname + ' -p' + str(port))
- # response could be unknown host addition or Password
- index = child.expect(['yes', '(?i)Password', '#'])
- if index == 0:
- child.sendline('yes')
- child.expect('(?i)Password')
- if index == 1:
- child.sendline(password)
- child.expect('#')
- ldir = '/'
- if local_file_directory:
- dir_array = local_file_directory.split('/')
- for each in dir_array:
- if each:
- child.sendline('mkdir ' + ldir + each)
- child.expect('#')
- ldir += each + '/'
- cmdroot = 'copy scp://'
- ruser = module.params['remote_scp_server_user'] + '@'
- rserver = module.params['remote_scp_server']
- rfile = module.params['remote_file'] + ' '
- vrf = ' vrf ' + module.params['vrf']
- command = (cmdroot + ruser + rserver + rfile + file_system + ldir + local + vrf)
- child.sendline(command)
- # response could be remote host connection time out,
- # there is already an existing file with the same name,
- # unknown host addition or password
- index = child.expect(['timed out', 'existing', 'yes', '(?i)password'], timeout=180)
- if index == 0:
- module.fail_json(msg='Timeout occured due to remote scp server not responding')
- elif index == 1:
- child.sendline('y')
- # response could be unknown host addition or Password
- sub_index = child.expect(['yes', '(?i)password'])
- if sub_index == 0:
- child.sendline('yes')
- child.expect('(?i)password')
- elif index == 2:
- child.sendline('yes')
- child.expect('(?i)password')
- child.sendline(module.params['remote_scp_server_password'])
- fpt = module.params['file_pull_timeout']
- # response could be that there is no space left on device,
- # permission denied due to wrong user/password,
- # remote file non-existent or success,
- # timeout due to large file transfer or network too slow,
- # success
- index = child.expect(['No space', 'Permission denied', 'No such file', pexpect.TIMEOUT, '#'], timeout=fpt)
- if index == 0:
- module.fail_json(msg='File copy failed due to no space left on the device')
- elif index == 1:
- module.fail_json(msg='Username/Password for remote scp server is wrong')
- elif index == 2:
- module.fail_json(msg='File copy failed due to remote file not present')
- elif index == 3:
- module.fail_json(msg='Timeout occured, please increase "file_pull_timeout" and try again!')
- except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='%s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- child.close()
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- local_file=dict(type='str'),
- remote_file=dict(type='str'),
- file_system=dict(required=False, default='bootflash:'),
- connect_ssh_port=dict(required=False, type='int', default=22),
- file_pull=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- file_pull_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300),
- local_file_directory=dict(required=False, type='str'),
- remote_scp_server=dict(type='str'),
- remote_scp_server_user=dict(type='str'),
- remote_scp_server_password=dict(no_log=True),
- vrf=dict(required=False, type='str', default='management'),
- )
- argument_spec.update(nxos_argument_spec)
- required_if = [("file_pull", True, ["remote_file", "remote_scp_server"]),
- ("file_pull", False, ["local_file"])]
- required_together = [['remote_scp_server',
- 'remote_scp_server_user',
- 'remote_scp_server_password']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_if=required_if,
- required_together=required_together,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- file_pull = module.params['file_pull']
- if file_pull:
- if not HAS_PEXPECT:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='library pexpect is required when file_pull is True but does not appear to be '
- 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install pexpect`'
- )
- else:
- if paramiko is None:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='library paramiko is required when file_pull is False but does not appear to be '
- 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install paramiko`'
- )
- if not HAS_SCP:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='library scp is required when file_pull is False but does not appear to be '
- 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install scp`'
- )
- warnings = list()
- check_args(module, warnings)
- results = dict(changed=False, warnings=warnings)
- local_file = module.params['local_file']
- remote_file = module.params['remote_file']
- file_system = module.params['file_system']
- local_file_directory = module.params['local_file_directory']
- results['transfer_status'] = 'No Transfer'
