Change the dict attribute collision warning to recommend using bracket notation

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Toshio Kuratomi 2015-11-01 13:31:05 -08:00
parent 4ec0536168
commit 5e0d55ae5b

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@ -36,9 +36,25 @@ Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores. Variables should al
``foo-port``, ``foo port``, ``foo.port`` and ``12`` are not valid variable names.
When you work with more complex data types like dictionaries and sets note that you should avoid keys which are valid attributes for a data type in Python.
As a rule of thump, avoid all key names that start and end with two underscores for example ``__do_not_use__``.
Also avoid any of the following words:
YAML also supports dictionaries which map keys to values. For instance::
field1: one
field2: two
You can then reference a specific field in the dictionary using either bracket
notation or dot notation::
These will both reference the same value ("one"). However, if you choose to
use dot notation be aware that some keys can cause problems because they
collide with attributes and methods of python dictionaries. You should use
bracket notation instead of dot notation if you use keys which start and end
with two underscores (Those are reserved for special meanings in python) or
are any of the known public attributes:
``add``, ``append``, ``as_integer_ratio``, ``bit_length``, ``capitalize``, ``center``, ``clear``, ``conjugate``, ``copy``, ``count``, ``decode``, ``denominator``, ``difference``, ``difference_update``, ``discard``, ``encode``, ``endswith``, ``expandtabs``, ``extend``, ``find``, ``format``, ``fromhex``, ``fromkeys``, ``get``, ``has_key``, ``hex``, ``imag``, ``index``, ``insert``, ``intersection``, ``intersection_update``, ``isalnum``, ``isalpha``, ``isdecimal``, ``isdigit``, ``isdisjoint``, ``is_integer``, ``islower``, ``isnumeric``, ``isspace``, ``issubset``, ``issuperset``, ``istitle``, ``isupper``, ``items``, ``iteritems``, ``iterkeys``, ``itervalues``, ``join``, ``keys``, ``ljust``, ``lower``, ``lstrip``, ``numerator``, ``partition``, ``pop``, ``popitem``, ``real``, ``remove``, ``replace``, ``reverse``, ``rfind``, ``rindex``, ``rjust``, ``rpartition``, ``rsplit``, ``rstrip``, ``setdefault``, ``sort``, ``split``, ``splitlines``, ``startswith``, ``strip``, ``swapcase``, ``symmetric_difference``, ``symmetric_difference_update``, ``title``, ``translate``, ``union``, ``update``, ``upper``, ``values``, ``viewitems``, ``viewkeys``, ``viewvalues``, ``zfill``.
.. _variables_in_inventory: