diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/net_tools/netbox/netbox_utils.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/net_tools/netbox/netbox_utils.py
index fa3441346f9..e9efceb8028 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/net_tools/netbox/netbox_utils.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/net_tools/netbox/netbox_utils.py
@@ -7,16 +7,27 @@ __metaclass__ = type
-    dcim=["device_roles", "device_types", "devices", "interfaces", "platforms", "racks", "sites"],
+    dcim=[
+        "devices",
+        "device_roles",
+        "device_types",
+        "devices",
+        "interfaces",
+        "platforms",
+        "racks",
+        "regions",
+        "sites",
+    ],
-    ipam=["ip_addresses", "prefixes", "vrfs"],
+    ipam=["ip_addresses", "prefixes", "roles", "vlans", "vlan_groups", "vrfs"],
     tenancy=["tenants", "tenant_groups"],
-    virtualization=["clusters"]
+    virtualization=["clusters"],
 QUERY_TYPES = dict(
+    devices="name",
@@ -28,17 +39,23 @@ QUERY_TYPES = dict(
+    role="slug",
-    tenant="slug",
+    tenant="name",
-    vrf="name"
+    time_zone="timezone",
+    vlan="name",
+    vlan_group="slug",
+    vrf="name",
 CONVERT_TO_ID = dict(
+    device="devices",
+    lag="interfaces",
@@ -46,65 +63,193 @@ CONVERT_TO_ID = dict(
+    region="regions",
+    role="roles",
+    tagged_vlans="vlans",
-    vrf="vrfs"
+    untagged_vlan="vlans",
+    vlan="vlans",
+    vlan_group="vlan_groups",
+    vrf="vrfs",
-FACE_ID = dict(
-    front=0,
-    rear=1
+FACE_ID = dict(front=0, rear=1)
+    [
+        "device",
+        "lag",
+        "primary_ip",
+        "primary_ip4",
+        "primary_ip6",
+        "role",
+        "vlan",
+        "vrf",
+        "nat_inside",
+        "nat_outside",
+        "region",
+        "untagged_vlan",
+        "tagged_vlans",
+        "tenant",
+    ]
-NO_DEFAULT_ID = set([
-    "primary_ip",
-    "primary_ip4",
-    "primary_ip6",
-    "vrf",
-    "nat_inside",
-    "nat_outside"
+DEVICE_STATUS = dict(offline=0, active=1, planned=2, staged=3, failed=4, inventory=5)
-    offline=0,
-    active=1,
-    planned=2,
-    staged=3,
-    failed=4,
-    inventory=5
-    active=1,
-    reserved=2,
-    deprecated=3,
-    dhcp=5
+IP_ADDRESS_STATUS = dict(active=1, reserved=2, deprecated=3, dhcp=5)
-    loopback=10,
-    secondary=20,
-    anycast=30,
-    vip=40,
-    vrrp=41,
-    hsrp=42,
-    glbp=43,
-    carp=44
+    loopback=10, secondary=20, anycast=30, vip=40, vrrp=41, hsrp=42, glbp=43, carp=44
-    container=0,
-    active=1,
-    reserved=2,
-    deprecated=3
+PREFIX_STATUS = dict(container=0, active=1, reserved=2, deprecated=3)
-VLAN_STATUS = dict(
-    active=1,
-    reserved=2,
-    deprecated=3
+VLAN_STATUS = dict(active=1, reserved=2, deprecated=3)
+SITE_STATUS = dict(active=1, planned=2, retired=4)
+    "virtual": 0,
+    "link aggregation group (lag)": 200,
+    "100base-tx (10/100me)": 800,
+    "1000base-t (1ge)": 1000,
+    "10gbase-t (10ge)": 1150,
+    "10gbase-cx4 (10ge)": 1170,
