Some beginning python3 porting for

This commit is contained in:
Toshio Kuratomi 2016-04-27 07:15:51 -07:00
parent caa8fffa01
commit 07e0fceb61

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@ -81,7 +81,6 @@
# agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License
# Agreement.
import httplib
import netrc
import os
import re
@ -91,7 +90,13 @@ import platform
import tempfile
import base64
from ansible.module_utils.basic import get_distribution
from ansible.module_utils.basic import get_distribution, get_exception
import httplib
except ImportError:
# Python 3
import http.client as httplib
import urllib2
@ -664,7 +669,8 @@ class SSLValidationHandler(urllib2.BaseHandler):
# close the ssl connection
except (ssl.SSLError, socket.error), e:
except (ssl.SSLError, socket.error):
e = get_exception()
# fail if we tried all of the certs but none worked
if 'connection refused' in str(e).lower():
raise ConnectionError('Failed to connect to %s:%s.' % (self.hostname, self.port))
@ -888,27 +894,33 @@ def fetch_url(module, url, data=None, headers=None, method=None,
info.update(dict(msg="OK (%s bytes)" % r.headers.get('Content-Length', 'unknown'), url=r.geturl(), status=r.getcode()))
except NoSSLError, e:
except NoSSLError:
e = get_exception()
distribution = get_distribution()
if distribution is not None and distribution.lower() == 'redhat':
module.fail_json(msg='%s. You can also install python-ssl from EPEL' % str(e))
module.fail_json(msg='%s' % str(e))
except (ConnectionError, ValueError), e:
except (ConnectionError, ValueError):
e = get_exception()
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
except urllib2.HTTPError:
e = get_exception()
body =
except AttributeError:
body = ''
info.update(dict(msg=str(e), body=body, **
info['status'] = e.code
except urllib2.URLError, e:
except urllib2.URLError:
e = get_exception()
code = int(getattr(e, 'code', -1))
info.update(dict(msg="Request failed: %s" % str(e), status=code))
except socket.error, e:
except socket.error:
e = get_exception()
info.update(dict(msg="Connection failure: %s" % str(e), status=-1))
except Exception, e:
except Exception:
e = get_exception()
info.update(dict(msg="An unknown error occurred: %s" % str(e), status=-1))
return r, info