diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/core.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/core.py
index 759a03e5acb..963bdf80494 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/core.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/core.py
@@ -283,3 +283,15 @@ def is_boto3_error_code(code, e=None):
     if isinstance(e, ClientError) and e.response['Error']['Code'] == code:
         return ClientError
     return type('NeverEverRaisedException', (Exception,), {})
+def get_boto3_client_method_parameters(client, method_name, required=False):
+    op = client.meta.method_to_api_mapping.get(method_name)
+    input_shape = client._service_model.operation_model(op).input_shape
+    if not input_shape:
+        parameters = []
+    elif required:
+        parameters = list(input_shape.required_members)
+    else:
+        parameters = list(input_shape.members.keys())
+    return parameters
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/rds.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/rds.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e665a162d5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/rds.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
+from ansible.module_utils.aws.waiters import get_waiter
+from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import snake_dict_to_camel_dict
+from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import compare_aws_tags, AWSRetry, ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict
+    from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError, WaiterError
+except ImportError:
+    pass
+from collections import namedtuple
+from time import sleep
+Boto3ClientMethod = namedtuple('Boto3ClientMethod', ['name', 'waiter', 'operation_description', 'cluster', 'instance'])
+# Whitelist boto3 client methods for cluster and instance resources
+cluster_method_names = [
+    'create_db_cluster', 'restore_db_cluster_from_db_snapshot', 'restore_db_cluster_from_s3',
+    'restore_db_cluster_to_point_in_time', 'modify_db_cluster', 'delete_db_cluster', 'add_tags_to_resource',
+    'remove_tags_from_resource', 'list_tags_for_resource', 'promote_read_replica_db_cluster'
+instance_method_names = [
+    'create_db_instance', 'restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time', 'restore_db_instance_from_s3',
+    'restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot', 'create_db_instance_read_replica', 'modify_db_instance',
+    'delete_db_instance', 'add_tags_to_resource', 'remove_tags_from_resource', 'list_tags_for_resource',
+    'promote_read_replica', 'stop_db_instance', 'start_db_instance', 'reboot_db_instance'
+def get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module):
+    readable_op = method_name.replace('_', ' ').replace('db', 'DB')
+    if method_name in cluster_method_names and 'new_db_cluster_identifier' in module.params:
+        cluster = True
+        instance = False
+        if method_name == 'delete_db_cluster':
+            waiter = 'cluster_deleted'
+        else:
+            waiter = 'cluster_available'
+    elif method_name in instance_method_names and 'new_db_instance_identifier' in module.params:
+        cluster = False
+        instance = True
+        if method_name == 'delete_db_instance':
+            waiter = 'db_instance_deleted'
+        elif method_name == 'stop_db_instance':
+            waiter = 'db_instance_stopped'
+        else:
+            waiter = 'db_instance_available'
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError("method {0} hasn't been added to the list of accepted methods to use a waiter in module_utils/aws/rds.py".format(method_name))
+    return Boto3ClientMethod(name=method_name, waiter=waiter, operation_description=readable_op, cluster=cluster, instance=instance)
+def get_final_identifier(method_name, module):
+    apply_immediately = module.params['apply_immediately']
+    if get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).cluster:
+        identifier = module.params['db_cluster_identifier']
+        updated_identifier = module.params['new_db_cluster_identifier']
+    elif get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).instance:
+        identifier = module.params['db_instance_identifier']
+        updated_identifier = module.params['new_db_instance_identifier']
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError("method {0} hasn't been added to the list of accepted methods in module_utils/aws/rds.py".format(method_name))
+    if not module.check_mode and updated_identifier and apply_immediately:
+        identifier = updated_identifier
+    return identifier
+def handle_errors(module, exception, method_name, parameters):
+    if not isinstance(exception, ClientError):
+        module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg="Unexpected failure for method {0} with parameters {1}".format(method_name, parameters))
+    changed = True
+    error_code = exception.response['Error']['Code']
+    if method_name == 'modify_db_instance' and error_code == 'InvalidParameterCombination':
+        if 'No modifications were requested' in to_text(exception):
+            changed = False
+        elif 'ModifyDbCluster API' in to_text(exception):
+            module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='It appears you are trying to modify attributes that are managed at the cluster level. Please see rds_cluster')
+        else:
+            module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='Unable to {0}'.format(get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).operation_description))
+    elif method_name == 'promote_read_replica' and error_code == 'InvalidDBInstanceState':
+        if 'DB Instance is not a read replica' in to_text(exception):
+            changed = False
+        else:
+            module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='Unable to {0}'.format(get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).operation_description))
+    elif method_name == 'create_db_instance' and exception.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidParameterValue':
+        accepted_engines = [
+            'aurora', 'aurora-mysql', 'aurora-postgresql', 'mariadb', 'mysql', 'oracle-ee', 'oracle-se',
+            'oracle-se1', 'oracle-se2', 'postgres', 'sqlserver-ee', 'sqlserver-ex', 'sqlserver-se', 'sqlserver-web'
+        ]
+        if parameters.get('Engine') not in accepted_engines:
+            module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='DB engine {0} should be one of {1}'.format(parameters.get('Engine'), accepted_engines))
+        else:
+            module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='Unable to {0}'.format(get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).operation_description))
+    else:
+        module.fail_json_aws(exception, msg='Unable to {0}'.format(get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).operation_description))
+    return changed
+def call_method(client, module, method_name, parameters):
+    result = {}
+    changed = True
+    if not module.check_mode:
+        wait = module.params['wait']
+        # TODO: stabilize by adding get_rds_method_attribute(method_name).extra_retry_codes
+        method = getattr(client, method_name)
+        try:
+            if method_name == 'modify_db_instance':
+                # check if instance is in an available state first, if possible
+                if wait:
+                    wait_for_status(client, module, module.params['db_instance_identifier'], method_name)
+                result = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff(catch_extra_error_codes=['InvalidDBInstanceState'])(method)(**parameters)
+            else:
+                result = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff()(method)(**parameters)
+        except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
+            changed = handle_errors(module, e, method_name, parameters)
+        if wait and changed:
+            identifier = get_final_identifier(method_name, module)
+            wait_for_status(client, module, identifier, method_name)
+    return result, changed
+def wait_for_instance_status(client, module, db_instance_id, waiter_name):
+    def wait(client, db_instance_id, waiter_name, extra_retry_codes):
+        retry = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff(catch_extra_error_codes=extra_retry_codes)
+        try:
+            waiter = client.get_waiter(waiter_name)
+        except ValueError:
+            # using a waiter in ansible.module_utils.aws.waiters
+            waiter = get_waiter(client, waiter_name)
+        waiter.wait(WaiterConfig={'Delay': 60, 'MaxAttempts': 60}, DBInstanceIdentifier=db_instance_id)
+    waiter_expected_status = {
+        'db_instance_deleted': 'deleted',
+        'db_instance_stopped': 'stopped',
+    }
+    expected_status = waiter_expected_status.get(waiter_name, 'available')
+    if expected_status == 'available':
+        extra_retry_codes = ['DBInstanceNotFound']
+    else:
+        extra_retry_codes = []
+    for attempt_to_wait in range(0, 10):
+        try:
+            wait(client, db_instance_id, waiter_name, extra_retry_codes)
+            break
+        except WaiterError as e:
+            # Instance may be renamed and AWSRetry doesn't handle WaiterError
+            if e.last_response.get('Error', {}).get('Code') == 'DBInstanceNotFound':
+                sleep(10)
+                continue
+            module.fail_json_aws(e, msg='Error while waiting for DB instance {0} to be {1}'.format(db_instance_id, expected_status))
+        except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
+            module.fail_json_aws(e, msg='Unexpected error while waiting for DB instance {0} to be {1}'.format(
+                db_instance_id, expected_status)
+            )
+def wait_for_cluster_status(client, module, db_cluster_id, waiter_name):
+    try:
+        waiter = get_waiter(client, waiter_name).wait(DBClusterIdentifier=db_cluster_id)
+    except WaiterError as e:
+        if waiter_name == 'cluster_deleted':
+            msg = "Failed to wait for DB cluster {0} to be deleted".format(db_cluster_id)
+        else:
+            msg = "Failed to wait for DB cluster {0} to be available".format(db_cluster_id)
+        module.fail_json_aws(e, msg=msg)
+    except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
+        module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Failed with an unexpected error while waiting for the DB cluster {0}".format(db_cluster_id))
+def wait_for_status(client, module, identifier, method_name):