+    "gbic (1ge)": 1050,
+    "sfp (1ge)": 1100,
+    "sfp+ (10ge)": 1200,
+    "xfp (10ge)": 1300,
+    "xenpak (10ge)": 1310,
+    "x2 (10ge)": 1320,
+    "sfp28 (25ge)": 1350,
+    "qsfp+ (40ge)": 1400,
+    "cfp (100ge)": 1500,
+    "cfp2 (100ge)": 1510,
+    "cfp2 (200ge)": 1650,
+    "cfp4 (100ge)": 1520,
+    "cisco cpak (100ge)": 1550,
+    "qsfp28 (100ge)": 1600,
+    "qsfp56 (200ge)": 1700,
+    "qsfp-dd (400ge)": 1750,
+    "ieee 802.11a": 2600,
+    "ieee 802.11b/g": 2610,
+    "ieee 802.11n": 2620,
+    "ieee 802.11ac": 2630,
+    "ieee 802.11ad": 2640,
+    "gsm": 2810,
+    "cdma": 2820,
+    "lte": 2830,
+    "oc-3/stm-1": 6100,
+    "oc-12/stm-4": 6200,
+    "oc-48/stm-16": 6300,
+    "oc-192/stm-64": 6400,
+    "oc-768/stm-256": 6500,
+    "oc-1920/stm-640": 6600,
+    "oc-3840/stm-1234": 6700,
+    "sfp (1gfc)": 3010,
+    "sfp (2gfc)": 3020,
+    "sfp (4gfc)": 3040,
+    "sfp+ (8gfc)": 3080,
+    "sfp+ (16gfc)": 3160,
+    "sfp28 (32gfc)": 3320,
+    "qsfp28 (128gfc)": 3400,
+    "t1 (1.544 mbps)": 4000,
+    "e1 (2.048 mbps)": 4010,
+    "t3 (45 mbps)": 4040,
+    "e3 (34 mbps)": 4050,
+    "cisco stackwise": 5000,
+    "cisco stackwise plus": 5050,
+    "cisco flexstack": 5100,
+    "cisco flexstack plus": 5150,
+    "juniper vcp": 5200,
+    "extreme summitstack": 5300,
+    "extreme summitstack-128": 5310,
+    "extreme summitstack-256": 5320,
+    "extreme summitstack-512": 5330,
+    "other": 32767,
+INTF_MODE = {"access": 100, "tagged": 200, "tagged all": 300}
+    "interface": set(["name", "device"]),
+    "lag": set(["name"]),
+    "nat_inside": set(["vrf", "address"]),
+    "vlan": set(["name", "site", "vlan_group", "tenant"]),
+    "untagged_vlan": set(["name", "site", "vlan_group", "tenant"]),
+    "tagged_vlans": set(["name", "site", "vlan_group", "tenant"]),
+QUERY_PARAMS_IDS = set(["vrf", "site", "vlan_group", "tenant"])
+def _build_diff(before=None, after=None):
+    return {"before": before, "after": after}
+def create_netbox_object(nb_endpoint, data, check_mode):
+    """Create a Netbox object.
+    :returns tuple(serialized_nb_obj, diff): tuple of the serialized created
+    Netbox object and the Ansible diff.
+    """
+    if check_mode:
+        serialized_nb_obj = data
+    else:
+        serialized_nb_obj = nb_endpoint.create(data).serialize()
+    diff = _build_diff(before={"state": "absent"}, after={"state": "present"})
+    return serialized_nb_obj, diff
+def delete_netbox_object(nb_obj, check_mode):
+    """Delete a Netbox object.
+    :returns tuple(serialized_nb_obj, diff): tuple of the serialized deleted
+    Netbox object and the Ansible diff.
+    """
+    if not check_mode:
+        nb_obj.delete()
+    diff = _build_diff(before={"state": "present"}, after={"state": "absent"})
+    return nb_obj.serialize(), diff
+def update_netbox_object(nb_obj, data, check_mode):
+    """Update a Netbox object.
+    :returns tuple(serialized_nb_obj, diff): tuple of the serialized updated
+    Netbox object and the Ansible diff.
+    """
+    serialized_nb_obj = nb_obj.serialize()
+    updated_obj = serialized_nb_obj.copy()
+    updated_obj.update(data)
+    if serialized_nb_obj == updated_obj:
+        return serialized_nb_obj, None
+    else:
+        data_before, data_after = {}, {}
+        for key in data:
+            if serialized_nb_obj[key] != updated_obj[key]:
+                data_before[key] = serialized_nb_obj[key]
+                data_after[key] = updated_obj[key]
+        if not check_mode:
+            nb_obj.update(data)
+            udpated_obj = nb_obj.serialize()
+        diff = _build_diff(before=data_before, after=data_after)
+        return updated_obj, diff
+def _get_query_param_id(nb, match, child):
+    endpoint = CONVERT_TO_ID[match]
+    app = find_app(endpoint)
+    nb_app = getattr(nb, app)
+    nb_endpoint = getattr(nb_app, endpoint)
+    result = nb_endpoint.get(**{QUERY_TYPES.get(match): child[match]})
+    if result:
+        return result.id
+    else:
+        return child
 def find_app(endpoint):
@@ -114,6 +259,28 @@ def find_app(endpoint):
     return nb_app
+def build_query_params(nb, parent, module_data, child):
+    query_dict = dict()
+    query_params = ALLOWED_QUERY_PARAMS.get(parent)
+    matches = query_params.intersection(set(child.keys()))
+    for match in matches:
+        if match in QUERY_PARAMS_IDS:
+            value = _get_query_param_id(nb, match, child)
+            query_dict.update({match + "_id": value})
+        else:
+            value = child.get(match)
+            query_dict.update({match: value})
+    if parent == "lag":
+        query_dict.update({"form_factor": 200})
+        if isinstance(module_data["device"], int):
+            query_dict.update({"device_id": module_data["device"]})
+        else:
+            query_dict.update({"device": module_data["device"]})
+    return query_dict
 def find_ids(nb, data):
     for k, v in data.items():
         if k in CONVERT_TO_ID:
@@ -123,38 +290,62 @@ def find_ids(nb, data):
             nb_app = getattr(nb, app)
             nb_endpoint = getattr(nb_app, endpoint)
-            if k == "interface":
-                query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**{"name": v["name"], "device": v["device"]})
-            elif k == "nat_inside":
-                if v.get("vrf"):
-                    vrf_id = nb.ipam.vrfs.get(**{"name": v["vrf"]})
-                    query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**{"address": v["address"], "vrf_id": vrf_id.id})
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**{"address": v["address"]})
-                    except ValueError:
-                        return {"failed": "Multiple results found while searching for %s: %s - Specify a VRF within %s" % (k, v["address"], k)}
-            else:
-                query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**{QUERY_TYPES.get(k, "q"): search})
+            if isinstance(v, dict):
+                query_params = build_query_params(nb, k, data, v)
+                query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**query_params)
+            elif isinstance(v, list):
+                id_list = list()
+                for index in v:
+                    norm_data = normalize_data(index)
+                    temp_dict = build_query_params(nb, k, data, norm_data)
+                    query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**temp_dict)
+                    if query_id:
+                        id_list.append(query_id.id)
+                    else:
+                        return ValueError("%s not found" % (index))
-            if query_id:
-                data[k] = query_id.id
-            elif k in NO_DEFAULT_ID:
-                pass
-                data[k] = 1
+                try:
+                    query_id = nb_endpoint.get(**{QUERY_TYPES.get(k, "q"): search})
+                except ValueError:
+                    return ValueError(
+                        "Multiple results found while searching for key: %s" % (k)
+                    )
+            if isinstance(v, list):
+                data[k] = id_list
+            elif query_id:
+                data[k] = query_id.id
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Could not resolve id of %s: %s" % (k, v))
     return data
 def normalize_data(data):
     for k, v in data.items():
-        data_type = QUERY_TYPES.get(k, "q")
-        if data_type == "slug":
-            if "-" in v:
-                data[k] = v.replace(" ", "").lower()
-            elif " " in v:
-                data[k] = v.replace(" ", "-").lower()
-            else:
-                data[k] = v.lower()
+        if isinstance(v, dict):
+            for subk, subv in v.items():
+                sub_data_type = QUERY_TYPES.get(subk, "q")
+                if sub_data_type == "slug":
+                    if "-" in subv:
+                        data[k][subk] = subv.replace(" ", "").lower()
+                    elif " " in subv:
+                        data[k][subk] = subv.replace(" ", "-").lower()
+                    else:
+                        data[k][subk] = subv.lower()
+        else:
+            data_type = QUERY_TYPES.get(k, "q")
+            if data_type == "slug":