- results['file_system'] = file_system
- if file_pull:
- src = remote_file.split('/')[-1]
- local = local_file or src
- if not module.check_mode:
- copy_file_from_remote(module, local, local_file_directory, file_system=file_system)
- results['transfer_status'] = 'Received'
- results['changed'] = True
- results['remote_file'] = src
- results['local_file'] = local
- else:
- if not local_file_exists(module):
- module.fail_json(msg="Local file {0} not found".format(local_file))
- dest = remote_file or os.path.basename(local_file)
- remote_exists = remote_file_exists(module, dest, file_system=file_system)
- if not remote_exists:
- results['changed'] = True
- file_exists = False
- else:
- file_exists = True
- if not module.check_mode and not file_exists:
- transfer_file_to_device(module, dest)
- results['transfer_status'] = 'Sent'
- results['local_file'] = local_file
- if remote_file is None:
- remote_file = os.path.basename(local_file)
- results['remote_file'] = remote_file
- module.exit_json(**results)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/action/nxos_file_copy.py b/lib/ansible/plugins/action/nxos_file_copy.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..444d3196d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/action/nxos_file_copy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+import copy
+import hashlib
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import uuid
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes
+from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection
+from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit
+from ansible.utils.display import Display
+from ansible.module_utils.compat.paramiko import paramiko
+from ansible.module_utils.network.nxos.nxos import run_commands
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils import six
+ from scp import SCPClient
+ HAS_SCP = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_SCP = False
+ import pexpect
+except ImportError:
+display = Display()
+class ActionModule(ActionBase):
+ def process_playbook_values(self):
+ ''' Get playbook values and perform input validation '''
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ vrf=dict(type='str', default='management'),
+ connect_ssh_port=dict(type='int', default=22),
+ file_system=dict(type='str', default='bootflash:'),
+ file_pull=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ file_pull_timeout=dict(type='int', default=300),
+ file_pull_compact=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ file_pull_kstack=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ local_file=dict(type='str'),
+ local_file_directory=dict(type='str'),
+ remote_file=dict(type='str'),
+ remote_scp_server=dict(type='str'),
+ remote_scp_server_user=dict(type='str'),
+ remote_scp_server_password=dict(no_log=True),
+ )
+ playvals = {}
+ # Process key value pairs from playbook task
+ for key in argument_spec.keys():
+ playvals[key] = self._task.args.get(key, argument_spec[key].get('default'))
+ if playvals[key] is None:
+ continue
+ if argument_spec[key].get('type') is None:
+ argument_spec[key]['type'] = 'str'
+ type_ok = False
+ type = argument_spec[key]['type']
+ if type == 'str':
+ if isinstance(playvals[key], six.string_types):
+ type_ok = True
+ elif type == 'int':
+ if isinstance(playvals[key], int):
+ type_ok = True
+ elif type == 'bool':
+ if isinstance(playvals[key], bool):
+ type_ok = True
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError('Unrecognized type <{0}> for playbook parameter <{1}>'.format(type, key))
+ if not type_ok:
+ raise AnsibleError('Playbook parameter <{0}> value should be of type <{1}>'.format(key, type))
+ # Validate playbook dependencies
+ if playvals['file_pull']:
+ if playvals.get('remote_file') is None:
+ raise AnsibleError('Playbook parameter required when is True')
+ if playvals.get('remote_scp_server') is None:
+ raise AnsibleError('Playbook parameter required when is True')
+ if playvals['remote_scp_server'] or \
+ playvals['remote_scp_server_user'] or \
+ playvals['remote_scp_server_password']:
+ if None in (playvals['remote_scp_server'],
+ playvals['remote_scp_server_user'],
+ playvals['remote_scp_server_password']):
+ params = ', , ,remote_scp_server_password>'
+ raise AnsibleError('Playbook parameters {0} must all be set together'.format(params))
+ return playvals
+ def check_library_dependencies(self, file_pull):
+ if file_pull:
+ if not HAS_PEXPECT:
+ msg = 'library pexpect is required when file_pull is True but does not appear to be '
+ msg += 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install pexpect`'
