From 15d5cf0615ca379b72dbd566e0a9e05eef226788 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Durivage <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2014 16:36:13 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Completed documentation and examples

 cloud/rax_files_objects | 157 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 155 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cloud/rax_files_objects b/cloud/rax_files_objects
index 3112e8425c9..9401b72b862 100644
--- a/cloud/rax_files_objects
+++ b/cloud/rax_files_objects
@@ -25,13 +25,166 @@ description:
   - Upload, download, and delete objects in Rackspace Cloud Files
 version_added: "1.5"
+  api_key:
+    description:
+      - Rackspace API key (overrides I(credentials))requirements: [ "pyrax" ]
+  clear_meta:
+    description:
+      - Optionally clear existing metadata when applying metadata to existing objects.
+      - Selecting this option is only appropriate when setting typ=meta
+    choices: ["yes", "no"]
+    default: "no"
+  container:
+    description:
+      - The container to use for file object operations.
+    required: true
+  credentials:
+    description:
+      - File to find the Rackspace credentials in (ignored if I(api_key) and
+        I(username) are provided)
+    default: null
+    aliases: ['creds_file']
+  dest:
+    description:
+      - The destination of a "get" operation; i.e. a local directory, "/home/user/myfolder"
+      - Used to specify the destination of an operation on a remote object; i.e. a file name,
+      "file1", or a comma-separated list of remote objects, "file1,file2,file17"
+  expires:
+    description:
+      - Used to set an expiration on a file or folder uploaded to Cloud Files
+      - Requires an integer, specifying expiration in seconds
+  meta:
+    description:
+      - A hash of items to set as metadata values on an uploaded file or folder
+  method:
+    description:
+      - The method of operation to be performed: put, get, delete
+      - Put to upload files to Cloud Files
+      - Get to download files from Cloud Files
+      - Delete to delete remote objects in Cloud Files
+    choices: ["get", "put", "delete"]
+    default: "get"
+  region:
+    description:
+      - Region to create an instance in
+    default: DFW
+  src:
+    description:
+      - Source from which to upload files
+      - Used to specify a remote object as a source for an operation, i.e. a file name,
+      "file1", or a comma-separated list of remote objects, "file1,file2,file17"
+      - src and dest are mutually exclusive on remote-only object operations
+  structure:
+    description:
+      - Used to specify whether to maintain nested directory structure when downloading objects from Cloud Files
+      - Setting to false downloads the contents of a container to a single, flat directory
+    choices: ["yes", "no"]
+    default: "yes"
+  typ:
+    description:
+      - Type of object to do work on: metadata object or a file object
+    choices: ["file", "meta"]
+    default: "file"
+  username:
+    description:
+      - Rackspace username (overrides I(credentials))
 requirements: [ "pyrax" ]
 author: Paul Durivage
-  - Something
+  - The following environment variables can be used, C(RAX_USERNAME),
+  - C(RAX_CREDENTIALS) and C(RAX_CREDS_FILE) points to a credentials file
+    appropriate for pyrax. See U(
+  - C(RAX_USERNAME) and C(RAX_API_KEY) obviate the use of a credentials file
+  - C(RAX_REGION) defines a Rackspace Public Cloud region (DFW, ORD, LON, ...)
-EXAMPLES = ''' '''
+- name: "Test Cloud Files Objects"
+  hosts: local
+  gather_facts: False
+  tasks:
+    - name: "Get objects from test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont dest=~/Downloads/testcont
+    - name: "Get single object from test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont src=file1 dest=~/Downloads/testcont
+    - name: "Get several objects from test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont src=file1,file2,file3 dest=~/Downloads/testcont
+    - name: "Delete one object in test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=file1
+    - name: "Delete several objects in test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=file2,file3,file4
+    - name: "Delete all objects in test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete
+    - name: "Upload all files to test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/onehundred
+    - name: "Upload one file to test container"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/testcont/file1
+    - name: "Upload one file to test container with metadata"
+      rax_files_objects:
+        container: testcont
+        src: ~/Downloads/testcont/file2
+        method: put
+        meta:
+          testkey: testdata
+          who_uploaded_this:
+    - name: "Upload one file to test container with TTL of 60 seconds"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=put src=~/Downloads/testcont/file3 expires=60
+    - name: "Attempt to get remote object that does not exist"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=get src=FileThatDoesNotExist.jpg dest=~/Downloads/testcont
+      ignore_errors: yes
+    - name: "Attempt to delete remote object that does not exist"
+      rax_files_objects: container=testcont method=delete dest=FileThatDoesNotExist.jpg
+      ignore_errors: yes
+- name: "Test Cloud Files Objects Metadata"
+  hosts: local
+  gather_facts: false
+  tasks:
+    - name: "Get metadata on one object"
+      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta dest=file2
+    - name: "Get metadata on several objects"
+      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta src=file2,file1
+    - name: "Set metadata on an object"
+      rax_files_objects:
+        container: testcont
+        type: meta
+        dest: file17
+        meta:
+          key1: value1
+          key2: value2
+        clear_meta: true
+    - name: "Verify metadata is set"
+      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta src=file17
+    - name: "Delete metadata"
+      rax_files_objects:
+        container: testcont
+        type: meta
+        dest: file17
+        method: delete
+        meta:
+          key1: ''
+          key2: ''
+    - name: "Get metadata on all objects"
+      rax_files_objects:  container=testcont type=meta
 import os