Add unit tests for bytes_to_human formatter

PR #58664

Co-Authored-By: Sam Doran <>
This commit is contained in:
Andrey Klychkov 2019-07-22 16:45:07 +03:00 committed by Sviatoslav Sydorenko
parent d6b1376006
commit 59e647910d

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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019, Andrew Klychkov @Andersson007 <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import pytest
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.formatters import bytes_to_human
(0, u'0.00 Bytes'),
(0.5, u'0.50 Bytes'),
(0.54, u'0.54 Bytes'),
(1024, u'1.00 KB'),
(1025, u'1.00 KB'),
(1536, u'1.50 KB'),
(1790, u'1.75 KB'),
(1048576, u'1.00 MB'),
(1073741824, u'1.00 GB'),
(1099511627776, u'1.00 TB'),
(1125899906842624, u'1.00 PB'),
(1152921504606846976, u'1.00 EB'),
(1180591620717411303424, u'1.00 ZB'),
(1208925819614629174706176, u'1.00 YB'),
def test_bytes_to_human(input_data, expected):
"""Test of bytes_to_human function, only proper numbers are passed."""
assert bytes_to_human(input_data) == expected
(0, u'0.00 bits'),
(0.5, u'0.50 bits'),
(0.54, u'0.54 bits'),
(1024, u'1.00 Kb'),
(1025, u'1.00 Kb'),
(1536, u'1.50 Kb'),
(1790, u'1.75 Kb'),
(1048576, u'1.00 Mb'),
(1073741824, u'1.00 Gb'),
(1099511627776, u'1.00 Tb'),
(1125899906842624, u'1.00 Pb'),
(1152921504606846976, u'1.00 Eb'),
(1180591620717411303424, u'1.00 Zb'),
(1208925819614629174706176, u'1.00 Yb'),
def test_bytes_to_human_isbits(input_data, expected):
"""Test of bytes_to_human function with isbits=True proper results."""
assert bytes_to_human(input_data, isbits=True) == expected
(0, u'B', u'0.00 Bytes'),
(0.5, u'B', u'0.50 Bytes'),
(0.54, u'B', u'0.54 Bytes'),
(1024, u'K', u'1.00 KB'),
(1536, u'K', u'1.50 KB'),
(1790, u'K', u'1.75 KB'),
(1048576, u'M', u'1.00 MB'),
(1099511627776, u'T', u'1.00 TB'),
(1152921504606846976, u'E', u'1.00 EB'),
(1180591620717411303424, u'Z', u'1.00 ZB'),
(1208925819614629174706176, u'Y', u'1.00 YB'),
(1025, u'KB', u'1025.00 Bytes'),
(1073741824, u'Gb', u'1073741824.00 Bytes'),
(1125899906842624, u'Pb', u'1125899906842624.00 Bytes'),
def test_bytes_to_human_unit(input_data, unit, expected):
"""Test unit argument of bytes_to_human function proper results."""
assert bytes_to_human(input_data, unit=unit) == expected
(0, u'B', u'0.00 bits'),
(0.5, u'B', u'0.50 bits'),
(0.54, u'B', u'0.54 bits'),
(1024, u'K', u'1.00 Kb'),
(1536, u'K', u'1.50 Kb'),
(1790, u'K', u'1.75 Kb'),
(1048576, u'M', u'1.00 Mb'),
(1099511627776, u'T', u'1.00 Tb'),
(1152921504606846976, u'E', u'1.00 Eb'),
(1180591620717411303424, u'Z', u'1.00 Zb'),
(1208925819614629174706176, u'Y', u'1.00 Yb'),
(1025, u'KB', u'1025.00 bits'),
(1073741824, u'Gb', u'1073741824.00 bits'),
(1125899906842624, u'Pb', u'1125899906842624.00 bits'),
def test_bytes_to_human_unit_isbits(input_data, unit, expected):
"""Test unit argument of bytes_to_human function with isbits=True proper results."""
assert bytes_to_human(input_data, isbits=True, unit=unit) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('input_data', [0j, u'1B', [1], {1: 1}, None, b'1B'])
def test_bytes_to_human_illegal_size(input_data):
"""Test of bytes_to_human function, illegal objects are passed as a size."""
e_regexp = (r'(no ordering relation is defined for complex numbers)|'
r'(unsupported operand type\(s\) for /)|(unorderable types)|'
r'(not supported between instances of)')
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=e_regexp):