Added eseries base with tests (#49269)

This commit is contained in:
ndswartz 2019-03-08 12:13:45 -06:00 committed by John R Barker
parent 8940732b58
commit 26d87a912b
3 changed files with 362 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -30,9 +30,13 @@
import json
import os
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
from pprint import pformat
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url
from ansible.module_utils.api import basic_auth_argument_spec
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from ansible.module_utils.ansible_release import __version__ as ansible_version
except ImportError:
@ -45,6 +49,11 @@ except ImportError:
import ssl
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
HAS_SF_SDK = False
SF_BYTE_MAP = dict(
@ -195,33 +204,249 @@ def setup_ontap_zapi(module, vserver=None):
def eseries_host_argument_spec():
"""Retrieve a base argument specifiation common to all NetApp E-Series modules"""
"""Retrieve a base argument specification common to all NetApp E-Series modules"""
argument_spec = basic_auth_argument_spec()
api_username=dict(type='str', required=True),
api_password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
api_url=dict(type='str', required=True),
ssid=dict(type='str', required=True),
validate_certs=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
ssid=dict(type='str', required=False, default='1'),
validate_certs=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True)
return argument_spec
class NetAppESeriesModule(object):
"""Base class for all NetApp E-Series modules.
Provides a set of common methods for NetApp E-Series modules, including version checking, mode (proxy, embedded)
verification, http requests, secure http redirection for embedded web services, and logging setup.
Be sure to add the following lines in the module's documentation section:
- netapp.eseries
:param dict(dict) ansible_options: dictionary of ansible option definitions
:param str web_services_version: minimally required web services rest api version (default value: "02.00.0000.0000")
:param bool supports_check_mode: whether the module will support the check_mode capabilities (default=False)
:param list(list) mutually_exclusive: list containing list(s) of mutually exclusive options (optional)
:param list(list) required_if: list containing list(s) containing the option, the option value, and then
a list of required options. (optional)
:param list(list) required_one_of: list containing list(s) of options for which at least one is required. (optional)
:param list(list) required_together: list containing list(s) of options that are required together. (optional)
:param bool log_requests: controls whether to log each request (default: True)
DEFAULT_HEADERS = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json",
"netapp-client-type": "Ansible-%s" % ansible_version}
HTTP_AGENT = "Ansible / %s" % ansible_version
SIZE_UNIT_MAP = dict(bytes=1, b=1, kb=1024, mb=1024**2, gb=1024**3, tb=1024**4,
pb=1024**5, eb=1024**6, zb=1024**7, yb=1024**8)
def __init__(self, ansible_options, web_services_version=None, supports_check_mode=False,
mutually_exclusive=None, required_if=None, required_one_of=None, required_together=None,
argument_spec = eseries_host_argument_spec()
self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=supports_check_mode,
mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive, required_if=required_if,
required_one_of=required_one_of, required_together=required_together)
args = self.module.params
self.web_services_version = web_services_version if web_services_version else "02.00.0000.0000"
self.url = args["api_url"]
self.ssid = args["ssid"]
self.creds = dict(url_username=args["api_username"],
self.log_requests = log_requests
self.is_embedded_mode = None
self.web_services_validate = None
def _about_url(self):
"""Generates the about url based on the supplied web services rest api url.
:raise AnsibleFailJson: raised when supplied web services rest api is an invalid url.
:return: proxy or embedded about url.
about = list(urlparse(self.url))
about[2] = "devmgr/utils/about"
return urlunparse(about)
def _force_secure_url(self):
"""Modifies supplied web services rest api to use secure https.
raise: AnsibleFailJson: raised when the url already utilizes the secure protocol
url_parts = list(urlparse(self.url))
if "https://" in self.url and ":8443" in self.url:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Secure HTTP protocol already used. URL path [%s]" % self.url)
url_parts[0] = "https"
url_parts[1] = "%s:8443" % url_parts[1].split(":")[0]
self.url = urlunparse(url_parts)
if not self.url.endswith("/"):
self.url += "/"
self.module.warn("forced use of the secure protocol: %s" % self.url)
def _tweak_url(self):
"""Adjust the rest api url is necessary.
:raise AnsibleFailJson: raised when self.url fails to have a hostname or ipv4 address.
# ensure the protocol is either http or https
if self.url.split("://")[0] not in ["https", "http"]:
self.url = self.url.split("://")[1] if "://" in self.url else self.url
if ":8080" in self.url:
self.url = "http://%s" % self.url
self.url = "https://%s" % self.url
# parse url and verify protocol, port and path are consistent with required web services rest api url.
url_parts = list(urlparse(self.url))
if url_parts[1] == "":
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to provide a valid hostname or IP address. URL [%s]." % self.url)
split_hostname = url_parts[1].split(":")
if url_parts[0] not in ["https", "http"] or (len(split_hostname) == 2 and split_hostname[1] != "8080"):
if len(split_hostname) == 2 and split_hostname[1] == "8080":
url_parts[0] = "http"
url_parts[1] = "%s:8080" % split_hostname[0]
url_parts[0] = "https"
url_parts[1] = "%s:8443" % split_hostname[0]
elif len(split_hostname) == 1:
if url_parts[0] == "https":
url_parts[1] = "%s:8443" % split_hostname[0]
elif url_parts[0] == "http":
url_parts[1] = "%s:8080" % split_hostname[0]
if url_parts[2] == "" or url_parts[2] != self.DEFAULT_REST_API_PATH:
url_parts[2] = self.DEFAULT_REST_API_PATH
self.url = urlunparse(url_parts)
if not self.url.endswith("/"):
self.url += "/"
self.module.log("valid url: %s" % self.url)
def _is_web_services_valid(self):
"""Verify proxy or embedded web services meets minimum version required for module.
The minimum required web services version is evaluated against version supplied through the web services rest
api. AnsibleFailJson exception will be raised when the minimum is not met or exceeded.
:raise AnsibleFailJson: raised when the contacted api service does not meet the minimum required version.
if not self.web_services_validate:
rc, data = request(self._about_url, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
headers=self.DEFAULT_HEADERS, **self.creds)
major, minor, other, revision = data["version"].split(".")
minimum_major, minimum_minor, other, minimum_revision = self.web_services_version.split(".")
if not (major > minimum_major or
(major == minimum_major and minor > minimum_minor) or
(major == minimum_major and minor == minimum_minor and revision >= minimum_revision)):
msg="Web services version does not meet minimum version required. Current version: [%s]."
" Version required: [%s]." % (data["version"], self.web_services_version))
except Exception as error:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve the webservices about information! Array Id [%s]."
" Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error)))
self.module.warn("Web services rest api version met the minimum required version.")
self.web_services_validate = True
return self.web_services_validate
def is_embedded(self, retry=True):
"""Determine whether web services server is the embedded web services.
If web services about endpoint fails based on an URLError then the request will be attempted again using
secure http.
:raise AnsibleFailJson: raised when web services about endpoint failed to be contacted.
:return bool: whether contacted web services is running from storage array (embedded) or from a proxy.
if self.is_embedded_mode is None:
rc, data = request(self._about_url, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
headers=self.DEFAULT_HEADERS, **self.creds)
self.is_embedded_mode = not data["runningAsProxy"]
except URLError as error:
if not retry:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve the webservices about information! Array Id [%s]."
" Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error)))
self.module.warn("Failed to retrieve the webservices about information! Will retry using secure"
" http. Array Id [%s]." % self.ssid)
return self.is_embedded(retry=False)
except Exception as error:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to retrieve the webservices about information! Array Id [%s]."
" Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, to_native(error)))
return self.is_embedded_mode
def request(self, path, data=None, method='GET', ignore_errors=False):
"""Issue an HTTP request to a url, retrieving an optional JSON response.
:param str path: web services rest api endpoint path (Example: storage-systems/1/graph). Note that when the
full url path is specified then that will be used without supplying the protocol, hostname, port and rest path.
:param data: data required for the request (data may be json or any python structured data)
:param str method: request method such as GET, POST, DELETE.
:param bool ignore_errors: forces the request to ignore any raised exceptions.
if self._is_web_services_valid():
url = list(urlparse(path.strip("/")))
if url[2] == "":
self.module.fail_json(msg="Web services rest api endpoint path must be specified. Path [%s]." % path)
# if either the protocol or hostname/port are missing then add them.
if url[0] == "" or url[1] == "":
url[0], url[1] = list(urlparse(self.url))[:2]
# add rest api path if the supplied path does not begin with it.
if not all([word in url[2].split("/")[:2] for word in self.DEFAULT_REST_API_PATH.split("/")]):
if not url[2].startswith("/"):
url[2] = "/" + url[2]
url[2] = self.DEFAULT_REST_API_PATH + url[2]
# ensure data is json formatted
if not isinstance(data, str):
data = json.dumps(data)
if self.log_requests:
self.module.log(pformat(dict(url=urlunparse(url), data=data, method=method)))
return request(url=urlunparse(url), data=data, method=method, headers=self.DEFAULT_HEADERS, use_proxy=True,
force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, http_agent=self.HTTP_AGENT,
force_basic_auth=True, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, **self.creds)
def request(url, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', use_proxy=True,
force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=10, validate_certs=True,
url_username=None, url_password=None, http_agent=None, force_basic_auth=True, ignore_errors=False):
"""Issue an HTTP request to a url, retrieving an optional JSON response."""
