diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/redfish_utils.py b/lib/ansible/module_utils/redfish_utils.py
index 35eda9aa2d5..4a5c795dc2e 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/redfish_utils.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/redfish_utils.py
@@ -1106,11 +1106,53 @@ class RedfishUtils(object):
     def get_multi_bios_attributes(self):
         return self.aggregate(self.get_bios_attributes)
-    def get_boot_order(self, systems_uri):
-        result = {}
+    def _get_boot_options_dict(self, boot):
         # Get these entries from BootOption, if present
         properties = ['DisplayName', 'BootOptionReference']
+        # Retrieve BootOptions if present
+        if 'BootOptions' in boot and '@odata.id' in boot['BootOptions']:
+            boot_options_uri = boot['BootOptions']["@odata.id"]
+            # Get BootOptions resource
+            response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + boot_options_uri)
+            if response['ret'] is False:
+                return {}
+            data = response['data']
+            # Retrieve Members array
+            if 'Members' not in data:
+                return {}
+            members = data['Members']
+        else:
+            members = []
+        # Build dict of BootOptions keyed by BootOptionReference
+        boot_options_dict = {}
+        for member in members:
+            if '@odata.id' not in member:
+                return {}
+            boot_option_uri = member['@odata.id']
+            response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + boot_option_uri)
+            if response['ret'] is False:
+                return {}
+            data = response['data']
+            if 'BootOptionReference' not in data:
+                return {}
+            boot_option_ref = data['BootOptionReference']
+            # fetch the props to display for this boot device
+            boot_props = {}
+            for prop in properties:
+                if prop in data:
+                    boot_props[prop] = data[prop]
+            boot_options_dict[boot_option_ref] = boot_props
+        return boot_options_dict
+    def get_boot_order(self, systems_uri):
+        result = {}
         # Retrieve System resource
         response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + systems_uri)
         if response['ret'] is False:
@@ -1124,45 +1166,7 @@ class RedfishUtils(object):
         boot = data['Boot']
         boot_order = boot['BootOrder']
-        # Retrieve BootOptions if present
-        if 'BootOptions' in boot and '@odata.id' in boot['BootOptions']:
-            boot_options_uri = boot['BootOptions']["@odata.id"]
-            # Get BootOptions resource
-            response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + boot_options_uri)
-            if response['ret'] is False:
-                return response
-            data = response['data']
-            # Retrieve Members array
-            if 'Members' not in data:
-                return {'ret': False,
-                        'msg': "Members not found in BootOptionsCollection"}
-            members = data['Members']
-        else:
-            members = []
-        # Build dict of BootOptions keyed by BootOptionReference
-        boot_options_dict = {}
-        for member in members:
-            if '@odata.id' not in member:
-                return {'ret': False, 'msg': "@odata.id not found in BootOptions"}
-            boot_option_uri = member['@odata.id']
-            response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + boot_option_uri)
-            if response['ret'] is False:
-                return response
-            data = response['data']
-            if 'BootOptionReference' not in data:
-                return {'ret': False, 'msg': "BootOptionReference not found in BootOption"}
-            boot_option_ref = data['BootOptionReference']
-            # fetch the props to display for this boot device
-            boot_props = {}
-            for prop in properties:
-                if prop in data:
-                    boot_props[prop] = data[prop]
-            boot_options_dict[boot_option_ref] = boot_props
+        boot_options_dict = self._get_boot_options_dict(boot)
         # Build boot device list
         boot_device_list = []
@@ -1357,6 +1361,74 @@ class RedfishUtils(object):
             return response
         return {'ret': True, 'changed': True, 'msg': "Modified BIOS attribute"}
+    def set_boot_order(self, boot_list):
+        if not boot_list:
+            return {'ret': False,
+                    'msg': "boot_order list required for SetBootOrder command"}
+        # TODO(billdodd): change to self.systems_uri after PR 62921 merged
+        systems_uri = self.systems_uris[0]
+        response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + systems_uri)
+        if response['ret'] is False:
+            return response
+        data = response['data']
+        # Confirm needed Boot properties are present
+        if 'Boot' not in data or 'BootOrder' not in data['Boot']:
+            return {'ret': False, 'msg': "Key BootOrder not found"}
+        boot = data['Boot']