+    waiter_name = get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).waiter
+    if get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).cluster:
+        wait_for_cluster_status(client, module, identifier, waiter_name)
+    elif get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).instance:
+        wait_for_instance_status(client, module, identifier, waiter_name)
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError("method {0} hasn't been added to the whitelist of handled methods".format(method_name))
+def get_tags(client, module, cluster_arn):
+    try:
+        return boto3_tag_list_to_ansible_dict(
+            client.list_tags_for_resource(ResourceName=cluster_arn)['TagList']
+        )
+    except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
+        module.fail_json_aws(e, msg="Unable to describe tags")
+def arg_spec_to_rds_params(options_dict):
+    tags = options_dict.pop('tags')
+    has_processor_features = False
+    if 'processor_features' in options_dict:
+        has_processor_features = True
+        processor_features = options_dict.pop('processor_features')
+    camel_options = snake_dict_to_camel_dict(options_dict, capitalize_first=True)
+    for key in list(camel_options.keys()):
+        for old, new in (('Db', 'DB'), ('Iam', 'IAM'), ('Az', 'AZ')):
+            if old in key:
+                camel_options[key.replace(old, new)] = camel_options.pop(key)
+    camel_options['Tags'] = tags
+    if has_processor_features:
+        camel_options['ProcessorFeatures'] = processor_features
+    return camel_options
+def ensure_tags(client, module, resource_arn, existing_tags, tags, purge_tags):
+    if tags is None:
+        return False
+    tags_to_add, tags_to_remove = compare_aws_tags(existing_tags, tags, purge_tags)
+    changed = bool(tags_to_add or tags_to_remove)
+    if tags_to_add:
+        call_method(
+            client, module, method_name='add_tags_to_resource',
+            parameters={'ResourceName': resource_arn, 'Tags': ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(tags_to_add)}
+        )
+    if tags_to_remove:
+        call_method(
+            client, module, method_name='remove_tags_from_resource',
+            parameters={'ResourceName': resource_arn, 'TagKeys': tags_to_remove}
+        )
+    return changed
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/waiters.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/waiters.py
index dd4b58ada05..5b7da179387 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/waiters.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/aws/waiters.py
@@ -204,6 +204,26 @@ eks_data = {
+rds_data = {
+    "version": 2,
+    "waiters": {
+        "DBInstanceStopped": {
+            "delay": 20,
+            "maxAttempts": 60,
+            "operation": "DescribeDBInstances",
+            "acceptors": [
+                {
+                    "state": "success",
+                    "matcher": "pathAll",
+                    "argument": "DBInstances[].DBInstanceStatus",
+                    "expected": "stopped"
+                },
+            ]
+        }
+    }
 def ec2_model(name):
     ec2_models = core_waiter.WaiterModel(waiter_config=ec2_data)
     return ec2_models.get_waiter(name)
@@ -219,6 +239,11 @@ def eks_model(name):
     return eks_models.get_waiter(name)
+def rds_model(name):
+    rds_models = core_waiter.WaiterModel(waiter_config=rds_data)
+    return rds_models.get_waiter(name)
 waiters_by_name = {
     ('EC2', 'route_table_exists'): lambda ec2: core_waiter.Waiter(
@@ -286,6 +311,12 @@ waiters_by_name = {
+    ('RDS', 'db_instance_stopped'): lambda rds: core_waiter.Waiter(
+        'db_instance_stopped',
+        rds_model('DBInstanceStopped'),
+        core_waiter.NormalizedOperationMethod(
+            rds.describe_db_instances
+        )),
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/rds_instance.py b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/rds_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..834b8521f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/rds_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Ansible Project
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+    'metadata_version': '1.1',
+    'status': ['preview'],
+    'supported_by': 'community'
+module: rds_instance
+version_added: "2.7"
+short_description: Manage RDS instances
+    - Create, modify, and delete RDS instances.
+    - botocore
+    - boto3 >= 1.5.0
+    - aws
+    - ec2
+    - Sloane Hertel (@s-hertel)
+  # General module options
+    state:
+        description:
+          - Whether the snapshot should exist or not. I(rebooted) is not idempotent and will leave the DB instance in a running state
+            and start it prior to rebooting if it was stopped. I(present) will leave the DB instance in the current running/stopped state,
+            (running if creating the DB instance).
+          - I(state=running) and I(state=started) are synonyms, as are I(state=rebooted) and I(state=restarted). Note - rebooting the instance
+            is not idempotent.
+        choices: ['present', 'absent', 'terminated', 'running', 'started', 'stopped', 'rebooted', 'restarted']
+        default: 'present'
+    creation_source:
+        description: Which source to use if restoring from a template (an existing instance, S3 bucket, or snapshot).
+        choices: ['snapshot', 's3', 'instance']
+    force_update_password:
+        description:
+          - Set to True to update your cluster password with I(master_user_password). Since comparing passwords to determine
+            if it needs to be updated is not possible this is set to False by default to allow idempotence.
+        type: bool
+        default: False
+    purge_cloudwatch_logs_exports:
+        description: Set to False to retain any enabled cloudwatch logs that aren't specified in the task and are associated with the instance.
+        type: bool
+        default: True
+    purge_tags:
+        description: Set to False to retain any tags that aren't specified in task and are associated with the instance.
+        type: bool
+        default: True
+    read_replica:
+        description:
+          - Set to False to promote a read replica cluster or true to create one. When creating a read replica C(creation_source) should
+            be set to 'instance' or not provided. C(source_db_instance_identifier) must be provided with this option.
+        type: bool
+    wait:
+        description:
+          - Whether to wait for the cluster to be available, stopped, or deleted. At a later time a wait_timeout option may be added.
+            Following each API call to create/modify/delete the instance a waiter is used with a 60 second delay 30 times until the instance reaches
+            the expected state (available/stopped/deleted). The total task time may also be influenced by AWSRetry which helps stabilize if the
+            instance is in an invalid state to operate on to begin with (such as if you try to stop it when it is in the process of rebooting).
+            If setting this to False task retries and delays may make your playbook execution better handle timeouts for major modifications.
+        type: bool
+        default: True
+    # Options that have a corresponding boto3 parameter
+    allocated_storage:
+        description:
+          - The amount of storage (in gibibytes) to allocate for the DB instance.
+    allow_major_version_upgrade:
+        description:
+          - Whether to allow major version upgrades.
+        type: bool
+    apply_immediately:
+        description:
+          - A value that specifies whether modifying a cluster with I(new_db_instance_identifier) and I(master_user_password)
+            should be applied as soon as possible, regardless of the I(preferred_maintenance_window) setting. If false, changes
+            are applied during the next maintenance window.
+        type: bool
+        default: False
+    auto_minor_version_upgrade:
+        description:
+          - Whether minor version upgrades are applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window.
+        type: bool
+    availability_zone:
+        description:
+          - A list of EC2 Availability Zones that instances in the DB cluster can be created in.
+            May be used when creating a cluster or when restoring from S3 or a snapshot. Mutually exclusive with I(multi_az).
+        aliases:
+          - az
+          - zone
+    backup_retention_period:
+        description:
+          - The number of days for which automated backups are retained (must be greater or equal to 1).
+            May be used when creating a new cluster, when restoring from S3, or when modifying a cluster.
+    ca_certificate_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The identifier of the CA certificate for the DB instance.
+    character_set_name:
+        description:
+          - The character set to associate with the DB cluster.
+    copy_tags_to_snapshot:
+        description:
+          - Whether or not to copy all tags from the DB instance to snapshots of the instance. When initially creating
+            a DB instance the RDS API defaults this to false if unspecified.
+        type: bool
+    db_cluster_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The DB cluster (lowercase) identifier to add the aurora DB instance to. The identifier must contain from 1 to
+            63 letters, numbers, or hyphens and the first character must be a letter and may not end in a hyphen or
+            contain consecutive hyphens.
+        aliases:
+          - cluster_id
+    db_instance_class:
+        description:
+          - The compute and memory capacity of the DB instance, for example db.t2.micro.
+        aliases:
+          - class
+          - instance_type
+    db_instance_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The DB instance (lowercase) identifier. The identifier must contain from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or
+            hyphens and the first character must be a letter and may not end in a hyphen or contain consecutive hyphens.
+        aliases:
+          - instance_id
+          - id
+        required: True
+    db_name:
+        description:
+          - The name for your database. If a name is not provided Amazon RDS will not create a database.
+    db_parameter_group_name:
+        description:
+          - The name of the DB parameter group to associate with this DB instance. When creating the DB instance if this
+            argument is omitted the default DBParameterGroup for the specified engine is used.