+ raise AnsibleError(msg)
+ else:
+ if paramiko is None:
+ msg = 'library paramiko is required when file_pull is False but does not appear to be '
+ msg += 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install paramiko`'
+ raise AnsibleError(msg)
+ if not HAS_SCP:
+ msg = 'library scp is required when file_pull is False but does not appear to be '
+ msg += 'installed. It can be installed using `pip install scp`'
+ raise AnsibleError(msg)
+ def md5sum_check(self, dst, file_system):
+ command = 'show file {0}{1} md5sum'.format(file_system, dst)
+ remote_filehash = self.conn.exec_command(command)
+ remote_filehash = to_bytes(remote_filehash, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
+ local_file = self.playvals['local_file']
+ try:
+ with open(local_file, 'rb') as f:
+ filecontent = f.read()
+ except (OSError, IOError) as exc:
+ raise AnsibleError('Error reading the file: {0}'.format(to_text(exc)))
+ filecontent = to_bytes(filecontent, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
+ local_filehash = hashlib.md5(filecontent).hexdigest()
+ if local_filehash == remote_filehash:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def remote_file_exists(self, remote_file, file_system):
+ command = 'dir {0}/{1}'.format(file_system, remote_file)
+ body = self.conn.exec_command(command)
+ if 'No such file' in body:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return self.md5sum_check(remote_file, file_system)
+ def verify_remote_file_exists(self, dst, file_system):
+ command = 'dir {0}/{1}'.format(file_system, dst)
+ body = self.conn.exec_command(command)
+ if 'No such file' in body:
+ return 0
+ return body.split()[0].strip()
+ def local_file_exists(self, file):
+ return os.path.isfile(file)
+ def get_flash_size(self, file_system):
+ command = 'dir {0}'.format(file_system)
+ body = self.conn.exec_command(command)
+ match = re.search(r'(\d+) bytes free', body)
+ if match:
+ bytes_free = match.group(1)
+ return int(bytes_free)
+ match = re.search(r'No such file or directory', body)
+ if match:
+ raise AnsibleError('Invalid nxos filesystem {0}'.format(file_system))
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError('Unable to determine size of filesystem {0}'.format(file_system))
+ def enough_space(self, file, file_system):
+ flash_size = self.get_flash_size(file_system)
+ file_size = os.path.getsize(file)
+ if file_size > flash_size:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def transfer_file_to_device(self, remote_file):
+ timeout = self.socket_timeout
+ local_file = self.playvals['local_file']
+ file_system = self.playvals['file_system']
+ file_size = os.path.getsize(local_file)
+ if not self.enough_space(local_file, file_system):
+ raise AnsibleError('Could not transfer file. Not enough space on device.')
+ # frp = full_remote_path, flp = full_local_path
+ frp = '{0}{1}'.format(file_system, remote_file)
+ flp = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(local_file))
+ try:
+ self.conn.copy_file(source=flp, destination=frp, proto='scp', timeout=timeout)
+ except Exception as exc:
+ self.results['failed'] = True
+ self.results['msg'] = ('Exception received : %s' % exc)
+ def file_push(self):
+ local_file = self.playvals['local_file']
+ remote_file = self.playvals['remote_file'] or os.path.basename(local_file)
+ file_system = self.playvals['file_system']
+ if not self.local_file_exists(local_file):
+ raise AnsibleError('Local file {0} not found'.format(local_file))
+ remote_file = remote_file or os.path.basename(local_file)
+ remote_exists = self.remote_file_exists(remote_file, file_system)
+ if not remote_exists:
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ file_exists = False
+ else:
+ self.results['transfer_status'] = 'No Transfer: File already copied to remote device.'
+ file_exists = True
+ if not self.play_context.check_mode and not file_exists:
+ self.transfer_file_to_device(remote_file)
+ self.results['transfer_status'] = 'Sent: File copied to remote device.'
+ self.results['local_file'] = local_file
+ if remote_file is None:
+ remote_file = os.path.basename(local_file)
+ self.results['remote_file'] = remote_file
+ def copy_file_from_remote(self, local, local_file_directory, file_system):
+ self.results['failed'] = False
+ nxos_hostname = self.play_context.remote_addr
+ nxos_username = self.play_context.remote_user
+ nxos_password = self.play_context.password
+ port = self.playvals['connect_ssh_port']
+ # Build copy command components that will be used to initiate copy from the nxos device.
+ cmdroot = 'copy scp://'
+ ruser = self.playvals['remote_scp_server_user'] + '@'
+ rserver = self.playvals['remote_scp_server']
+ rfile = self.playvals['remote_file'] + ' '
+ vrf = ' vrf ' + self.playvals['vrf']
+ local_dir_root = '/'
+ if self.playvals['file_pull_compact']:
+ compact = ' compact '
+ else:
+ compact = ''
+ if self.playvals['file_pull_kstack']:
+ kstack = ' use-kstack '
+ else:
+ kstack = ''
+ def process_outcomes(session, timeout=None):
+ if timeout is None:
+ timeout = 10
+ outcome = {}
+ outcome['user_response_required'] = False
+ outcome['password_prompt_detected'] = False
+ outcome['existing_file_with_same_name'] = False
+ outcome['final_prompt_detected'] = False
+ outcome['copy_complete'] = False
+ outcome['expect_timeout'] = False
+ outcome['error'] = False
+ outcome['error_data'] = None
+ # Possible outcomes key:
+ # 0) - Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)
+ # 1) - Password: or @servers's password:
+ # 2) - Warning: There is already a file existing with this name. Do you want to overwrite (y/n)?[n]
+ # 3) - Timeout conditions
+ # 4) - No space on nxos device file_system
+ # 5) - Username/Password or file permission issues
+ # 6) - File does not exist on remote scp server
+ # 7) - invalid nxos command
+ # 8) - compact option not supported
+ # 9) - compaction attempt failed
+ # 10) - other failures like attempting to compact non image file
+ # 11) - failure to resolve hostname
+ # 12) - Too many authentication failures
+ # 13) - Copy to / from this server not permitted
+ # 14) - Copy completed without issues
+ # 15) - nxos_router_prompt#
+ # 16) - pexpect timeout
+ possible_outcomes = ['yes',
+ '(?i)Password',
+ 'file existing with this name',
+ 'timed out',
+ '(?i)No space.*#',
+ '(?i)Permission denied.*#',
+ '(?i)No such file.*#',
+ '.*Invalid command.*#',
+ 'Compaction is not supported on this platform.*#',
+ 'Compact of.*failed.*#',
+ '(?i)Failed.*#',
+ '(?i)Could not resolve hostname',
+ '(?i)Too many authentication failures',
+ r'(?i)Copying to\/from this server name is not permitted',
+ '(?i)Copy complete',
+ r'#\s',
+ pexpect.TIMEOUT]
+ index = session.expect(possible_outcomes, timeout=timeout)
+ # Each index maps to items in possible_outcomes
+ if index == 0:
+ outcome['user_response_required'] = True
+ return outcome
+ elif index == 1:
+ outcome['password_prompt_detected'] = True
+ return outcome
+ elif index == 2:
+ outcome['existing_file_with_same_name'] = True
+ return outcome
+ elif index in [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]:
+ before = session.before.strip().replace(' \x08', '')
+ after = session.after.strip().replace(' \x08', '')
+ outcome['error'] = True
+ outcome['error_data'] = 'COMMAND {0} ERROR {1}'.format(before, after)
+ return outcome
+ elif index == 14:
+ outcome['copy_complete'] = True
+ return outcome
+ elif index == 15:
+ outcome['final_prompt_detected'] = True
+ return outcome
+ elif index == 16:
+ # The before property will contain all text up to the expected string pattern.
+ # The after string will contain the text that was matched by the expected pattern.
+ outcome['expect_timeout'] = True
+ outcome['error_data'] = 'Expect Timeout error occured: BEFORE {0} AFTER {1}'.format(session.before, session.after)
+ return outcome
+ else:
+ outcome['error'] = True
+ outcome['error_data'] = 'Unrecognized error occured: BEFORE {0} AFTER {1}'.format(session.before, session.after)
+ return outcome
+ return outcome
+ # Spawn pexpect connection to NX-OS device.
+ nxos_session = pexpect.spawn('ssh ' + nxos_username + '@' + nxos_hostname + ' -p' + str(port))
+ # There might be multiple user_response_required prompts or intermittent timeouts
+ # spawning the expect session so loop up to 5 times during the spwan process.
+ for connect_attempt in range(6):
+ outcome = process_outcomes(nxos_session)
+ if outcome['user_response_required']:
+ nxos_session.sendline('yes')
+ continue
+ if outcome['password_prompt_detected']:
+ nxos_session.sendline(nxos_password)
+ continue
+ if outcome['final_prompt_detected']:
+ break
+ if outcome['error'] or outcome['expect_timeout']:
+ self.results['failed'] = True
+ self.results['error_data'] = 'Failed to spawn expect session! ' + outcome['error_data']
+ return
+ else:
+ # The before property will contain all text up to the expected string pattern.
+ # The after string will contain the text that was matched by the expected pattern.
+ msg = 'After {0} attempts, failed to spawn pexpect session to {1}'
+ msg += 'BEFORE: {2}, AFTER: {3}'
+ raise AnsibleError(msg.format(connect_attempt, nxos_hostname, nxos_session.before, nxos_session.before))
+ # Create local file directory under NX-OS filesystem if
+ # local_file_directory playbook parameter is set.
+ if local_file_directory:
+ dir_array = local_file_directory.split('/')
+ for each in dir_array:
+ if each:
+ mkdir_cmd = 'mkdir ' + local_dir_root + each
+ nxos_session.sendline(mkdir_cmd)
+ outcome = process_outcomes(nxos_session)
+ if outcome['error'] or outcome['expect_timeout']:
+ self.results['mkdir_cmd'] = mkdir_cmd
+ self.results['failed'] = True
+ self.results['error_data'] = outcome['error_data']
+ return
+ local_dir_root += each + '/'
+ # Initiate file copy
+ copy_cmd = (cmdroot + ruser + rserver + rfile + file_system + local_dir_root + local + compact + vrf + kstack)
+ self.results['copy_cmd'] = copy_cmd
+ nxos_session.sendline(copy_cmd)
+ for copy_attempt in range(6):
+ outcome = process_outcomes(nxos_session, self.playvals['file_pull_timeout'])
+ if outcome['user_response_required']:
+ nxos_session.sendline('yes')
+ continue
+ if outcome['password_prompt_detected']:
+ nxos_session.sendline(self.playvals['remote_scp_server_password'])
+ continue
+ if outcome['existing_file_with_same_name']:
+ nxos_session.sendline('y')
+ continue
+ if outcome['copy_complete']:
+ self.results['transfer_status'] = 'Received: File copied/pulled to nxos device from remote scp server.'
+ break
+ if outcome['error'] or outcome['expect_timeout']:
+ self.results['failed'] = True
+ self.results['error_data'] = outcome['error_data']
+ return
+ else:
+ # The before property will contain all text up to the expected string pattern.
+ # The after string will contain the text that was matched by the expected pattern.
+ msg = 'After {0} attempts, failed to copy file to {1}'
+ msg += 'BEFORE: {2}, AFTER: {3}, CMD: {4}'
+ raise AnsibleError(msg.format(copy_attempt, nxos_hostname, nxos_session.before, nxos_session.before, copy_cmd))
+ def file_pull(self):
+ local_file = self.playvals['local_file']
+ remote_file = self.playvals['remote_file']
+ file_system = self.playvals['file_system']
+ # Note: This is the local file directory on the remote nxos device.
+ local_file_dir = self.playvals['local_file_directory']
+ local_file = local_file or self.playvals['remote_file'].split('/')[-1]
+ if not self.play_context.check_mode:
+ self.copy_file_from_remote(local_file, local_file_dir, file_system)
+ if not self.results['failed']:
+ self.results['changed'] = True
+ self.results['remote_file'] = remote_file
+ if local_file_dir:
+ dir = local_file_dir
+ else:
+ dir = ''
+ self.results['local_file'] = file_system + dir + '/' + local_file
+ self.results['remote_scp_server'] = self.playvals['remote_scp_server']
+ # This is the main run method for the action plugin to copy files
+ def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
+ socket_path = None
+ self.play_context = copy.deepcopy(self._play_context)
+ self.results = super(ActionModule, self).run(task_vars=task_vars)
+ if self.play_context.connection != 'network_cli':
+ # Plugin is supported only with network_cli
+ self.results['failed'] = True
+ self.results['msg'] = ('Connection type must be ')
+ return self.results
+ # Get playbook values
+ self.playvals = self.process_playbook_values()
+ file_pull = self.playvals['file_pull']
+ self.check_library_dependencies(file_pull)
+ if socket_path is None:
+ socket_path = self._connection.socket_path
+ self.conn = Connection(socket_path)
+ self.socket_timeout = self.conn.get_option('persistent_command_timeout')
+ # This action plugin support two modes of operation.
+ # - file_pull is False - Push files from the ansible controller to nxos switch.
+ # - file_pull is True - Initiate copy from the device to pull files to the nxos switch.
+ self.results['transfer_status'] = 'No Transfer'
+ self.results['file_system'] = self.playvals['file_system']
+ if file_pull:
+ self.file_pull()
+ else:
+ self.file_push()
+ return self.results
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/meta/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/meta/main.yml
index ae741cbdc71..1530e79eedd 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/meta/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/meta/main.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
- - prepare_nxos_tests
+ # prepare_nxos_tests is not needed for this test and simply adds overhead.
+ # This can be uncommented in the future if needed.
+ #
+ # - prepare_nxos_tests
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tasks/cli.yaml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tasks/cli.yaml
index ac06cd7ea72..92438126684 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tasks/cli.yaml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tasks/cli.yaml
@@ -25,9 +25,3 @@
with_items: "{{ test_items }}"
loop_var: test_case_to_run
-- name: run test cases (connection=local)
- include: "{{ test_case_to_run }} ansible_connection=local"
- with_items: "{{ test_items }}"
- loop_control:
- loop_var: test_case_to_run
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/input_validation.yaml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/input_validation.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..606633f0b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/input_validation.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+- debug: msg="START nxos_file_copy input_validation test"
+- name: "Input Validation - param should be type "
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ remote_file: 500
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameter value should be of type ')
+- name: "Input Validation - param should be type "
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull_timeout: 'foobar'
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameter value should be of type ')
+- name: "Input Validation - param should be type "
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: 'foobar'
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameter value should be of type ')
+- name: "Input Validation - param dependency"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameter required when is True')
+- name: "Input Validation - param dependency"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ remote_file: "/network-integration.cfg"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameter required when is True')
+- name: "Input Validation - remote_scp_server params together"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Playbook parameters , , ,remote_scp_server_password> must all be set together')
+- debug: msg="END nxos_file_copy input_validation test"
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/negative.yaml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/negative.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..58d091663c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/negative.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+- debug: msg="START nxos_file_copy negative test"
+# This test uses a file that is committed to the Ansible core repository.
+# The file name and relative path is test/integration/targets/network-integration.cfg
+- set_fact: test_source_file="network-integration.cfg"
+- set_fact: test_destination_file="test_destination_file"
+# -------------------------
+# Tests for file_pull False
+# -------------------------
+- name: "Attempt to copy file to invalid file_system"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: False
+ local_file: "./{{ test_source_file }}"
+ file_system: "invalid_media_type:"
+ connect_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Invalid nxos filesystem invalid_media_type:')
+- name: "Attempt to copy source file that does not exist on Ansible controller"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: False
+ local_file: "./{{ test_source_file }}_does_not_exist"
+ file_system: "bootflash:"
+ connect_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result is search('Local file ./network-integration.cfg_does_not_exist not found')
+# -------------------------
+# Tests for file_pull True
+# -------------------------
+- name: "Try and copy file using an invalid remote scp server name"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ file_pull_timeout: 10
+ remote_file: "/{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ local_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: "scp_server_gone.example.com"
+ remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == false"
+ - "'copy scp:' in result.copy_cmd"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'No Transfer' in result.transfer_status"
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.error_data is search("ERROR Could not resolve hostname|Copying to.*from this server name is not permitted")
+- name: "Try and copy file using an invalid remote scp server ip address"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ file_pull_timeout: 300
+ remote_file: "/{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ local_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: ""
+ remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == false"
+ - "'copy scp:' in result.copy_cmd"
+ - "'timed out' in result.error_data"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'No Transfer' in result.transfer_status"
+# Sometimes the previous negative test needs a few seconds after the timeout
+# failure before the next negative test is executed.