+        boot_order = boot['BootOrder']
+        boot_options_dict = self._get_boot_options_dict(boot)
+        # validate boot_list against BootOptionReferences if available
+        if boot_options_dict:
+            boot_option_references = boot_options_dict.keys()
+            for ref in boot_list:
+                if ref not in boot_option_references:
+                    return {'ret': False,
+                            'msg': "BootOptionReference %s not found in BootOptions" % ref}
+        # If requested BootOrder is already set, nothing to do
+        if boot_order == boot_list:
+            return {'ret': True, 'changed': False,
+                    'msg': "BootOrder already set to %s" % boot_list}
+        payload = {
+            'Boot': {
+                'BootOrder': boot_list
+            }
+        }
+        response = self.patch_request(self.root_uri + systems_uri, payload)
+        if response['ret'] is False:
+            return response
+        return {'ret': True, 'changed': True, 'msg': "BootOrder set"}
+    def set_default_boot_order(self):
+        # TODO(billdodd): change to self.systems_uri after PR 62921 merged
+        systems_uri = self.systems_uris[0]
+        response = self.get_request(self.root_uri + systems_uri)
+        if response['ret'] is False:
+            return response
+        data = response['data']
+        # get the #ComputerSystem.SetDefaultBootOrder Action and target URI
+        action = '#ComputerSystem.SetDefaultBootOrder'
+        if 'Actions' not in data or action not in data['Actions']:
+            return {'ret': False, 'msg': 'Action %s not found' % action}
+        if 'target' not in data['Actions'][action]:
+            return {'ret': False,
+                    'msg': 'target URI missing from Action %s' % action}
+        action_uri = data['Actions'][action]['target']
+        # POST to Action URI
+        payload = {}
+        response = self.post_request(self.root_uri + action_uri, payload)
+        if response['ret'] is False:
+            return response
+        return {'ret': True, 'changed': True,
+                'msg': "BootOrder set to default"}
     def get_chassis_inventory(self):
         result = {}
         chassis_results = []
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/remote_management/redfish/redfish_config.py b/lib/ansible/modules/remote_management/redfish/redfish_config.py
index 44c09ca38fd..69c0febd813 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/remote_management/redfish/redfish_config.py
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/remote_management/redfish/redfish_config.py
@@ -68,6 +68,13 @@ options:
     default: 10
     type: int
     version_added: "2.8"
+  boot_order:
+    required: false
+    description:
+      - list of BootOptionReference strings specifying the BootOrder
+    default: []
+    type: list
+    version_added: "2.10"
 author: "Jose Delarosa (@jose-delarosa)"
@@ -111,6 +118,28 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
       username: "{{ username }}"
       password: "{{ password }}"
       timeout: 20
+  - name: Set boot order
+    redfish_config:
+      category: Systems
+      command: SetBootOrder
+      boot_order:
+        - Boot0002
+        - Boot0001
+        - Boot0000
+        - Boot0003
+        - Boot0004
+      baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}"
+      username: "{{ username }}"
+      password: "{{ password }}"
+  - name: Set boot order to the default
+    redfish_config:
+      category: Systems
+      command: SetDefaultBootOrder
+      baseuri: "{{ baseuri }}"
+      username: "{{ username }}"
+      password: "{{ password }}"
 RETURN = '''
@@ -128,7 +157,8 @@ from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
 # More will be added as module features are expanded
-    "Systems": ["SetBiosDefaultSettings", "SetBiosAttributes"]
+    "Systems": ["SetBiosDefaultSettings", "SetBiosAttributes", "SetBootOrder",
+                "SetDefaultBootOrder"]
@@ -143,7 +173,8 @@ def main():
             password=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
-            timeout=dict(type='int', default=10)
+            timeout=dict(type='int', default=10),
+            boot_order=dict(type='list', elements='str', default=[])
@@ -162,6 +193,9 @@ def main():
     bios_attributes = {'bios_attr_name': module.params['bios_attribute_name'],
                        'bios_attr_value': module.params['bios_attribute_value']}
+    # boot order
+    boot_order = module.params['boot_order']
     # Build root URI
     root_uri = "https://" + module.params['baseuri']
     rf_utils = RedfishUtils(creds, root_uri, timeout, module)
@@ -188,6 +222,10 @@ def main():
                 result = rf_utils.set_bios_default_settings()
             elif command == "SetBiosAttributes":
                 result = rf_utils.set_bios_attributes(bios_attributes)
+            elif command == "SetBootOrder":
+                result = rf_utils.set_boot_order(boot_order)
+            elif command == "SetDefaultBootOrder":
+                result = rf_utils.set_default_boot_order()
     # Return data back or fail with proper message
     if result['ret'] is True: