diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/bigip_device_auth_ldap.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/bigip_device_auth_ldap.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e66f66cb2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/bigip_device_auth_ldap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, F5 Networks Inc.
+# GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+                    'status': ['preview'],
+                    'supported_by': 'certified'}
+module: bigip_device_auth_ldap
+short_description: Manage LDAP device authentication settings on BIG-IP
+  - Manage LDAP device authentication settings on BIG-IP.
+version_added: 2.8
+  servers:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the LDAP servers that the system must use to obtain
+        authentication information. You must specify a server when you
+        create an LDAP configuration object.
+  port:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the port that the system uses for access to the remote host server.
+      - When configuring LDAP device authentication for the first time, if this parameter
+        is not specified, the default port is C(389).
+  remote_directory_tree:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the file location (tree) of the user authentication database on the
+        server.
+  scope:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the level of the remote Active Directory or LDAP directory that the
+        system should search for the user authentication.
+    choices:
+      - sub
+      - one
+      - base
+  bind_dn:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the distinguished name for the Active Directory or LDAP server user
+        ID.
+      - The BIG-IP client authentication module does not support Active Directory or
+        LDAP servers that do not perform bind referral when authenticating referred
+        accounts.
+      - Therefore, if you plan to use Active Directory or LDAP as your authentication
+        source and want to use referred accounts, make sure your servers perform bind
+        referral.
+  bind_password:
+    description:
+      - Specifies a password for the Active Directory or LDAP server user ID.
+  user_template:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the distinguished name of the user who is logging on.
+      - You specify the template as a variable that the system replaces with user-specific
+        information during the logon attempt.
+      - For example, you could specify a user template such as C(%s@siterequest.com) or
+        C(uxml:id=%s,ou=people,dc=siterequest,dc=com).
+      - When a user attempts to log on, the system replaces C(%s) with the name the user
+        specified in the Basic Authentication dialog box, and passes that as the
+        distinguished name for the bind operation.
+      - The system passes the associated password as the password for the bind operation.
+      - This field can contain only one C(%s) and cannot contain any other format
+        specifiers.
+  check_member_attr:
+    description:
+      - Checks the user's member attribute in the remote LDAP or AD group.
+    type: bool
+  ssl:
+    description:
+      - Specifies whether the system uses an SSL port to communicate with the LDAP server.
+    choices:
+      - "yes"
+      - "no"
+      - start-tls
+  ssl_ca_cert:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the name of an SSL certificate from a certificate authority (CA).
+      - To remove this value, use the reserved value C(none).
+  ssl_client_key:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the name of an SSL client key.
+      - To remove this value, use the reserved value C(none).
+  ssl_client_cert:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the name of an SSL client certificate.
+      - To remove this value, use the reserved value C(none).
+  ssl_check_peer:
+    description:
+      - Specifies whether the system checks an SSL peer, as a result of which the
+        system requires and verifies the server certificate.
+    type: bool
+  login_ldap_attr:
+    description:
+      - Specifies the LDAP directory attribute containing the local user name that is
+        associated with the selected directory entry.
+      - When configuring LDAP device authentication for the first time, if this parameter
+        is not specified, the default port is C(samaccountname).
+  fallback_to_local:
+    description:
+      - Specifies that the system uses the Local authentication method if the remote
+        authentication method is not available.
+    type: bool
+  state:
+    description:
+      - When C(present), ensures the device authentication method exists.
+      - When C(absent), ensures the device authentication method does not exist.
+    default: present
+    choices:
+      - present
+      - absent
+  update_password:
+    description:
+      - C(always) will always update the C(bind_password).
+      - C(on_create) will only set the C(bind_password) for newly created authentication
+        mechanisms.
+    default: always
+    choices:
+      - always
+      - on_create
+extends_documentation_fragment: f5
+  - Tim Rupp (@caphrim007)
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Create an LDAP authentication object
+  bigip_device_auth_ldap:
+    name: foo
+    provider:
+      password: secret
+      server: lb.mydomain.com
+      user: admin
+  delegate_to: localhost
+RETURN = r'''
+  description: The new param1 value of the resource.
+  returned: changed
+  type: bool
+  sample: true
+  description: The new param2 value of the resource.
+  returned: changed
+  type: string
+  sample: Foo is bar
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.bigip import F5RestClient
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import F5ModuleError
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import AnsibleF5Parameters
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import cleanup_tokens
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import fq_name
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import transform_name
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import f5_argument_spec
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import exit_json
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import fail_json
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.common import flatten_boolean
+    from library.module_utils.network.f5.compare import cmp_str_with_none
+except ImportError:
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.bigip import F5RestClient
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import F5ModuleError
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import AnsibleF5Parameters
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import cleanup_tokens
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import fq_name
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import transform_name
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import f5_argument_spec
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import exit_json
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import fail_json
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.common import flatten_boolean
+    from ansible.module_utils.network.f5.compare import cmp_str_with_none
+class Parameters(AnsibleF5Parameters):
+    api_map = {
+        'bindDn': 'bind_dn',
+        'bindPw': 'bind_password',
+        'userTemplate': 'user_template',
+        'fallback': 'fallback_to_local',
+        'loginAttribute': 'login_ldap_attr',
+        'sslCheckPeer': 'ssl_check_peer',
+        'sslClientCert': 'ssl_client_cert',
+        'sslClientKey': 'ssl_client_key',
+        'sslCaCertFile': 'ssl_ca_cert',
+        'checkRolesGroup': 'check_member_attr',
+        'searchBaseDn': 'remote_directory_tree',
+    }
+    api_attributes = [
+        'bindDn',
+        'bindPw',
+        'checkRolesGroup',
+        'loginAttribute',
+        'port',
+        'scope',
+        'searchBaseDn',
+        'servers',
+        'ssl',
+        'sslCaCertFile',
+        'sslCheckPeer',
+        'sslClientCert',
+        'sslClientKey',
+        'userTemplate',
+    ]
+    returnables = [
+        'bind_dn',
+        'bind_password',
+        'check_member_attr',
+        'fallback_to_local',
+        'login_ldap_attr',
+        'port',
+        'remote_directory_tree',
+        'scope',
+        'servers',
+        'ssl',
+        'ssl_ca_cert',
+        'ssl_check_peer',
+        'ssl_client_cert',
+        'ssl_client_key',
+        'user_template',
+    ]
+    updatables = [
+        'bind_dn',
+        'bind_password',
+        'check_member_attr',
+        'fallback_to_local',
+        'login_ldap_attr',
+        'port',
+        'remote_directory_tree',
+        'scope',
+        'servers',
+        'ssl',
+        'ssl_ca_cert',
+        'ssl_check_peer',
+        'ssl_client_cert',
+        'ssl_client_key',
+        'user_template',
+    ]
+    @property
+    def ssl_ca_cert(self):
+        if self._values['ssl_ca_cert'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl_ca_cert'] in ['none', '']:
+            return ''
+        return fq_name(self.partition, self._values['ssl_ca_cert'])
+    @property
+    def ssl_client_key(self):
+        if self._values['ssl_client_key'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl_client_key'] in ['none', '']:
+            return ''
+        return fq_name(self.partition, self._values['ssl_client_key'])
+    @property
+    def ssl_client_cert(self):
+        if self._values['ssl_client_cert'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl_client_cert'] in ['none', '']:
+            return ''
+        return fq_name(self.partition, self._values['ssl_client_cert'])
+    @property
+    def ssl_check_peer(self):
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['ssl_check_peer'])
+    @property
+    def fallback_to_local(self):
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['fallback_to_local'])
+    @property
+    def check_member_attr(self):
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['check_member_attr'])
+    @property
+    def login_ldap_attr(self):
+        if self._values['login_ldap_attr'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['login_ldap_attr'] in ['none', '']:
+            return ''
+        return self._values['login_ldap_attr']
+    @property
+    def user_template(self):
+        if self._values['user_template'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['user_template'] in ['none', '']:
+            return ''
+        return self._values['user_template']
+    @property
+    def ssl(self):
+        if self._values['ssl'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl'] == 'start-tls':
+            return 'start-tls'
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['ssl'])
+class ApiParameters(Parameters):
+    pass
+class ModuleParameters(Parameters):
+    pass
+class Changes(Parameters):
+    def to_return(self):
+        result = {}
+        try:
+            for returnable in self.returnables:
+                result[returnable] = getattr(self, returnable)
+            result = self._filter_params(result)
+        except Exception:
+            pass
+        return result
+class UsableChanges(Changes):
+    @property
+    def ssl_check_peer(self):
+        if self._values['ssl_check_peer'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl_check_peer'] == 'yes':
+            return 'enabled'
+        return 'disabled'
+    @property
+    def fallback_to_local(self):
+        if self._values['fallback_to_local'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['fallback_to_local'] == 'yes':
+            return 'true'
+        return 'false'
+    @property
+    def check_member_attr(self):
+        if self._values['check_member_attr'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['check_member_attr'] == 'yes':
+            return 'enabled'
+        return 'disabled'
+    @property
+    def ssl(self):
+        if self._values['ssl'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl'] == 'start-tls':
+            return 'start-tls'
+        elif self._values['ssl'] == 'yes':
+            return 'enabled'
+        return 'disabled'
+class ReportableChanges(Changes):
+    @property
+    def bind_password(self):
+        return None
+    @property
+    def ssl_check_peer(self):
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['ssl_check_peer'])
+    @property
+    def check_member_attr(self):
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['check_member_attr'])
+    @property
+    def ssl(self):
+        if self._values['ssl'] is None:
+            return None
+        elif self._values['ssl'] == 'start-tls':
+            return 'start-tls'
+        return flatten_boolean(self._values['ssl'])
+class Difference(object):
+    def __init__(self, want, have=None):
+        self.want = want
+        self.have = have
+    def compare(self, param):
+        try:
+            result = getattr(self, param)
+            return result
+        except AttributeError:
+            return self.__default(param)
+    def __default(self, param):
+        attr1 = getattr(self.want, param)
+        try:
+            attr2 = getattr(self.have, param)
+            if attr1 != attr2:
+                return attr1
+        except AttributeError:
+            return attr1
+    @property
+    def login_ldap_attr(self):
+        return cmp_str_with_none(self.want.login_ldap_attr, self.have.login_ldap_attr)
+    @property
+    def user_template(self):
+        return cmp_str_with_none(self.want.user_template, self.have.user_template)
+    @property
+    def ssl_ca_cert(self):
+        return cmp_str_with_none(self.want.ssl_ca_cert, self.have.ssl_ca_cert)
+    @property
+    def ssl_client_key(self):
+        return cmp_str_with_none(self.want.ssl_client_key, self.have.ssl_client_key)
+    @property
+    def ssl_client_cert(self):
+        return cmp_str_with_none(self.want.ssl_client_cert, self.have.ssl_client_cert)
+    @property
+    def bind_password(self):
+        if self.want.bind_password != self.have.bind_password and self.want.update_password == 'always':
+            return self.want.bind_password
+class ModuleManager(object):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.module = kwargs.get('module', None)
+        self.client = kwargs.get('client', None)
+        self.want = ModuleParameters(params=self.module.params)
+        self.have = ApiParameters()
+        self.changes = UsableChanges()
+    def _set_changed_options(self):
+        changed = {}
+        for key in Parameters.returnables:
+            if getattr(self.want, key) is not None:
+                changed[key] = getattr(self.want, key)
+        if changed:
+            self.changes = UsableChanges(params=changed)
+    def _update_changed_options(self):
+        diff = Difference(self.want, self.have)
+        updatables = Parameters.updatables
+        changed = dict()
+        for k in updatables:
+            change = diff.compare(k)
+            if change is None:
+                continue
+            else:
+                if isinstance(change, dict):
+                    changed.update(change)
+                else:
+                    changed[k] = change
+        if changed:
+            self.changes = UsableChanges(params=changed)
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _announce_deprecations(self, result):
+        warnings = result.pop('__warnings', [])
+        for warning in warnings:
+            self.client.module.deprecate(
+                msg=warning['msg'],
+                version=warning['version']
+            )
+    def update_auth_source_on_device(self, source):
+        """Set the system auth source.
+        Configuring the authentication source is only one step in the process of setting
+        up an auth source. The other step is to inform the system of the auth source
+        you want to use.
+        This method is used for situations where
+        * The ``use_for_auth`` parameter is set to ``yes``
+        * The ``use_for_auth`` parameter is set to ``no``
+        * The ``state`` parameter is set to ``absent``
+        When ``state`` equal to ``absent``, before you can delete the TACACS+ configuration,
+        you must set the system auth to "something else". The system ships with a system
+        auth called "local", so this is the logical "something else" to use.
+        When ``use_for_auth`` is no, the same situation applies as when ``state`` equal
+        to ``absent`` is done above.
