diff --git a/test/integration/targets/file/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/file/tasks/main.yml
index 14f99fdd110..c1ff007d24f 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/file/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/file/tasks/main.yml
@@ -135,6 +135,22 @@
       - "file6_touch_result.changed == true"
+- name: stat1
+  stat: path={{output_file}}
+  register: hlstat1
+- name: stat2
+  stat: path={{output_dir}}/hard.txt
+  register: hlstat2
+- name: verify that hard link was made
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - "hlstat1.stat.inode == hlstat2.stat.inode"
+- name: create hard link to file 2
+  file: src={{output_file}} dest={{output_dir}}/hard.txt state=hard
 - name: create a directory
   file: path={{output_dir}}/foobar state=directory
   register: file7_result
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/template/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/template/tasks/main.yml
index 4d5c4fa20e2..35246c62a85 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/template/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/template/tasks/main.yml
@@ -306,6 +306,46 @@
     - "template_result|changed"
+## demonstrate copy module failing to overwrite a file that's been hard linked
+## https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/10834
+- name: ensure test dir is absent
+  file:
+    path: /tmp/10834.2_test
+    state: absent
+- name: create test dir
+  file:
+    path: /tmp/10834.2_test
+    state: directory
+- name: template out test file to system 1
+  template:
+    src: foo.j2
+    dest: /tmp/10834.2_test/test_file
+# not an issue when not hard linked
+- name: template out test file to system 2
+  template:
+    src: foo.j2
+    dest: /tmp/10834.2_test/test_file
+- name: make hard link
+  file:
+    src: /tmp/10834.2_test/test_file
+    dest: /tmp/10834.2_test/test_file_hardlink
+    state: hard
+- name: template out test file to system 3
+  template:
+    src: foo.j2
+    dest: /tmp/10834.2_test/test_file
+- name: cleanup
+  file:
+    path: /tmp/10834.2_test
+    state: absent
 - name: change var for the template
     templated_var: "templated_var_loaded"