win_disk_facts: Prefix facts with ansible_ and use raw values (#35326)

* win_disk_facts: Prefix facts with ansible_

* Return raw values in bytes rather than formatted strings

* Fix Fail-Json message

* Improve examples
This commit is contained in:
Dag Wieers 2018-01-26 10:46:53 +01:00 committed by Jordan Borean
parent 466e1b289b
commit 1c8a872648
2 changed files with 137 additions and 141 deletions

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@ -8,28 +8,25 @@
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0
# Create a new result object
$result = @{
changed = $false
ansible_facts = @{
total_disks = 0
disks = @()
# Functions
function Test-Admin {
$CurrentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
$IsAdmin = $CurrentUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
$CurrentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
$IsAdmin = $CurrentUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator)
return $IsAdmin
return $IsAdmin
# Check admin rights
if (-not (Test-Admin)) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Cmdlet was not started with elevated rights"
Fail-Json -obj @{} -message "Module was not started with elevated rights"
# Create a new result object
$result = @{
changed = $false
ansible_facts = @{
ansible_disks = @()
# Search disks
@ -39,7 +36,6 @@ try {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to search the disks on the target: $($_.Exception.Message)"
[int32]$diskcount = $disks | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
$result.ansible_facts.total_disks = $diskcount
foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$disk_info = @{}
$pdisk = Get-PhysicalDisk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {
@ -47,8 +43,8 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
if ($pdisk) {
$disk_info["physical_disk"] += @{
size = "$($pSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($pdisk.Size / 1GB))$($pSize)GiB"
allocated_size = "$($pAllocSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($pdisk.AllocatedSize / 1GB))$($pAllocSize)GiB"
size = $pdisk.Size
allocated_size = $pdisk.AllocatedSize
device_id = $pdisk.DeviceId
friendly_name = $pdisk.FriendlyName
operational_status = $pdisk.OperationalStatus
@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
bus_type = $pdisk.BusType
usage_type = $pdisk.Usage
supported_usages = $pdisk.SupportedUsages
spindle_speed = "$($pdisk.SpindleSpeed)rpm"
spindle_speed = $pdisk.SpindleSpeed
firmware_version = $pdisk.FirmwareVersion
physical_location = $pdisk.PhysicalLocation
manufacturer = $pdisk.Manufacturer
@ -77,29 +73,29 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$vdisk = Get-VirtualDisk -PhysicalDisk $pdisk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($vdisk) {
$disk_info["virtual_disk"] += @{
size = "$($vDSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($vdisk.Size / 1GB))$($vDSize)GiB"
allocated_size = "$($vDAllocSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($vdisk.AllocatedSize / 1GB))$($vDAllocSize)GiB"
footprint_on_pool = "$($vDPrint = "{0:N3}" -f ($vdisk.FootprintOnPool / 1GB))$($vDPrint)GiB"
size = $vdisk.Size
allocated_size = $vdisk.AllocatedSize
footprint_on_pool = $vdisk.FootprintOnPool
name = $
friendly_name = $vdisk.FriendlyName
operational_status = $vdisk.OperationalStatus
health_status = $vdisk.HealthStatus
provisioning_type = $vdisk.ProvisioningType
allocation_unit_size = "$($vdisk.AllocationUnitSize / 1KB)KiB"
allocation_unit_size = $vdisk.AllocationUnitSize
media_type = $vdisk.MediaType
parity_layout = $vdisk.ParityLayout
access = $vdisk.Access
detached_reason = $vdisk.DetachedReason
write_cache_size = "$($vdisk.WriteCacheSize)s/byte/bytes/"
write_cache_size = $vdisk.WriteCacheSize
fault_domain_awareness = $vdisk.FaultDomainAwareness
inter_leave = "$($vDLeave = "{0:N3}" -f ($vdisk.InterLeave / 1KB))$($vDLeave)KiB"
inter_leave = $vdisk.InterLeave
deduplication_enabled = $vdisk.IsDeduplicationEnabled
enclosure_aware = $vdisk.IsEnclosureAware
manual_attach = $vdisk.IsManualAttach
snapshot = $vdisk.IsSnapshot
tiered = $vdisk.IsTiered
physical_sector_size = "$($vdisk.PhysicalSectorSize / 1KB)KiB"
logical_sector_size = "$($vdisk.LogicalSectorSize)s/byte/bytes/"
physical_sector_size = $vdisk.PhysicalSectorSize
logical_sector_size = $vdisk.LogicalSectorSize
available_copies = $vdisk.NumberOfAvailableCopies
columns = $vdisk.NumberOfColumns
groups = $vdisk.NumberOfGroups
@ -114,13 +110,13 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$disk_info.number = $disk.Number
$disk_info.size = "$($disk.Size / 1GB)GiB"
$disk_info.size = $disk.Size
$disk_info.bus_type = $disk.BusType
$disk_info.friendly_name = $disk.FriendlyName
$disk_info.partition_style = $disk.PartitionStyle
$disk_info.partition_count = $disk.NumberOfPartitions
$disk_info.operational_status = $disk.OperationalStatus
$disk_info.sector_size = "$($disk.PhysicalSectorSize)s/byte/bytes/"
$disk_info.sector_size = $disk.PhysicalSectorSize
$disk_info.read_only = $disk.IsReadOnly
$disk_info.bootable = $disk.IsBoot
$disk_info.system_disk = $disk.IsSystem
@ -139,7 +135,7 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
foreach ($part in $parts) {
$partition_info = @{
number = $part.PartitionNumber
size = "$($pSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($part.Size /1GB))$($pSize)GiB"
size = $part.Size
type = $part.Type
drive_letter = $part.DriveLetter
transition_state = $part.TransitionState
@ -161,8 +157,8 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$partition_info["volumes"] += @()
foreach ($vol in $vols) {
$volume_info = @{
size = "$($vSize = "{0:N3}" -f ($vol.Size / 1GB))$($vSize)GiB"
size_remaining = "$($vSizeRe = "{0:N3}" -f ($vol.SizeRemaining / 1GB))$($vSizeRe)GiB"
size = $vol.Size
size_remaining = $vol.SizeRemaining
type = $vol.FileSystem
label = $vol.FileSystemLabel
health_status = $vol.HealthStatus
@ -171,11 +167,11 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
path = $vol.Path
if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -ge 10) {
$volume_info.allocation_unit_size = "$($vol.AllocationUnitSize /1KB)KiB"
$volume_info.allocation_unit_size = $vol.AllocationUnitSize
} else {
$volPath = ($vol.Path.TrimStart("\\?\")).TrimEnd("\")
$BlockSize = (Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT BlockSize FROM Win32_Volume WHERE DeviceID like '%$volPath%'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Select-Object BlockSize).BlockSize
$volume_info.allocation_unit_size = "$($BlockSize / 1KB)KiB"
$volume_info.allocation_unit_size = $BlockSize
$partition_info.volumes += $volume_info
@ -183,7 +179,7 @@ foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$disk_info.partitions += $partition_info
$result.ansible_facts.disks += $disk_info
$result.ansible_facts.ansible_disks += $disk_info
# Return result