if headers is None:
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"}
headers.update({"netapp-client-type": "Ansible-%s" % ansible_version})
if not http_agent:
http_agent = "Ansible / %s" % (ansible_version)
http_agent = "Ansible / %s" % ansible_version
r = open_url(url=url, data=data, headers=headers, method=method, use_proxy=use_proxy,

View file

@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ options:
- Should https certificates be validated?
type: bool
required: true
required: false
default: 1
- The ID of the array to manage. This value must be unique for each array.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# (c) 2018, NetApp Inc.
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import URLError
from ansible.module_utils.netapp import NetAppESeriesModule
from units.modules.utils import ModuleTestCase, set_module_args, AnsibleFailJson
__metaclass__ = type
from units.compat import mock
class StubNetAppESeriesModule(NetAppESeriesModule):
def __init__(self):
super(StubNetAppESeriesModule, self).__init__(ansible_options={})
class NetappTest(ModuleTestCase):
REQUIRED_PARAMS = {"api_username": "rw",
"api_password": "password",
"api_url": "http://localhost",
"ssid": "1"}
REQ_FUNC = "ansible.module_utils.netapp.request"
def _set_args(self, args=None):
module_args = self.REQUIRED_PARAMS.copy()
if args is not None:
def test_about_url_pass(self):
"""Verify about_url property returns expected about url."""
test_set = [("http://localhost/devmgr/v2", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/utils/about"),
("http://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/utils/about"),
("http://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/utils/about"),
("http://localhost:443/something_else", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/utils/about"),
("http://localhost:8443", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/utils/about"),
("http://localhost", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/utils/about")]
for url in test_set:
self._set_args({"api_url": url[0]})
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
self.assertTrue(base._about_url == url[1])
def test_is_embedded_embedded_pass(self):
"""Verify is_embedded successfully returns True when an embedded web service's rest api is inquired."""
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=(200, {"runningAsProxy": False})):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=(200, {"runningAsProxy": True})):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
def test_check_web_services_version_pass(self):
"""Verify that an acceptable rest api version passes."""
minimum_required = "02.10.9000.0010"
test_set = ["03.9.9000.0010", "03.10.9000.0009", "02.11.9000.0009", "02.10.9000.0010"]
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
base.web_services_version = minimum_required
base.is_embedded = lambda: True
for current_version in test_set:
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=(200, {"version": current_version})):
def test_check_web_services_version_fail(self):
"""Verify that an unacceptable rest api version fails."""
minimum_required = "02.10.9000.0010"
test_set = ["02.10.9000.0009", "02.09.9000.0010", "01.10.9000.0010"]
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
base.web_services_version = minimum_required
base.is_embedded = lambda: True
for current_version in test_set:
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=(200, {"version": current_version})):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFailJson, r"version does not meet minimum version required."):
def test_is_embedded_fail(self):
"""Verify exception is thrown when a web service's rest api fails to return about information."""
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=Exception()):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFailJson, r"Failed to retrieve the webservices about information!"):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, side_effect=[URLError(""), Exception()]):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFailJson, r"Failed to retrieve the webservices about information!"):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
def test_tweak_url_pass(self):
"""Verify a range of valid netapp eseries rest api urls pass."""
test_set = [("http://localhost/devmgr/v2", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost:8443/devmgr/v2", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("https://localhost/devmgr/v2", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("http://localhost:8443", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("http://localhost:/devmgr/v2", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("http://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/"),
("http://localhost", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost/devmgr/v2", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost/devmgr", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost/devmgr/v3", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("localhost/something", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("ftp://localhost", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/"),
("ftp://localhost:8080", "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/"),
("ftp://localhost/devmgr/v2/", "https://localhost:8443/devmgr/v2/")]
for test in test_set:
self._set_args({"api_url": test[0]})
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, side_effect=[URLError(""), (200, {"runningAsProxy": False})]):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()
self.assertTrue(base.url == test[1])
def test_check_url_missing_hostname_fail(self):
"""Verify exception is thrown when hostname or ip address is missing."""
self._set_args({"api_url": "http:///devmgr/v2"})
with mock.patch(self.REQ_FUNC, return_value=(200, {"runningAsProxy": True})):
with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AnsibleFailJson, r"Failed to provide a valid hostname or IP address."):
base = StubNetAppESeriesModule()