+    db_security_groups:
+        description:
+          - (EC2-Classic platform) A list of DB security groups to associate with this DB instance.
+        type: list
+    db_snapshot_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The identifier for the DB snapshot to restore from if using I(creation_source=snapshot).
+    db_subnet_group_name:
+        description:
+          - The DB subnet group name to use for the DB instance.
+        aliases:
+          - subnet_group
+    domain:
+        description:
+          - The Active Directory Domain to restore the instance in.
+    domain_iam_role_name:
+        description:
+          - The name of the IAM role to be used when making API calls to the Directory Service.
+    enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports:
+        description:
+          - A list of log types that need to be enabled for exporting to CloudWatch Logs.
+        aliases:
+          - cloudwatch_log_exports
+        type: list
+    enable_iam_database_authentication:
+        description:
+          - Enable mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts.
+            If this option is omitted when creating the cluster, Amazon RDS sets this to False.
+        type: bool
+    enable_performance_insights:
+        description:
+          - Whether to enable Performance Insights for the DB instance.
+        type: bool
+    engine:
+        description:
+          - The name of the database engine to be used for this DB instance. This is required to create an instance.
+            Valid choices are aurora | aurora-mysql | aurora-postgresql | mariadb | mysql | oracle-ee | oracle-se |
+            oracle-se1 | oracle-se2 | postgres | sqlserver-ee | sqlserver-ex | sqlserver-se | sqlserver-web
+    engine_version:
+        description:
+          - The version number of the database engine to use. For Aurora MySQL that could be 5.6.10a , 5.7.12.
+            Aurora PostgreSQL example, 9.6.3
+    final_db_snapshot_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The DB instance snapshot identifier of the new DB instance snapshot created when I(skip_final_snapshot) is false.
+        aliases:
+          - final_snapshot_identifier
+    force_failover:
+        description:
+          - Set to true to conduct the reboot through a MultiAZ failover.
+        type: bool
+    iops:
+        description:
+          - The Provisioned IOPS (I/O operations per second) value.
+    kms_key_id:
+        description:
+          - The ARN of the AWS KMS key identifier for an encrypted DB instance. If you are creating a DB instance with the
+            same AWS account that owns the KMS encryption key used to encrypt the new DB instance, then you can use the KMS key
+            alias instead of the ARN for the KM encryption key.
+          - If I(storage_encrypted) is true and and this option is not provided, the default encryption key is used.
+    license_model:
+        description:
+          - The license model for the DB instance.
+        choices:
+          - license-included
+          - bring-your-own-license
+          - general-public-license
+    master_user_password:
+        description:
+          - An 8-41 character password for the master database user. The password can contain any printable ASCII character
+            except "/", """, or "@". To modify the password use I(force_password_update). Use I(apply immediately) to change
+            the password immediately, otherwise it is updated during the next maintenance window.
+        aliases:
+          - password
+    master_username:
+        description:
+          - The name of the master user for the DB cluster. Must be 1-16 letters or numbers and begin with a letter.
+        aliases:
+          - username
+    monitoring_interval:
+        description:
+          - The interval, in seconds, when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance. To disable collecting
+            metrics, specify 0. Amazon RDS defaults this to 0 if omitted when initially creating a DB instance.
+    monitoring_role_arn:
+        description:
+          - The ARN for the IAM role that permits RDS to send enhanced monitoring metrics to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
+    multi_az:
+        description:
+          - Specifies if the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment. Mutually exclusive with I(availability_zone).
+        type: bool
+    new_db_instance_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The new DB cluster (lowercase) identifier for the DB cluster when renaming a DB instance. The identifier must contain
+            from 1 to 63 letters, numbers, or hyphens and the first character must be a letter and may not end in a hyphen or
+            contain consecutive hyphens. Use I(apply_immediately) to rename immediately, otherwise it is updated during the
+            next maintenance window.
+        aliases:
+          - new_instance_id
+          - new_id
+    option_group_name:
+        description:
+          - The option group to associate with the DB instance.
+    performance_insights_kms_key_id:
+        description:
+          - The AWS KMS key identifier (ARN, name, or alias) for encryption of Performance Insights data.
+    performance_insights_retention_period:
+        description:
+          - The amount of time, in days, to retain Performance Insights data. Valid values are 7 or 731.
+    port:
+        description:
+          - The port number on which the instances accept connections.
+    preferred_backup_window:
+        description:
+          - The daily time range (in UTC) of at least 30 minutes, during which automated backups are created if automated backups are
+            enabled using I(backup_retention_period). The option must be in the format of "hh24:mi-hh24:mi" and not conflict with
+            I(preferred_maintenance_window).
+        aliases:
+          - backup_window
+    preferred_maintenance_window:
+        description:
+          - The weekly time range (in UTC) of at least 30 minutes, during which system maintenance can occur. The option must
+            be in the format "ddd:hh24:mi-ddd:hh24:mi" where ddd is one of Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.
+        aliases:
+          - maintenance_window
+    processor_features:
+        description:
+          - A dictionary of Name, Value pairs to indicate the number of CPU cores and the number of threads per core for the
+            DB instance class of the DB instance. Names are threadsPerCore and coreCount.
+            Set this option to an empty dictionary to use the default processor features.
+        suboptions:
+          threadsPerCore:
+            description: The number of threads per core
+          coreCount:
+            description: The number of CPU cores
+    promotion_tier:
+        description:
+          - An integer that specifies the order in which an Aurora Replica is promoted to the primary instance after a failure of
+            the existing primary instance.
+    publicly_accessible:
+        description:
+          - Specifies the accessibility options for the DB instance. A value of true specifies an Internet-facing instance with
+            a publicly resolvable DNS name, which resolves to a public IP address. A value of false specifies an internal
+            instance with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
+        type: bool
+    restore_time:
+        description:
+          - If using I(creation_source=instance) this indicates the UTC date and time to restore from the source instance.
+            For example, "2009-09-07T23:45:00Z". May alternatively set c(use_latest_restore_time) to True.
+    s3_bucket_name:
+        description:
+          - The name of the Amazon S3 bucket that contains the data used to create the Amazon DB instance.
+    s3_ingestion_role_arn:
+        description:
+          - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that authorizes Amazon RDS to access
+            the Amazon S3 bucket on your behalf.
+    s3_prefix:
+        description:
+          - The prefix for all of the file names that contain the data used to create the Amazon DB instance. If you do not
+            specify a SourceS3Prefix value, then the Amazon DB instance is created by using all of the files in the Amazon S3 bucket.
+    skip_final_snapshot:
+        description:
+          - Whether a final DB cluster snapshot is created before the DB cluster is deleted. If this is false I(final_db_snapshot_identifier)
+            must be provided.
+        type: bool
+        default: false
+    snapshot_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The ARN of the DB snapshot to restore from when using I(creation_source=snapshot).
+    source_db_instance_identifier:
+        description:
+          - The identifier or ARN of the source DB instance from which to restore when creating a read replica or spinning up a point-in-time
+            DB instance using I(creation_source=instance). If the source DB is not in the same region this should be an ARN.
+    source_engine:
+        description:
+          - The identifier for the database engine that was backed up to create the files stored in the Amazon S3 bucket.
+        choices:
+          - mysql
+    source_engine_version:
+        description:
+          - The version of the database that the backup files were created from.
+    source_region:
+        description:
+          - The region of the DB instance from which the replica is created.
+    storage_encrypted:
+        description:
+          - Whether the DB instance is encrypted.
+        type: bool
+    storage_type:
+        description:
+          - The storage type to be associated with the DB instance. I(storage_type) does not apply to Aurora DB instances.
+        choices:
+          - standard
+          - gp2
+          - io1
+    tags:
+        description:
+          - A dictionary of key value pairs to assign the DB cluster.
+    tde_credential_arn:
+        description:
+          - The ARN from the key store with which to associate the instance for Transparent Data Encryption. This is
+            supported by Oracle or SQL Server DB instances and may be used in conjunction with C(storage_encrypted)
+            though it might slightly affect the performance of your database.
+        aliases:
+          - transparent_data_encryption_arn
+    tde_credential_password:
+        description:
+          - The password for the given ARN from the key store in order to access the device.
+        aliases:
+          - transparent_data_encryption_password
+    timezone:
+        description:
+          - The time zone of the DB instance.
+    use_latest_restorable_time:
+        description:
+          - Whether to restore the DB instance to the latest restorable backup time. Only one of I(use_latest_restorable_time)
+            and I(restore_to_time) may be provided.
+        type: bool
+        aliases:
+          - restore_from_latest
+    vpc_security_group_ids:
+        description:
+          - A list of EC2 VPC security groups to associate with the DB cluster.
+        type: list
+# Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.
+- name: create minimal aurora instance in default VPC and default subnet group
+  rds_instance:
+    engine: aurora
+    db_instance_identifier: ansible-test-aurora-db-instance
+    instance_type: db.t2.small
+    password: "{{ password }}"
+    username: "{{ username }}"
+    cluster_id: ansible-test-cluster  # This cluster must exist - see rds_cluster to manage it
+- name: Create a DB instance using the default AWS KMS encryption key
+  rds_instance:
+    id: test-encrypted-db
+    state: present
+    engine: mariadb
+    storage_encrypted: True
+    db_instance_class: db.t2.medium
+    username: "{{ username }}"
+    password: "{{ password }}"
+    allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+- name: remove the DB instance without a final snapshot
+  rds_instance:
+    id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+    state: absent
+    skip_final_snapshot: True
+- name: remove the DB instance with a final snapshot
+  rds_instance:
+    id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+    state: absent
+    final_snapshot_identifier: "{{ snapshot_id }}"
+RETURN = '''
+  description: The allocated storage size in gibibytes. This is always 1 for aurora database engines.
+  returned: always
+  type: int
+  sample: 20
+  description: Whether minor engine upgrades are applied automatically to the DB instance during the maintenance window.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: true
+  description: The availability zone for the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: us-east-1f
+  description: The number of days for which automated backups are retained.
+  returned: always
+  type: int
+  sample: 1
+  description: The identifier of the CA certificate for the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: rds-ca-2015
+  description: Whether tags are copied from the DB instance to snapshots of the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: false
+  description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:123456789012:db:ansible-test
+  description: The name of the compute and memory capacity class of the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: db.m4.large
+  description: The identifier of the DB instance
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: ansible-test
+  description: The port that the DB instance listens on.
+  returned: always
+  type: int
+  sample: 0
+  description: The current state of this database.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: stopped
+  description: The list of DB parameter groups applied to this DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains:
+    db_parameter_group_name:
+      description: The name of the DP parameter group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: default.mariadb10.0
+    parameter_apply_status:
+      description: The status of parameter updates.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: in-sync
+  description: A list of DB security groups associated with this DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: list
+  sample: []
+  description: The subnet group associated with the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains:
+    db_subnet_group_description:
+      description: The description of the DB subnet group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: default
+    db_subnet_group_name:
+      description: The name of the DB subnet group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: default
+    subnet_group_status:
+      description: The status of the DB subnet group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: Complete
+    subnets:
+      description: A list of Subnet elements.
+      returned: always
+      type: complex
+      contains:
+        subnet_availability_zone:
+          description: The availability zone of the subnet.
+          returned: always
+          type: complex
+          contains:
+            name:
+              description: The name of the Availability Zone.
+              returned: always
+              type: string
+              sample: us-east-1c
+        subnet_identifier:
+          description: The ID of the subnet.
+          returned: always
+          type: string
+          sample: subnet-12345678
+        subnet_status:
+          description: The status of the subnet.
+          returned: always
+          type: string
+          sample: Active
+    vpc_id:
+      description: The VpcId of the DB subnet group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: vpc-12345678
+  description: The AWS Region-unique, immutable identifier for the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  description: The Active Directory Domain membership records associated with the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: list
+  sample: []
+  description: The connection endpoint.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains:
+    address:
+      description: The DNS address of the DB instance.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: ansible-test.cvlrtwiennww.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
+    hosted_zone_id:
+      description: The ID that Amazon Route 53 assigns when you create a hosted zone.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: ZTR2ITUGPA61AM
+    port:
+      description: The port that the database engine is listening on.
+      returned: always
+      type: int
+      sample: 3306
+  description: The database engine version.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: mariadb
+  description: The database engine version.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: 10.0.35
+  description: Whether mapping of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) accounts to database accounts is enabled.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: false
+  description: The date and time the DB instance was created.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: '2018-07-04T16:48:35.332000+00:00'
+  description: The AWS KMS key identifier for the encrypted DB instance when storage_encrypted is true.
+  returned: When storage_encrypted is true
+  type: string
+  sample: arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/70c45553-ad2e-4a85-9f14-cfeb47555c33
+  description: The latest time to which a database can be restored with point-in-time restore.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: '2018-07-04T16:50:50.642000+00:00'
+  description: The License model information for this DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: general-public-license
+  description: The master username for the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: test
+  description:
+    - The interval, in seconds, between points when Enhanced Monitoring metrics are collected for the DB instance.
+      0 means collecting Enhanced Monitoring metrics is disabled.
+  returned: always
+  type: int
+  sample: 0
+  description: Whether the DB instance is a Multi-AZ deployment.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: false
+  description: The list of option group memberships for this DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains:
+    option_group_name:
+      description: The name of the option group that the instance belongs to.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: default:mariadb-10-0
+    status:
+      description: The status of the DB instance's option group membership.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: in-sync
+  description: The changes to the DB instance that are pending.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains: {}
+  description: True if Performance Insights is enabled for the DB instance, and otherwise false.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: false
+  description: The daily time range during which automated backups are created if automated backups are enabled.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: 07:01-07:31
+  description: The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: sun:09:31-sun:10:01
+  description:
+    - True for an Internet-facing instance with a publicly resolvable DNS name, False to indicate an
+      internal instance with a DNS name that resolves to a private IP address.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: true
+  description: Identifiers of the Read Replicas associated with this DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: list
+  sample: []
+  description: Whether the DB instance is encrypted.
+  returned: always
+  type: bool
+  sample: false
+  description: The storage type to be associated with the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: string
+  sample: standard
+  description: A dictionary of tags associated with the DB instance.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains: {}
+  description: A list of VPC security group elements that the DB instance belongs to.
+  returned: always
+  type: complex
+  contains:
+    status:
+      description: The status of the VPC security group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: active
+    vpc_security_group_id:
+      description: The name of the VPC security group.