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ version_added: '2.5'
short_description: Show the attached disks and disk information of the target host
- With the module you can retrieve and output detailed information about the attached disks of the target and
it's volumes and partitions if existent.
its volumes and partitions if existent.
- Windows 8.1 / Windows 2012 (NT 6.2)
@ -27,15 +27,29 @@ notes:
- name: get disk facts
- name: Get disk facts
- name: output first disk size
- name: Output first disk size
var: ansible_facts.disks[0].size
- name: get disk facts
- name: output second disk serial number
- name: Convert first system disk into various formats
msg: '{{ disksize_gib }} vs {{ disksize_gib_human }}'
# Get first system disk
disk: '{{ ansible_facts.disks|selectattr("system_disk")|first }}'
# Show disk size in Gibibytes
disksize_gib_human: '{{ disk.size|filesizeformat(True) }}' # returns "223.6 GiB" (human readable)
disksize_gib: '{{ (disk.size/1024|pow(3))|round|int }} GiB' # returns "224 GiB" (value in GiB)
# Show disk size in Gigabytes
disksize_gb_human: '{{ disk.size|filesizeformat }}' # returns "240.1 GB" (human readable)
disksize_gb: '{{ (disk.size/1000|pow(3))|round|int }} GB' # returns "240 GB" (value in GB)
- name: Output second disk serial number
var: ansible_facts.disks[0].serial_number
@ -46,12 +60,7 @@ ansible_facts:
returned: always
type: complex
description: Count of found disks on the target.
returned: if disks were found
type: int
sample: 3
description: Detailed information about one particular disk.
returned: if disks were found
type: list
@ -62,10 +71,10 @@ ansible_facts:
type: int
sample: 0
description: Size in Gibibyte of the particular disk.
description: Size in bytes of the particular disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100GiB"
type: int
sample: 227727638528
description: Bus type of the particular disk.
returned: always
@ -92,30 +101,30 @@ ansible_facts:
type: string
sample: "Online"
description: Sector size in byte of the particular disk.
description: Sector size in bytes of the particular disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "512s/byte/bytes/"
type: int
sample: 4096
description: Read only status of the particular disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "true"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular disk is a bootable disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "false"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Information whether the particular disk is a system disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "true"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular disk is clustered (part of a failover cluster).
returned: always
type: string
sample: "false"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Manufacturer of the particular disk.
returned: always
@ -168,11 +177,10 @@ ansible_facts:
sample: 1
- Size in Gibibyte of the particular partition.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Size in bytes of the particular partition.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "0.031GiB"
type: int
sample: 838860800
description: Type of the particular partition.
returned: always
@ -186,8 +194,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether the particular partition has a default drive letter or not.
returned: if partition_style property of the particular disk has value "GPT"
type: string
sample: "true"
type: bool
sample: True
description: mbr type of the particular partition.
returned: if partition_style property of the particular disk has value "MBR"
@ -196,8 +204,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether the particular partition is an active partition or not.
returned: if partition_style property of the particular disk has value "MBR"
type: string
sample: "true"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Drive letter of the particular partition.
returned: if existent
@ -216,13 +224,13 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether the particular partition is hidden or not.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "true"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular partition is a shadow copy of another partition.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "false"
type: bool
sample: False
description: GUID of the particular partition.
returned: if existent
@ -240,18 +248,16 @@ ansible_facts:
- Size in Gibibyte of the particular volume.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Size in bytes of the particular volume.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "0,342GiB"
type: int
sample: 838856704
- Remaining size in Gibibyte of the particular volume.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Remaining size in bytes of the particular volume.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "0,146GiB"
type: int
sample: 395620352
description: File system type of the particular volume.
returned: always
@ -273,10 +279,10 @@ ansible_facts:
type: string
sample: "Fixed"
description: Allocation unit size in Kibibyte of the particular volume.
description: Allocation unit size in bytes of the particular volume.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "64KiB"
type: int
sample: 4096
description: Object ID of the particular volume.
returned: always
@ -299,18 +305,16 @@ ansible_facts:
sample: "UnSpecified"
- Size in Gibibyte of the particular physical disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Size in bytes of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "200GiB"
type: int
sample: 240057409536
- Allocated size in Gibibyte of the particular physical disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Allocated size in bytes of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100GiB"
type: int
sample: 240057409536
description: Device ID of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
@ -359,8 +363,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Spindle speed in rpm of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "4294967295rpm"
type: int
sample: 4294967295
description: Physical location of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
@ -379,8 +383,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether the particular physical disk can be added to a storage pool.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "false"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Information why the particular physical disk can not be added to a storage pool.
returned: if can_pool property has value false
@ -389,13 +393,13 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether indication is enabled for the particular physical disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "True"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular physical disk is partial.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "False"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Serial number of the particular physical disk.
returned: always
@ -418,25 +422,22 @@ ansible_facts:
- Size in Gibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Size in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "300GiB"
type: int
sample: 240057409536
- Allocated size in Gibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Allocated size in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100GiB"
type: int
sample: 240057409536
- Footprint on pool in Gibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Footprint on pool in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100GiB"
type: int
sample: 240057409536
description: Name of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
@ -463,10 +464,10 @@ ansible_facts:
type: string
sample: "Thin"
description: Allocation unit size in Kibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
description: Allocation unit size in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "4KiB"
type: int
sample: 4096
description: Media type of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
@ -490,8 +491,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Write cache size in byte of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100s/byte/bytes/"
type: int
sample: 100
description: Fault domain awareness of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
@ -499,46 +500,45 @@ ansible_facts:
sample: "PhysicalDisk"
- Inter leave in Kibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
- Accurate to three decimal places.
- Inter leave in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "100KiB"
type: int
sample: 102400
description: Information whether deduplication is enabled for the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "True"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular virtual disk is enclosure aware.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "False"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Information whether the particular virtual disk is manual attached.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "True"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Information whether the particular virtual disk is a snapshot.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "False"
type: bool
sample: False
description: Information whether the particular virtual disk is tiered.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "True"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Physical sector size in Kibibyte of the particular virtual disk.
description: Physical sector size in bytes of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "4KiB"
type: int
sample: 4096
description: Logical sector size in byte of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "512s/byte/bytes/"
type: int
sample: 512
description: Number of the available copies of the particular virtual disk.
returned: if existent
@ -567,8 +567,8 @@ ansible_facts:
description: Information whether the particular virtual disk requests no single point of failure.
returned: always
type: string
sample: "True"
type: bool
sample: True
description: Type of the physical disk redundancy of the particular virtual disk.
returned: always