+        When ``use_for_auth`` is ``yes``, this method will set the current system auth
+        state to TACACS+.
+        Arguments:
+            source (string): The source that you want to set on the device.
+        """
+        params = dict(
+            type=source
+        )
+        uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/source/'.format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port']
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.patch(uri, json=params)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+    def update_fallback_on_device(self, fallback):
+        params = dict(
+            fallback=fallback
+        )
+        uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/source/'.format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port']
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.patch(uri, json=params)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+    def exec_module(self):
+        changed = False
+        result = dict()
+        state = self.want.state
+        if state == "present":
+            changed = self.present()
+        elif state == "absent":
+            changed = self.absent()
+        reportable = ReportableChanges(params=self.changes.to_return())
+        changes = reportable.to_return()
+        result.update(**changes)
+        result.update(dict(changed=changed))
+        self._announce_deprecations(result)
+        return result
+    def present(self):
+        if self.exists():
+            return self.update()
+        else:
+            return self.create()
+    def absent(self):
+        if self.exists():
+            return self.remove()
+        return False
+    def should_update(self):
+        result = self._update_changed_options()
+        if result:
+            return True
+        return False
+    def update(self):
+        self.have = self.read_current_from_device()
+        if not self.should_update():
+            return False
+        if self.module.check_mode:
+            return True
+        self.update_on_device()
+        if self.want.fallback_to_local == 'yes':
+            self.update_fallback_on_device('true')
+        elif self.want.fallback_to_local == 'no':
+            self.update_fallback_on_device('false')
+        return True
+    def remove(self):
+        if self.module.check_mode:
+            return True
+        self.update_auth_source_on_device('local')
+        self.remove_from_device()
+        if self.exists():
+            raise F5ModuleError("Failed to delete the resource.")
+        return True
+    def create(self):
+        self._set_changed_options()
+        if self.module.check_mode:
+            return True
+        self.create_on_device()
+        if self.want.fallback_to_local == 'yes':
+            self.update_fallback_on_device('true')
+        elif self.want.fallback_to_local == 'no':
+            self.update_fallback_on_device('false')
+        return True
+    def exists(self):
+        uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/ldap/{2}".format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port'],
+            transform_name('Common', 'system-auth')
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError:
+            return False
+        if resp.status == 404 or 'code' in response and response['code'] == 404:
+            return False
+        return True
+    def create_on_device(self):
+        params = self.changes.api_params()
+        params['name'] = 'system-auth'
+        params['partition'] = 'Common'
+        uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/ldap/".format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port'],
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.post(uri, json=params)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] in [400, 409]:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+        return True
+    def update_on_device(self):
+        params = self.changes.api_params()
+        if not params:
+            return
+        uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/ldap/{2}".format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port'],
+            transform_name('Common', 'system-auth')
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.patch(uri, json=params)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+    def remove_from_device(self):
+        uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/ldap/{2}".format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port'],
+            transform_name('Common', 'system-auth')
+        )
+        response = self.client.api.delete(uri)
+        if response.status == 200:
+            return True
+        raise F5ModuleError(response.content)
+    def read_current_from_device(self):
+        uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/ldap/{2}".format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port'],
+            transform_name('Common', 'system-auth')
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+        result = ApiParameters(params=response)
+        uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/tm/auth/source/'.format(
+            self.client.provider['server'],
+            self.client.provider['server_port']
+        )
+        resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
+        try:
+            response = resp.json()
+        except ValueError as ex:
+            raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
+        if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
+            if 'message' in response:
+                raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
+            else:
+                raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
+        result.update({'fallback': response['fallback']})
+        return result
+class ArgumentSpec(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.supports_check_mode = True
+        argument_spec = dict(
+            servers=dict(type='list'),
+            port=dict(type='int'),
+            remote_directory_tree=dict(),
+            scope=dict(
+                choices=['sub', 'one', 'base']
+            ),
+            bind_dn=dict(),
+            bind_password=dict(no_log=True),
+            user_template=dict(),
+            check_member_attr=dict(type='bool'),
+            ssl=dict(
+                choices=['yes', 'no', 'start-tls']
+            ),
+            ssl_ca_cert=dict(),
+            ssl_client_key=dict(),
+            ssl_client_cert=dict(),
+            ssl_check_peer=dict(type='bool'),
+            login_ldap_attr=dict(),
+            fallback_to_local=dict(type='bool'),
+            update_password=dict(
+                default='always',
+                choices=['always', 'on_create']
+            ),
+            state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
+        )
+        self.argument_spec = {}
+        self.argument_spec.update(f5_argument_spec)
+        self.argument_spec.update(argument_spec)
+def main():
+    spec = ArgumentSpec()
+    module = AnsibleModule(
+        argument_spec=spec.argument_spec,
+        supports_check_mode=spec.supports_check_mode,
+    )
+    client = F5RestClient(**module.params)
+    try:
+        mm = ModuleManager(module=module, client=client)
+        results = mm.exec_module()
+        cleanup_tokens(client)
+        exit_json(module, results, client)
+    except F5ModuleError as ex:
+        cleanup_tokens(client)
+        fail_json(module, ex, client)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/test/units/modules/network/f5/test_bigip_device_auth_ldap.py b/test/units/modules/network/f5/test_bigip_device_auth_ldap.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b611a901cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/units/modules/network/f5/test_bigip_device_auth_ldap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, F5 Networks Inc.
+# GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+import os
+import json
+import pytest
+import sys
+if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
+    pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("F5 Ansible modules require Python >= 2.7")
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+    from library.modules.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ApiParameters
+    from library.modules.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ModuleParameters
+    from library.modules.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ModuleManager
+    from library.modules.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ArgumentSpec
+    # In Ansible 2.8, Ansible changed import paths.
+    from test.units.compat import unittest
+    from test.units.compat.mock import Mock
+    from test.units.compat.mock import patch
+    from test.units.modules.utils import set_module_args
+except ImportError:
+    from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ApiParameters
+    from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ModuleParameters
+    from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ModuleManager
+    from ansible.modules.network.f5.bigip_device_auth_ldap import ArgumentSpec
+    # Ansible 2.8 imports
+    from units.compat import unittest
+    from units.compat.mock import Mock
+    from units.compat.mock import patch
+    from units.modules.utils import set_module_args
+fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures')
+fixture_data = {}
+def load_fixture(name):
+    path = os.path.join(fixture_path, name)
+    if path in fixture_data:
+        return fixture_data[path]
+    with open(path) as f:
+        data = f.read()
+    try:
+        data = json.loads(data)
+    except Exception:
+        pass
+    fixture_data[path] = data
+    return data
+class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_module_parameters(self):
+        args = dict(
+            servers=['', ''],
+            port=389,
+            remote_directory_tree='foo',
+            scope='base',
+            bind_dn='bar',
+            bind_password='secret',
+            user_template='alice',
+            check_member_attr=False,
+            ssl='no',
+            ssl_ca_cert='default.crt',
+            ssl_client_key='default.key',
+            ssl_client_cert='default1.crt',
+            ssl_check_peer=True,
+            login_ldap_attr='bob',
+            fallback_to_local=True,
+            update_password='on_create',
+        )
+        p = ApiParameters(params=args)
+        assert p.port == 389
+        assert p.servers == ['', '']
+        assert p.remote_directory_tree == 'foo'
+        assert p.scope == 'base'
+        assert p.bind_dn == 'bar'
+        assert p.bind_password == 'secret'
+        assert p.user_template == 'alice'
+        assert p.check_member_attr == 'no'
+        assert p.ssl == 'no'
+        assert p.ssl_ca_cert == '/Common/default.crt'
+        assert p.ssl_client_key == '/Common/default.key'
+        assert p.ssl_client_cert == '/Common/default1.crt'
+        assert p.ssl_check_peer == 'yes'
+        assert p.login_ldap_attr == 'bob'
+        assert p.fallback_to_local == 'yes'
+        assert p.update_password == 'on_create'
+class TestManager(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.spec = ArgumentSpec()
+    def test_create(self, *args):
+        set_module_args(dict(
+            servers=['', ''],
+            update_password='on_create',
+            state='present',
+            provider=dict(
+                password='admin',
+                server='localhost',
+                user='admin'
+            )
+        ))
+        module = AnsibleModule(
+            argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec,
+            supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode
+        )
+        # Override methods to force specific logic in the module to happen
+        mm = ModuleManager(module=module)
+        mm.exists = Mock(return_value=False)
+        mm.create_on_device = Mock(return_value=True)
+        mm.update_auth_source_on_device = Mock(return_value=True)
+        results = mm.exec_module()
+        assert results['changed'] is True