+      returned: always
+      type: string
+      sample: sg-12345678
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
+from ansible.module_utils.aws.core import AnsibleAWSModule, is_boto3_error_code, get_boto3_client_method_parameters
+from ansible.module_utils.aws.rds import ensure_tags, arg_spec_to_rds_params, call_method, get_rds_method_attribute, get_tags, get_final_identifier
+from ansible.module_utils.aws.waiters import get_waiter
+from ansible.module_utils.common.dict_transformations import camel_dict_to_snake_dict
+from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, AWSRetry
+from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
+from time import sleep
+    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, BotoCoreError, WaiterError
+except ImportError:
+    pass  # caught by AnsibleAWSModule
+def get_rds_method_attribute_name(instance, state, creation_source, read_replica):
+    method_name = None
+    if state == 'absent' or state == 'terminated':
+        if instance and instance['DBInstanceStatus'] not in ['deleting', 'deleted']:
+            method_name = 'delete_db_instance'
+    else:
+        if instance:
+            method_name = 'modify_db_instance'
+        elif read_replica is True:
+            method_name = 'create_db_instance_read_replica'
+        elif creation_source == 'snapshot':
+            method_name = 'restore_db_instance_from_db_snapshot'
+        elif creation_source == 's3':
+            method_name = 'restore_db_instance_from_s3'
+        elif creation_source == 'instance':
+            method_name = 'restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time'
+        else:
+            method_name = 'create_db_instance'
+    return method_name
+def get_instance(client, module, db_instance_id):
+    try:
+        for i in range(3):
+            try:
+                instance = client.describe_db_instances(DBInstanceIdentifier=db_instance_id)['DBInstances'][0]
+                instance['Tags'] = get_tags(client, module, instance['DBInstanceArn'])
+                if instance.get('ProcessorFeatures'):
+                    instance['ProcessorFeatures'] = dict((feature['Name'], feature['Value']) for feature in instance['ProcessorFeatures'])
+                if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('ProcessorFeatures'):
+                    instance['PendingModifiedValues']['ProcessorFeatures'] = dict(
+                        (feature['Name'], feature['Value'])
+                        for feature in instance['PendingModifiedValues']['ProcessorFeatures']
+                    )
+                break
+            except is_boto3_error_code('DBInstanceNotFound'):
+                sleep(3)
+        else:
+            instance = {}
+    except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:  # pylint: disable=duplicate-except
+        module.fail_json_aws(e, msg='Failed to describe DB instances')
+    return instance
+def get_final_snapshot(client, module, snapshot_identifier):
+    try:
+        snapshots = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff()(client.describe_db_snapshots)(DBSnapshotIdentifier=snapshot_identifier)
+        if len(snapshots.get('DBSnapshots', [])) == 1:
+            return snapshots['DBSnapshots'][0]
+        return {}
+    except is_boto3_error_code('DBSnapshotNotFound') as e:  # May not be using wait: True
+        return {}
+    except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:  # pylint: disable=duplicate-except
+        module.fail_json_aws(e, msg='Failed to retrieve information about the final snapshot')
+def get_parameters(client, module, parameters, method_name):
+    required_options = get_boto3_client_method_parameters(client, method_name, required=True)
+    if any([parameters.get(k) is None for k in required_options]):
+        module.fail_json(msg='To {0} requires the parameters: {1}'.format(
+            get_rds_method_attribute(method_name, module).operation_description, required_options))
+    options = get_boto3_client_method_parameters(client, method_name)
+    parameters = dict((k, v) for k, v in parameters.items() if k in options and v is not None)
+    if parameters.get('ProcessorFeatures') is not None:
+        parameters['ProcessorFeatures'] = [{'Name': k, 'Value': to_text(v)} for k, v in parameters['ProcessorFeatures'].items()]
+    # If this parameter is an empty list it can only be used with modify_db_instance (as the parameter UseDefaultProcessorFeatures)
+    if parameters.get('ProcessorFeatures') == [] and not method_name == 'modify_db_instance':
+        parameters.pop('ProcessorFeatures')
+    if method_name == 'create_db_instance' and parameters.get('Tags'):
+        parameters['Tags'] = ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(parameters['Tags'])
+    if method_name == 'modify_db_instance':
+        parameters = get_options_with_changing_values(client, module, parameters)
+    if method_name == 'restore_db_instance_to_point_in_time':
+        parameters['TargetDBInstanceIdentifier'] = module.params['db_instance_identifier']
+    return parameters
+def get_options_with_changing_values(client, module, parameters):
+    instance_id = module.params['db_instance_identifier']
+    purge_cloudwatch_logs = module.params['purge_cloudwatch_logs_exports']
+    force_update_password = module.params['force_update_password']
+    port = module.params['port']
+    apply_immediately = parameters.pop('ApplyImmediately', None)
+    cloudwatch_logs_enabled = module.params['enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports']
+    if port:
+        parameters['DBPortNumber'] = port
+    if not force_update_password:
+        parameters.pop('MasterUserPassword', None)
+    if cloudwatch_logs_enabled:
+        parameters['CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration'] = cloudwatch_logs_enabled
+    instance = get_instance(client, module, instance_id)
+    updated_parameters = get_changing_options_with_inconsistent_keys(parameters, instance, purge_cloudwatch_logs)
+    updated_parameters.update(get_changing_options_with_consistent_keys(parameters, instance))
+    parameters = updated_parameters
+    if parameters.get('NewDBInstanceIdentifier') and instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('DBInstanceIdentifier'):
+        if parameters['NewDBInstanceIdentifier'] == instance['PendingModifiedValues']['DBInstanceIdentifier'] and not apply_immediately:
+            parameters.pop('NewDBInstanceIdentifier')
+    if parameters:
+        parameters['DBInstanceIdentifier'] = instance_id
+        if apply_immediately is not None:
+            parameters['ApplyImmediately'] = apply_immediately
+    return parameters
+def get_current_attributes_with_inconsistent_keys(instance):
+    options = {}
+    if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('PendingCloudwatchLogsExports', {}).get('LogTypesToEnable', []):
+        current_enabled = instance['PendingModifiedValues']['PendingCloudwatchLogsExports']['LogTypesToEnable']
+        current_disabled = instance['PendingModifiedValues']['PendingCloudwatchLogsExports']['LogTypesToDisable']
+        options['CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration'] = {'LogTypesToEnable': current_enabled, 'LogTypesToDisable': current_disabled}
+    else:
+        options['CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration'] = {'LogTypesToEnable': instance.get('EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports', []), 'LogTypesToDisable': []}
+    if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('Port'):
+        options['DBPortNumber'] = instance['PendingModifiedValues']['Port']
+    else:
+        options['DBPortNumber'] = instance['Endpoint']['Port']
+    if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('DBSubnetGroupName'):
+        options['DBSubnetGroupName'] = instance['PendingModifiedValues']['DBSubnetGroupName']
+    else:
+        options['DBSubnetGroupName'] = instance['DBSubnetGroup']['DBSubnetGroupName']
+    if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('ProcessorFeatures'):
+        options['ProcessorFeatures'] = instance['PendingModifiedValues']['ProcessorFeatures']
+    else:
+        options['ProcessorFeatures'] = instance.get('ProcessorFeatures', {})
+    options['OptionGroupName'] = [g['OptionGroupName'] for g in instance['OptionGroupMemberships']]
+    options['DBSecurityGroups'] = [sg['DBSecurityGroupName'] for sg in instance['DBSecurityGroups'] if sg['Status'] in ['adding', 'active']]
+    options['VpcSecurityGroupIds'] = [sg['VpcSecurityGroupId'] for sg in instance['VpcSecurityGroups'] if sg['Status'] in ['adding', 'active']]
+    options['DBParameterGroupName'] = [parameter_group['DBParameterGroupName'] for parameter_group in instance['DBParameterGroups']]
+    options['AllowMajorVersionUpgrade'] = None
+    options['EnableIAMDatabaseAuthentication'] = instance['IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled']
+    options['EnablePerformanceInsights'] = instance['PerformanceInsightsEnabled']
+    options['MasterUserPassword'] = None
+    options['NewDBInstanceIdentifier'] = instance['DBInstanceIdentifier']
+    return options
+def get_changing_options_with_inconsistent_keys(modify_params, instance, purge_cloudwatch_logs):
+    changing_params = {}
+    current_options = get_current_attributes_with_inconsistent_keys(instance)
+    for option in current_options:
+        current_option = current_options[option]
+        desired_option = modify_params.pop(option, None)
+        if desired_option is None:
+            continue
+        # TODO: allow other purge_option module parameters rather than just checking for things to add
+        if isinstance(current_option, list):
+            if isinstance(desired_option, list):
+                if set(desired_option) <= set(current_option):
+                    continue
+            elif isinstance(desired_option, string_types):
+                if desired_option in current_option:
+                    continue
+        if current_option == desired_option:
+            continue
+        if option == 'ProcessorFeatures' and desired_option == []:
+            changing_params['UseDefaultProcessorFeatures'] = True
+        elif option == 'CloudwatchLogsExportConfiguration':
+            format_option = {'EnableLogTypes': [], 'DisableLogTypes': []}
+            format_option['EnableLogTypes'] = list(desired_option.difference(current_option))
+            if purge_cloudwatch_logs:
+                format_option['DisableLogTypes'] = list(current_option.difference(desired_option))
+            if format_option['EnableLogTypes'] or format_option['DisableLogTypes']:
+                changing_params[option] = format_option
+        else:
+            changing_params[option] = desired_option
+    return changing_params
+def get_changing_options_with_consistent_keys(modify_params, instance):
+    inconsistent_parameters = list(modify_params.keys())
+    changing_params = {}
+    for param in modify_params:
+        current_option = instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get(param)
+        if current_option is None:
+            current_option = instance[param]
+        if modify_params[param] != current_option:
+            changing_params[param] = modify_params[param]
+    return changing_params
+def validate_options(client, module, instance):
+    state = module.params['state']
+    skip_final_snapshot = module.params['skip_final_snapshot']
+    snapshot_id = module.params['final_db_snapshot_identifier']
+    modified_id = module.params['new_db_instance_identifier']
+    engine = module.params['engine']
+    tde_options = bool(module.params['tde_credential_password'] or module.params['tde_credential_arn'])
+    read_replica = module.params['read_replica']
+    creation_source = module.params['creation_source']
+    source_instance = module.params['source_db_instance_identifier']
+    if module.params['source_region'] is not None:
+        same_region = bool(module.params['source_region'] == module.params['region'])
+    else:
+        same_region = True
+    if modified_id:
+        modified_instance = get_instance(client, module, modified_id)
+    else:
+        modified_instance = {}
+    if modified_id and instance and modified_instance:
+        module.fail_json(msg='A new instance ID {0} was provided but it already exists'.format(modified_id))
+    if modified_id and not instance and modified_instance:
+        module.fail_json(msg='A new instance ID {0} was provided but the instance to be renamed does not exist'.format(modified_id))
+    if state in ('absent', 'terminated') and instance and not skip_final_snapshot and snapshot_id is None:
+        module.fail_json(msg='skip_final_snapshot is false but all of the following are missing: final_db_snapshot_identifier')
+    if engine is not None and not (engine.startswith('mysql') or engine.startswith('oracle')) and tde_options:
+        module.fail_json(msg='TDE is available for MySQL and Oracle DB instances')
+    if read_replica is True and not instance and creation_source not in [None, 'instance']:
+        module.fail_json(msg='Cannot create a read replica from {0}. You must use a source DB instance'.format(creation_source))
+    if read_replica is True and not instance and not source_instance:
+        module.fail_json(msg='read_replica is true and the instance does not exist yet but all of the following are missing: source_db_instance_identifier')
+def update_instance(client, module, instance, instance_id):
+    changed = False
+    # Get newly created DB instance
+    if not instance:
+        instance = get_instance(client, module, instance_id)
+    # Check tagging/promoting/rebooting/starting/stopping instance
+    changed |= ensure_tags(
+        client, module, instance['DBInstanceArn'], instance['Tags'], module.params['tags'], module.params['purge_tags']
+    )
+    changed |= promote_replication_instance(client, module, instance, module.params['read_replica'])
+    changed |= update_instance_state(client, module, instance, module.params['state'])
+    return changed
+def promote_replication_instance(client, module, instance, read_replica):
+    changed = False
+    if read_replica is False:
+        changed = bool(instance.get('ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier') or instance.get('StatusInfos'))
+    if changed:
+        try:
+            call_method(client, module, method_name='promote_read_replica', parameters={'DBInstanceIdentifier': instance['DBInstanceIdentifier']})
+            changed = True
+        except is_boto3_error_code('InvalidDBInstanceState') as e:
+            if 'DB Instance is not a read replica' in e.response['Error']['Message']:
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise e
+    return changed
+def update_instance_state(client, module, instance, state):
+    changed = False
+    if state in ['rebooted', 'restarted']:
+        changed |= reboot_running_db_instance(client, module, instance)
+    if state in ['started', 'running', 'stopped']:
+        changed |= start_or_stop_instance(client, module, instance, state)
+    return changed
+def reboot_running_db_instance(client, module, instance):
+    parameters = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': instance['DBInstanceIdentifier']}
+    if instance['DBInstanceStatus'] in ['stopped', 'stopping']:
+        call_method(client, module, 'start_db_instance', parameters)
+    if module.params.get('force_failover') is not None:
+        parameters['ForceFailover'] = module.params['force_failover']
+    results, changed = call_method(client, module, 'reboot_db_instance', parameters)
+    return changed
+def start_or_stop_instance(client, module, instance, state):
+    changed = False
+    parameters = {'DBInstanceIdentifier': instance['DBInstanceIdentifier']}
+    if state == 'stopped' and instance['DBInstanceStatus'] not in ['stopping', 'stopped']:
+        if module.params['db_snapshot_identifier']:
+            parameters['DBSnapshotIdentifier'] = module.params['db_snapshot_identifier']
+        result, changed = call_method(client, module, 'stop_db_instance', parameters)
+    elif state == 'started' and instance['DBInstanceStatus'] not in ['available', 'starting', 'restarting']:
+        result, changed = call_method(client, module, 'start_db_instance', parameters)
+    return changed
+def main():
+    arg_spec = dict(
+        state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent', 'terminated', 'running', 'started', 'stopped', 'rebooted', 'restarted'], default='present'),
+        creation_source=dict(choices=['snapshot', 's3', 'instance']),
+        force_update_password=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+        purge_cloudwatch_logs_exports=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+        purge_tags=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+        read_replica=dict(type='bool'),
+        wait=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+    )
+    parameter_options = dict(
+        allocated_storage=dict(type='int'),
+        allow_major_version_upgrade=dict(type='bool'),
+        apply_immediately=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+        auto_minor_version_upgrade=dict(type='bool'),
+        availability_zone=dict(aliases=['az', 'zone']),
+        backup_retention_period=dict(type='int'),
+        ca_certificate_identifier=dict(),
+        character_set_name=dict(),
+        copy_tags_to_snapshot=dict(type='bool'),
+        db_cluster_identifier=dict(aliases=['cluster_id']),
+        db_instance_class=dict(aliases=['class', 'instance_type']),
+        db_instance_identifier=dict(required=True, aliases=['instance_id', 'id']),
+        db_name=dict(),
+        db_parameter_group_name=dict(),
+        db_security_groups=dict(type='list'),
+        db_snapshot_identifier=dict(),
+        db_subnet_group_name=dict(aliases=['subnet_group']),
+        domain=dict(),
+        domain_iam_role_name=dict(),
+        enable_cloudwatch_logs_exports=dict(type='list', aliases=['cloudwatch_log_exports']),
+        enable_iam_database_authentication=dict(type='bool'),
+        enable_performance_insights=dict(type='bool'),
+        engine=dict(),
+        engine_version=dict(),
+        final_db_snapshot_identifier=dict(aliases=['final_snapshot_identifier']),
+        force_failover=dict(type='bool'),
+        iops=dict(type='int'),
+        kms_key_id=dict(),
+        license_model=dict(choices=['license-included', 'bring-your-own-license', 'general-public-license']),
+        master_user_password=dict(aliases=['password'], no_log=True),
+        master_username=dict(aliases=['username']),
+        monitoring_interval=dict(type='int'),
+        monitoring_role_arn=dict(),
+        multi_az=dict(type='bool'),
+        new_db_instance_identifier=dict(aliases=['new_instance_id', 'new_id']),
+        option_group_name=dict(),
+        performance_insights_kms_key_id=dict(),
+        performance_insights_retention_period=dict(),
+        port=dict(type='int'),
+        preferred_backup_window=dict(aliases=['backup_window']),
+        preferred_maintenance_window=dict(aliases=['maintenance_window']),
+        processor_features=dict(type='dict'),
+        promotion_tier=dict(),
+        publicly_accessible=dict(type='bool'),
+        restore_time=dict(),
+        s3_bucket_name=dict(),
+        s3_ingestion_role_arn=dict(),
+        s3_prefix=dict(),
+        skip_final_snapshot=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+        snapshot_identifier=dict(),
+        source_db_instance_identifier=dict(),
+        source_engine=dict(choices=['mysql']),
+        source_engine_version=dict(),
+        source_region=dict(),
+        storage_encrypted=dict(type='bool'),
+        storage_type=dict(choices=['standard', 'gp2', 'io1']),
+        tags=dict(type='dict'),
+        tde_credential_arn=dict(aliases=['transparent_data_encryption_arn']),
+        tde_credential_password=dict(no_log=True, aliases=['transparent_data_encryption_password']),
+        timezone=dict(),
+        use_latest_restorable_time=dict(type='bool', aliases=['restore_from_latest']),
+        vpc_security_group_ids=dict(type='list')
+    )
+    arg_spec.update(parameter_options)
+    required_if = [
+        ('engine', 'aurora', ('cluster_id',)),
+        ('engine', 'aurora-mysql', ('cluster_id',)),
+        ('engine', 'aurora-postresql', ('cluster_id',)),
+        ('creation_source', 'snapshot', ('snapshot_identifier', 'engine')),
+        ('creation_source', 's3', (
+            's3_bucket_name', 'engine', 'master_username', 'master_user_password',
+            'source_engine', 'source_engine_version', 's3_ingestion_role_arn')),
+    ]
+    mutually_exclusive = [
+        ('s3_bucket_name', 'source_db_instance_identifier', 'snapshot_identifier'),
+        ('use_latest_restorable_time', 'restore_to_time'),
+        ('availability_zone', 'multi_az'),
+    ]
+    module = AnsibleAWSModule(
+        argument_spec=arg_spec,
+        required_if=required_if,
+        mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
+        supports_check_mode=True
+    )
+    if not module.boto3_at_least('1.5.0'):
+        module.fail_json(msg="rds_instance requires boto3 > 1.5.0")
+    # Sanitize instance identifiers
+    module.params['db_instance_identifier'] = module.params['db_instance_identifier'].lower()
+    if module.params['new_db_instance_identifier']:
+        module.params['new_db_instance_identifier'] = module.params['new_db_instance_identifier'].lower()
+    # Sanitize processor features
+    if module.params['processor_features'] is not None:
+        module.params['processor_features'] = dict((k, to_text(v)) for k, v in module.params['processor_features'].items())
+    client = module.client('rds')
+    changed = False
+    state = module.params['state']
+    instance_id = module.params['db_instance_identifier']
+    instance = get_instance(client, module, instance_id)
+    validate_options(client, module, instance)
+    method_name = get_rds_method_attribute_name(instance, state, module.params['creation_source'], module.params['read_replica'])
+    if method_name:
+        raw_parameters = arg_spec_to_rds_params(dict((k, module.params[k]) for k in module.params if k in parameter_options))
+        parameters = get_parameters(client, module, raw_parameters, method_name)
+        if parameters:
+            result, changed = call_method(client, module, method_name, parameters)
+        instance_id = get_final_identifier(method_name, module)
+        # Check tagging/promoting/rebooting/starting/stopping instance
+        if state != 'absent' and (not module.check_mode or instance):
+            changed |= update_instance(client, module, instance, instance_id)
+        if changed:
+            instance = get_instance(client, module, instance_id)
+            if state != 'absent' and (instance or not module.check_mode):
+                for attempt_to_wait in range(0, 10):
+                    instance = get_instance(client, module, instance_id)
+                    if instance:
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        sleep(5)
+        if state == 'absent' and changed and not module.params['skip_final_snapshot']:
+            instance.update(FinalSnapshot=get_final_snapshot(client, module, module.params['final_db_snapshot_identifier']))
+    pending_processor_features = None
+    if instance.get('PendingModifiedValues', {}).get('ProcessorFeatures'):
+        pending_processor_features = instance['PendingModifiedValues'].pop('ProcessorFeatures')
+    instance = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(instance, ignore_list=['Tags', 'ProcessorFeatures'])
+    if pending_processor_features is not None:
+        instance['pending_modified_values']['processor_features'] = pending_processor_features
+    module.exit_json(changed=changed, **instance)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/aliases b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/aliases
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..56927195182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/aliases
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/defaults/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2d215ba8af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/defaults/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+instance_id: "{{ resource_prefix }}"
+modified_instance_id: "{{ resource_prefix }}-updated"
+username: test
+password: test12345678
+db_instance_class: db.t2.micro
+storage_encrypted_db_instance_class: db.t2.small
+modified_db_instance_class: db.t2.medium
+allocated_storage: 20
+modified_allocated_storage: 30
+# For aurora tests
+cluster_id: "{{ resource_prefix }}-cluster"
+aurora_db_instance_class: db.t2.medium
+# For oracle tests
+oracle_ee_db_instance_class: db.r3.xlarge
+  coreCount: 1
+  threadsPerCore: 1
+  coreCount: 2
+  threadsPerCore: 2
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/credential_tests.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/credential_tests.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1aa1c3a23da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/credential_tests.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+- name: test without credentials
+  rds_instance:
+    db_instance_identifier: test-rds-instance
+  register: result
+  ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+    that:
+      - result.failed
+      - 'result.msg == "The rds_instance module requires a region and none was found in configuration, environment variables or module parameters"'
+- name: test without credentials
+  rds_instance:
+    db_instance_identifier: test-rds-instance
+    region: us-east-1
+  register: result
+  ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+    that:
+      - result.failed
+      - '"Unable to locate credentials" in result.msg'
+- name: test with invalid credentials
+  rds_instance:
+    db_instance_identifier: test-rds-instance
+    region: us-east-1
+    profile: doesnotexist
+  register: result
+  ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+    that:
+      - result.failed
+      - 'result.msg == "The config profile (doesnotexist) could not be found"'
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cfece3ea79c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+- block:
+    - include: ./credential_tests.yml
+    - include: ./test_states.yml
+    - include: ./test_tags.yml
+    - include: ./test_modification.yml  # TODO: test availability_zone and multi_az
+    - include: ./test_bad_options.yml
+    - include: ./test_processor_features.yml
+    - include: ./test_encryption.yml
+    - include: ./test_final_snapshot.yml
+    - include: ./test_read_replica.yml
+    - include: ./test_vpc_security_groups.yml
+    #- include: ./test_restore_instance.yml  # TODO: point-in-time, snapshot, s3
+    # TODO: uncomment after adding rds_cluster module
+    #- include: ./test_aurora.yml
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_aurora.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_aurora.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..14d28b248d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_aurora.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create minimal aurora cluster in default VPC and default subnet group
+        rds_cluster:
+          state: present
+          engine: aurora
+          cluster_id: "{{ cluster_id }}"
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+      - name: Create an Aurora instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          cluster_id: "{{ cluster_id }}"
+          engine: aurora
+          state: present
+          db_instance_class: "{{ aurora_db_instance_class }}"
+          tags:
+            CreatedBy: rds_instance integration tests
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+            - "result.tags | length == 1"
+      - name: Modify tags
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          tags:
+            Test: rds_instance
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - result.tags | length == 1
+            - "result.tags.Test == 'rds_instance'"
+      - name: Test idempotence
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+      - name: Attempt to modify password (a cluster-managed attribute)
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          password:  "{{ password }}"
+          force_update_password: True
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.failed
+            - "'Modify master user password for the DB Cluster using the ModifyDbCluster API' in result.msg"
+            - "'Please see rds_cluster' in result.msg"
+      - name: Modify aurora instance port (a cluster-managed attribute)
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          port: 1150
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - "'Modify database endpoint port number for the DB Cluster using the ModifyDbCluster API' in result.msg"
+            - "'Please see rds_cluster' in result.msg"
+      - name: Modify Aurora instance identifier
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          purge_tags: False
+          new_id: "{{ modified_instance_id }}"
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ modified_instance_id }}'"
+    always:
+      - name: Delete the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ item }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        loop:
+          - "{{ instance_id }}"
+          - "{{ modified_instance_id }}"
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Delete the cluster
+        rds_cluster:
+          cluster_id: "{{ cluster_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        ignore_errors: yes
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_bad_options.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_bad_options.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21de862d227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_bad_options.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a DB instance with an invalid engine
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: thisisnotavalidengine
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        ignore_errors: True
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.failed
+            - '"DB engine thisisnotavalidengine should be one of" in result.msg'
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_encryption.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_encryption.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc9a8d96468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_encryption.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ storage_encrypted_db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          storage_encrypted: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+            - result.kms_key_id
+            - result.storage_encrypted == true
+    always:
+      - name: Delete DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_final_snapshot.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_final_snapshot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91cb9797ff5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_final_snapshot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - name: Delete the DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          final_snapshot_identifier: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.final_snapshot.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+      - name: Check that snapshot exists
+        rds_snapshot_facts:
+          db_snapshot_identifier: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - "result.snapshots | length == 1"
+            - "result.snapshots.0.engine == 'mariadb'"
+    always:
+      - name: Use AWS CLI to delete the snapshot
+        command: "aws rds delete-db-snapshot --db-snapshot-identifier '{{ instance_id }}'"
+        environment:
+          AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+          AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+          AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: "{{ security_token }}"
+          AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{ aws_region }}"
+      # TODO: Uncomment once rds_snapshot module exists
+      #- name: Remove the snapshot
+      #  rds_snapshot:
+      #    db_snapshot_identifier: "{{ instance_id }}"
+      #    state: absent
+      #    <<: *aws_connection_info
+      #  ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Remove the DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        ignore_errors: yes         
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_modification.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_modification.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e9cc968a77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_modification.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+      - name: Modify the instance name without immediate application
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          new_id: "{{ modified_instance_id }}"
+          apply_immediately: False
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.db_instance_identifier == "{{ instance_id }}"'
+      - name: Immediately apply the pending update
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          new_id: "{{ modified_instance_id }}"
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.db_instance_identifier == "{{ modified_instance_id }}"'
+      - name: Modify the instance immediately
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ modified_instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          new_id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.db_instance_identifier == "{{ instance_id }}"'
+      - name: Check mode - modify the password
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          password: '{{ password }}'
+          force_update_password: True
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: True
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Modify the password
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          password: '{{ password }}'
+          force_update_password: True
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      # TODO: test modifying db_subnet_group_name, db_security_groups, db_parameter_group_name, option_group_name,
+      # monitoring_role_arn, monitoring_interval, domain, domain_iam_role_name, cloudwatch_logs_export_configuration
+      - name: Modify several attributes
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          allocated_storage: 30
+          db_instance_class: "{{ modified_db_instance_class }}"
+          backup_retention_period: 2
+          preferred_backup_window: "05:00-06:00"
+          preferred_maintenance_window: "mon:06:20-mon:06:50"
+          engine_version: "10.1.26"
+          allow_major_version_upgrade: true
+          auto_minor_version_upgrade: false
+          port: 1150
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - result.pending_modified_values.allocated_storage == 30
+            - result.pending_modified_values.port == 1150
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.db_instance_class == "db.t2.medium"'
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.engine_version == "10.1.26"'
+      - name: Idempotence modifying several pending attributes
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          allocated_storage: 30
+          db_instance_class: "{{ modified_db_instance_class }}"
+          backup_retention_period: 2
+          preferred_backup_window: "05:00-06:00"
+          preferred_maintenance_window: "mon:06:20-mon:06:50"
+          engine_version: "10.1.26"
+          allow_major_version_upgrade: true
+          auto_minor_version_upgrade: false
+          port: 1150
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        retries: 30
+        delay: 10
+        until: result is not failed
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - '"allocated_storage" in result.pending_modified_values or result.allocated_storage == 30'
+            - '"port" in result.pending_modified_values or result.endpoint.port == 1150'
+            - '"db_instance_class" in result.pending_modified_values or result.db_instance_class == "db.t2.medium"'
+            - '"engine_version" in result.pending_modified_values or result.engine_version == "10.1.26"'
+      - name: Reboot the instance to update the modified values and add tags
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: rebooted
+          tags:
+            Created_by: Ansible rds_instance tests
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - name: Delete the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - '"pending_modified_values" not in result'
+    always:
+      - name: Delete the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ item }}'
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        loop: ['{{ instance_id }}', '{{ modified_instance_id }}']
+        ignore_errors: yes
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_processor_features.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_processor_features.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2fb3d8951c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_processor_features.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create an oracle-ee DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: oracle-ee
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ oracle_ee_db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          storage_encrypted: True
+          processor_features: "{{ processor_features }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.processor_features.coreCount == "{{ processor_features.coreCount }}"'
+            - 'result.processor_features.threadsPerCore == "{{ processor_features.threadsPerCore }}"'
+      - name: Check mode - modify the processor features
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: oracle-ee
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ oracle_ee_db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          storage_encrypted: True
+          processor_features: "{{ modified_processor_features }}"
+          apply_immediately: true
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: True
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Modify the processor features
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: oracle-ee
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ oracle_ee_db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          storage_encrypted: True
+          processor_features: "{{ modified_processor_features }}"
+          apply_immediately: true
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.processor_features.coreCount == "{{ modified_processor_features.coreCount }}"'
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.processor_features.threadsPerCore == "{{ modified_processor_features.threadsPerCore }}"'
+      - name: Check mode - use the default processor features
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          processor_features: {}
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Use the default processor features
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          processor_features: {}
+          apply_immediately: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.processor_features.coreCount == "DEFAULT"'
+            - 'result.pending_modified_values.processor_features.threadsPerCore == "DEFAULT"'
+    always:
+      - name: Delete the DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_read_replica.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_read_replica.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0780ef0c72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_read_replica.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set the two regions for the source DB and the replica
+        set_fact:
+          region_src: "{{ aws_region }}"
+          region_dest: "us-east-2"
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          region: "{{ region_src }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a source DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mysql
+          backup_retention_period: 1
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          region: "{{ region_src }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: source_db
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - source_db.changed
+            - "source_db.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+      - name: Create a read replica in a different region
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: present
+          source_db_instance_identifier: "{{ source_db.db_instance_arn }}"
+          engine: mysql
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          read_replica: True
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - name: Test idempotence with a read replica
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: present
+          source_db_instance_identifier: "{{ source_db.db_instance_arn }}"
+          engine: mysql
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+      - name: Test idempotence with read_replica=True
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: present
+          read_replica: True
+          source_db_instance_identifier: "{{ source_db.db_instance_arn }}"
+          engine: mysql
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - name: Promote the read replica
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: present
+          read_replica: False
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Test idempotence
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: present
+          read_replica: False
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+    always:
+      - name: Remove the DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          region: "{{ region_src }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+      - name: Remove the DB replica
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}-replica"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          region: "{{ region_dest }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_states.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_states.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d79d184bd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_states.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Check Mode - Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+      - name: Idempotence
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - result.db_instance_identifier
+      - name: Idempotence with minimal options
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: present
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - result.db_instance_identifier
+      - name: Check Mode - stop the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: stopped
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Stop the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: stopped
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Check Mode - idempotence
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: stopped
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+      - name: Idempotence
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: stopped
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+      - name: Check mode - reboot a stopped instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: rebooted
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Reboot a stopped instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: rebooted
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+      - name: Check Mode - start the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: started
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        check_mode: yes
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+      - name: Stop the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: stopped
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+      - name: Start the instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: started
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+    always:
+      - name: Remove DB instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: '{{ instance_id }}'
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_tags.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_tags.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..87500dc3ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_tags.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a mariadb instance
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ instance_id }}"
+            Created_by: Ansible rds_instance tests
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+            - "result.tags | length == 2"
+            - "result.tags.Name == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+            - "result.tags.Created_by == 'Ansible rds_instance tests'"
+      - name: Test idempotence omitting tags
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - "result.tags | length == 2"
+      - name: Test tags are not purged if purge_tags is False
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          tags: {}
+          purge_tags: False
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+            - "result.tags | length == 2"
+      - name: Add a tag and remove a tag
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ instance_id }}-new"
+            Created_by: Ansible rds_instance tests
+          purge_tags: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.tags | length == 2"
+            - "result.tags.Name == '{{ instance_id }}-new'"
+      - name: Remove all tags
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          tags: {}
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - not result.tags
+    always:
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_vpc_security_groups.yml b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_vpc_security_groups.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4da38069b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/rds_instance/tasks/test_vpc_security_groups.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+  - block:
+      - name: set up aws connection info
+        set_fact:
+          aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
+            aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
+            aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
+            security_token: "{{ security_token }}"
+            region: "{{ aws_region }}"
+        no_log: yes
+      - name: create a VPC
+        ec2_vpc_net:
+          name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc"
+          state: present
+          cidr_block: ""
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc"
+            Description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: vpc_result
+      - name: create subnets
+        ec2_vpc_subnet:
+          cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}"
+          az: "{{ item.zone }}"
+          vpc_id: "{{ vpc_result.vpc.id }}"
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-subnet"
+            Description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          state: present
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: subnets_result
+        loop:
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}a"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}b"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}c"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}d"}
+      - name: Create security groups
+        ec2_group:
+          name: "{{ item }}"
+          description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          state: present
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: sgs_result
+        loop:
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-1"
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-2"
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-3"
+      - debug: var=sgs_result
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - not result.changed
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Create a DB instance in the VPC with two security groups
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          engine: mariadb
+          username: "{{ username }}"
+          password: "{{ password }}"
+          db_instance_class: "{{ db_instance_class }}"
+          allocated_storage: "{{ allocated_storage }}"
+          vpc_security_group_ids:
+            - "{{ sgs_result.results.0.group_id }}"
+            - "{{ sgs_result.results.1.group_id }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+            - "result.db_instance_identifier == '{{ instance_id }}'"
+      - name: Add a new security group
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: present
+          vpc_security_group_ids:
+            - "{{ sgs_result.results.2.group_id }}"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+      - assert:
+          that:
+            - result.changed
+    always:
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        ignore_errors: yes
+      - name: Remove security groups
+        ec2_group:
+          name: "{{ item }}"
+          description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          state: absent
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: sgs_result
+        loop:
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-1"
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-2"
+          - "{{ resource_prefix }}-sg-3"
+      - name: remove subnets
+        ec2_vpc_subnet:
+          cidr: "{{ item.cidr }}"
+          az: "{{ item.zone }}"
+          vpc_id: "{{ vpc_result.vpc.id }}"
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-subnet"
+            Description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          state: absent
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: subnets
+        ignore_errors: yes
+        retries: 30
+        until: subnets is not failed
+        delay: 10
+        loop:
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}a"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}b"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}c"}
+          - {"cidr": "", "zone": "{{ aws_region }}d"}
+      - name: create a VPC
+        ec2_vpc_net:
+          name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc"
+          state: absent
+          cidr_block: ""
+          tags:
+            Name: "{{ resource_prefix }}-vpc"
+            Description: "created by rds_instance integration tests"
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: vpc_result
+        ignore_errors: yes
+        retries: 30
+        until: vpc_result is not failed
+        delay: 10
+      - name: Ensure the resource doesn't exist
+        rds_instance:
+          id: "{{ instance_id }}"
+          state: absent
+          skip_final_snapshot: True
+          <<: *aws_connection_info
+        register: result
+        ignore_errors: yes