+                if "-" in v:
+                    data[k] = v.replace(" ", "").lower()
+                elif " " in v:
+                    data[k] = v.replace(" ", "-").lower()
+                else:
+                    data[k] = v.lower()
+            elif data_type == "timezone":
+                if " " in v:
+                    data[k] = v.replace(" ", "_")
     return data
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/net_tools/netbox/netbox_site.py b/lib/ansible/modules/net_tools/netbox/netbox_site.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..372aa3fb208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/net_tools/netbox/netbox_site.py
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, Mikhail Yohman (@fragmentedpacket) <mikhail.yohman@gmail.com>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {"metadata_version": "1.1",
+                    "status": ["preview"],
+                    "supported_by": "community"}
+module: netbox_site
+short_description: Creates or removes sites from Netbox
+  - Creates or removes sites from Netbox
+  - Tags should be defined as a YAML list
+  - This should be ran with connection C(local) and hosts C(localhost)
+  - Mikhail Yohman (@FragmentedPacket)
+  - pynetbox
+version_added: "2.8"
+  netbox_url:
+    description:
+      - URL of the Netbox instance resolvable by Ansible control host
+    required: true
+    type: str
+  netbox_token:
+    description:
+      - The token created within Netbox to authorize API access
+    required: true
+    type: str
+  data:
+    description:
+      - Defines the site configuration
+    suboptions:
+      name:
+        description:
+          - Name of the site to be created
+        required: true
+        type: str
+      status:
+        description:
+          - Status of the site
+        choices:
+          - Active
+          - Planned
+          - Retired
+        type: str
+      region:
+        description:
+          - The region that the site should be associated with
+        type: str
+      tenant:
+        description:
+          - The tenant the site will be assigned to
+        type: str
+      facility:
+        description:
+          - Data center provider or facility, ex. Equinix NY7
+        type: str
+      asn:
+        description:
+          - The ASN associated with the site
+        type: int
+      time_zone:
+        description:
+          - Timezone associated with the site, ex. America/Denver
+        type: str
+      description:
+        description:
+          - The description of the prefix
+        type: str
+      physical_address:
+        description:
+          - Physical address of site
+        type: str
+      shipping_address:
+        description:
+          - Shipping address of site
+        type: str
+      latitude:
+        description:
+          - Latitude in decimal format
+        type: int
+      longitude:
+        description:
+          - Longitude in decimal format
+        type: int
+      contact_name:
+        description:
+          - Name of contact for site
+        type: str
+      contact_phone:
+        description:
+          - Contact phone number for site
+        type: str
+      contact_email:
+        description:
+          - Contact email for site
+        type: str
+      comments:
+        description:
+          - Comments for the site. This can be markdown syntax
+        type: str
+      tags:
+        description:
+          - Any tags that the prefix may need to be associated with
+        type: list
+      custom_fields:
+        description:
+          - must exist in Netbox
+        type: dict
+    required: true
+  state:
+    description:
+      - Use C(present) or C(absent) for adding or removing.
+    choices: [ absent, present ]
+    default: present
+    type: str
+  validate_certs:
+    description:
+      - |
+        If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated.
+        This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
+    default: "yes"
+    type: bool
+EXAMPLES = r"""
+- name: "Test Netbox site module"
+  connection: local
+  hosts: localhost
+  gather_facts: False
+  tasks:
+    - name: Create site within Netbox with only required information
+      netbox_site:
+        netbox_url: http://netbox.local
+        netbox_token: thisIsMyToken
+        data:
+          name: Test - Colorado
+        state: present
+    - name: Delete site within netbox
+      netbox_site:
+        netbox_url: http://netbox.local
+        netbox_token: thisIsMyToken
+        data:
+          name: Test - Colorado
+        state: absent
+    - name: Create site with all parameters
+      netbox_site:
+        netbox_url: http://netbox.local
+        netbox_token: thisIsMyToken
+        data:
+          name: Test - California
+          status: Planned
+          region: Test Region
+          tenant: Test Tenant
+          facility: EquinoxCA7
+          asn: 65001
+          time_zone: America/Los Angeles
+          description: This is a test description
+          physical_address: Hollywood, CA, 90210
+          shipping_address: Hollywood, CA, 90210
+          latitude: 10.100000
+          longitude: 12.200000
+          contact_name: Jenny
+          contact_phone: 867-5309
+          contact_email: jenny@changednumber.com
+          comments: ### Placeholder
+        state: present
+RETURN = r"""
+  description: Serialized object as created or already existent within Netbox
+  returned: on creation
+  type: dict
+  description: Message indicating failure or info about what has been achieved
+  returned: always
+  type: str
+import json
+import traceback
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.net_tools.netbox.netbox_utils import (
+    find_ids,
+    normalize_data,
+    create_netbox_object,
+    delete_netbox_object,
+    update_netbox_object,
+from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
+    import pynetbox
+    HAS_PYNETBOX = True
+except ImportError:
+    PYNETBOX_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
+    HAS_PYNETBOX = False
+def main():
+    """
+    Main entry point for module execution
+    """
+    argument_spec = dict(
+        netbox_url=dict(type="str", required=True),
+        netbox_token=dict(type="str", required=True, no_log=True),
+        data=dict(type="dict", required=True),
+        state=dict(required=False, default="present", choices=["present", "absent"]),
+        validate_certs=dict(type="bool", default=True)
+    )
+    global module
+    module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
+                           supports_check_mode=True)
+    # Fail module if pynetbox is not installed
+    if not HAS_PYNETBOX:
+        module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pynetbox'), exception=PYNETBOX_IMP_ERR)
+    # Assign variables to be used with module
+    app = "dcim"
+    endpoint = "sites"
+    url = module.params["netbox_url"]
+    token = module.params["netbox_token"]
+    data = module.params["data"]
+    state = module.params["state"]
+    validate_certs = module.params["validate_certs"]
+    # Attempt to create Netbox API object
+    try:
+        nb = pynetbox.api(url, token=token, ssl_verify=validate_certs)
+    except Exception:
+        module.fail_json(msg="Failed to establish connection to Netbox API")
+    try:
+        nb_app = getattr(nb, app)
+    except AttributeError:
+        module.fail_json(msg="Incorrect application specified: %s" % (app))
+    nb_endpoint = getattr(nb_app, endpoint)
+    norm_data = normalize_data(data)
+    try:
+        norm_data = _check_and_adapt_data(nb, norm_data)
+        if "present" in state:
+            return module.exit_json(
+                **ensure_site_present(nb, nb_endpoint, norm_data)
+            )
+        else:
+            return module.exit_json(
+                **ensure_site_absent(nb, nb_endpoint, norm_data)
+            )
+    except pynetbox.RequestError as e:
+        return module.fail_json(msg=json.loads(e.error))
+    except ValueError as e:
+        return module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+    except AttributeError as e:
+        return module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
+def _check_and_adapt_data(nb, data):
+    data = find_ids(nb, data)
+    if data.get("status"):
+        data["status"] = SITE_STATUS.get(data["status"].lower())
+    if "-" in data["name"]:
+        site_slug = data["name"].replace(" ", "").lower()
+    elif " " in data["name"]:
+        site_slug = data["name"].replace(" ", "-").lower()
+    else:
+        site_slug = data["name"].lower()
+    data["slug"] = site_slug
+    return data
+def ensure_site_present(nb, nb_endpoint, data):
+    """
+    :returns dict(interface, msg, changed): dictionary resulting of the request,
+    where 'site' is the serialized interface fetched or newly created in Netbox
+    """
+    if not isinstance(data, dict):
+        changed = False
+        return {"msg": data, "changed": changed}
+    nb_site = nb_endpoint.get(slug=data["slug"])
+    result = dict()
+    if not nb_site:
+        site, diff = create_netbox_object(nb_endpoint, data, module.check_mode)
+        changed = True
+        msg = "Site %s created" % (data["name"])
+        result["diff"] = diff
+    else:
+        site, diff = update_netbox_object(nb_site, data, module.check_mode)
+        if site is False:
+            module.fail_json(
+                msg="Request failed, couldn't update device: %s" % (data["name"])
+            )
+        if diff:
+            msg = "Site %s updated" % (data["name"])
+            changed = True
+            result["diff"] = diff
+        else:
+            msg = "Site %s already exists" % (data["name"])
+            changed = False
+    result.update({"site": site, "msg": msg, "changed": changed})
+    return result
+def ensure_site_absent(nb, nb_endpoint, data):
+    """
+    :returns dict(msg, changed)
+    """
+    nb_site = nb_endpoint.get(slug=data["slug"])
+    result = dict()
+    if nb_site:
+        dummy, diff = delete_netbox_object(nb_site, module.check_mode)
+        changed = True
+        msg = "Site %s deleted" % (data["name"])
+        result["diff"] = diff
+    else:
+        msg = "Site %s already absent" % (data["name"])
+        changed = False
+    result.update({"msg": msg, "changed": changed})
+    return result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()