+- pause:
+ seconds: 10
+- name: "Try and copy file using an invalid username"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ file_pull_timeout: 10
+ remote_file: "/{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ local_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ remote_scp_server_user: "invalid_user_name"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == false"
+ - "'copy scp:' in result.copy_cmd"
+ - "'Too many authentication failures' in result.error_data"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'No Transfer' in result.transfer_status"
+- name: "Try and copy file using an invalid password"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: True
+ file_pull_timeout: 10
+ remote_file: "/{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ local_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "invalid_password"
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: true
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == false"
+ - "'copy scp:' in result.copy_cmd"
+ - "'Too many authentication failures' in result.error_data"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'No Transfer' in result.transfer_status"
+- debug: msg="END nxos_file_copy negative test"
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/sanity.yaml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/sanity.yaml
index e8494e59a3c..3fa3ea84f34 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/sanity.yaml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/cli/sanity.yaml
@@ -1,35 +1,45 @@
- debug: msg="START connection={{ ansible_connection }} nxos_file_copy sanity test"
+# This test uses a file that is committed to the Ansible core repository.
+# The file name and relative path is test/integration/targets/network-integration.cfg
+- set_fact: test_source_file="network-integration.cfg"
+- set_fact: test_destination_file="test_destination_file"
- name: "Setup - Remove existing file"
nxos_command: &remove_file
- terminal dont-ask
- - delete network-integration.cfg
- - delete bootflash:/dir1/dir2/dir3/network-integration_copy.cfg
+ - "delete {{ test_source_file }}"
+ - "delete {{ test_destination_file }}"
+ - "delete bootflash:/dir1/dir2/dir3/*"
- rmdir dir1/dir2/dir3
- rmdir dir1/dir2
- rmdir dir1
ignore_errors: yes
- name: "Setup - Turn on feature scp-server"
- nxos_feature:
+ nxos_feature:
feature: scp-server
state: enabled
- block:
- - name: "Copy network-integration.cfg to bootflash"
+ - name: "Copy {{ test_source_file }} file from Ansible controller to bootflash"
nxos_file_copy: ©_file_same_name
- local_file: "./network-integration.cfg"
+ local_file: "./{{ test_source_file }}"
file_system: "bootflash:"
connect_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
register: result
- - assert: &true
+ - assert:
- "result.changed == true"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'./{{ test_source_file }}' in result.local_file"
+ - "'network-integration.cfg' in result.remote_file"
+ - "'Sent: File copied to remote device.' in result.transfer_status"
- - name: "Check Idempotence - Copy network-integration.cfg to bootflash"
+ - name: "Idempotence - Copy {{ test_source_file }} file from Ansible controller to bootflash"
nxos_file_copy: *copy_file_same_name
register: result
@@ -41,47 +51,77 @@
nxos_command: *remove_file
register: result
- - name: "Copy inventory.networking.template to bootflash as another name"
+ - name: "Copy {{ test_source_file }} file from Ansible controller to bootflash renamed as {{ test_destination_file }}"
nxos_file_copy: ©_file_different_name
- local_file: "./inventory.networking.template"
- remote_file: "network-integration.cfg"
+ local_file: "./{{ test_source_file }}"
+ remote_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}"
file_system: "bootflash:"
connect_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
register: result
- - assert: *true
+ - assert:
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == true"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'./{{ test_source_file }}' in result.local_file"
+ - "'{{ test_destination_file }}' in result.remote_file"
+ - "'Sent: File copied to remote device.' in result.transfer_status"
- - name: "Check Idempotence - Copy inventory.networking.template to bootflash as another name"
+ - name: "Idempotence - Copy {{ test_source_file }} file from Ansible controller to bootflash renamed as {{ test_destination_file }}"
nxos_file_copy: *copy_file_different_name
register: result
+ - name: "Verify file_pull true options have no impact when file_true is false"
+ nxos_file_copy:
+ file_pull: False
+ file_pull_timeout: 1200
+ file_pull_compact: True
+ file_pull_kstack: True
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
+ # Parameters above are only used when file_pull is True
+ local_file: "./{{ test_source_file }}"
+ remote_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ file_system: "bootflash:"
+ connect_ssh_port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
+ register: result
- assert: *false
- - block:
- - name: "Copy file using file_pull"
- nxos_file_copy: ©_pull
- file_pull: True
- file_pull_timeout: 1200
- remote_file: "/network-integration.cfg"
- local_file: "network-integration_copy.cfg"
- local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
- remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
- remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
- remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
- register: result
+ # This step validates the ability to initiate the copy from the nxos device
+ # to pull a file from a remote file server to the nxos bootflash device.
+ #
+ # In this case we are using the nxos device as the remote file server so we
+ # copy a file from bootflash: to bootflash:dir1/dir2/dir3
+ - name: "Initiate copy from nxos device to copy {{ test_destination_file }} to bootflash:dir1/dir2/dir3/{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ nxos_file_copy: ©_pull
+ file_pull: True
+ file_pull_timeout: 30
+ remote_file: "/{{ test_destination_file }}"
+ local_file: "{{ test_destination_file }}_copy"
+ local_file_directory: "dir1/dir2/dir3"
+ remote_scp_server: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ remote_scp_server_user: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
+ remote_scp_server_password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
+ register: result
- - assert: *true
+ - assert: &overwrite
+ that:
+ - "result.changed == true"
+ - "'copy scp:' in result.copy_cmd"
+ - "'bootflash:' in result.file_system"
+ - "'bootflash:dir1/dir2/dir3/{{ test_destination_file }}_copy' in result.local_file"
+ - "'/{{ test_destination_file }}' in result.remote_file"
+ - "'Received: File copied/pulled to nxos device from remote scp server.' in result.transfer_status"
+ - "'{{ inventory_hostname_short }}' in result.remote_scp_server"
- - name: "Overwrite the file"
- nxos_file_copy: *copy_pull
- register: result
+ - name: "Overwrite the file"
+ nxos_file_copy: *copy_pull
+ register: result
- - assert: *true
- ignore_errors: yes
- rescue:
- - debug: msg="TRANSPORT:CLI nxos_file_copy failure detected"
+ - assert: *overwrite
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/nxapi/badtransport.yaml b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/nxapi/badtransport.yaml
index de0693d51aa..7cd44709ea0 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/nxapi/badtransport.yaml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/nxos_file_copy/tests/nxapi/badtransport.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@
- assert:
- - result.failed and result.msg is search('Transport')
+ - result.failed and result.msg is search('Connection type must be ')
- debug: msg="END nxapi/badtransport.yaml"
diff --git a/test/sanity/ignore.txt b/test/sanity/ignore.txt
index 3d32bb24b9d..22ed554e7c8 100644
--- a/test/sanity/ignore.txt
+++ b/test/sanity/ignore.txt
@@ -4221,12 +4221,6 @@ lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_feature.py validate-modules:doc-default-do
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_feature.py validate-modules:doc-default-incompatible-type
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_feature.py validate-modules:parameter-type-not-in-doc
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_feature.py validate-modules:doc-missing-type
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py future-import-boilerplate
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py metaclass-boilerplate
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py validate-modules:doc-default-does-not-match-spec
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py validate-modules:doc-default-incompatible-type
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py validate-modules:parameter-type-not-in-doc
-lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_file_copy.py validate-modules:doc-missing-type
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_gir.py future-import-boilerplate
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_gir.py metaclass-boilerplate
lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/nxos_gir.py validate-modules:doc-default-does-not-match-spec